Journal of American Science 2010;6(9) MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL STUDIES OF Artemisia vulgaris L. (ASTERACEAE) I. Morphological characteristics K.F.El-Sahhar, Rania M. Nassar and Hend M. Farag Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. [email protected] Abstract: Mugwort has a long history of use in herbal medicine especially in matters connected to the digestive system. However, it is ill-defined especially under local conditions. This is the first part in a two-part study concerning with the botanical attributes of mugwort. In this paper a detailed morphological study of the plant is carried out. Herbaceous stem cuttings of Artemisia vulgaris L. were procured from the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University where the field work was carried out. Plant identification and authentication procedures were carried out at CAIM. Cultivation was carried out on October 20 th. , 2006. Plants were followed up through 2006/2007 and 2008/2009 seasons. Eight plants, two of each of the four replicates (replicate 3×4 m, 5 ridges 60 cm apart and plants 50 cm distance in between) were fixed to follow up the vegetative growth at monthly intervals. In addition, 40 fixed plants, 10 per replicate were followed up at seven-day intervals for reproductive growth. Mugwort is a perennial herb locally reproduced by rhizomes which give the transplants (10-15 cm long). Rhizomes develop adventitious roots at the nodes to fix the plant in soil. Some 75% of rhizome buds produce shoots. The main stem is mainly responsible of the plant height. The maximum plant height was 105.8 cm (September 2007) in the first season and 121.8 cm. (November 2008) in the second season; reddish-purple in color and the upper ⅓ of stem is typically branched. At the end of the growing season, number of branches reached a maximum of 17.1 and 19.0 in the two growing seasons. Number of internodes of the main stem reached 57.6 and 81.3 in the two seasons. Both of main stem length and its internode number increased parallel to each other. Fresh and dry weights of both of the leafless shoot and leaves were followed up at the consecutive ages of the two growing seasons. Flowering stage continued from September to December in the two seasons. The maximum inflorescences production and start of seed formation occurred at mid November. Flower heads formed in spike-like clusters at the terminal ¼ to ⅓ of the main stem and lateral branches. Number of inflorescences was about 10-20 per branch. Each inflorescence developed 15-30 only tubular flowers on the central part of the receptacle. Ray flowers are absent. Flowering behavior was followed up by recording the cumulative number of inflorescences developing flower buds, inflorescences in blooming and the total number of developed inflorescences at seven day intervals. Mugwort plant developed a maximum number of 307 inflorescences per plant. Mugwort fruit is a cylindrical achene encloses the seed without a pappus. Seed is ridged, brown, oblong (1-2 mm long) with a narrow base and have minute bristles at the apex.[Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):806-814].(ISSN: 1545-1003). Keywords: Artemisia vulgaris ; Mugwort; herbal medicine; Morphological characteristics . 1. Introduction abbreviated APG III, 2010, have suggested that Much has been published, not only on Asteraceae are better treated as part of a more widely systematics (at various levels), but on biology, defined Asterales within the asterids II informal clade chemistry and economic and medical uses of (or campanulid clade suggested by Judd and Asteraceae worldwide, particularly in proceedings Olmstead, 2004). (from conferences and symposia) such as that edited The genus Artemisia (388 species; Boulos, by Heywood et al. (1977). 2002) is one of the largest and most widely The Asteraceae consist of more than 1100 distributed of the several genera in the tribe genera and perhaps as many as 20000 species, being Anthemideae of Asteraceae. the second largest family in the flowering plants. The Barney et al. (2002) stated that Artemisia only other family of comparable size is the vulgaris L. exhibited extreme morphological and Orchidaceae with some estimates run as high as physiological variability in different ecological 30000 species (Cronquist, 1981). regions; including: (1) branching habit (branched or On recent molecular phylogenetic data, the non-branched), (2) degree of branching, (3) leaf Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (Anon., 2010) morphology within an individual and within a http://www.americanscience.org 806 [email protected] Journal of American Science 2010;6(9) population and (4) diameter of rhizomes (hair-like to importance as a medicinal plant. Such knowledge 1 cm). may fulfill information acquisition in this concern Mugwort is distributed worldwide. It is and would be useful to specialists in various fields of mostly native to temperate North America, Europe, biology of this plant. some in South America and North Africa to Siberia. It is a very common