If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. \ ~." 'f..- .... CRIME MICHIGAN 1991 aD NIFORM CRIME " REPORT e- ~ C­ Compiled by rt)- DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE 1991 UNIFORM CRIME REPORT 137738 for i:~e U.S. Department of Justice STATE OF MICHIGAN National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official po~ition or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been gr1Jr1c~gan State Police to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRSj. Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis· sion of the copyright owner. 33rd Annual Edition MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE 714 South Harrison Road i" '1 East Lansing, Michigan 48823 n 1> ':l =to COL. Michael D. Robinson, DIRECTOR £) c: I c: CD- (f !t CJ) eoi a~ j Authority: 1968 P.A.319 v:> --{ Number of copies printed - 1700 -= :lJ ~. ~ ~ ~~ Total cost of printing - $1700.00 0 .. .:j. Cost per single copy - $1.00 ,-:1 r~ Z r/( .? ill ".'{ \.Y ~ STATE OF MICHIGAN 1$ JOHN ENGLER, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE 714 SOUTH HARRISION ROAD, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48823 COL. MICHAEL D. ROBINSON, DIRECTOR FOREWORD This constitutes the 33rd Crime In Michigan annual report prepared by the Unifonn Crime Reporting Program pursuant to PA 319 of 1968, as amended. The Department of State Police appreciates the cooperation and support of the nearly 600 police departments, sheriffs' offices, and specialized law enforcement agencies that provide offense and arrest data for the . report. The contributions of all involved in the collection and preparation of this report permit the department to provide a clear picture of the nature, volume, and extent of crime in Michigan. Without the concerted and dedicated effort of the people who serve in the many local and state agencies which comprise our criminal justice system, the publication of this report would not be possible. The statistics indicate that crime is on the rise in Michigan. Violent crime rose 2.7% from last year and property crime rose 3.5%. Collectively, index crimes (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary. larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson), used by law enforcement as a standard measure of criminal activity, were up 3.4% in 1991 compared to 1990 figures. However, motor vehicle theft was down 4.0% from 1990 figures, continuing a decline over the past 7 years. This report, when analyzed, can significantly contribute to management and planning activities at local, state, and federal levels, especially by stale officials, the law enforcement community, the legislature, and nonprofit organizations. • A PROUD tradition of SEItVICE throulh EXCELLENCE. INTEGItITY. and COUItTESY. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ii II. OFFENSE AND ARREST DATA FOR THE STATE PROFILE OF MICHIGAN iv Murder ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Rape -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Aggravated Assault ------------------------------------------=---- 9 I. CRIME REPORTING IN MICHIGAN Robbery ------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Michigan Act 319. PA 1968 -------------------------------------------- 1 B urglary ----------------------------------------------------------- 11 Larceny ----------------------------------------------------------- 12 The Unifonn Crime Reporting System -------------------------------- 2 Motor Vehicle Theft ----------------------------------------------- 13 Commentary on 1991 Crime Data ------------------------------------ 3 Arson ----------------'-------~------------------------------------- 14 Crime Factors ---------------------------------------------------------- 3 Total Index ---------------------------------------------------------- 15 , Crime Rates --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Total Crime ------------------------------------------------------- 16 Urban Vs Rural Crime -------------------------------------------------- 3 m OFFENSE AND ARREST DATA Terminology ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 County and Jurisdiction ------------------------------------------ 17 - 52 Decade Statistics _____________ r. ________________________________________ ------- 5 State Total Offenses -------------------------------------------------- 53 Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted ------------------------ 6 - 7 State Total Arrests ------------------------------------------------------ 54 iii MICHIGAN Michigan ranks 23rd in size among the fifty states. It is characterized by a potpourri of industrial cities, vast stretches of wilderness, 19 million acres of forest, acre upon acre of fruit orchards, and hundreds of small towns and villages. Its two peninsulas are divided into 83 counties. The 1990 Census indicated a population of 9,295,297 with dense concentra­ tio!1s in the south. Nearly half of the total population is clustered in the 'southeast with other metropolitan areas located alung major highways OTIEIIO I -.UQIIIJICY 1-94,1-96, and 1-75. ~I...xx. l ...alOIA CITIES AND VllLAGES 385 SHERIFFS 83 0ICI0lA I ClAlO( 1- TOWNSHIPS 108 SPECIAL (AIRPORTS. UNIVERSITIES. ETC.) 18 MECOSTA I~"" I~ _TCAlIoIIGMTIOf I-w _A' ,..-... OM I CUNrON 1_ - I(ATOM 1_ h_ITON'QjIIUHD VM_.III ____ ' _MOUN 1.- /' ,CA18 In·_I-. l~IL_1 iv Public Act 319 of 1968, (as amended) 28.251 Uniform crime reports; duties of police depart­ a governmental police agency not required to make such 28.257 Crimes of domestic assault; report to state po­ ments to file, contents. report, the information contained therein shall be in­ lice; contents. Sec. 1. The police department of each city or village, cluded within the monthly compilation provided for in Sec. 7. The chief of police of each city or village, the any duly constituted police department of a township, and section 2. chief of police of each township having a police depart­ the sheriff's department of each county, once each month ment, and the sheriff of each county within this state shall upon a date and form prescribed and furnished by the 28.254 Reports of wanted persons and stolen vehicles. report to the department of state police, in a manner director of the department of state police, shall forward to Sec. 4. The chief of police of each city or village and prescribed by the department, the following information the department of state police a crime report. Each report­ of each township having a police department, and the related to crimes of domestic assault: ing department shall report only on cases within its juris­ sheriff of each county within this state, shall report to the diction and upon which it is making, or has made, the (a) The number of assaults reported which involve an adult department of state police, in a manner prescribed by the and a minor and the disposition of those offenses. primary police investigation. The report shall be called department, all persons wanted by, and all vehicles stolen the uniform crime report and shall cover crimes reported (b) The number of assaults reported which involve 2 male from, their primary police jurisdictions. The report shall adults or 2 female adults and the disposition of those of­ and otherwise processed during the month preceding the be made as soon as is practical after the investigating fenses. month of the report. It shall contain the number and nature department either ascertains that a vehicle is stolen or (c) The number of assaults reported which involve 1 male of offenses committed, the disposition of such offenses obtains a warrant for an individual's arrest or determines adult and 1 female adult and the disposition of those of­ and such other information as the director of state police that they have reasonable grounds to believe that the fenses. shall specify relating to the method, frequency, cause and individual committed a crime. In no case shall this time (d) The number of assaults reported which involve a person prevention of crime. Under no circumstances shall the exceed 12 hours after the reporting agency determines and his or her spouse and the disposition of those of­ name of any person be reported. that it has grounds to believe that a vehicle was stolen or fenses. that the wanted person should be arrested. (e) Other statistics the director of the department of state 28.252 Compilation olmonthly uniform crime reports; police considers necessaIY to obtain accurate and reli­ use. 28.255 Reports ofapprehension or recovery. able data on the incidence of domestic assault in this state. Sec. 2. Upon receipt of the monthly uniform crime Sec. 5. When at any time after making a report required Hi.tor1: A"". 1978, Act 319, I",". EfT. 7110178. reports from the reporting agencies, the department of by section 4 it is determined by the reporting agency that state police shall prepa're a statewide compilation of the Sec. 7a. The chief of police of each city or village, the a person is no longer wanted because of his apprehension, chief of police of each township having a police depart­ statistics contained therein and the resulting statistical or any other factor, and when a vehicle reported stolen compilation shall be available to any governmental law ment, and the sheriff of each county within this state shall under section 4 is recovered, the chief of police or sheriff report to the department
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