>" <- J •-*^ * i!^--}6S\-:'- r^^*^^-i^!i!i''^>--V ^•v^''; ^•"^b^^ SEMSOM p r t ^ ii!:!; i;;ii!iii!iii!iBi;i!iffi!ililli!ii!ill|i||ili!i;iili!ilii^^ n\] z^[ Haste thee, nym^h, and bring with thee J est and youthful jolhty; Quj^s and Cranks, and wanton wiles. Nods and becks, and wreathed smiles. ^ QiT^aon J V. The editors of this Annual have xvorffed under peculiar circumstances, as the failure of the 1919 Year Bool( put a damper in the interest ta^en in it. On the other hand, though, me were able to use man\) of the engravings rvhich Were intended for that volume and this facilitated matters along that line. We have done our best, horvever, to portray 9-' the college as it was in the Jiear 19 1 20 and as}( ))ou to peruse our book, "o' i"''' the all-seeing e\)e of the critic, but with the never-failing good humor and read's laugh of the college fco\). tilllllillllllltlilllllllllllllllllllltltillltlllllllllllllllllllllB Ar Staff Editor-in-Chief North Carolina J. W. WlTHERSPOON, Editorial Department A. L. Wilson Florida T. W. Hawkins North Carolina Tennessee J. R. Walker C. M. McCaskill Georgia Art Department C. H. Long, Art Editor .... North Carolina R. L. Rogers South Carolina R. R. McIlwaine South Carolina South Carolina J. SpRUNT R. BlTZER Georgia Management H. B. Brown. Businas Manager . Arkansas C. M. McCaskill. Assistant Manager Georgia W. W. McCoRKLE, Assistant Manager Alabama C. R. Vance, Assistant Manager Tcnneisee Page eight ANNUAL STAFF Page nine i:ii;j7]]ji]u-/ii;i^ E. A. Beatty QUIP^^S The Spirit of Old Davidson On summer nights soft breezes blow The tall EWeet grasses to and fro O'er the green, and thru the halls Of time-worn Chamber's ivied walls Low phantom voices come to me With echoed laughter, melody Of those who from these doors have But they have passed and I alone Now stand between the pillared row Of Chamber's lofty portico. Can't you hear them talking, laughing, The friends long gone and friends just passing? Beneath the pillared portico. Behold them going to and fro. And in the moonlight's silver strands We see them, hear them, grasp their hands. For these are they who have made us. They formed the spirit of the campus; Tho* some are dead and some are far. Yet have they made us what we are. Old Chambers sleeps without a sound. He sleeps the summer time around. And in the mellow moonlight beams; The gho3ts we see arc but his dreams. Page c/eve Faculty William Joseph Martin, A.B., M.A., M.D.. Ph.D., LL.D.. President William Richard Grey, A.B., Ph.D., Vice-President Professor of Latin Language and Lileralure Caleb Richmond Harding, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Creel( Language and Literature John Leighton Douglas, A.B., M.A. Professor of Pure Mathematics James McDowell Douglas, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Ph\}sics Mark Edgar Sentelle, A.B., M.A., D.D. Professor of Philosophy and Biblical Instruction Joseph Moore McConnell, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of History and Economics John Wilson McConnell, A.B., M.A., M.D. Professor of Physical Training and College Physician Thomas Wilson Lingle, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Modern Languages Page llselve Howard Bell Arbuckle, A.B., M.A., Ph.D Chambers Professor of Chemistr\) Archibald Currie, A.B. Professor of Elementary Law, Education, anJ Public Speal(ing William Woodhull Wood, A.B., C.E. Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomxi Macon Reed, A.B. Associate Professor of Creek and Latin Charles Malone Richards., A.B., D.D. Lecturer in Church Hisior'g and Government Edwin Francis Shewmake, A.B., M.A. Professor of English Language and Literature Murray H.arding Hunt, B.S. Professor of Biology Oscar Julius Thies, Jr., B.S. Associate Professor of Chemistry Captain A. H. Mueller Professor of Military Science and Tactics Frank. Lee Jackson, B.S., C.P.A. Instructor of Accounting and Business Methods Page ihiileen ManLEY ArphEW Siske, A.B., M.A Beaufort, N. C. Bachelors' Club; Polity Club; Asst. Mgr. Davidsonian; Business Manager Davidsonian; Analyst Club; Secretary Polity Club. Oliver Philip Hart, A.B., M.A Mooresville, N. C. Sigma Upsilon; Phi; Asst. in Physics; Asst. in Bible; Editor-in-Chief Davidson College Magazine; Commencement Marshal; Commencement Orator; Essayist Medal. Louis Porter Good, A.B., M.A York, S. C. Bachelors' Club; Eu; Polity Club; Asst. Registrar; Class Track; Class Basketball; Analyst; Asst. in