mrnmn -•r r?.. Um irlrrBtrr lEvntino HirralA B A T I ^ A Y , SEPTEMBER 4, lfl8Tl| **BACK TO SCHOOL** EDITION Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton of An members of the Orange Toung Mlaa Marion McNeill o f 78 Unicoi North Main street are going to SPECUl KIDS PROGRAM American life and drum corpa are ABOUT TOWN Boston today to meet the "8. 8. atreet la apending the week-end | NO HERALD requested to be at Orange Hall at holiday at.Groveland, Maaa. Tranaylvanla", on which Mias Bffle 6:30 o'clock tonight with their In- AVRBAiW DAKLY OBCULATION WBATHER and I ta . KriMBt WnUasM and Wilson of aiaagow, Scotland, is a FOR K. OF C. CARNIVAl strumenta. The band bae been in­ for the Month o f Axgwnt, 1887 Fareeaet ef 0 . 8. Weuthm Bmaui anwn danghtan, Ann and Cbn- paaaenger. Mrs. Hamilton and Miss MONDAY vited to pcoade to the Knlghta of •f"’ ™“P >*• of I Hartford o t Uaptewood, N. are Wilson have been clow friends from 88 Maple atreet left laat night fbr Columbus carnival at the corner of a Labor Day week-end trip to Cstt- Get A ^^Safety Tested** _ the week-end and Lnbor early childhood, and went to High Contests for Boys and Girls to Main and Delmont streeta. with Mr. and Mra. John M. school and business college together. No Issue of The Hmid 5,861 GeMtuOy Ikh^ teuight aud 8VM to Be Held This Afternoon Member ef the Audit of Httdaon atreet. Miss Wilson boyis a positlao in the W in income tax office in Glasgow and is and Again Monday Afternoon Be Pubiished On Bureau ef Oroulstieue neadayi eUghtly warmer tnalgki T b » regular weekly meeting of spending her month's vacation on Monday, Labor Day. MANCHESTER -^CFTYCM ^VlLfcAGE CHARM the ocean and with Mrs. Hamilton. CAR Maadiaater Klwanls club will As an added attraction at the It la to be her first visit to the Xnaaday noon, Monday be­ Knights of Columbus carnival being VQU LVL, N O . 288 leaFuguio.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1937 12 PAGES AND (1«-PAGE TABLOID) PRIGB T H U S CENRh ing n holiday. It «0U be neld aa United States. held at Main and Delmont stre.ts uaoal at the Mancbeater Country this wwk, a special kiddles pro­ pis free there will be a first anu einb. Aa Intereetlag program Is Mr. and Mrs. James Reardon, gram baa been arranged for this second prise. This starts at four At Once And Take A beiag prepared and the prise will formerly of this town, have moved afternoon. The camivaL which o'clock. be fumlihed by Dr. LeVeme into their newly furnished home on opened last Monday wlU come to a On Monday afternoon there will A Wounded Chinese Crawling- Toward Safety Bolmea. Rosemary street in New London. clow on Monday night when the be a pet show for boys and girls Hr. Reardon is a member of the M otor Trip Over The CHINESE HOLD LINES grand piixw wtu be awarded. and there will be two prises given Mrs. Agnes Cbartler of Main State Police and la stationed at the For this afternoon the program to girls and two to boys In this con­ BRITAIN AND FRANCE street will spend the week-end and Groton barracks. Mrs. Reardon is wfll be so arranged as to have suit­ test Tbs Monday contest wfll start Labor Day at Winthrop Beach, the former Hiss Agnes Pongrats, able prwents for children and a'J at 3:30. Labor Day Holiday Maas. daughter of Hr. and Ure. Stephen of the rides will be in operation. Last night the I2S award went to AS JAPANESE START PoiigTats of 180 High street, and This afternoon at 8:30 there will be was employed at the Connecticut Louis Milligan of Tolland turnpike. , The monthly meeting of the par- a doll carriage parade for ^ris. The carnival will be opened tonight U committee of Bt. John's church Mutual Life Insurance company in ACT ALONE TO STOP Hartford. There will be thrw valuable prises and again on Monday night Good Sedan..... .*785, win be held In the parish nail on offered for the caniagw judged crowds have been in attendance all BIG DRIVE CMway street, following inspection best decorated and" for the boys week and records are expected to f t the Bugle, Fife and Drum Corps Hiss Marion F n a er, daughter of there will be a pie —Hwy contest. be broken at tonight's and Mon­ at Pulaski hall at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M Fraser, of In addition to being allowed to sat day's carnivaL MONDAY 34 Lewis street, clerk in the munlcl- SUBMARINE PIRATES The North Methodist Ladles Aid pay social service department, has N avil and Heavy^ ArtiDery eodety has decided to postpone its resigned her position in the town's LABOR D A Y EGAN DECLARES drat meeting of the season from em plo^ent effective next FUday. Lay Down Blaaket of Wednesday of the coming week to The fonowlng day she will enter Member of Dancing Masters of Americn. D edde Tbehr Navies Are Wednesday, September IS, when it Teachers College of Connecticut in 1934 Pontiac 8 .