United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,776,755 Alitalo Et Al

United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,776,755 Alitalo Et Al

US005 776755A United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,776,755 Alitalo et al. [45] Date of Patent: Jul. 7, 1998 [54] FLT4, A RECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASE WO 93/14124 7/1993 WIPO. WO 94/10202 5/1994 WIPO. [75] Inventors: Kari Alitalo. Espoo; Olga Aprelikova. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Helsinki; Katri Pajusola. Helsinki; Elina Armstrong. Helsinki; Jaana Ulrich. A.. and Schlessinger. J.. 1990. Cell. 61(2):203-212. Korhonen. Helsinki; Arja Kaipainen. Matthews. W.. et a1.. 1991. Cell. 65(7): 1143-1152. Helsinki. all of Finland Partanen. J.. et al.. 1990. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.. 87(22): 8913-8917. [73] Assignee: Helsinki University Licensing, LttL. Terrnan. B.. I.. et 81.. 1991. Oncogene. 6(9):1677—1683. Helsinki. Finland Rosnet. 0.. et al.. 1991. Oncogene. 6(9): 1641-1650. Matthews. W.. et a1.. 1991. Proceedings of The National [21] Appl. N0.: 340,011 Academy of Sciences. U.S.A.. 88(20): 9026-9030. Aprelikova. 0.. et aL. 1992. Cancer Research. 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