Ip Betting .. I bel YOu sUp the f Ihe hundreds of With Irresponsibility at Its Best, The Weather :, ~unch a couple The Old Staff Bids You 011 re down. Partly cloudy, warm end windy compuler takes thnlUfh tonight; highs in the •• Littt. change Thu"'y. : If yOU win, YOu FAREWELLl of owan In another lot at low, the mac hi Serving the State University of 101DtJ and the People of Iowa City off and f1ash(>s ~ YOU can ee. Eatabllabed ID 1868 Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto United Preas IIltematiODal Leaaed WlrM 5 Centa per CopJ Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday, May 16, 1962 you the money to eliminate-- him: JIS roves ew •las Ulng• Nelson Denies JFK Orders '65 Deadline'* .\ \. Set for,:. Filing. Med College u.s. Troops ")1' ,­ ,1 - All Regulations Not Helpful Into Thailand STUDENT University Promises By JOE GEHRINGER Russia Agrees Upon UN DO IN) StaH Writer To Assist. Groups Norman B. Nelson, dean oC the Need for Cease.Fire . -- In Rapid Compliance SUI College of Medicine, answered In Neighboring Laos charges Tuesday made by Dr. Otto By NORM ROLLINS Olesne, outgoing president of the WASHINGTON (UPIl - Presi­ StaH Writer Iowa Medical Society Monday that dent Kennedy Tuesday ordered All SUI student organiza. SUI does litUe to help the average 5,000 U.S. troops to take up bat· ;\ n R'an tions may b reqUired to file a doctor in Iowa. tie positions in Communist-threat· ~ _ Glesne, delivering his address to ened Thailand. Shortly afterward Ll~ _~ . copy of their constitutions, by. Jr ercellcnre. '1" _. _ __ the Society's annual convention in Russia agreed on the need for a I;' ~ - - - law and any other documents Des Moines, asserted some mem­ f armonee and cease-fire in neighboring Laos, the bers of the SUI College of Medicine 7 ~ ~ _"- ~ ~ -_ n pertaining to membershl(> reg­ seat of the trouble. "are not cognizant of lhe real I' , ~ ~~ ~ ':'t~,) ulation with the Offioo of The President, declaring the ~ \ problems that face the average Student Affairs (OS,/\. ) by physicians in the various commu­ Red lhreat to Thailand to be of ~~'~~~ ~ f ~ ~ ;").- -~ n , "grave concern." announced at \.::::;:J • r 4IYoI' October I, 1965, or lose offlclal nities in Iowa." ~ ~ ~ ' Glesne stated that he was not noon that he had ordered 1,800 ~/ ~r.:~ University recognition. Marines to land at Bangkok, Thai- ,.' '( /.-r.l,:). " ~ I~-'''';' ') - _c:r: This action was voted on ullanl. i n favor 0 f financing medical land's capital, at 4 p.m. CST today. I~ , care for the aged through social Leadership Awards mou ly Monday by the Committee They will join 1.000 U.S. soldiers I security funds and that the $2.5 111_--- · -., . \\.. President Virgil Hancher presenh tha 1962 Penningroth Awards already there. ~ on Student Llfc (CSL) aIle!' con· million the College of Medicine to Mark Schantz, A3, Wellsburg, and Nancy Flies, A3, Cedar Rapids. Before the President's announce- sideration of the proposal fo r sev­ receives annually might create a favorable tendency toward social­ The award was based upon leadership, scholastic achievement and ment, but amid reports that it eral weeks. The resolution will now Ized medicine among the SU I participation in student activities. It Included a cash award and was imminent, Soviet Ambassador go to President Virgil Hancher for an engraved executive desk pen. Anatoly F. Dobrynin asked for a staH. State Department appointment. He his approval. "He (Glesne) is a very fine gen- --------- ---,---------- conferred with Secretary of State The new clause would then be tieman, but when he delivers his Dean Rusk and olher officials at entered in the Code of Student speech, he speaks for himself and Senate OKs Resol utl·on 12:50 p.m. CST. not for the Society," Nelson said. Lile. which requires all organiza· "I'm sure there are many mem- After a 35-minute conference, the State Department announced tions to have official University bers of the Society who disagree 0 I C H · B· that Rusk and Dobrynin had recognition beCore they may partl· Wi,~h~ug~llege oC Medicine is also 0 I agreed on "the neceSllti., for cipate in campus activities. n.. u sin 9 a s the maintenance of a ceas,.fire" ery conscious of the issues he Ted McCarrel, executive ~ea n SUI's Student Senate narrowly landlords on the list will be able In Laos. The two also called for raised and has discussed many of continued diplomatic eHort. to for student services and chairman them, many times. passed a resolution Tuesday night to rent to students. This would set up a neutr. I Lao. Govern· of CSL, said the CSL will assist "The faculty is very concerned that would place severe sanctions apply Lo undergraduate, graduate ment. student