Video Gaming Circuit First Last Works for email Phone City Jennifer Hall '@jennielynn35 N/A Orlando Larry Braz 1Life2Play N/A Cleveland Jason Belec 2ndOpinionPod N/A Webster Caleb Gayle 2ndOpinionPod N/A 1(936) 204-0191 Webster Jeremy Roughan 2ndOpinionPod N/A 1(508) 983-4317 Webster Joel Albert 2old2play N/A Chicago Derek Nolan 2old2play N/A Chicago Rod Wyman 2old2play N/A Chicago Sean Robinson 3GEM Studios N/A Guelph Dan Watson 411mania.com N/A 1(832) 654-6437 Woodridge Nick Henderson 4Player Network N/A Austin David Liao 4Player Network N/A Austin Paige Jagan 7 Kids and Us N/A Orlando Justin Kahn 9to5Toys N/A Eric Abbruzzese ABI Research Group N/A 1(516) 624-2500 Oyster Bay Steve Spohn AbleGamers N/A Harpers Ferry Dan Ackerman Ackerman, Dan N/A 1(646) 472-3986 New York Teddy Adafruit Industries Blog N/A New York Jack Allin Adventure Gamers N/A Pascal Tekaia Adventure Gamers N/A Curtis Sindrey Aesthetic Magazine N/A Toronto Adam Taylor Aesthetic Magazine N/A Toronto Daniel Carosella Affairesdegars.com N/A 1(438) 498-7974 Sherbrooke Jim Napier Agents of Geek N/A Anthony John Agnello Agnello, Anthony John N/A 1(215) 801-0766 Astoria Glen Oliver Ain't It Cool News N/A 1(512) 784-6876 Austin Jack Archer Airows.com N/A Costa Mesa Eric Chan Akshon Esports N/A Vancouver Adam Neylan Akshon Esports N/A Vancouver Andy Shin Akshon Esports N/A Vancouver Steven Lerner Albino Blacksheep N/A Jonathan Villaverde All Your Base Online N/A Winnipeg Amanda Blain Amanda Blain N/A Toronto David Yellope An 8 Bit Mind N/A Jamie Briggs Analog Addiction N/A Sam Moore Android Authority N/A Quentyn Kennemer Android Central N/A 1(352) 400-4400 Pensacola Marc Lagace Android Central N/A 1(352) 400-4400 Winnipeg Jessica Brown Anjel Syndicate N/A 1(708) 529-1453 David Slauenwhite Anjel Syndicate N/A Bridgewater Tiffany Toms Anjel Syndicate N/A Anthony Dows AntDaGamer.com N/A 1(843) 623-5395 Chesterfield Daniel George App Trigger N/A Toronto Brett Nolan AppAddict.net N/A Ann AppySmarts N/A Sam Machkovech Ars Technica N/A Seattle Kyle Orland Ars Technica N/A Silver Spring Denny Atkin Atkin, Denny N/A 1(425) 703-1073 Duvall Dave Clark Atomic Geekdom N/A Alex Levine Attack of the Fanboy N/A Moorpark William Schwartz Attack of the Fanboy N/A Chicago James Renovitch Austin Chronicle N/A 1(512) 454-5766 Austin Austin Evans Austin Evans N/A Los Angeles Ian Jane AVmaniacs.com N/A 1(718) 779-3191 Brian Phillips BadSeed Tech N/A Kansas City Trevor Kincaid BagoGames N/A 1(860) 469-4176 Torrington Michael Mosley BagoGames N/A 1(860) 469-4176 Torrington Brandon Baker Baker, Brandon N/A Waynesboro Chris Baker Baker, Chris N/A San Francisco Joshuah Bearman Bearman, Joshuah N/A 1(323) 307-1359 Los Angeles Samantha Clysdale Beautiful, Free and WonderfulN/A Vancouver Jeff Berman Berman, Jeff N/A New York Jeff Weisbein BestTechie N/A 1(516) 633-4684 Bryan Young Big Shiny Robot! N/A Salt Lake City Amanda Dyar BioGamer Girl N/A 1(256) 384-4597 Madison Alissa Worley BioGamer Girl N/A 1(256) 273-9752 Madison Ron Bloom BiteSize TV N/A Los Angeles Ross Elliot BiteSize TV N/A Los Angeles Matthew Levin BiteSize TV N/A Los Angeles Kyle Hansen BitWit N/A La Mirada Mark Sandau Black Phosphor N/A 1(612) 227-9339 Minneapolis Daniel Blackwell Blackwell, Daniel N/A 1(647) 261-0323 Toronto Giancarlo Saldana Blast