
I , . • . f , '' 1\ I i 3 Sections ·~-GP~ 'I 22 Pages THE INGHAM COUNTY NE 'W"'G"''cy • Ninety-first Year - No, 28 MASON, MICHIGA~, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 3 Sectiona - 22 Page& Fishing Trip Ends • Ingham, 'to Get lngharn Trees Droop with Fruit School Electors Choose $714,000 for' Committee to Study TB Sana.torium Mason Building Needs State Is Diab·ibnting . $3,000,000 Among Six Superintendent Leod11 Move to Provide Salaries fot• Counties With Hospitnln All Five Membel'S of School Boord; Electon Retum Bray and Ri,ldy to Board; 63 rurn Out for Meeting In~ham expects to get $314,000 in state bond money At t.he annual meeting Monday night electors set up a to complete construction of the committee to study expan~ion need& of the Mason school. Elec­ addition to ,and remodeling of tors named sbc: to .a seven-member .committee to recommend the tuberculosis sanatorium. what should be done to provide more room, They also pm­ Another $400,000 to powered the committee to recommend a site for a building, construction of a home for Under the resolution adopted by the electors, the school nurses at the Ingham sana~ board named Raymond H. McLean as the seventh member of torium is also anticipated, the committee, It will be up to ----·----------­ Unle~s Ing-ham gets the $311,000 him to call the first meeting of or n subotanlial part of It, work on the adrlllion will have to stop, the committee. Supcrvlsm· Walter Munyon told The nnw committee iR to ncl County Board his colleagues on tho ·county only in nn nrlvisory cnpncily. It boltl'd Monrlf1y. Supervisors Mun­ will mal<e its report to the public yon of Lansing, Hubet't Bullen of bcfm·c Jnnunr·y 1. Allt'cllns Rnrl Ward Vicary ·of Electors nomtnalerl 13 men nnd Delays Action Bunl<cr Hill nrc membor·s of the women for the six committee board of control of the tuberculosis hospital, posts. With 63 clectnJ'R pt•cscnt, the six chosen nnrl the number of \he hospital hoard had $266,01l0 ·votes received were Dr. D. R. On Wage Tilts availahle when the contract was Lethbridge, 13; Al Rice, 39; Nel­ let: for the addition and remodel­ son Brown, 39; Mrs. William E. Committee Promises (lngbom County Now~ Photo) ing last spring-. The contract was Clal'l<, 38; Richard Demlow, 31; Decision August 6 on fit·st cut to two stories on the ad· and Mrs. Hugh J. Ba.rtlcy, 32 . $240 Snlnry Increases Fo.ur men bound for Lowe lake near . Stockbridge last di tion when hlcls far exceeded the Others nomina terl were J. B, .~ One Man Dies, Thursday ended up in a funeral home or hospitals, and one estimates on four stories. Later, Dean, Hown]'(! Seibert, Mt·s. Gemlrl Supervisors took no action when the promise of state aid was even fa~es a negligent homicide charge. Wayne· Rinehart, 24, Gt•a.ham, Mr·s. Harold Haase, Fred Monday on blanket salary in­ ma.rle, the four-story plans were Cherries are ripe at the Powers orchard west of Dansville. Olds, Walter Carven and Clair­ of Lansmg was crushed to death when the car left the pave­ creases sought by county em­ substituted, Jerry Chlebus, 16, of Dansville, hefts one of the loaded mont Everitt, ment on M-36 and hit a tree a mile east of Dansville. This pic­ ployees. Members of the sal­ 3 Others Hurt Jl"lmH l'rotfflt.s branches to show the results of seven years of orcharding. Dr, Lethbridge presented the ture was taken as the coroner viewed the scene before removal aries committee reported that Supervisot· Eno Helms of Lan­ Gerald Powers planted the first trees seven years ago. Arthur motion for setting- up the commit­ of the body. Dale Rinehart, 33, of Holt is awaiting examination sing protested the action of the tee. He labeled as criticnl the di­ they would submit recommen­ in Lansing municipal court on the negligent homicide charge, tuberculosis board of control In Olson and Jerry operate the 60 acres of. cherries, apples, vergence of opinion over the two peaches and pears for Powers. dations at the August 6 meet­ In- M-36 Crash which also includes a count of driving while under the influ­ getting state ald. He charged the building pl'Ojlositions submitted ing. board 'of control was building Powers moved to Dansville from Detroit last fall. Forty two years ago by the school hoard. ence of liquor. He was the driver of the car and escaped with­ TI1c committee needed mm•e Dale Rineha1·t Is Charged without regard to the tax bw·don. years ago he was superintendent of the. Dansville school. He Both were turner! down. out serious injuries. Lyle Rinehart, 33, of Lansing lies in a "We squawk about Washington time to considc1· the ;Jetilion filed With Negligent Homicide plans to live in Dansville. Board AsliN! Suggo.