N O R T ^A T ^m^W^Pu 11 y u Jutatr uxjl A O UNCLA33IFIED NCTICB; D-N(51)12 (^pA Revise) 2 ^ra July. 1951» DELEGATION DIRECTORY x indicates Delegate is married) Î- indicates Secretary of Delegation) Name Designation Residence BELGIUM Belgian Embassy, 103, Eaton Sqviaref London, S.W.1. Tele: SLCane 9271 Deputy: M. F. van Langenhove x His Excellency Ambassador Extraordinary 36, Belgrave Square, 'Acting Deputy: • and plenipotentiary S.W.1. SLOane 1752 Vicomte Cbert de Thieusies x Minister 103,1 Eaton Square,S.W.1 » Assistant Deputy:. - H. André de Staercke SLOano 9271 M. Amaxiry Holvoet x Counsellor of Embassy U,Chesham House, Advisers: • ; " • - Clieshara Place, S.W.1. SLOane 7866. Colonel Emile Delelienue x Military Attaché 106 Eaton Square,S.W.1. SLOane 9271 M. A.J. Eastin x 9,Wynnstay Gardens, M. Jacques Deschamps x 2nd Secretary Allen Street, W.8. WEStern-5591 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED Namel Designation Residence C ANADA Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W.1. Tele: WHItehall 97U1 Deputy: His . Excellency High Coranissioner 12, Upper Brook Street, W.1. GROsvenor k&l1 Mr, L. Dana Wilgress Z Advisers: 1st Secretary 19, The Vale, Chelsea, 3.W.3, Mr,•S.E. Rae x PLAxman 016^ 1st Secretary Plat 30,St. Stephen's Mr. A.E. Ritchie x Close, Avenue Road,IT.ÏÏ, 8 FRLTrose 150O Major-General S.F. Clark,x(..) Chairman, Canadian Joint IUf Gloucester Square, C.B.E., C.D. Staff, London. W.2 PADdington U739 (('..) Office at 66, Ennisraore Gardens, S.7/.7« KENsington 3U66) Mr. E.A. Côté, M.B.E. X 1st Secretary 33, Chesham Place, S.W.1* SLOane 6652 O E K M AjR K 67, Pont Street, London, S.W. 1 # Tele: KENslngton 6656 Deputy^ . • - ' His Excellency Envoy Extraordinary and 67, Pont Street, S.W.1, Hinister Plenipotentiary KENsington 6656 Monsieur de Steensen-Leth x 1 ^dviser3: 1st Secretary î+9, Eaton Place, S.W. 1. - M. H. Hjorth-Nielsen x SLOane 6502 Attaché 226, Egerton Gardens, S.W.3« M. K. Dauisgaaru Hansen KNIghtgbridge 2672 Counsellor in charge . M. Etilie Munck, C.B.S. x of Press Affairs Star House, 1i+f Chelsea ^ SiriDanloaent, S.7/.3, , Lieutenant-Colonel DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED *" Adviser on Defence Production, Vancuren Cottage, V.K. Lavu-oen (Office at. 15, Cheshau Placidusens S.r. 13. SLOs^ 3Ub5). • . PUTnejr CC17 » • » Name Peril p^nat^n Residence ? R A N C 5 French Embassy, 58, Knightsbridge, .London, S.w.1« Tele: SLOane 3U0U- Deputy: His Excellency Ambassador of Prance 11, ÏÏilton Crescent, Monsieur tieryS.Alphand x London, S.W.1. SLOane 1*279 Advi sers: M. Etienne Burin .des Roziers x Counsellor 19, ïhe Boitons, S.V/.10. FRObisher 2953 M. Pierre Chatenet x Counsellor 20, Chesham Place, S.'.7.1. SLOane 349*4 M. Fernand Rouillon 2nd Secretary Cumberland Hotel, W.1. AMBassador 1234 M. René Junqixa x Financial Counsellor 197t Queenf- Gate, S.W.7. KENsington 17*44 ICELAND J: Icelandic Legation, ; * 17, Buckingham, Gate, . ; London, r - — 7 ... Tele: Victoria 5337 Monsieur Quimlaugur Pétursscn x Counsellor "La Bagatelle", , 'TWalpole Avenue, - Chipstead, Surrey. Dovmlands 933 ITALY 7/. 38, Eaton Place, london, S. Yritv - Teler SLOane 9284 .Deputy: His Excellency 38, Upper 3roolc Stree t, V7.1. Signor Albert 3ossi Longhi x .Ambassador IIAYfair 7071 Advisers: Signor C Straneo x Counsellor Clarldges 'Hotel,'-,7.1. UAYfair DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED Vice-i'.dmiral Franca !.*r.ugeri x 10, Eat en 3 quar c, 3. v.*. 