EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS Pending Cases,1 New Cases, and Total Completions 1,400,000 Pending Cases 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 This Initial Receipts 600,000 version 400,000 was 200,000 archived Total Completions 0 on 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 201608/05/2021. 2017 2018 2019 2020 Pending Cases at FY Initial Receipts2 Total Completions3 End of Fiscal Year 2008 186,101 225,871 228,831 2009 223,779 255,035 231,608 2010 262,758 247,187 222,277 2011 298,228 238,157 219,132 2012 327,638 212,935 186,080 2013 356,292 196,623 155,961 2014 430,152 230,178 141,689 2015 460,093 192,997 143,652 2016 521,517 228,448 143,489 2017 656,095 295,245 163,078 2018 796,513 316,106 195,123 2019 1,087,201 546,248 276,970 2020 1,258,882 368,746 231,659 2021 (Second 1,293,896 66,158 43,652 Quarter) Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 Pending cases equals removal, deportation, exclusion, asylum-only, and withholding only. 2 Initial receipts equals removal, deportation, exclusions, asylum-only, and withholding only. 3 Total completions equals initial case completions plus subsequent case completions. EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS New Cases and Total Completions 600,000 Initial Receipts 500,000 400,000 300,000This 200,000 version Total Completions 100,000 was archived 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 on Average Average Fiscal Year Initial Receipts1 Initial Receipts Total Completions08/05/2021.2 Total Completions per Month per Month 2008 225,871 18,823 228,831 19,069 2009 255,035 21,253 231,608 19,301 2010 247,187 20,599 222,277 18,523 2011 238,157 19,846 219,132 18,261 2012 212,935 17,745 186,080 15,507 2013 196,623 16,385 155,961 12,997 2014 230,178 19,182 141,689 11,807 2015 192,997 16,083 143,652 11,971 2016 228,448 19,037 143,489 11,957 2017 295,245 24,604 163,078 13,590 2018 316,106 26,342 195,123 16,260 2019 546,248 45,521 276,970 23,081 2020 368,746 30,729 231,659 19,305 2021 (Second 66,158 11,026 43,652 7,275 Quarter) Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 Initial receipts equals removal, deportation, exclusions, asylum-only, and withholding only cases. 2 Total completions equals initial case completions plus subsequent case completions. EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS New Cases and Total Completions - Historical Average Average Fiscal Year Initial Receipts1 Initial Receipts Total Completions2 Total Completions per Month per Month 1983 5,757 480 902 75 1984 11,532 961 2,122 177 1985 24,441 2,037 9,466 789 1986 37,929 3,161 27,230 2,269 1987 39,868 3,322 37,865 3,155 1988 67,212 5,601 60,106 5,009 1989 112,282 9,357 72,940 6,078 1990 103,429 8,619 81,678 6,807 1991 93,773 7,814 101,785 8,482 This1992 88,997 7,416 87,249 7,271 1993 106,590 8,883 89,381 7,448 1994 version125,711 10,476 106,508 8,876 1995 159,300 13,275 140,116 11,676 1996 197,450 16,454 184,512 15,376 1997 211,885 17,657 194,314 16,193 1998 184,076was 15,340 189,450 15,788 1999 162,493 13,541 172,062 14,339 2000 159,865archived 13,322 164,064 13,672 2001 176,111 14,676 159,466 13,289 2002 178,529 14,877 170,111 14,176 2003 193,000 16,083 197,696 16,475 2004 199,486 16,624on 209,053 17,421 2005 271,631 22,636 264,53108/05/2021. 22,044 2006 246,489 20,541 273,224 22,769 2007 213,379 17,782 222,177 18,515 2008 225,871 18,823 228,831 19,069 2009 255,035 21,253 231,608 19,301 2010 247,187 20,599 222,277 18,523 2011 238,157 19,846 219,132 18,261 2012 212,935 17,745 186,080 15,507 2013 196,623 16,385 155,961 12,997 2014 230,178 19,182 141,689 11,807 2015 192,997 16,083 143,652 11,971 2016 228,448 19,037 143,489 11,957 2017 295,245 24,604 163,078 13,590 2018 316,106 26,342 195,123 16,260 2019 546,248 45,521 276,970 23,081 2020 368,746 30,729 231,659 19,305 2021 (Second Quarter) 66,158 11,026 43,652 7,275 Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 Initial receipts equals removal, deportation, exclusions, asylum-only, and withholding only cases. 