Heroic Spain

Heroic Spain

University of Central Florida STARS PRISM: Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements 1-1-1937 Heroic Spain Andre Pierre Marty Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/prism University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Book is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in PRISM: Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Marty, Andre Pierre, "Heroic Spain" (1937). PRISM: Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements. 657. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/prism/657 INTRODUCTION ' -!' 8 !t I Throughout the world, millions of w&m, dmd laboring pople, of foa of fsrdm4 *fdb*in4:* praut an entire people who prefer death to h&tv,J: To give a clear explwtioxt of EBe a- -' problems of Spain, we have brought togt* In ?&&* let the rant artliclea by a Fxen4 Coqy& whose life is ct&j bound up with 'ihe I& and of the Spanish people--Am& Maq. we~~thatalt~~hrorc~rri~~ momentous struggle of the people of Spain forma find in this pamphlet valuable informah and -L of the present events on the ImcFian plmk scethe~ousrolewmbeingplaydbythE~ nist Party in the unifi~~tioaof tlae ob &*. a@stthef;oteip~t~Thq~~fwm thi$E]Brnphletmwa~gaohenrlltoafdf&raggd* ment of intermtiad unity of a&m, wh$e2t d inrmre the rapid victory of the of &&I M tk foreign invaders and the dique of baitma wbo bave~ddb eredrponionoftheircaunqwcrtoWa~; . Tiam HEROIC SPAIN . , - -1 r By ANDRE MARW ,. , rr II I, -77 t -L.I R over a yeat. mw the mhl&t4mkm1.L in.de6enae I? waging a smggk 8H.wM: their -Cry, bar hd d1-i- peace.Fmrwerayearki~~~~~f%tUlthar invincible citadel of ami+bcha MmU&<E%fi; 4' the difficuIties with aqqtlim, .in &pit@&,ba&W iH&wj: the people of Madrid are fqhting -7 &tlk,-'smne courage Bs during the terrible days d Nawdm, IJ~. Throughout the whale of Spaih, ~rig~aU~~~:&the: poptllatiun, there ia aa uapadldd qiidt.&~~@~' and selfdfiec which ir keeping bethe barb~&-&Mh +. of hcim. 1) 11.. PI!. In the face of such hemiam (and1 ia ta&d to rompam with it, * hvc rise w dm the Paris Cmtmune and the* rga+l-rg 3p,#tuda)r Whrpi3.W outcome, that is to sa$, &~~~Mngdbtbe-whxgr dela7ed3 This prtwtim ken 41r&a#ab !the worM by millions of 7- d'w&bglpplk perally who rn fdtawing ~5tha&ety d dw-o struggle that is taking plsure in Sph They Wlp~ stand &at "the liberation d Spia h.&-)of the fascist reado- ie not dm pi- W bg'um., paaple, but the wmmm tam of-fiad~&d~ ~ipednd"-1.. b-1 . .r: .,i I-. t- ;-!: 5 Heroic Spain . ............ 5 8, a ,;,,## , 1 . r It hatIs the P-at Situation qn ' ' P? ::; . p.,:! . ~.~samaopsPursdr,. m. :?k~~.lpwmwmmt. hthedofAp&tbcrtwasn~bkim~e- 'mWhri onasawh01eThemonthd I. WMmL i mt opltp fniled to cut Madrid OE from Vbda, but re dtd3nomshinj~~tard~~y~&hir - MtPoopa Adarch hught the ttpubliam fom a peat victory at ~~ht~h~of:~war. ~~d,~~.~~bad4lUch maby , ~~ia~~.