organizations to comply about the importance of doing all on Iowa City landlords if (hey dis- criminated against SUI students. and morried students. it can to improve medical care in The Southeast A Ian c ·sls with the new membership polley Iowa," Nelson said. The resolution. submitted by Rog· The resolution also states that erupted last week when ComtJ1Un. as rapidly as possible. He !!aJd that rilft er WHey and John Niemeyer, was ft'inslalement of any renter shall ist-Ied forces broke the cease­ a special subcornmitte, in coopera­ To accomplish better medical car., Nelson said, the SUI Col­ approved by the ,Senate with a vote, be subject to approval of the Uru- fire, overran Royal Laotian forces lion with the Dean of Students. lege of Medicine maintai ns post­ of twelve and one-hal! for and eight . and then moved toward the border will be named to help formulate and one-half against. v e r Sit Y H~USlfig Corrurutlee. on of Thailand. and inaugurate a program de­ graduate courses and "as resi­ . recommendatIOn of the Office of dency for specialists. The. resolution was amcnded Student Affairs. Faced with this situation, Pre i­ signed to provide such assistance. He said Dr. Robert E. Carter, of dent Kennedy ordered the buildup three tunes. All three amendments . :~1Jrft.t'(¢h() }} /9 f&'l. The new rule which will be en­ the DepaHment of Pediatrics. is were introduced by Seymour Gray. In addition, the ~~lu~lOn wo~ld of U.S. forces in Thailand to an tered into the Code reads: "It is the direol.or of education for a pro­ The most important amendment give any per:;an hvmg In housmg eventual 5,OOO-man establishment, the policy of the University that gram to train family physicians changed a requirement that all th~t. has b~n re~oved. from the backed by tactical aircraft. They 'When I Get Out, I'm Going To Devote My Life And local student organlzatlons be able n 0 VI in progress at Broadlawns landlords be required to sign a o.CflClal h~uslng ~st a I easonable will line up alongside an anti­ to exercise Cree choice of members Hospital at Des Moines. pledge that lhey arc not., and do t~me to fmd similar. accornmoda­ Communist Thailand force of 120.- Education to Truth, Justice And the Betterment Of on the basis of their merits as in­ In addition. Nelson said, lhere is not discriminate. The resolution tlOns elsewhere. The time. w~~d he 000 men. dividuals without restrlctions as to a unit concerned wlth argicultural now reads that on sufficient proof set by the OAS in each mdlVldual The Communists have an esti­ All Mankind ... Unless, Of Course, I Get a Better race, color or national origin. AnY medicine. that any home owner does not case. maled 29,000 men in Laos. The RM­ such organization unable to exer· H e countered Olesne's charge comply wlth this policy of not dis- The resolution also c a II s for led force, while comparatively Offer from Private Industry . .I' cise such free choice as ·of Octo­ that the $2.5 million SUI receives criminating, they wlll be removed striking variolls articles 0 u t 0 f small, consists of about 19,000 ber 1, 1965, will have its Certificate annually for medicine doe s not Crom the oCCicial housing list. Chapter III in the Code of Student rugged Pathet Lao troops and of Recognition revoked by the create an attitude favorable to so­ The official hOUSing Jist is also Life. The articlcs that would be 10,000 North Vietnamese jungle * * * * * * * * * Committee on Student Life." fighters. Reports from Laos say cialized medicine by pointing out a part oC the resolution. The list dropped deal wlth housing require­ The major change applies to ex· no Red Chinese troops have been that the money is used for re­ would be made of all landlords menls for students over and under isting organizations. In the prescnt search. renting Ito University students. Only 21. sighted. 2 Former DI Cartoonists Code, they are, "urgcd to work to­ The Defense Department said ward the elimination of any r eo part of a Marine squadron flying strictive policies or practices. writ­ Goldman To Conduct Modern Works AID "Sky Hawk" attack planes. ten or unwritten, which prevent and part of an Air Force squadron the exercise of the free choice of of Fl00 Super Sabres, were sched· Successful in Chosen Fields members on the basis of their uled to land in Thailand Tuesday merits as persons without restric­ and the rest of the units today. By JOAN ANDERSON see some or the stuII my brother of the Hawkeye state spent some tions of race, color, or national SUI Band Concert Tonight After the Rusk.Dobrynln con· StaH Writer does for the Saturday Evening time in Macbride Hall ,tudying origin." ference, Stat.
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