- WARONCLO. wfll be held at the home of the New Britain. ,.$465 SM I Fire On Shanghai; R u s s i q Italy rBaien. Jl-FAITH ^^^4LU N E P o werful Enough to SCHOOL OF DANCING Mias Beatrice Clulow of 220 Cen­ The next meeting of the Board of Df the Big Foreigners in Danger. iUDES1NCf.t ter strwt and Miss Lillian Reardon Selectmen wUl be held Tuesday at Preaenta With Strong Protest Practise o f Sinkiiig M e ^ i t 14.West Center street, win leave 8 p. m. in the Municipal building, it The Latest in Tap, Ballet and Ballroom Dancing (2) 1934 Plsmiouth Sedans' ‘•1*1 sTeTeCBTH?# • • $400 today faf'spehd the we^-end and was announced today by George H. Ctoed OenditiM V/addell, clerk of the board. Shanghai, Sept. 7.— (A P )— Brings Up Breach in Labor tAhor day with friends in Utica, N. Registrations Now Open Moscow, Sept. 7,— (A P )—Sevlat^eontempt at provocations of the chant Ships in Mediterran­ Roaring flames across all north­ For Gass or Private Lessons. press outlets warned bluntly today Fascist adventurers, who are losing Enmer Johnson of 34 Clinton 1933 Chevrolet Sedan.,.,.,... $ 3 2 5 western Shanghai lighted the As Jssoe to Be Settled that Italian “Fascist aggressors” their heads." ean; Itafian-Soviet Trouble strwt and J. Albin Johnson of 29 Telephone 4891. have begun a game In ihe Mediter­ Pravda added its opinion that the PjEOPLE H iL L TALK Clinton street left yesterday for path tonight of a flerce Japan­ Watch for Opening Date. ese effort to batter down the ranean “ wlilch may have terrible conference "doubtless would, estab­ M d srhat they say depends on yon. Hampton Beach, N. H., where they As Federation’s Four consequences.” lish the danger of navigation cre­ Win Not Change SitnatioiL ThaTs why so many people reoom- will spend the holiday week-end. K. of C. 1932 Plymouth Coupe...... Chinese resistance that has Russia, wbich has protested di­ — .$145 ated by the aggressive activitlec of brought their Shanghai offen- Days Convention Opens. rectly to Italy against the sinking tha FascUt war fleet” **^SAM YULYES rive to a standstill. of Soviet freighters by “Italian" "The Fascist aggressors must be London, Sept. 7.— (A P )w - SHOE REPAIR SERVICE 1931 Dodge Sedan ................ .„1„. .$125 Naval and heavy artillery submarines was represented, how­ made to understand they have be­ ever, as viewing tbese "aggressors" gun a game which may have terri­ Great Britain and France ded^- 701 Main Street guns roared in the Yangtzepoo, New Haven, Sept. 7.— (AP) — with “cool contempt” ble consequences,” the paper as­ ed today that their navies were 1930 Packard Sedan ..y.x.,. .$100 Chapei, Kiangwan and north The schism In the ranks of organis­ It is awaiting action from an serted. strong enough to stop "Ms(M- station districts, laying down ed labor was placed squarely before "AnU-Pirmey” conferenca of Medi­ Two Shlpa Sunk tenanean piracy” without any blankets of shell Are in advance the Connecticut Federation of Labor terranean powers In Swltserland .Today’s fulminalions followed tha Carson’s Green Ointment The ^^House-Hunting^^ CARNIVAL Friday, the official Communist Soviet Union's flUng of a strong help, and determined to g o of tremendous Japanese sunset For Brniaea. Ckits, Sores. Bspe- (2) 1931 Ford Coupes ,.,.,.,.,.,. .$100 as an Issue today with an assertion newspaper, Pravda, explained. protest with Italy against aiaklng ahead with a conference on tha dally Good for Bolls, Athletie attacks on the Chinese front from John J. Egan that any attempt Said Pravda: of two Russian merchant vessels tn matter with or without Italy's Feet, and Leg Infeetians. lines. to further the interest of the Com­ “The Soviet union, “conscious of participation. 1930 Ford Coupe .... Fires spread across the mittee for Industrial Organisation its strength, can sneer with cool (Oontlnoed t r Fags Seven) DAVID CARSON Pet Show At 2:30 Monday Afternoon raTiPe • • • • ucFrertr $75 during the Federation's convention The decision to go ahead with IDS Ridge St. Telephone 7S65 Season Has Started— whole area. The Commercial "is going to have the full force of Mediterranean ”ahti-piracy” For Boys and Girls Press building, rebuilt after the our opposition.” conference in Switzerland Fti* 1932 Sino-Japanese hostilities, Shortly before, President Thomas DALY MAPS STUDY INTEREST RATES day was disclosed authorltito 2 Prizes for Boys and 2 Prizes for Girls was reduced to ashes again J.
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