~r~~& iarl3t13,p mtd thmgbont th& Wkh world, that certain mmme&~~oalfdm;&about~ ~,tdtOdcnramd&at~~tkb@~~ tWem,theWt repubMmwsem&ni~e oL March, 4~ApilamLheQBPl*bb~,~hO&tbe ~zginesofAhaden,the~atPozob~& fa#,-gf~~~.I: >.~~mshiawtgattB&-~~ld~and +lm@ed the -(of a.- in the dmmilik . QW eSnhq&tb-r&-d &lpmgp d the initirtim into k?&rbda me . I "4 1'. - . ' ~~.lx&adupif mure m-& e&&: @,$bwtah~bdqted,to-mirAwqw ~r.pwilmkt, ~~sElgcaQbycbed~&~~t~jlL~ 6 and their idgatm, the Gexman and Itdh f&&. in. vadwa . J 1. The viesm'es at Gwwjam, m the Mawfmt dbdd on tk Southern front, are incontwably due 'is $bw' amon the S- of fRd grddt ~+bW.+bpWf They am due to the fomatIcm oE rn &my Mtl*'*' rn- lines of nummms umltmr&" rrnd &E ehq &tu thirratmpdneardarasofd=&xckscl%ea + *1'', The Gtdahjm viuory #aa e vCllg.Wt'm'&W allpoin~ofview,andwas~~,~diif&& mtd fronthad knmde!r &e&td *&!en:# d Miaja and his Gend Staft dnw &be Nod.Gwiddajara covld dy baclmdt"&b' eraI Miaja as the President of the Gmmitte'W the W fenaed~adrid,whichem~~~&~ antihcht organhtiom of the Madrid m ~~tedatlthef~pditid,~and~. The mtof the efktive &#na and thm of abe viaory on the Madrid htlies in the united a&$ .d&d' cmmnd, and the mwentmtion of afl ~b3Ph'c&&~~~ and modforces to help the wur. .-1+ . + . evcqtbg h not pfm on the ipentd'hmt;' that b undetstood. Enormous dbts he+t ka W faw d nchiwhg pogitive dtkimwh mt'Uw of ehe ~vedefense and hat& d'*'-l&' attack by the mtd -7. hd h~awnsiesil3blrdertoobrain' 'I fq. $& w $$d&pd@ws reprCbw -9, a mn- sidcrabk degree, already constitutes a united @titical bk. T$e rprpubk army iB rhekadPeople's IFnbgt: it is an ~y~bysr~m~~~tiaeea~of th war and the aima.to be orchieuad. It is aab a "nos- army, to uac the noteriow lying fmuhwhich se~vesmkeeparmiesinthewmicedfheiataestsdahe capitalist chis; on tbe am-, it is amarmy with*rrhigh ldQ£ .policial udemtmdk& dekitely aimed qpbt fm$sm It is am atmy which ham what it is @htiag for, the 9gd objecu it ex* DO mhkw. lNs,politieal dfmticm of the tunq is due healI to theen~~wlr~~ishrdbp4tce~~ ~urrderthe~b€~GenedAl~del Vaynaadhis~~ttee~~of~ta- ti~Of.rJ1~anatraQePmion.~tmr.*dtiadlcy~ho all t~les* fro- he- ~*t&~le"s ansy;itistnywho~~*m~daynd*faadst re~w~andc,~~~becomeatone w*=eti4ptewm~lolndb$tht-It htheysubahavem&&d~-&hand@mnrhcirbloQd t~.~~~hbddllPd&dkipbdm5litga Uaita.jW pg-, wdoni% ,battdhm, brigah iSi~* It, is @$y *,.&m. up di&pwhy ap3aipiRg iF-w*:-q@m*haims-mdaJalmm Qf @e is,% af tbr: mle; it,&*,* lvwb~.~~lo their P!q'4>kw t8erprmw.- 4 batde and arsaw mgkinet ~~*t~,~'day.dp P@F Jbe3oyad4m4,mt..lr:-rl,. 4 nepp- d. @@ah,- - .or& P~QI~F~*a tae raFr;ZW* axtd ind&pu&ley. ~~~by-~.d 8., theforma~d,~~. ' '.s*k.-&* militia d* the.ma&a.d.A~.*~bd bcr. The wtm'-.d &id'- - - and militia +*t WW&L~ ddhg 'fh&.#hd$ & of the summer of ~gginto.* 1- kt&:- of a viewbus myI d&&%hMdc:d Cm- -jara@&eSou&emEssnt. ' T,; ,, 1 .-..~L,=U- 3. The ~ntk,of Mgk. .4$&. ~iiW,Psr&!'d turn in the dacl~$tumj&j m tw$tMZ .