Magazine N/A Revere Elizabeth Harper Blizzard Watch N/A Michael Mitchell Blizzard Watch N/A Matt Rossi Blizzard Watch N/A Anne Stickney Blizzard Watch N/A Josh Lasser Blogcritics.org N/A 1(914) 414-7045 Hastings on Hudson Alexandre Vallières-LagacéBlogue de Geek N/A Montreal Brittney Brombacher Blonde Nerd N/A Olympia TJ Taraszka Bloody Disgusting N/A 1(323) 370-1500 Beverly Hills Stephen Heaslip Blue's News N/A 1(914) 827-9424 Croton On Hudson Ronald Nicholls Box Office Buz N/A 1(647) 888-3264 Calgary Paula Murphey Boys' Life N/A 1(972) 580-2369 Irving Joseph Bradford Bradford, Joseph N/A Las Vegas Matthew Bradford Bradford, Matthew N/A Matthieu Carlier Branchez-Vous N/A 1(438) 884-3075 Montreal John Brandon Brandon, John N/A (218) 321-4176 Minneapolis Brock McLaughlin Brockstar Gaming N/A 1(647) 869-1269 Toronto Rae Michelle Richards Broken Joysticks N/A Jason Micciche Brutal Gamer N/A 1(347) 421-1756 Forest Hills Jessica Russo Brutal Gamer N/A Forest Hills Bernardo Arocho BTNHD N/A 1(646) 389-6401 New York Daniel Rosen Built to Play N/A Toronto Ben Gilbert Business Insider N/A 1(215) 839-6317 New York Chip Carter Carter, Chip N/A 1(813) 838-1577 Tampa Tracy Jerry Casual Games Guides N/A Orlando Lawrence Bonk CBS Television Network N/A 1(212) 975-4321 Brooklyn Peggy Marie CC2K N/A Isabelle Robichaud CFBO-FM (BO FM Moncton 90,7)N/A 1(506) 532-0080 Shediac Brendan Frye CGMagazine N/A 1(416) 516-2894 Toronto Brendan Quinn CGMagazine N/A 1(416) 516-2894 Toronto Cole Watson CGMagazine N/A 1(416) 516-2894 Toronto David Abrams Cheap Ass Gamer N/A Robert Goode Cheap Ass Gamer N/A 1(513) 314-4382 Cincinnati Jason Messer Cheat Code Central N/A Mathieu Roy CHMP-FM (98,5 FM Montréal)N/A 1(514) 841-9110 Montreal Luis Edgardo Rodriguezchozadigital.com N/A Sharbel Fadul chozadigital.com N/A Cheryl Gress Christ Centered Gamer N/A 1(847) 231-4803 Lake Villa Tyler Carr CHWE-FM (Energy Winnipeg 106,1)N/A 1(204) 477-1221 Winnipeg Gabriel Barboza Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield Amber Blanscett Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield Jordan Maison Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield Dustin Spino Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield Étienne Dubuc CISM-FM (89,3 Université deN/A Montréal)(514) 343-7511 Montreal Darren Worts CKLZ-FM (Power Best Rock KelownaN/A 104,7)1(250) 763-1047 Kelowna Mark Bussler Classic Game Room N/A Oakmont Dan Van Buhler Clear Seas Research N/A 1(248) 786-1683 Troy Sean Buckley CNET N/A 1(415) 344-2000 Eric Franklin CNET N/A (415) 344-2000 San Francisco Shannon McCook CNET N/A 1(415) 344-2000 San Francisco Michelle Meyers CNET N/A 1(415) 344-2319 San Francisco Ian Sherr CNET N/A 1(415) 344-1875 San Francisco Jeff Bakalar CNET - New York Bureau N/A 1(646) 472-3921 New York Eli Blumenthal CNET - New York Bureau N/A 1(646) 472-4000 New York Shannon Liao CNN Business N/A 1(212) 275-7800 New York Phil Villarreal COED N/A 1(212) 206-9306 Tucson Trevor Houston COGconnected N/A Abbotsford Shawn Petraschuk COGconnected N/A Louis Sytsma COGconnected N/A Scott Benton Colony of Gamers N/A Michael Chauvet Colony of Gamers N/A New York Jeff Haynes Common Sense Media N/A 1(415) 863-0600 San Francisco Jill Murphy Common Sense Media N/A 1(415) 553-6709 San Francisco Newton Lee Computers