plant growing on nitrogenous 2. Material and Methods soils, like weedy and uncultivated areas, such as 2.1. Plant material waste places and roadsides. Mugwort is thought to This study dealt with the morphology of have originated in Europe (Holm et al ., 1997). Mugwort ( Artemisia vulgaris L.). Herbaceous stem Täckholm (1974) listed Artemisia as one of cuttings of the plant were obtained from an the genera found in the flora of Egypt. She described established stand in the Eperimental Station of Artemisia as fragrant shrubby plants with finely Medicinal Plants, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo dissected leaves. Heads discoid, very small, sessile or University, Giza, Egypt, where mature plants short-peduncled in rich panicles. Pappus absent. Four assigned for propagation in the stand were cut near species belong to Artemisia were recorded; namely, the soil surface in late summer and left 4 weeks to A. scoparia Waldst. & Kit. A. monosperma Del., A. renew their growth. Sections of tender new growth at judaica L. and A. inculta Del. the top end of the stem, some 25 cm in length were Boulos (2002) listed Artemisia in the flora cut. The basal leaves of the foliage were stripped off of Egypt. He recorded three species belong to this for a length of 5 cm to encourage rooting. The genus; namely, A. judaica L., A. scoparia Waldst. & cuttings were transplanted individually into a shallow Kit. and A. monosperma Del. However, two more plastic container of damp sandy soil. Cuttings species new to the flora of Egypt were added to this developed roots in 1-2 weeks. At this stage, cuttings genus as imperfectly known species; namely, A. were transferred from the propagation field to be vulgaris L. and A. verlotiorum Lamotte. planted in the experimental location. He defined A. vulgaris as an aromatic perennial 0.4 - 1.5 m; stems erect, branched, sulcate, 2.2. Field work procedure pilose; leaves 2.5 - 10 × 4 - 5 cm. the cauline 1- pinnatisect; lobes entire, densely white-felted The field trial was conducted in Section 4 of the previously mentioned Experimental Station. Date beneath, green above, entire, the lowermost pair of cultivation was October 20 th, 2006. The field work amplexicaul; uppermost leaves smaller than the continued to January 2009. Due to withering in cauline, near-lanceolate, acute, with 2 small basal winter and defoliation associated with aging clasping lobes; inflorescence a lax panicle; peduncle 0 – 8 mm, ebracteate; capitula 3 – 4 mm diam.; throughout the period from October 2007 to January phyllaries 2 – seriate, 3 – 4 mm, the outer about 3×1 2008, plants were cut near the soil surface early in the second season (February 14 th, 2008) to renew their mm. narrowly ovate, obtuse, scarious-margined, the growth for further studies. inner about 4×1 mm, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, The experimental layout was a randomized tomentose; marginal florets female, filiform; the complete block design at the rate of 4 replicates. Plot inner florets bisexual, fertile; corolla reddish; achenes not seen. dimensions were 3×4 m with 5 ridges 60 cm apart. Mugwort is used in form of infusion, Herbaceous stem cuttings were inserted at 50 cm distance between each other. Irrigation was carried powder, fluid extract, essence, distilled water (Chiej, out immediately after cultivation to encourage root 1984). It has a long history of use in herbal medicine development. All field practices were then performed especially in matters connected to the digestive system, menstrual complaints and the treatment of as recommended for studied plant in the vicinity. worms. 2.3. Plant identification In spite of the importance of mugwort, it is Mature plant specimens were collected from ill-defined; especially under local conditions. Thus, the experimental site and subjected to identification any new information dealing with the phytography of at the Herbarium, Flora & Phyto-Taxonomy this plant either from morphological or anatomical Researches, Horticulture Research Institute, standpoints is to be welcomed. This is the first part in Agricultural Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt a two-part study concerning with the botanical (CAIM). Authentication of specimens was carried out attributes of Artemisia vulgaris L. growing under using botanical keys before being compared with local conditions. In this paper a detailed study reference herbarium specimens of CAIM collection (Phytography) dealing with its morphological which confirmed that the investigated plant species is characters is carried out to get a better insight on the Artemisia vulgaris L. external features of this plant and highlighted its http://www.americanscience.org 807 [email protected] Journal of American Science 2010;6(9) Herbarium specimens of studied plant some 75% of rhizome buds produced shoots. deposited in CAIM and Dept. of Agric. Botany, Fac. Mugwort is a tall herbaceous perennial plant growing of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
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