$> enment and pwrda<am.tka&#&t.&&# peqk still U* -the. bloody &t~od#&f>i&$Wi% This @icy originated in pwdd~ia&e gct@~qm~&,#& livered by AI- drt 'V- J~.9 W#F &d M&! ism of Fmi~AtFaim. cntitlcd: 'To,tb.Spmhh i& fk Rebel Zone" (VdeRda. April TW-,&K&W&@ that seaion of the s* me~.~~~~ che heel a€ Franco md the..- and X- hi- has ahdybroaghefor& hits. , , . # la #it* Mmd~ad Apil ww ,che spectade QII 936 rb#.mEm rn tbe 61~tthe d qw @ .'- %*+Wbki- desetti* fdy armleQ &OE<~.-dl*&IdB h hose of tbe rep- g~xby. ., .!, : i, * 1,*ra,- I 41:,.;~~ If the ffim a@ ~~)srt&u,l~:~& tairsaodWer~rngjilh9s~~~ hind t4e mMIieu&tWlae -Ug+nhd&b iaterveati-d eqhwi&g:w ,h,@pd&b~ has Wygiven to the paople, then a a-m, movement will develop. 4. The hlopnunt of &t&utio&i. uql@i$,hfhn wm of t-dous m~wtta the eofile of SPQin and iamam4.W f&r~lbd&yybn thefa~eaftbeopea,~entrp.d~trag~~~ stata into the war against the Spnhh popla imbb.mt of the "unique kiad of ncmmliv -,h.h b 9 *-,*I- *-,*I- &st:d *dm ~~v~~~~~& £&dm byrhiamlpmMdat, by ttit pa^ ~'88ILU~triasrmd~&bg.~~p~and mdrhe:hkt U-1. ,' . I 1~9Fhs~rsd%mgH~bsi%"wbw greet- tlrt ~,nhawhemybe.inthWst~vWpL &*republieaaeone,*lyand~y~~ gmabthe~dtBeworkingpeopledS~fatthe ~-~'Unim,how mch'thep appdw rhc tremtn- ~palrWd~~it~givcn~aIld~ ~~of~ltnd ~af~~wlmhave~~~~triesto ~~bp~*a&lat~na&~~'W~ *~'~~mm~~~'Qbw intkntarid aid Wai~~~~i#~~~~~~~msltaid- -m -m one of the most imptmak d~&tida iot +iaory. l~.B3awr'btr#l, &Imbthaijpw~at* kthat mdthleadm'ofitbM+Wd, * pEay a &dsiwe~hh .)*t. ! ' *, It 7,I 1%. ' ,L. , , , , . i ,,, ; , .,, ,, 1, I , ,,I ,I .'t.4: #*>I$ t~ !-{)I 4 @ W Mkis&irPW&d tl'd '$it-e a? dl. Finally, in P@+*led vp -.w + 'ons.~iswhatledtotheh (ga.aahndinA~September~dOnohin &.valley diW Tww In his spSm in Albamte on ~sb& 14 Cithm YWwtBWo, mident, QE:#e, Mbzrof -tie$ de- w W~bqb!icm~bt~-&i~~wb=b mrm?%#CI ingo &k;,*mF w tfBF misf.*.Gm F&enEB,&p!Mw in q**. .Iaspdoe 4W w.mcw&iw~,dG+~Mw@ w:5n the -*,ad M~,%:*i*,m+#;*>MI mi~.o *f.?r*~hs?~~wm!~firkrel~~~ UPd W#W4 .cwQ&::.io,wva.,wm qpq?. $im, .an e9- hP-t Pt* , ! . - I 3 I;: codithk-h'tom& Colnmadd~those~b~anp~~h~ hemsforthefaBdStenFmiaofrhe~k,andprho~ itbybeingi~of~thgth~ddeSeadng them.Inspiteofabiip~dofthe~ in prindple of this €act,'= pwgiq af the wm undertaken, bccallse certain 1 in- crepe. polt above the in- of tha People's FrcraPnhe &e in- d~vi#ryoverfawh . .. Who an deny &at an -rial dtim lor spdy victory is the security of the rear, the jcarirlgaut ad 48 uf dl suspicious elements, pmvoamm and ,sph? Ha dy wasthismwumnot~butno~,~8#~pla, did~hl,memberoftheMadridDefenrc~~ arrest a gang of spiecr and pmwcnteaur, rtnd the pmmm OE ~~iapmto u~lde a a wdri~s the f& Wngthe rcgim, hen cbb hmhbt amd Trotskpist p~ htm&d>aB~OB~ viob latn* qahnt these two men becaw ~~aeh~~~tb The Mlnirwr of the Interim mlmat&t h &\way that could not be &Ulod- tlw Vtdlmt +Be& of*- organ- hatiom (mt$kyiSq~~&~ group).

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