~tlons Lansing .hospital with both legs broken. Howard Heider, 28, of spending the people's money and by county workm·s, Supct·visor .In Death of His Brothel' Holt is also in a Lansing hospital with .a brain concussion, mul­ then we tul'll right around and do Olson operated an orchard at Hart before coming to Dans­ The motion made by Dt·. Leth­ Raymond Wilcox of tho ~alarics the same thing," challenged Helms. ville. bridge was in response to the plea committee explained. The petitions Wayne Rinehart, 21, of Lansing­ tiple fractures•of the face, broken right arrri and a cut scalp. of Pt·esident Maurice Rickly fat· a.~lted for incren~cs of $210 fl ycllr lost his life Thursday shortly after "We arc told that the tuberculosis ·· This is the second year that. Powers has had c. cherry He is under an oxygen tent. · rate is fast receding. Y ct we go suggestions. Rlckly had pointed fot• all pe1·sons on the county pay­ 5:00 p.m. when a car in which he crop. He expectG it to be big. He also plans on a good crop of out tilflt the Mason school is over­ l'Dll. Employees aslcccl fot· the was riding hit a tt·ee n mile east LEGlSLA:'.rURE 8LA:\fED Mcintosh, Delicious and Jonathan apples and Bartlett pears. ct·owded, that the sixth grade oc­ l'aises to cover advancing costs of of Dansville. His brother, Dale, 33, cupies rented quarters flncl that living. They also declared that GJ'Nln the · The Powers peaches were hit by cold weather last win­ drove the car. Another brother, ,Jaclt of Asso­ there is not enough room to pro­ county ~alary scales arc below Lyle Rinehart, 3a, was also in the elutell ]'re~;s blltmes the leg­ ter, and Olson expects to harvest just a fraction of last fall's vide Smith-Hughes tmining in those existing in fedet·al, state and Rains Help Oats·. and We~.ds, lslatlu·c for· puttlnl( $5,000,000 crash. Both of his legs were brol<­ crop. agriculture. ' city employment and below those en. His head and body were cut. into a !T8 hospital gr·ab-bag. in inclustt·y. Gnmn's article appears on Olson said picking will .start Friday. Anyone can pic.k his Rickly declared that the board Howard Heider, 28, of Holt was l':Lge 2. own cherries for 11 cents a pound or let Jerry or Olson do the has no intention of proposing an.\' Last Janum·y Ingham wot'i<CJ'S the fourth passenger. He received Corn Needs Warm Weather new building unless the people de­ received incrcaBcs of ~180, They --~. ~------ picking .and pay 14 cents. The trees are small and most of the mand it. had asked for $2·10. a brain cMcussiOn, deep ct~ts and Crops look good despite lhe lack There are many promising ahead· to build an empire with­ picking is done standing on the ground. compound fractures. Dale Rmehart of warm weather, but some hot stands of wheat, Some fields look "We't·e ail thwugh proposing Othl't' Hai~es Slwlve<l 1 out regard to funds available. was thrown rr:om ~he :vr.ccl:age days and nights arc needed, farm- ready for harvest but it will prob- Finding fault with Washington for building progroms," the school Supervisor Walter· Munyon' of and escaped wtth mmor lllJUrtcs, crs declare, ably be a week or 10 days yet be- wanton spending is a case of the boflrrl president said. "Twice we Lansing revealed Monday that Dr. The fotll' men went to Lo~c lake' The frequent rains have been fore the combines start. pot calling the kettle black." submitted propositions. Twice they R, Lanting, county health di­ Thursday mo~n\nll': A:c~ordmg to ,just l'ight for oats but -they have Rains have. ltept the pastures Supervisor Munyon put up a Soldl Sold I Soldl Laylin Jewett werll turned down. The last one rector, had requested mises fol' Deputy Sherrff Verstle Bubcoc~, made haying difficult and have gteen, as green as in early June. spirited defense. He declared that was for a building on the west several members of his ~taff. 'rhe the men vcttll'ncd ttl. Dansvtlle m Itept farmers out of their corn and the Ingham· TB board acted "in Three times R. 0, Edwards of .,··1 ~ide costing $75,000." decision on l!.osc wages will also the afternoon because the wmd beans. Weeds are growing fu- . order to lteep $700,000 . of the Leslie shouted, "Solei." And Suffers Burns Mrs. Biutl~y' gave as her opin­ be postponed '1mtil August, Mun­ was too strong on the.
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