Society of Hnttquaries of Scotlanb

Society of Hnttquaries of Scotlanb

PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hnttquarieyo f Scotlano s b PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotlanfc SESSION MCMXXXIV.-MCMXXXV. VOL. LXIX. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. IX. nburgb PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD. MCMXXXV. TABL F CONTENTEO S PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1934, ........... 1 More Shetland Tombstones r GEORGSi y B E. MACDONALD, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Litt., P.B.A., S.R.S.A., President, ...........7 2 . Excavation of the Vitrified Fort of Finavon, Angus. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 49 Note somn so e Dun Islayn si Professo y B . GORDOV r N CHILDE, B.Litt., 1 F.S.A.Scot.8 . , An Account of the Excavation, on behalf of H.M. Office of Works, of another Prehistoric Dwellin gt Jarlshofa (No) V. , Sumburgh, Shetland e Summeth n i ,f 1934y o r B . ALEXANDE . CURLERO , C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., .....5 8 . A For t Skittenta , Wick, Caithness, with Note Flinn so t Implements fro same mth e County. By Mrs L. DUFF-DUNBAR, F.S.A.Scot., ......... 108 Bock Sculpturings on Traprain Law, East Lothian. By ARTHUR J. H. EDWARDS, F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keepe Nationae th f o r l Museu Antiquitief mo 2 Scotland12 f so . , Early Scottish Spoons. By Commander G. E. P. How, R.N., F.S.A.Scot., . 138 Unrecorded Berwickshire Antiquities, being the Chalmers-Jervise Prize Essay for 1933. By ROBERT KINGHORN, ..........7 15 . An Accoun e Excavatioth f o te Ston th f eno Circl t Loanheaa e e th f Daviotf o do d an , Standing Stones of Cullerlie, Echt, both in Aberdeenshire, on behalf of H.M. Office of Works. By H. E. KILBRIDE-JONES, F.S.A.Scot., ...... 168 The Barony, Castle, and Church of Rothiemay. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ............3 22 . The Small Flint Knive . LACAILLED . Orkneyf so A y B , .F.S.A.Scot. , ...1 25 . A Cinerar t Horsbruga n Ur y h Castle Farm, Paris f Innerleitheno h , Peehlesshirey B . ABTHUB J. H. EDWABDS, F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keeper of the National Museum of Antiquitie Scotlandf so , ..........2 26 . An Account of the Excavation of a Dwelling of the Viking Period at "Jarlshof," Sum- burgh, Shetland, carried out on behalf of H.M. Office of Works. By ALEXANDER O. CURLE, C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., ......... 265 A Long, Stalled Cairn Knowe ,th Yarsof eo Rousayn ,i , Orkney . GRAHAJ y B . M CALLANDER, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum of Antiquities, and WALTER G. GKANT, F.S.A.Scot., ...........5 32 . A Bronze Age Cemetery at Knappers, Kilbowie, Dumbartonshire. By J. M. DAVIDSON, O.B.E., F.C.I.S., F.S.A.Scot., .......... 352 vi TABL F CONTENTSO E . PAGE Beaker fro ma Cis t Mila t l Farm, Rathen, near Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire a Cis d t an , Cremation Intermen t a Uryt , Stonehaven, Kincardineshire y ProfessoB . r ALEX. Low, M.A., M.D., F.S.A.Scot., .........2 38 . Heraldic Decoratio e Castleth n f o Huntlno s d Balveniean y y THOMAB . S INNEF O S LEABNEY, F.S.A.Scot., Carrick Pursuivant of Arms, ...... 