^'nc-a-Tibraiy Vol. 8.—No. 27. REVELSTOKE. B. C, -OCTOBER. 11, 1901. $2.00 Per Year. • ' // public, to Jiave liad the tine acconf- tapped at great depth,, and pay ore 9 7-j modation house which he had pre­ found in good quantities: accom­ • B al viously conducted at Carncs creek panied with it regular and contin­ ^Jii if<i i y 111IIL destroyed hy lire, together with t'Jic uous contact and well defined walls. furniture. There, were few better "' This promising district has did not wiii; but we have' the winning lines, hi J. D. il Re- accommodation houses to-be found Proclaimed Through­been .handicapped by many obsta­ VI c; unsmuir Ki\.<; I'NIOX MADI-: BOOTS AN• D- biLOLs' , a complete in the country, and cerlainly'none cles. Coupled with the mineral­ where the conifurt of travellers was' ogist's adverse report is its isolated .stock just opened .up aiid they all have the Union main in better provided for. out South Africa. position from transportation facili­ Stamp, -, " • | - — J. I). Boyd has supplied the Rev- ties. The cost of delivering a ton elslbke Lumber Company's camp of ore to the smelters and the cor't, The Ladies know -the •'' EMPRESS " SHOF,, nothing i Si tes he has Twenty-two Sup- a with twenty tons of hay. ' He litis Only tho Ports will be Administeredo f smelter charges spoil a $50 bill, "un the market surpasses ihem for style and durability. , ,}orieri also outfitted the cook-house of the by Local Authorities. However, the near future promises "We have just received a new shipment of these excel­ camp with a complete stock of railroad facilities, and the coming lent shoes. • \'egetables from his splendid ranch. of spring will find Ferguson and .According to latent Victoria ad­ The cook at the cum]) says he never Capetown.. Oct. 'J.—The'Gazelle Trout Lake City lively and thriving Aojancea-y our window , convinces the, Ladies oi" vices. Premier' Dtinsmuir has deci­ saw a finer lot of vegetables. today proclaims martial law in the towns, Kevelstoke that we have the DAI.NTIKST, .PRKTTI*>T., ded to remain in oilice. .fince Iho Snow is now creeping down the districts of Capetown, . Wynberg • I'he'Miuncapoliscompany which AND MOST STYLISH 'STOCK oi-' DRY GOODS IN TOWN. resignation of Hon. J. C. Brown he I mountain sides, and is already ly­ yimonstown,, Port Elizabeth, and I .represent are now taking steps has concluded that he has the sup- ing some distance • below timber East London. , The proclamation i towards the establishment of a ' We import direct from Great Britain, save the mid- port of 'an overwhelmin"lclming section ofi line, is the outcome of the recent visit of smeller, respecting which I am now die man's profit and give you therbenefit of it. the legislature. lie told"an inter- The Revelstoke LumbeiY^Cqtn- the premier of Cape'Colony, Sir contemplating a. trip to San Fran­ viewer: ' ' •pany have built a cook-house 24ft, John Gordon ' Sprigg, and 'the Un­ cisco.i"i , Beautiful patterns and reasonable prices in Carpels, " I will remain in ollice, aiid will hy 20 feet and a bunk-house of sin> der Secretary of Native Affairs in Mats, Rugs,-Curtains, Inlaid Linnlcums and Floor meet the House , wi'h twenty-two ilar size, the latter affording accom­ South Africa,,J. Rose Inncs, to the UilCloth, ' _,.-•' supporters," modation for 2-i men. A stable IS British High Commissioner Lord SMELTER FOR • Ho would wait tor the regular feet.by '2-\ feet has also been built, Miliar, It places under martial A most complete stock of Men's Furnishings. ( meeting of the legislature, wljich The camp was started on Sept. 1 J, law control0the few points in Cape „ FERGUSON. Pay „ tis . a call, if is our business ' and pleasure to will probably be held in January.' and already enough logs have been Colony hitherto exempted and the In reply to a question as to what sent down river to keep the mill constitution, therefore, is now sus­ show you what we keep in stock, •> . was1 being ciloncr to fill the vacant running, besides ciOOO piled'on the pended over the entire cokjuy, The What C. McCrossan, Soys of" tfi'j portfolios, or to bring on an elec­ bank. It'is expected to cuta-milN action taken probably foreshadows ----- Metropolitan. - -"B -*. tion in tlie city of .Victoria','he ion feet before snow comes. Tliir* the commencement of vigorous staled that no decision had been teen hands arc now in' the camp, of measures which those on the spot arrived at in regard to cither matter. .which F. Mclnlyre, formerly of are understood to believe necessary Mr, McCrossan. of the Metropoli­ TLLEI'IIONli No. 14. Mi\ McBride states that the Salmon Arm and Ferguson, is fore­ to end the war. tan, has- just returned from San' rumor of any understanding be­ man. The timber cut for the mill Capetown,',Oct. U.