L' S PiMUicP«d Port Wi.hinfUn. NY PAUL D. SCHREIBKR HICH SCHOOL 11050 Pimil Ss. IGI The Schreiber Times Port Washington, New York, May 10, 1990 Volume XXX, No. 8 Bomb Hoax Spurs Police Investigation b y Elisu Blum A n unrevealed number of students are under investigation for a bomb threat, according to Port Washington Police Department Detective Ron De- Meo. No names have yet been released to the public, as the investigation is still pending. The incident, which took place on lliursday, April 5, caused a three-mod evacuation of students and faculty from the building at 11:55 A.M., approxi- mately twenty m i n u t e s a f W r Main Office SecretKry Doris Kenny received an an- onymous phone call notifying her that there was a bomb in the school. Immediately after the phone call was received, a team of administrate a and custodians was organized to try to locate the potential bomb. A suspicious-looking object shaped like a cigarette carton was found in the second floor boys' bathroom down the hall from the aodal studies resource center. At this point. P r i n c i p a l Sidney Barish contacted the Port Wash- ington Police and Fire Departments and wmm eoM to e—ciMO th» building for safety reuiions. After an i m t i a l inspection of the object by Sergeant Fred ToUiver, Police Officer Raaiak, and members of the fire depart- The Nassau County Bomb Squad waits for disaster outside Schreiber, ment, the Nassau County Bomb Squad was called to the scene. Upon further inspection, the Bomb Squad decided to Feud Censured by Administration use a "remote entry technique" with a water disrupter t o prevent the potential b y Steve Engel tions were chosen solely on their humor bomb from detonating. Controversy ensued over the "nega- COTitent, not on their suitability for a After determining t h a t it was safe to tive and offensive" tone of the April 28 community show. Youdelman added, look through t h e suspicious package, offi- production ofSchretber's Family F e u d U. "...when you start realizing that there cials found that the box contained flares, While the Muscleheada edged out the were children and grandparents in the fireworks, and a note reading "Just Jok- second place team, the Hot Rollers, fac- audience...it becomes evident that they ing, Class of 1990." ulty members, including Principal Sid- were poor choices." More than an hour after they were ney Barish a n d HHC faculty advisor Kay Following the event. Dr. Barish spoke evacuated, students were permitted to Stewart, were outraged with the show, privately with HRC officers and the reenter the building. As soon as most which featured, according to many spec- Muscleheads as to what could be done to students had settled into their classes, tators, lewd comments and "obscene" be- recoup the damage. As reparations, the Dr. Barish made an announcement havicT by the participants, particularly Muscleheads agreed to donate their apologizing for the inconvenience. In the the Muscteheads team. prize— a Delux Limousine, Inc. chauf- announcement, he explained, 'It was a Following the production. Dr. Barish feured trip to restaurant Chateau Briand hoax. It was notan active bomb, although criticized both the HRC officers as well as and a free dinner— to six clients at the i t did contain hoax materials— flre- the Muscleheads: *A couple of the ques- Helen Keller N a t i o n a l Center for the deaf works, to be exact. Despite the fact that tions were of a questionable nature w h i c h and blind. this was a hoax and nobody was injured, led to questionable behavior." Additionally, Dr. Barish explained I cannot tell you strongly enough and Senior Sondra Youdelman, president that while events such as those that oc- more clearly that the act that was of the Human Relations Committee, curred "run the risk of jeopardizing the committed...is a federal offenae, and I am signing a complaint with the police de- admitted, 'I am willing to share the activity, steps w i l l be taken tostrengthen continued on page 3 blame." i t in the future." He says he firmly be- Peter Lichten hosts Family Feud. Youdelman explained that the ques- conlinued on page 3 ICWS SPORTS 1990-91 G.O. Boys' Varsity page 10 Officers Elected Lax Unbeaten Students Travel to Page 3 Page 20 Soviet Union THE SCHREIBER TIMES NEWS THURSDAY. MAY 10. 