387 A Short Cist foun t Bridga d e Farm, near Meikleour, Perthshire y JOHB .N RITCHIE, F.R.A.I. With a Description of the Skeletal Remains by Professor D. RUTHEBEORD Dow, M.D., F.R.S.B., ...........1 40 . Sculptured Rock; Holy-water Stoup; and Sarcophagus at Luss. By A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., ............6 41 . The Metallurgical Analysis of Three Bronze Age Axes. By Lieutenant-Commander S. S. CBICHTON MITCHELL, R.N., and MABGABET B. CRICHTON MITCHELL, Ph.D., F.S.A.Scot., 424 Earth-house at Portnacon, Sutherland. By Dr R. J. BUXTON, ..... 431 4 43 . Jubile . e Addres H.M• o st King e . th . , The Tardenoisian Micro-Burin in Scotland. By A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., . 443 An Aberdeenshire Iron Age Miscellany: (1) Stone Circle at Foularton; (2) Bronze Terret from Rhynie Distributiod . KILBKIDE-JONESan B , . H e Type th y f B no . , F.S.A.Scot.5 44 , The Cairnmuir Gold Terminal: A Parallel, and a Possible Explanation of its Use. By JOHN COWEN. D , M.A., F.S.A., ..........5 45 . The Castles of Dunnideer and Wardhouse, in the Garioch, Aberdeenshire. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ........'. 460 A Fragment of a Thirteenth-century Calendar from Holyrood Abbey. Edited by FBANCIS WOKMALD, M.A., F.S.A., ..........1 47 . Chamberee Th d Cair Clettravalf no , Nort . LINDSAh W Uist y B . Y SCOTT, F.S.A.Scot.,0 F.S.A.48 , LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Communion Cup of the Kirk of Dairy, Jarlshof, Sumburgh, Shetland: Whale's Ayrshire, ...... 10 Vertebra inserted in wall, 90 Hall-marks on do. (enlarged), 11 ——— ——— ——— Quern Stone with its Rubber, Cinerary Urn from Blackburn Mill, Berwick- in situ, ...... 91 shire, ....... ——— ——— ——— Pots of Steatite, in situ, 92 Food-vessel from Costerton Mains, Mid- ——— ——— ——— Four Pot f Steatito s e found lothian, ...... in chamber, 93 Grave-slab t Kilmorsa y Knap, Argyll, - Outer court, 94 Cross-slab at do., . - Stair to Dwelling No. i, 95 Effigy at do., ...... - Implement f Slateso . , 97 Penannular Gold Armlet from Berwickshire, - Rudely fashioned Imple- Epitaph of Hinrick Segelcken at Lunda ment Stonef so , .... 98 Wick, ....... —— ——— ——— Implements of Bone, . 99 —— ——— ——— Stone Polishers, 100 —— ——— ——— Shovel-like Implements, 101 at Culbinaburgh, ..... 38 —— ——— ——— Vessels of Pottery, 102 Tombston Gilberf eo d Katharinan t e Neven —— ——— ——— Sections of sherds of Red at Reafirth, ...... 41 Ware with thick bases, .... 103 Tombstone of Barbara Neven at do., 43 Fort at Skitten, Caithness: Plan, 108 Air Photograph of Finavon Hill, 49 Flint Knife, Axe, and Spear-head from Finavon Hill Fort: Plan, .... 50 Caithness, ...... 112 ——— ——— ——— Sections of ramparts, 51 Beaker from Glengolly, Caithness, 116 ——— ——— ——— Inner fac f souteo h rampart, 54 Rock Sculptures on Traprain Law: View ——— ——— ——— Inner fac f norteo h rampart, 58 from east, ...... 122 ——— ——— ——— Outer face, north rampart, 59 ——— ——— ——— ——— Relative positions, 123 ——— ——— ——— Heart oveand nin sechA - ——— ——— ——— ——— Vie wf Areo adivideA d tion C, 62 into sections, ..... 124 - Plan of section C, 63 —— ——— ——— ——— Area A, section 1, - Heart do.n i h,B 65 showing Calvary Cross, .... 125 - Inner fac f walo en seci l - —— ——— ——— ——— Are , sectionA a , 3 , 2 s tion D, ..... and 4, 126 ——— ——— ——— Sections across the well, 68 - Conventionalised figures ——— ——— ——— Views down well, ; 68-9 of human beings d signan , s resembling ——— ——— ——— Sections of rims and bases, tectiform symbols, .... 