University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 7-5-1967 Kabul Times (July 5, 1967, vol. 6, no. 86) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (July 5, 1967, vol. 6, no. 86)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1532. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1532 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , . , . 'j , "\ " , , , . .. , .. , " . , ' , " , '. r • . J 1 -. ,0 1,'1' ,'. , " f " '. , ; V, . • - ,II,. , " .. ',,rI' , ',', ", .~ , ..' ., , . .oj .. I IE 5/ . / ", ,. ...... '. / , . " , ~ ,. •" . " .~. ~ • I ( J.. •, .. :' KABlJ1,'¥l.~DNESDAY JULY 5,1967 (SARATJ\N 13,1346 S.H.) PRICE AF. 3 , . - IjJ ~l''\ HM ;.C(}ngratulates Depttties Discuss John~on Election Law President,. .' " ,.,z i L ~ •,• .' KABUL, July 5, (Bakhlar)­ '. KABUL, July '5; .' (Ba~htar) ­ The Wolesi Jlrgab's Committee on His Majesty the King has sent a Legislation and Lega) Affairs dis' Delegates Approve' Proposals congratulatory message -to U.S. cussed Article 3 to 9 of the decree President Johnson in the ocCa; law on parliamentary elections . 'On" Jerusalem, Refug~ sion of the U.S. National Day~ the yesterday information department of ' the. A speCial subcommittee was set ForeIgn 1;,Iinistry said ye~terdaY,. u1> to study Article 6 and 7 of the UNITJi;D NATIONS, July 5, (Combined New. Servlces).­ In Kaoul the day w.as marked draft as the committee felt a more The emergency session of the ~ General Assembly TueSday bi a re~ption 'by Ambassador detailed assessment of the two night re~ected two resolutlons calIlng fot' the withdrawal of israeli Neumann. It was 'llttended by articles was needed, 'the two artl~ cles dealt with QLJalHlcatfons ot vo· a~ed fon:es from Arab territory. HRH MarShal Shah' WaH Kh8I\ Ghazi HRH Satdar Abdul Walil ters and candidates t~e The Committee on Agriculture ond The resolutions were submitted by the nonaligned natIOns. President?f WQ!esi 'Jir, rrrigaUon yesterday reViewed nns· KIng Huss~elt ~s and by a Latm Amertcan oloc \ gah Abdul Zahlr, PreSident of wers prOVided by the AgricuHure The Soviet fesolutlon urging con' the Middle East war also got a solid 1the Meshrano Jirgah Abdu! Hadl and I"ngatlon Ministry on the cot· ~ demnatlon of Israel and withdrawal endorsement ftom the Assembly Dawl, Deputy PrIme MInIster to:1 purchaslOg protocols signed bet· De Gaulle Today ot Israeli troops was rejected by The Assembly voted first on the and Foreign Mlntster Nour Ah, "" cen colton raIsers and vanous the Assemhly as were Albanian and proposal submitted by 18 non align· mad Etemadl.'Court Mmlster Ali companies 10 cotton trade and in· PARIS, July 4. (DPA).-Klng Is~ Credentials Presenlted HUsseIn of Jordan arrived in Paris Cuban demands for condemnation ed nations for an unconditional Mohammad, members of the ca" dustry from London Monday Dlghl. of Israel rae\! withdrawal trom terrllory binet and dIplomats and theIr The Committee on Bugetary and KABUL, July 4. (Bakhtar).­ He was scheduled to meet French The Assembly did, however, over- sclzed during the six--day war WIves FlOanclal Affalrs discussed the de­ Afghan ambassador m Bonn Dr. President Charles de Gaulle for whelmmgly declare (hal It consider- The vote was 53 10 favour, 46 Kabul dailies yesterday earned velopm£>nt budget of the Education Mohammad Yousuf, who IS sImul­ ed steps to annex the ora city ot agaInst WIth 20 abstentions, short of arbcles nobng the friendly rela· M 10 Istry for 1346 talks on the Middle East crisis to' State~ taneously servmg as Afghanis­ day at the Elysee Palace. Jerusalem lnva\!d and urged thaI no 'he two-thlrds majority required tor tions between the Untted ~ t,ln's envoy In Copenhagen, has The Jordanian King has already action be taken Ihat would change (Conld on page 4) and Afghanistan the status ot (he city plesented hiS credentials to HIS dIscussed the MJ.ddle East situauon UK, FR~ Feel Majesty Kmg Frederick IX of WIth US President Lyndon John­ The Assembly expressed Its will Denmark son In Washmgton and British on Jerusalem by adopting a Pakls· Kosygin, Pompidou Discuss Of PrIme Minister Harold Wilson in lmpact A,ab tam resolution by a vote of 99 10 London Cavour, none opposed and 20, lOclud­ Upon hiS arrIval in Pans King Middle East, Vietnam 109 the US, abstaming Bruam Oil Emba,go Hussein said he hoped to be able ~ 5, voted for the resolution MOSCOW, July (AP).