Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection DEVOTED TO TBS INTERESTS OF THE SOLDIER, ROCHESTER CITY "I WAS SICK, AND VE VISITED ME. VOL. lv ROCHESTER, N. T. AUGUST 15, No. 1. THE HOSPITAL REVIEW, Is issued on the Fifteenth of every Month, by TEE PUBLISHING COMMITTEE.: Mrs. GBO. H, ICtJMFOBD, I Mrs. WM. H. PEBKIHS, " MALTBY 8TE0NG, | « Dr. MATHEWS. To the Friends cfc Iflie Roaster TEBMB-Hftr OenU a Year, Payable in Atone. City Hospn^r-^ Letters or Communications for publication, to be be addressed to " The Hospital Review," Box 381. The Ladies associated with the Hospital Subscriptions for The Review, and all totters have long felt the need of soine means of containing money, to be sent to the Treasurer, Mrs. WE H. Perkins.. direct communication with oar friends and clonors—Borne way of thanking* them for WILLIAM S. FAILS, 100| AND 101 PMMTEB. their repeated and generous donations, and List of Officers of the City Hospital. of acknowledging tie receipt of them— BOARD OF TRUSTEES. some way of making known to them our G. BL Mumford, L. A. Ward, wants and aims—of acquainting them with E. M. Smith, Aaron Ericksop, H. R if <ratgomery, William Pitfcin, what we are doing for the sick and the suf- J. B. SHwood, . William Brewiter, fering, and with what we hope to do. As J. H. Thompson, F. Starr, E. M.'Moore, A. Champion, our work- progresses, and friends multiply, A. Kehey, I. Hills, we find it impossible to do all this satis- R,. Keeler, John Wffliajna, 8. D. Porter, James Brackeft, factorily, by mere individual correspond- E. P. &aith, T>. R- Barton, ence,, or through our Secretary—the tax Jacob Gould, J. Thompson, Jr. B. R. McAlpine, Samuel Wilder. and constantly increasing labors would be • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. too immense. Neither can we accomplish G. H. Muntfwd, E, JL Smith, all that we desire, as we have attempted to H. F. Montgomery. do, through the medium of the daily press. Dr. H. W. Deaa, Physician; The space allowed us is too limited—the Dr. H. F. Montgomery, Surgeon. expense of publishing the lists of dona- LADT MANAGERS. tions too great, and we cannot feel at lib- Mrs. Oeo, H. Mumford, M. Strong, erty, through its columns, to speak person- J.OraigJOraig, *- ally, and directly as we would like to do to Win. H. Perkin*, Troag. M. Rochester, Spc'y, our friend^ This, }hen, dear friends of the " M. If. Mathews, Cor. Seti. Hospital, is our apology, if one is needed* ^ Jkm*< Mre.. N. T. Bo A.Bronson, " F.Starr,. for coming before you at this time in this ItLUh Sb new form; and these are some of the re,a^ MM. W. W. Carr, " C. F. Smith, Mrs. L. A. Ward. sons which have induced us to Organize a Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection The Hospital Review. paper devoted exclusively to the intterefts wants and our aims; and we of our Soldiers and Hospital We cannot only to be sent forth on its errand, see you all as we would like, and speak to lowed to deliver its message, to accor you^Jsce to face—but we have felt that the maffP for us. It will be the endeavor of next best thing would be, to speak to- you, those conducting The Review, to render its- ^ieatt,tVheart, as we only may through, a nages acceptable to our readers, and an (little paper of our own, So, will you not, agreeeble fireside companion. For this then, welcome our Messenger! It comes purpose, some of our best literary talent to you a straager-njind an unexpected, un- has been secured for its columns; and ori- invited visitor it may be tasmany of you— ginal articles, In prose and verse—choice but it comes to you from thi soldier—from selections—clippings from our Hospital cor- the wards—from the couches, where all respondence, and other entertaining matter these long bright summer hours, the wound- will be given, as space and opportunity al- ed, the suffering, the weam and the sor- low. Contributions to our columns, and rowful, of our brave armiesrare gathered; any communications of interest to our and will you not listen to its appeals—will cause are respectfully solicited. • you-not take it home to your firesides and Once more we bespeak a welcome for ^,0 your hearts ? our little sheet. It comes to you on a holy <>«rft£OieHospital Rejjjfw," the name of this mission-will you not receive it, and will visitorT^ifr introducing itself, rather uncer- you not bid it God-speed! imonipusly youmay think, to your notice, and soliciting your favor, will be issued the ( Our First Number. fifteenth of every month, and will contain, This, our first number of "The Hos- besides miscellany and communications, a pital