127 an Cruciblef do , ..... 71 ——— ——— ——— ——— Are , sectionA a , 6 , 5 s ——— ——— ——— Flint Implements, 72 7, 7A, 9, . 128-31 ——— ——— ——— Jet Ring, Ornamented ——— ——— ——— ——— Area B, . 132 Whorl, Crucible, and Incised Sherds, 74 ———4 13 ——— ——— ——— . Are , aC Jarlshof, Sumburgh, Shetland: Plan of Sculptured Block from Harelawside, Group of Prehistoric Dwellings, Nos. I. Berwickshire, ..... 135 . to V. , Canongate Spoon, ..... 139 —— —— ——— Section f , 87 Spoon found in Irvine, .... 140 ——— ——— —— Inne d earlieran r section. , Spoons from Hill of Culrain, Ross-shire, . 142 ——— ——— ——— Enclosed aren i innea r Dundee Spoon, ..... 143 section, ...... Spoon dug up in Haddington, . 144 Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE PAGE Inverness Spoon, . .145 Rothiemay Castle: Plans, 236 Spoonr Ay , .....5 14 . ——— ——— View from north-west, 237 Montrose Spoons (front), ...7 14 . ——— ——— View from south, 239 8 14 . ——— . ——— . • (back) . , -. ——— ——— Dovecot, ..... 242 Fourteenth-century Spoons from Brechin Churcd Ol f Rothiemayho : Pla f foundano - an . d Bas.14 . t Lothian9 . , tions, . 244 Apostle Spoons, .... 150-1 Orkney "Flint Implements with battered Spoon—unascribed make, . 152 back,. ...... 254 Edinburgh Spoons, ..... 153 Australian Steep-backed Knif Hornstonf eo e Aberdeen Spoon, ..... 154 handled with Kangaroo Skin (after Evans). Two (possibly) Greenock Spoons and another Sordes, Mont-de-Marsan (Landes). Azilian (front), .....5 15 . canifs (after Breuil and Dubalen). Azilian ——— ——— ——— ——— (back), . .156 Flake Implement (after Breuil and Duba- Siccar Point Port: Plan, .... 157 len). Australian Surgical Knives of Corn Fort9 , 15 Byemouth . : Plan . , Jasper, ...... 258 Lamberton0 Shiel16 . s Fort . : Plan . , Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Knives or Points, 261 Hareheugh Craigs Fort: Plan, . 161 Cinerary IJrn from Horsbrugh Castle Farm, 263 Plan Half so Forto yJ ; Pettico Wick Fort; Viking Dwelling, Jarlshof, Sumburgh, Brander Heugh Fort; Greenlaw Rock Shetland:— Defence; Camp Field Fort; and Home- Alley-way betwee 267 buildings . ntwo . , stead at Pilmuir, Lauder, . .164 Interior from the south end, after Cultivation Terraces, Chester Hill Fort: excavation, ....8 26 . Plan, ......7 16 . Inner fac f Walo e l showing methof o d Stone Circl t a Loanheae f o Daviotd , construction, ....8 26 . Aberdeenshire:— Interio9 26 . r fro norte m th . h end . , View, ......9 16 . East Entrance from the interior, . 270 Beaker Pottery, ..... 173 Paved Passag thn eo e exterio t southerra n Vie Centrf wo e 6 Rin17 g . Cair Pitd nan , end, .....1 27 . f Recumbeno . W Stond an t y. S are n o a Southern Entrance and Paved Passage in Stone, ...... 180 interior, .....2 27 . Section through Recumbent Stone, . 181 Section of Norse House. Plate facing page 272 Details of Cist, ..... 185 Interior with Kerb of Pallr in centre, . 276 Incense Cup Urn, .... 186 Fireplace and Oven beyond, . 277 Section through Monolith and Crater No. 3, 188 The Oven, .....8 27 . Cup-marks on Stone No. 9, . 189 Secondary Cross Wal foregroundn 9 i l 27 . , Plan and Sections. Plate I. facing page 196 Secondar0 28 . y Heart Stofa,. e th n h i Details of Centre Pit. Plate II. facing page 196 Secondary Hearth in the Skdli, . 281 Pla Sectiond nan Secondarf so y Floor.

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