Appendix 2 Resource Maps of the Coastal Zone NOTE: The resource maps are reduced versions of full-size maps on file i n the County Planning Department. They are to be used in conjunction with site inspections and other information to indicate potential resource locations, for purposes of requiring biological, geological, archaeological or other reports. As new information is received, County staff will update the large-scale maps . Such updates will not require amendments to the land use plans or Coastal Implementation Plan. Appendix 2a North county Resource Maps AREAS OF SPECIAL BIOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE I INTERIOR WETLANDS KEY WILDLIFE AREAS. BR SEABIRD ROOKERIES 1-19 NATURAL AREAS WATER-ASSOCIATED ❑I'I BIRD HABITAT RARE OR ENDANGERED • COASTAL STRAND SPECIES HABITAT MARITIME CALIFORNIA BROWN PEU- kel ESP P CAN & CALIFORNIA CLAPP- CHAPARRAL ' ER RAIL HABITAT PAJARO RIVER • SANTA CRUZ LONG-TOED ■ RIPARIAN SALAMANDER HABITAT WOODLAND LIMITED HABITAT f /r. W COASTAL WETLAND S SOaw+a., CAVONNIA STATS WAT■M PESOUP000 CONTROL SOAPDI. CALIFORNIA NATURAL APMAS COOROINATINO COUNCIL . CAUrORNIA OSMRTMRNT OF PISH AND CAMS . UAL OOMRTMENT OF TM 111t}lRIOR. HWTAOS CONNR-. NOTE: SEE ACCOMPANYING TABLE FO R NATION AND RECREATION SlRVCU I SEE INSET NORTM COUNT LOCAL COASTAL PPOOPAM AOO SEINE ! DESCRIPTION OF NATURAL AREAS 1 - 19. OPAPT DATA SACROROUNO REPO■0111.1*00; MONT.... CMUNTT PLANNING DEPARTMENT. 1SSi . 1 Natural Ar e a===saaxxx====ax=xxxxxx=xxxx=xx=xxax .,=xpa=====aa==x==x=ss====xx==xa=sx=a.... _ _ x===xx=a=as==== ===== =_aa_s s_a_xaxs=xsxxv=== a Site Number Site Name Designations Significant Features Existing Use/Ownershi p a==ssa=======a===a=x= ax==x==a x a==aaxxx==x _=x=aaaa==aa=a=aaaaxaaaaaaasaaxva=a=aaaaasa=aaaaaxa=aa=aa=aaaaa=aaaxaaxax=aaxxa a 1 Bennett Sloug h CNACC Freshwater slough and marsh adjoining Privat e Elkhorn Slough ; unique flora : Santa Cru z long-bed salamander habita t Elkhorn Slough an d HCRS Brackish wetland and slough ; estuary Estuarine Sanctuary/State o f Estuarine Sanctuar y provides vital breeding area for man y California ; Pacific Gas and marine fish, mollusks, and crustaceans ; Electric ; Moss Landing Harbo r California clapperrail habitat District ; private 3 Jetty Beach and Inle t CNACC Coastal Strand vegetation on beach : open Research, education, recreation/ water and salt marsh, connecting t o Moss Landing Harbor District : Stat e mouth of Elkhorn Slough of California Research, educatio n 4 Lagunita Lake Freshwater wetland Privat e 5 Lower Pajaro Rive r Riparian corridor ; some freshwate r Privat e wetlan d 6 Manzanita Park Oak woodland ; manzanita brushlan d County of Montere y McClusky Slough CNACC Freshwater slough with brackish influence: Private Santa Cruz long-toed salamander habitat 8 Monterey Submarine Canyo n CNACC/HCRS Largest submarine canyon on West Coast Research of the America s 9 Moro Cojo Sloug h Freshwater wetland hosting migratory Privat e waterfowl ; probable Santa Cruz long-toed salamander habita t 10 Moss Landing Marine Reserve HCRS Complete open coast sandy beach communit y State of Californi a at head of Monterey Submarine Canyon ; Jetty and pie r 11 , Old Salinas River Channel CNAC C Important freshwater slough, adjoining Research/Moss Landing Harbor salt marsh District ; privat e 12 Pajaro River Mouth CNACC Estuary ; seabird habita t Research, education, recreation/ State of California, privat e 13 Ponderosa Lake Freshwater wetland ; waterfowl habitat Privat e 14 Royal Oaks Park CNACC Fine stand of coast live oak ; unusuall y Research, education, recreation / large . specimens of a rare and endemi c County of Montere y manzanita 15 Salinas River Estuary and CNACC Estuary, river, salt marsh, freshwate r U. S . Department of Interior, . Lower. Reaches marsh, riparian corridor private 16 Salinas River State Beac h CNACC Coastal strand vegetation Research, education, recreation/ and vicinity State of California, privat e 17 Warner Lake Freshwater wetland ; hosts migratory Privat e waterfowl 18 Zmudowski State Beach CNAC C Coastal dunes and sandy beach ; coasta l Research, education, recreation / strand vegetation ; numerous waterfowl State of Californi a and shorebirds present 19 Marina Dunes CNACC Dune vegetation ; habitat for Smith's Blu e Research, education, recreation/ Butterfl y U. S . Army, City of Marina, privat e portion s Sources : California Natural Areas Coordinating Council; U. S . Department of the Interior, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service ; t M FIRE HAZARDS 0 00 ,000 A R PAJARO r am se!t13111*W.',*!***R.T. .*11 . u" COASTAL. ONE BOUNDARY *n• t LAS LOMASI • . **.*Lt3*1'^-*Nf•I!-' . _ t `VA*'fmgjlm **..'lt;,7l Low 4tii$MILWIP .tg _ ffi7 :M!11MMRINIFIIK&WIM It= *1•Irk R g â *; _ **Ii,Ti►nLUU llii►:** * W .IIIM\I Ty►9W ? •_ ` * *ii=i***y+i*;+**h! ***1R<*...**u►*' ''**"_' 'iii/** *`*:. 111;rIsEtizDmi*i; iTim 11 11 7,4.*im:'!aPm:9:is MOSS LANDING tar=TIWIJIiISZIMTWMIMINII.'111110113,'r.gmtlllllllNIM -QsH1U**x+_nna= :„„i91llii1!silEliiiPiiM: .;,g:..: MIIIIICIRTATMMI d!*!9119*1*311* II'i s URBAN/ AGRICULTURAL HIGH SOURCE: CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF FORESTRY FIRE HAZARD SEVER.'- CLASSIFICATION MAPS, 1986. 0 =000 *000 MOS S LANDING MARINA HIGH MODERAT E SOURCES: MONTEREY COUNTY HISTOI:t■ ICAL COORDINATOR ; OVERVIEW OF MONTERE Y COUNTY ARCHAEOLOGY, MONTEREY COUNTY PLAN - SEE INSET NINO DEPARTMENT, 1982 . WATSONVILLE NORTH COUNT Y SUB—WATERSHEDS OF ELKHORN & MORO o °° p. COJO SLOUGHS POUT " PAJARO MOSS 011fl LANDING MORO TROV6IE NOTE: ALL. OF SUB—WATERSHED S AND PORTIONS OF 2, 3, 5, AND 7 ARE IN SAN BENITO COUNTY. D SOURCE: ELKHORN SLOUGH WATERSHE . UNIVERSIT CALIFORNIA , STUDY . 1960. BE . RKELEY Y OCTOBER.
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