1. Signor Corrad6 Orlandi Contucclr 1st Secrotcry 38, Eaton ?laco, 3.7.1. » « « A » Dç3irnaation - Rc GlcU.."ic:; Secretary Advl sers; Signor Enrico Carrara 3» GodfreySt., SsVA3* (Cent) PLiOman 7826 • ; IttXBMB QUU R G Iuxeinbourg Legation 27, -Wilton Crescent London, S. ".1. Iele^-SLOane 6231 Deputy: . HisExcellency , Envoy Extraordinary and The Rydings Monsieur Andr' Clasen, x Minister Plenipotentiary Courtonay .«.venue, Hs6» Secretary U ''vier: - Ms George3 Heisbourg ix. 1; ETHER LA K D S Netherlands Embassy, . Hereford House, 111, Parle Street,- ^ London,--W.1S~ - ' Tele : MAYfair- 88o6 Deputy! His Sxcollcncy Ambassador Sxtraoirlimry JobIcheor As-sLs Tfcrda va and Plenipotentiary C/o Royal*Netherlands StarkcNBorGH StachOUVFcr, Embaooy, Hereford House, Gs Bs X 117, Park Street, V/.1. MAYfair 8806 Advisers: Drs Gs J. Hs de-Graaff-x Ministor Plenipotentiary 8 Sloanc Terracc Mansions S.'V.I» SLOano U171 Drs AsRs Tammenoms Bakker 2nd Secretary 6o1, Clivo Court, Maida Vale, ){.% CJNningham 5077 - Mile J.D.,JPelt. ;„ttach£ C/o Royal Netherlands •2mba33y, Hereford House 117, Park Sts >r.l» MAYfair 8806 571 Drs A.E. van Braam Houckg x 1st Secretary Scuthv/uy, Hornstaad Garden Suburb, NsVis 11 SPEecVell 9309 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED C/o Iiiyal liotherla-'V-s Sribassyt Hereford Houc.. llïfâï«'.^1-. Naree Residence TT Q R VT A Y Norwegian Eintiassy 25, 3elgrave Squarer London, S.W.1. Tole : SLCane Olol Deputy: His Excellency Envoy Extraordinary and 32, Bathgate Road, Monsieur Dag Bryn x Minister Plenipotentiary S.V. 19. WIMbledon 3831 Advisors; M. S.C. Soramerfclt x Counsellor 34 Canipden Hill auto, U Ducchttss of Bedford's VmIl:, :/,6. 7/EStcm 6151. Colonel J.K. Christie Norwegian Representative\to wYes Tor-,r, \3ordon AvInuc/"" the DPB Stamriorc, Middlcoix. GRIinsdyke 2620. • M. K. Hcdcrrann x Attache 42, Haslcjell Road, S.-,7.15. PUTney 1£43. PORT UO A L Portuguese Smbasdy,'. 103 Sloane Street, Lcndon, S.\7.1. TeJ1C : SLOane 0095 , Deputy: His Excellency Ambaosador Extraordinary 11, Belgravo Square, SenhorDr. RuyEnnes and Plenipotentiary . S. '•/. 1. SLOanno 6lij4 Ulrich x Assistant Jeputy: .Sçnhor H.B. de Caldcira Counsellor Flat 160, Crunivcr Cyactt Quciroz ; Sloans'Avenue, S..7, j. ' KENsington 7911 Advisers; Lt. Col. Luiz Maria de Military and Air Attach^ 20,- Dra,yeott Av„nuc, _ Camera Pine , 0. B.E. x 8.7. 3* KSKsingten. 8785 -, ëenhor J. Aa Freitac-Crus ;2nd Sooretary /,.:•• • " Flat 1, 9, Elvaaton : ' Piac,:, s. :.7. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED T#33t*«i 1902 Name Designation . Re^dc-ncv, Il N'T T F. D KINGDO M Cabinet Office, Great George Street, London, S. 7/.1. Tôle: MItehall 5U22 Deputy: Sir Frederick Hoywr-Miiiar x 63, Sa3ton Squqra4 S.w.1 . SLOanP 7075 Adviser; - Mr. C.O.I. Ramcdcn x 6 Eldar Road, Y/.ö. VSStcrn 5301 UNITED S T A T E S' . jnc ri cari Einer, e s y 7, North Audley Street,, London 7/. 1. Tele: GROsvenor -9000 Deputy: "-Vr-^.; The Honourable ,'jribas sad,)r Extraordintiry Connaught Hertel Charles M. Spofford x; , and Plenipotentiary• Carlos. Flac.., '.V. 1. GROsvenor 7070 ( Advisers: The Honourable Theodore C. Achilles x Minister ' 50,' Chester .Souare S.'.7.1. SLQan^ Viû6 The Honourable Lowell 7/. Rooks x Minister Flat 6, Colette Ceu 125, Sloano Btrc-t, S, 1.. SLOand 1131 - Mr. Lewis H. van Dusan x Attacn' • 19, Fortran C Ioc-., ~ VELoock 7262 i Mr. 'V.J. Galloway x Special Assistant 6U, Albicn Gat.., -.2 PADding-:on 5^93 \ Mr. J. Burkc Knapp x Attaché Flat 37»- liait land C.: Lancaot jr* Gat j, .*. 2. .'J.îB:.c cador 1372 -'. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED 13, Belgrave Square, London, S.V7.1. .
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