in Entertainment N/A 1(818) 623-3446 Burbank Shaun Conlin Conlin, Shaun N/A 1(403) 601-3700 High River Bobby Pashalidis Console Creatures N/A Toronto James Stamos Console Creatures N/A 1(416) 203-0429 Toronto Justin Ortiz-Burrow Console Monster N/A Nick Puleo CO-Optimus N/A 1(610) 544-0479 Easton Bjorn Holine CPUGamer N/A Cheryl Wassenaar Culturess N/A New York Taha Zaidi Daily Esports N/A Toronto Daniel Romero DarGadgetZ N/A Austin Jonathan Phillips Dark Hole Games N/A Tampa Allen Kesinger DarkStation N/A 1(949) 945-4251 Santa Ana Joel Szerlip DarkStation N/A 1(949) 945-4251 Santa Ana Lauren Sanborn Dashing Nerds N/A Weldon Glenn DDO Players N/A Goshen David de Souza de Souza, David N/A Los Angeles Ryan Fleming Dead Beats Panel N/A 1(503) 342-2890 Portland John Farris Dead, Buried, and Back! N/A 1(678) 938-7094 Cumming Ken Artuz DecayMag.com N/A 1(323) 284-6404 Bronx Stacy Cox DecayMag.com N/A 1(323) 284-6404 Bronx Kage Einjeru DecayMag.com N/A 1(323) 284-6404 Bronx Mike Cecchini Den of Geek (UK) N/A (440) 203-8903 x890New York John Saavedra Den of Geek! US N/A 1(646) 931-5719 New York Mark DeSanto DeSanto, Mark N/A 1(805) 404-1133 Simi Valley Chris Carter Destructoid N/A Herndon Jordan Devore Destructoid N/A Jonathan Holmes Destructoid N/A Brett Makedonski Destructoid N/A Elliott Thomas Dig That Box N/A Steve Schardein Digital Chumps N/A 1(502) 396-7444 Nathan Stevens Digital Chumps N/A 1(859) 619-1460 Lexington Lou Wallace Digital Game Developer N/A Athens Chris Chandler Digital Press N/A 1(973) 772-1111 Clifton Greg Wilcox Digital Press N/A 1(718) 792-9783 Bronx Gabe Gurwin Digital Trends N/A 1(503) 342-2890 Pittsburgh Felicia Miranda Digital Trends N/A 1(503) 342-2890 Portland Lisa Marie Segarra Digital Trends N/A 1(503) 342-2890 Portland Mahli-Ann Butt Digra N/A Roger Palmer DISKINGDOM N/A Andrew Bridgman Dorkly N/A James Witham Down & Nerdy Podcast N/A Oscar Ventura Down Right Up Left N/A Ted Hentschke Dread Central N/A Tomas Franzese DualShockers N/A New York Ryan Meitzler DualShockers N/A Fair Lawn Joe Cardali Dust2.us N/A Jose Alvarez DVS Gaming N/A San Francisco Derrick Fischer DVS Gaming N/A San Diego Jorge Gaspar DVS Gaming N/A Oceanside Gavin Herman DVS Gaming N/A Mansfield Jonelle Martin DVS Gaming N/A Rissa Trent DVS Gaming N/A San Diego Gieson Cacho East Bay Times N/A 1(925) 943-8313 Walnut Creek Daniel Bloodworth Easy Allies N/A Los Angeles Brandon Jones Easy Allies N/A Los Angeles David Kotchie EEG Nation N/A 1(647) 362-4908 Toronto Brent Botsford Eggplante! N/A Christopher KalanderopoulosEggplante! N/A 1(416) 648-1205 Toronto Alberto Saldamando El Mundo Tech N/A Orlando Briana McIvor Electric Playground N/A 1(604) 639-9160 Vancouver Rochelle Hinds ElectricSistaHood N/A Tulsa Benjamin Horn ElectricSistaHood N/A Tulsa Matthew Bennett Electronic Gaming Monthly N/A Sherman Oaks Marc Camron Electronic Gaming Monthly N/A 1(630) 886-0749 Denver Josh Harmon Electronic Gaming Monthly N/A Sherman Oaks Mollie Patterson Electronic Gaming Monthly N/A Sherman Oaks Ed Gross Empire Magazine Online N/A Jessica Conditt Engadget N/A New York Zach Hines Engadget N/A Los Angeles Nicole Lee Engadget N/A San Francisco Jay Cochran ENI N/A 1(703) 728-0875 Eugene Lee Entropy N/A Victor Lucas EP Media Ltd.
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