2 Total completions equals initial case completions plus subsequent case completions. EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS New Cases and Total Completions - Historical 600,000 Initial Receipts 500,000 This version 400,000 was 300,000 archived 200,000 on 08/05/2021. Total Completions 100,000 0 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 Initial receipts equals removal, deportation, exclusions, asylum-only, and withholding only cases. 2 Total completions equals initial case completions plus subsequent case completions. EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS Initial Receipts with Specific Charges1 600,000 500,000 Initial Receipts 400,000 300,000 Receipts with Specified Charges This Leads and Riders 200,000 version 100,000 Riders was Leads with Riders 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013archived 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Initial Receipts Percentage of Initial Leads with Leads and Fiscal Year with Specific Riders3 Leads and Receipts2 Riders3 on Riders3 Charges Riders3 2008 225,232 163,062 3,245 4,46108/05/2021. 7,706 5% 2009 254,389 180,687 3,302 7,221 10,523 6% 2010 246,305 174,689 3,162 4,748 7,910 5% 2011 236,871 175,012 3,142 4,257 7,399 4% 2012 211,489 160,576 3,595 4,718 8,313 5% 2013 193,904 152,116 4,622 6,186 10,808 7% 2014 226,748 190,451 16,842 23,689 40,531 21% 2015 189,676 157,018 22,185 31,899 54,084 34% 2016 224,955 198,247 32,836 46,596 79,432 40% 2017 291,453 258,063 47,065 64,749 111,814 43% 2018 312,098 254,662 44,718 59,088 103,806 41% 2019 541,695 475,882 114,526 151,667 266,193 56% 2020 366,475 310,931 74,390 104,920 179,310 58% 2021 (Second 65,383 50,299 7,890 11,249 19,139 38% Quarter) Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 INA §212(a)(6) and/or §212(a)(7). 2 Initial Receipts equals removal, deportation, and exclusion cases. 3 Numbers are out of initial receipts with the specified charges. EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS Administratively Closed Cases 400,000 Inactive Pending Cases 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 This 150,000 version 100,000 50,000 was 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013archived 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 on 1 FY Inactive Pending 08/05/2021.Cases 2008 171,835 2009 173,517 2010 177,133 2011 178,268 2012 192,208 2013 219,705 2014 248,230 2015 284,257 2016 324,766 2017 339,455 2018 331,075 2019 320,145 2020 310,505 2021 (Second Quarter) 305,698 For inactive pending cases, the average length of time a case has been administratively closed is 6,070 days (approximately 16 years) and the median length of time is 4,429 days (approximately 12 years). Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 Inactive pending cases are those cases not currently on the active docket following an immigration judge’s order of administrative closure. The number of inactive pending cases includes both immigration court and Board of Immigration Appeals cases. EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW ADJUDICATION STATISTICS Inactive But Pending Cases by FY of Administrative Closure Administrative Fiscal Year Initial Receipts2 Total Completions3 Closures1 1983 3 5,757 902 1984 82 11,532 2,122 1985 943 24,441 9,466 1986 3,866 37,929 27,230 1987 11,634 39,868 37,865 1988 12,534 67,212 60,106 1989 15,900 112,282 72,940 1990 13,487 103,429 81,678 1991 7,905 93,773 101,785 1992 5,004 88,997 87,249 1993 4,742 106,590 89,381 This 1994 3,936 125,711 106,508 1995 3,476 159,300 140,116 version1996 5,571 197,450 184,512 1997 5,409 211,885 194,314 1998 6,034 184,076 189,450 1999 6,707 162,493 172,062 2000 was3,230 159,865 164,064 2001 3,410 176,111 159,466 2002 3,930archived178,529 170,111 2003 2,889 193,000 197,696 2004 2,669 199,486 209,053 2005 2,125 271,631 264,531 2006 2,557 246,489on 273,224 2007 3,257 213,379 222,177 2008 3,396 225,871 08/05/2021.228,831 2009 2,757 255,035 231,608 2010 4,377 247,187 222,277 2011 2,543 238,157 219,132 2012 10,243 212,935 186,080 2013 19,862 196,623 155,961 2014 21,350 230,178 141,689 2015 28,072 192,997 143,652 2016 35,718 228,448 143,489 2017 18,454 295,245 163,078 2018 5,611 316,106 195,123 2019 412 546,248 276,970 2020 1,682 368,746 231,659 2021 578 66,158 43,652 (Second Quarter) Data Generated: April 19, 2021 1 Of the Inactive Pending cases at the end of Fiscal Year 2020, cases by Fiscal Year of Administrative Closure.
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