Review," will be sentr as far as possi- faithful review, as its name intimates, of ble, to all the donors to our Hospital, which the labors 6f the Hospital from month to will include many who have not as yet month—a complete list of the donations given their names as subscribers. We trust,, received, and an account of all the inci- however, that they will take our hint kind- dents of interest or importance connected ly, and enter cordially into our enterprise, with our object. Those who have contri- sending us not only their individual sub- buted so generously, as many of our friends scriptions but will lend us their aid in induc- have done, to the building and furnishing ing their friends and acquaintances to do the of our Hospital, and in supplying its wants same. Our terms are exceedingly low, con- since its opening, cannot fail, we think, to sidering the present prices of paper and take pleasure in'hearing from time to time printing—only fifty cents a year, payable in of its welfare, and to such we need not be- advance, and we believe the friends of the speak for it a welcome. But we have other soldiers cannot expend a half dollar in their aims in publishing our sheet. "We hope that cause to better advantage than in the sup- throiigh its influence a wider interest may port of our little sheet. be excited for our Hospital, and that it may Our Wants. not only be read with gratification by our Where so much is always needed, as in a old friends, but that it may be the means, large Institution like ours, and where noth- as we feel it must be, of making new'ones ing our friends may choose to send us can for us. We believe that no one can be , ever come amiss, it is difficult to specify made acquainted with our work, without "bur wants" In short, dear reader, we seeking in some way to aid us, and to share want everything, and all you can possibly bur labors. This is the object of our Re- send us, which is ever of any use in any view—-to, speak for us—to make known our family. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection LIST OF SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, RECEIVED INTO THE ROCHESTER CITY HOSPITAL, From June 7th to August 28th, ]/64. 1864 NAME. CO. RE&f RESIDENCE. Jane 7. Rafas Adams, - I, 1st Dragodje, Dansville, Livingston Co. Samuel R. Avery, L, 10th Cavafry, Jenksville, Tioga Co. Milo Arnold - K, 112th N. *. V., Forestville, Qhatauqua Co. Transferred to Bedloe's Island. 1 * Richmond J. Ameigh, E, 74th •*> " Lima, Livingston Co. Transferred to Bedloe's Island, June 18. ? Abram Blew, J, 148ih "\ " Lodi, Seneca Co. , Orlow Babcock,. A, 108th "X" Jacksonville, Allegany C/ Transferred to Bedloe's Island, July 19th. Michael Boardway, , A, 64th " IJ\Marshfield, ErieCj*j John Bird, H, 148th " « ^rjA, Seneca^feT George W. Bennett, :_..E, 64th " « IthacaJ^yarpmns Co. Cassius C. Bowen, " L, 21st Cavalrv, Brighton, Monroe Co. Henry C. Bigelow, ...... ._..B, 64th N. Y.V. Ellington, Chatauqua Co. Orrin Carpenter, G, 11 lth " " « Williamon; Wayne Co. James J. Chittenden, «...'>...A, 111th " " Arcade, Wayne Co. Corp'l Harrison J.Caldwell,..,G, 151st " " Johnson's Creek, Niag. Co. George W. Carr, t .G, 14th H. Art'y, BluflF Point, Yates Co. Lewis B. Carrington...... ....C, 112th N. Y. V., Forestville, Chatauqua Co. Sergt. Wm. L. Chriscaden, .'.„& 126th " " Branchport, Yates Co. Sergt. B. F. Cole,.... ..,.C, 117th " " Utica, Oneids Co, Transferred to Bedloe's Island, Aug. 9. • Stephen B. Curtis,..!... B, 64th " " New Albion, Chatauqua Co. Melvin Clark, 1 D, U. S. Engineer, Syracuse, Onondaga Co. Corp'l Willard Clark,. G, 100th N, Y. V., Oneida, Madison Co. Uriah Chapman, C, 112th " " Hanover, Cattaraugus Co. Transferred to Buffalo Hospital, June 2lst. Samuel E. Dawley, ,%..I, 81st " rt Anflellville, Oneida Co, Louis E. Daniels, .' D, 100th " " Amherst, Erie Co. Henry Dutcher, I," 1.4th H. Art'y, Somerset, Niagara Co. Marvin G. Day, D, 154th N. Y. V., Franklioville, Catta's Co. Transferred to Buffalo Hospital, June 25. James Duffy D, 6th Cavalry* William Davis, - -.. E, 3rd U. S. Art'y, Buffalo, Erie Co. Sent to the Front, July 8. Silaa Ellis, H, 4th H. Art'y. Victor, Ontario Co. George Foaus D, 122d N. Y. V., Lee, Oneida Co. George Fussleman, G, 126th •» " Waterloo, Seneca Co. Martin Friday, C, 117th " " Utica, Oneida Co. William Flynn I, 98th " " Clyde, Wayne Co. Transferred to Bedloe's Island, Aug. 16. Sylvester M. Foster, L, 9th H. Art'y, Harford, Cortlaud Co. Charles W. Few F, 151st N. Y. V., Albion, Orleans Co. Harrison Goldsmith, * A, 76th N.
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