Chemistry; Asst. in Accounting; President Aesculapean Club 18; President Polity CU".; Aix-Marseille University '19. Frank Price Hall, B.S., M.A Belmont, N. C. Bachelors' Club. Page fourteen Page fifte QUIPP w^^^ CDANKtS --^^-s ?i V'" -• •''1 .1,1 I na ?3 23 FRANK LEE JACKSON, JR. '20's Mascol Page jixicen K Elwood Rantz Boney Kinston, N. C. A.B. II.; K i:; Ex-Phi. "A l^noTDn b^ the compan^f he l^eeps." "Booney" has only two failings that we know of.Df. He will talk about Kinston and he will hang out with "Willie," "Pot," "Pic;," and "Ikey." His four years in a large city like Davidson have somewhat overcome the former failing, and he has proved himself a good man by getting along O. K. in spite of the latter shortcoming. His quiet, unassuming friendliness and ready good nature have won him many friends. Aside from being a "shark" on "Bug" and getting over 85 on most everything else, he holds down the important post of "lance private" in the R. O. T. C. St Sup. Phi fty; Vi iil.-nt Edward Nelson Booker Clayton, N. C. A.B. II Phi, An ani Joclor aide-Je- camp of death: Booker's letters from home are postmarked Clayton, N. C, but it is rumored that the R. F. D. man carries them many miles before this stamp is placed upon them. He left his native city to begin his college career at Davidson, and after four years of steady plodding he has gained the far-famed position of Fresh Monitor. In the Phi Society he holds a place of no mean regard and has become a scintillating star in its ranks after years of steady practice and labor. He hopes some day to become a doctor, but whether M.D. or V.D. we will refrain from stating. R.p. •lull. Page eighteen 0!IOII01l01l0110IIOIiOnOIIOilOIIOIIQiiO!!0!!Ol!0 t ^ _ Samuel Robert Brady Davidson, N. C. B.S. "Sometimes I sel and ihin^, and sometimes I jes' set." Sam was born at Davidson. Sammy lives at Davidson. Samuel will die at Davidson. "Brady" for two long years had plodded his way across our campus day after day, but Sammy returned each night to his little trunnel bed at the Brady domicile on South Main Street until the S. A. T. C. changed his custom at the expense of much homesickness on the part of Private Brady. Sam has a "D" and a star and his football record is well established. We hope lo hear from Sam some day as successor to Mayor Sloan. Scrub Football 'ItJ. -17; Varsity Football 'IS, '19; Wearer of the D." Harry Bernal Brown Little Rock, Ark. B.S.; 3 A E; 2 T; Polity Club. "The lesser things he flings afar, his eyes upon some higher star." Though he hails from a far-away land. Buck has in every respect become one of U5. His college life has been, for himself, a pre-eminent success; for us it has been a source of worth-while pleasure to have come in contact with such a man. He has won for himself an enviable place here at Davidson, enjoying the full confidence of every man who knows him. Recognized as a man of high aspirations, he has been given a place of well deserved prominence. This, augmented by a friendly, unselfish interest in others, has made him one to whom the Class of 1920 may point with pride. As a manager, he is second only to Matthews. Manager Quips Page OKOIIOliOllOllOliOIIOIlOllOIIOllGllOllOnOllOUO Lawrence Gibson Calhoun Lauiinburg, N. C. A.B. 1.; Phi; 1 T. "An inlellccl of highest aorlh. A heart of purest gold." Can any oood thing come out of the eastern pari of the Slate? Yes, the land of dry sands and water- melons has contributed the above specimen to the Davidson museum. Lawrence can keep a level head except in the presence of "lire," can make a speech or the honor roll with equal ease, and can even get to chapel on time (sometimes). He used to think he would be a country preacher, but since being a marshal he wants a city flock so he can wear a "Jim swinger" every day. But whether his coat tails be long or short, L. G. has the stuff which makes for success. Carl Homer Cathey Davidson, N. C. B.s. "// Junces applaujej, he paid them in l(ind." "George" happens to be one of the two men of our class who has the distinction of having spent "Twenty Years at Davidson." However, we do not mean by this that it is the greatest distinction that he has. r"__i ;_ _ i-Li- 1 I . _r £^11 1 -^ .L . /"i__ r^K.L ^ _ 1 _ _i _ _ __ I Carl is a very sociable and congenial sort of fellow and on the Gl Club trips he scores a bii^ hit with his humor and "nigger" impersonation.
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