1990 National Honor Society Inducts New Members by Jttni Blum about leadership, service, character, and 66 juniors were inducted into the scholarship. Athena Chapter of the Nationa] Honor Ms. Rita Albert, Assistant Principal Society on Wednesday, April 18. On May for the j u n i o r class, read the names of the 4, the new honorees elected Simon Chin new inductees while Superintendent of as president, Jonathan SchifT as vice- Schools William Heebink presented each president, Tommy Hyun as secretary, student with a certificate. After the and JefT Wald as treasurer of the organi- awards had been handed out, the induc- zation. tees followed Reza in reciting the Na- During the induction cerem<xiy, the tional Honor Society Pledge. After the new inductees entered the a u d i t o r i u m to ceremony a reception was held in the the music of the orchestra, conducted by cafeteria. Mr.JosephMooney. "Hie orchestra played The National Honor Society was Handel's 'Concerto Grosso" followed by founded by the National Association of The National Anthem. Secondary School Prindpala in 1921. After a welcoming address by Princi- According to Dr. Rothman, T h e purpose pal Sidney Bariah, National Honor Soci- of the National Honor Society is to recog- ety Advisor Mark Rothman spoke to the nize scholarship, leadership, high stan- inductees about their involvement in dards of character, and to promote serv- school and community activities. The ice to the school and community.* guest speaker. Board of Education Vice The inductees were first selected on President Rita V. EVAlonio, then spoke the basis of their grade point average, on "Must America settle for second best?" which must be at least 3.5. Prospective She told the oLudents that they were students then submitted appUcations i n being molded into prospective future which they listed their extracurricular leaders who would not settle for 'second activities, awards they have received, best." leadership q u a l i t i e s , work experience, and The National Honor Sodet/s senior why they want to be a member of the officers, president Rafi Reza, vice-presi- National Honor Society. Faculty mem- dent Hal Bienstock, treasurer Eliia bers reviewed the candidates' applica- Tommy Hyun receives his National Honor Society Certificate from Comer, and Lea Kimmel, who substi- tions and chose the final group of stu- Supermtendent William Heebink as fellow inductees look on. tuted for secretary Star Hampton, spoke dents to be inducted. English Students Taste Afro-American Poetry by Steve Engel way, she demonstrated both her theme feeling," she said. It was this idea that in her eyes. During the week of A p r i l 23,Schreiber and the call-response, a technique used she used throughout her program as she In another performance, Ms. Fether- students and faculty observed perform- frequently in Afro-American poetry. As showed the "feelings" of several Afro- stone read Phillis Wheatley's Imagina- ancea of acbesa Joanna Fetherstone's in the Afro-American poetic genre. Ma. American poets such asl^ngston Hughes, tion', written in 1773. "Hold Fast to Dreams," an introduction Fetherstone explained that her program Paul Lawrence Dunbar, and Phillis In her final lesson, Fetherstone taught to African-American poetry and a semi- depended on the audience's participa- Wheatley. the audience the poem 'Dreams* by nar for Ms. Fetherstone's perscxial phi- tion. In one show, Ms. Fetherstone read the Hughes in sign language. 'I want you to loBOphy of self-love. Throughout the pn^rams, she added poem ' J u m p Back Honey, Jump Back" by take somethi n g h o m e withyou,'explained Ms. Fetherstone, an actress who also several personal anecdotes. At one point Dunbar, where the audience was asked to Fetherstone. visits schools and other areas where she she told how she had contemplated sui- insert the title at selected pcants, illus- The program was brought toSchreiber can spread her message, takes her work cide after being cut out of a part i n a play. trating the "call-response method." She through the efforts of Director of the very seriously. She explained how each I t was then that she found' poetry and then turned to a more serious poem: Creative Arts Department David M e o l i , show is different because *I do what i s i n realized that hers were not the o n l y prob- Lang5tonHughes'*JunJor Addict." Writ- with the aid of EngHsh Department my heart," lems. She understood the writings of ting the poem in the 1950'B, Hughes la- Chairperson John Broza, and Assistant She began each of her performances these poets and loved to read as much as mented about a young boy who had died Principal Rita Albert. of a drug overdooe. While Ms. Fether- by proclaiming, *I love myself," and ask- she could. Students viewed the p r o g r a m whilein stone recited t h e narrative, tears appeared ing the audience to say the same. In this "Poetry is a powerful way to express their English classes.
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