—-Martial hnv Francisco, where he has'purchased tween'him and Mr. Ebcrts over the consists oi fir, cedar., and spruce- ,wiil be modified in its application a "JO-ton reduction plant, which he ! present political crisis is absolutely to tho port?, leaving the docks, is' having shipped to Trout-Lakr-.— without, foundation, and that his ,BI9 BEND ROAD, railways, and- harbors under the Mr. McCrossan stales that the o:e- (Mr. McBrjde's) altitude toward control of' tho civil authorities. is galena, and that IS mcn'hauj' the Dunsniuir government remains Military rulu will he mitigated in been, working on a tunnel sin'cu the same as when he left- it. The new portion of the Big Bend in some other respet'ts, ', spring. He says that all the silver wagon road is ill bad shape lifter lead ore thus far secured runs from the heavy rains of this week and $400 to *600 to the ton. They , the government oflicers should take & LIGHT. have had several, offers for. tho' steps to htue.it'i'eptiiVed, There is prospect, for it is yet little more. a good .deal of traffic on it'now One of these for -t 100,000 cash. It What the Premier says About Him.with , the getting in of suppliesto Special Meeting of City Council. the ore'hold out, however, it will the properties of tho .Duquesne He the richest mine in British Col­ our new Ciitvfully seler'pil sloe 'di: Fall and Winter Mining Company and the Prince In an interview, in reply 16 the A special meeting of the city umbia, even- though it. is.a silver m Clutiiiii'*, just opeiipd in our nf-v pii'tniaps These g<iod« me ri**lit Mining and Development Company question, '• Did not' Mr.'McBride council was held yesterday to coiv proposition. Owing to the difficul­ hiitli iis'to ijiiaiity and priire Thin ii pm-pci hy IIIH rapid nicrPiiNK in 1 who will work all winter. Indeed; vote for the rail way-bill V Premier fer with the representative of the ty of getting the ore shipped (0 <& niir. IIIIM'IIP.-S since moving intn ntn new SUM'P, Tlie nt Intel inns uf this .at this, season of the year, two or Dunsinuirsaid I - -.,- - Water.'lUuLLight-Compauy. regard­ Trail, it costs ?40 '"a ton to handle, tyy stur«"lire, such six ma to he ifsi.-.lpd l'iy iiti ali'il'slioppfiY It is'P.xcpp-'^ three men should be continuously *' Certainly he voted for it! Why ing the Company's request for a tiius~it"'w;is 'absolutely necessary,to $k liiinnlly woli li-.'litpiij.si i-h.it customers. line- the best nppnituiiitv of $h on the road to keep it cleaned out McBride could think of nothing ten year's franchise, with tin,op­ reduce the ore with a'plant- on'the A'v- selecting '.lii-ir purchases. as the mud slides come down. m else at that time- He calm! to me tion to the city to purchase the ground. and" asked if 1 'thought .the bill plant,. There were present, the OUR STOCK INCLUDES: could be carried. 1"'told'him it Mayor, Aid, Bourne, Abrahamsqn was ail,right, as'the opposition Were and Taylor. Mr. Cowan represent­ Sst $ ."# New Furs and Jackets, New .Dress Goods and w mainly in fa\or cf and would sup­ ed the company. The meeting was Ready-to-wear Skirts ana Underskirts, Chil­ port it. .Even just before the vote held in committee and adjourned m dren's Hoods and Fancy Eeadwear,- Fancy.and was taken he came to me and ex­ pending it meeting of the company m pressed "the greatest fear lest'the •John Houston says One is Not to consider a proposition which will Work on Oyster and Velvet opposition should'fail us,' .1 must Wanted: be made to the citv, Readv- say that I lost patience with the «-Kn.»>H...^W Camborne Groups. m Is I man'; it was perfectly tiresome to i „.. QUADRILLE CLUB, # made clothing, Boots and Shoes, 1 have him badgering ,thc life out of .',,,.'1|C Xelsoh Tribulic renin f J en's fur- '—-.fir. one witji his careless' questions, There is no need of a govern­ # f nishinsrs, Trunks and Valises. Strike of Rich Ore. • r'1 \ fears and doubts! but vol', should ment agent at Kovclstoko, Ho nlore At 11 luce ting held ul. No, 2 Fire have f-een him' after the vote was than there is for one at Rossland. hail last night of those interested # AllNewGoocls. Sole Agentsior P. D. Corsets. John Kirkup is min'ng recorder in the formation of a,quadrille club taken, 'Why, he was wild with joy j A.
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