Corlacky Hill Wind Farm Environmental Statement 7.6 A major contributor to the ecology baseline is Seán Meehan, a graduate member of the 7. Terrestrial Fauna CIEEM (GradCIEEM). Seán has an MSc in Biological Recording from the University of Birmingham and has worked as a Consultant Ecologist across Ireland for over four years. He Introduction is experienced in carrying out Phase 1 and 2 habitat surveys, National Vegetation Classification (NVC) and Fossitt habitat surveys, mammal (including bat), reptile and 7.1 Blackstaff Ecology Ltd was commissioned by RES to undertake a (non-avian) Ecological amphibian surveys. He coordinated the Irish Wildlife Trusts smooth newt survey of Ireland in Impact Assessment (EcIA) for the Proposed Wind Farm Development. The ecological surveys 2013 and has managed many projects and events for the Trust, including the National used to describe the baseline conditions on Site and to inform the EcIA were undertaken Common Lizard Survey in 2007. In 2014, Seán was appointed a director of the Trust. His during the 2014/15 survey seasons. experience also includes surveying and mapping of rare and endangered plant species in 7.2 The Proposed Wind Farm Development will involve construction of 11 wind turbines (overall Ireland and working on the EU funded LUCAS land cover scheme as an environmental height 149.9 m) and associated ancillary works. Full details can be found in Chapter 2: The surveyor in 2009. Seán is also an active member of the BSBI (Botanical Society of the British Proposed Project. Isles) and is especially interested in the recording of rare and threatened flora in both Ireland and Britain. 7.3 The chapter is supported by: • Appendix 7.1 – Bat Analysis Results; 7.7 Jenifer Andreu is an ecologist with Blackstaff Ecology Ltd who worked on both the badger • Appendix 7.2 – Fauna Surveys Report. and bat surveys for the proposed Corlacky Hill Wind Farm. Jenifer has an MSc in Environmental Science and is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Figures 7.1 – 7.11 are referenced in the text where relevant. Environmental Management (ACIEEM). She has provided ecological advice to clients from the private sector for a range of projects across the UK , Jordan, Spain and Bulgaria. Statement of Authority This has included bat surveys for several wind farms in Spain and Bulgaria as well as a 7.4 The author of this chapter is Cormac Loughran, a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv), and a number of strategic road schemes and high speed railways in the UK. Jenifer also has full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM). extensive experience in carrying out bird, bat and badger surveys (bat detectors, emergence Cormac has worked professionally as a Consultant Ecologist for over 11 years. He holds an and transect survey, vantage point, nest inspection and bait marking). MSc (Distinction) in Environmental Management from the University of Ulster, and has extensive experience in a broad range of flora & fauna surveys. He has undertaken and/or Legislation & Planning Policy coordinated a wide range of ecological surveys including bat surveys for over 20 renewable 7.8 The following legislation and planning policy is considered to be of relevance to the energy projects. Cormac is also an experienced field naturalist and prior to his consultancy Proposed Wind Farm Development. work, he worked as a warden/ranger for The National Trust on a number of important nature reserves between 1995 and 2004. These included Murlough National Nature Reserve International Treaties, Conventions & Directives (NNR) in County Down, where among other responsibilities Cormac had to undertake the Bonn Convention of the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (June 1979) annual larval webs surveys for Marsh Fritillary Butterfly. He also has habitat management experience across a broad range of habitats in including broadleaved woodland, wetland, 7.9 The Convention requires the protection of the endangered migratory species listed and dune grassland, wet & dry heathland and blanket bog. encourages separate international agreements covering particular species. An agreement covering the conservation of bats in Europe came into force in January 1994. It deals with 7.5 Cormac has also previously held a Natural England Disturbance Licence (20121610) for Bats the need to protect bats and their feeding and roosting areas. (all species, in all counties of England). Cormac has attended numerous courses and conferences, specifically relating to bats. These have included the Natural England approved Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats 'Bat Licence Training Course' run by Wildwood Ecology (Cardiff). Cormac has also attended (September 1979) the BCT (Bat Conservation Trust) approved course 'Bats and Trees', and has attended the last 7.10 The Convention carries obligations to conserve wild plants, birds and other animals, with three BCI (Bat Conservation Ireland) biannual conferences (2010 Kilkenny, 2012 Sligo & Cork particular emphasis on endangered and vulnerable species and their habitats. The 2014). He also attended the Nathusius' Pipistrelle Workshop in Enniskillen (2009). provisions of the Convention underlie the EC Habitats Directive as well as the UK’s wildlife legislation. Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 7: Terrestrial Fauna Chapter 7 – Page 1 Corlacky Hill Wind Farm Environmental Statement UN Biodiversity Convention (The Rio Convention) (June 1992) Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (as amended) 7.11 The Convention provides a framework for international action to protect species and 7.16 The Order provides for the establishment of National Nature Reserves (NNRs), Nature habitats. The UK’s overall goal under the Convention is to conserve and enhance biological Reserves (NRs) and Marine Nature Reserves (MNRs). It also provides for the designation and diversity within the UK and to contribute to the conservation of global biodiversity through formulation of proposals for National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty all appropriate mechanisms. (AONBs). Convention on Biological Diversity (93/626/EEC) (CBD) The Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (as amended) 7.12 The Convention requires contracting parties, in accordance with its particular conditions 7.17 The Order prohibits the intentional killing, taking or injuring of certain wild birds or wild and capabilities, to develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation animals; or the intentional destruction, uprooting or picking of certain wild plants. It also and sustainable use of biological diversity or adapt for this purpose existing strategies, plans allows for the establishment of Wildlife Refuges (akin to Nature Reserves) for the special or programmes. It also requires contracting parties to integrate, as far as possible and as protection of certain species of rare plants or animals. appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant The Environmental Liability (Prevention and Remediation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) sectorial and cross sectorial plans, programmes and policies. 2009 EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats of Wild Fauna and Flora 7.18 The Regulations implement Directive 2004/35/EC and require those carrying out certain (92/43/EEC) (The Habitats Directive) activities to prevent, limit and remediate significant environmental damage to protected 7.13 The overall objective of the Directive is to contribute towards ensuring the maintenance of species, natural habitats, ASSIs, surface water, ground water and land. Operators of biodiversity through the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. activities such as discharges to water sources and water impounding are liable for any Measures taken to achieve this shall be designed to maintain or restore, at favourable significant environmental damage, regardless of whether or not they intended to cause the conservation status, biodiversity whilst taking account of economic, social, cultural damage or were negligent. requirements and regional and local characteristics. It gives effect to site and species Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 protection measures through establishment of the Natura 2000 network, including the designation of SACs and SPAs. It also established a list of species (other than birds) whose 7.19 The Act makes provision about biodiversity; amends the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order habitats must be protected to secure their survival. These priority species and natural 1985 and Part 4 of the Environment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002; abolishes game licences habitats are subject to a higher level of protection. The Directive also requires appropriate and game dealers' licences; prohibits hare coursing events and amends the Game assessment of any plan or project not directly connected with or necessary to the Preservation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928. management of a Natura 2000 site, but likely to have significant effects upon a Natura 2000 Northern Ireland Planning Policy site, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects. Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035: Building a Better Future Domestic Legislation 7.20 The Strategy takes account of European and national policies which would have an influence Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (as amended) on the future development
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