- to express to French President de A Swedish proposal appealing for French Premier Georges Pompldou and Foreign Minister Maurice Foreign Minister Nour Ahmad Etemadi shakes hands Cal~ Gaulle hIS deep gratitude tor his LONDON, July 5, (AP) -The Heavy Casualties 'In Battles Near Con Thien Jordan Israeli Offer aid from all nations for victims of Couve de Murvlle met with Soviet Premier Kosygln In the IIrst with Mrs Robert G. Neumann. wife of the American adVisers WJth the convoy. but none (de Gaulle's) sympathy and under· BrItIsh government Tuesday SAIGON, July 4, (AP) -u S the convoy They then opened up roDnd of formal taljts. ambassador 'n Kabul. sought years·long standby powers MarInes caught a large force of al- With mortars small arms and gre­ was wounded standing The French party arrived Mon­ OnRefugeeReturn Propaganda They met for more than four from parliament to ratIOn 011 The Hal Van pass has been the Prior to his departure 1J) London, leged North VJetIlamese troops on nades AMMAN, Jordan, July 4, (AP).­ FAO Approves hours m two separate sessions day for a fiveday Visit and gasolme follOWing the cutoff the southern edge of the deJn1litarls- US Air Force and Manne ftgh scene of numerous ambushes Ilussem mdicated to newsmen the AlexeI Kosygm, speaking at a A Tuesday agreeing On Vietnam. oC MIdeastern supplies ed zone Monday and reported kil- ter-bombers and armed helicopters , Reuter quoted a spokesman as say­ Jordanian government spokesman Monday described an israeli possibility of an Arab Summit meet· oller to let Palestine refugees return to the west bank as "an but differ'ing on the Middle East dmner receptIon In honour of The Nigerian pohtlcal cnsls ling 75 With heavy artillery barrages pounded the enemy pOSItion, allow- mg that the Marine base at pong mg the middle of. this month. t Food Shipments and German questions, inform· Pompldou saId that the Soviet King Hussein Calls Meeting The North Vietnamese may have 109 the rest of the convoy to pull Ra, seven miles .from the scene of empty propaganda gesture." Asked whether Kine Hussem added a new hazard to the fu· ed sources saId. Umon and France have good pos· ture of the 011 stocks now around been part of the 3,OOO-man force back the 20 mJles (32 krn) to Da the Can Thien battle, was hit by He said the offer was mean· Works Agency would make a proposal for the re­ slblhtles for further cooperation For Arab Refugees France was reliably reported 20 to 25 mllhon tons which badly battered the Mannes Nang Slxty-e1gbt trucks made It 120 rounds of 140 rom rocket fire Ingless so long as the conditions International Red Cross offi· cogmtIon of Israel he said "we are m promotmg a peaceful settle­ With De Gaulle Satisfactory yesterd~, clals said they had already ~n to be pushing for the solution to Bu t threats of a prolonged Sunday In heavy fightmg near the back (0 the city early resultIng In the eXisted which caused the tellS of those who have repeatedly suffered ment m the MIddle East PAffiS, July 5, (AP).­ approach~ by refugees askJng for other problems In addition to Is- . shprtage that could paralyse BrI' Marines outpost at Con Thien A reaction force of South VIet· woundmg of four AmerIcans thousands of refugees to leave from the results of. an aggression. GENEV.A. JUly 5. (AP) -The UN On E4,rope Kosygm said that l{ing lIussein of Jordan met President Charles de Gaulle to dis· theIr homes m Israeh occupIed "a paper to go back raeh t~oop WIthdrawals. tish ,ndustries have been stav­ US Headquarters in Saigon an namese IOfantrymen was sent to the It 15- not for us to find a solutIOn Food and Agnc\Jlture Organisation The Soviets stressed the Is' 'as a whole, there are no grounds cuss the Mideast situation. nounced updated casualties for the area and at nightfall fightmg was The spokesman said that the roc­ territory We have to find the reason." ed off by an agreement among 21 (FAG) Tuesday sanctioned emer­ raeli. troop withdrawal and for complacency" 1D Europe. "It Hussein arrived at the Elysee Palace about 0900 GMT and Sunday battle In which the 90th reported stll1 gomg on kets. pumped mto the base by Jordanian offiCIals said they The Red Cross IS unable to The world bad to contribute to· American Oil compames to sup· gency food allocations for 200000 bow the war started, blamIng would be UDPortant for Europeill' went to de Gaulle's private office for talks. RegIment of the North Vietnamese The convoy was carrymg food North Vietnamese guns. caused dId not ellpect a mass return of take any action until the Israe­ ward findmg a solution based on Jord~n ply West Europe on an emer' war refugees 10 Syna and ISJ:aeli for aggression Thc French states to discuss theIr problems After a talk 01 more than an Ponhff's recommendation that the 324-B DlvIs10n battered elements supplies {rom Da Nang 10 Hue slight damage to Inst~llahons and refugees until they were guaran­ h's make known the speCIfic gency baSIS If the need anses Justice, he said An announCement said B.
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