July 15, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 11 15035 299, which supports the goals and ideals of Women’s College World Series with a re- I rise today to congratulate the Ari- National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month. sounding 11 to 0 defeat over the Texas A&M zona State University softball team for According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Aggies; their victory in the 2008 NCAA Division which is located in my congressional district in Whereas this win marked the first national I tournament. title for Arizona State University in softball; On June 3, softball fans were treated Bethesda, Maryland, more than 30,000 Ameri- Whereas the Arizona State University Sun cans suffer from cystic fibrosis. Approximately Devils set a record for the highest margin of to an exceptional game as the Arizona 1,000 new cases of cystic fibrosis are diag- victory during a championship game in the State Sun Devils defeated the Texas nosed each year. It is an inherited chronic dis- NCAA Women’s College World Series history; A&M Aggies and clinched their first ease that causes thick mucus to build up in Whereas the Arizona State University national title. the lungs and other organs, causing life-threat- women’s softball team won an impressive 66 b 1200 games this season and went 56 to 5 during ening lung infections and serious digestive The resounding 11–0 defeat is the complications. the season and went 10 for 10 in the post sea- son under the leadership of Coach Clint largest margin of victory for a cham- We have made significant progress in fight- Myers; pionship game in Women’s College ing cystic fibrosis, but there is still much more Whereas super slugger Kaitlin Cochran set World Series history. to do. In the 1950s, few children with cystic fi- a new, NCAA single-season record by draw- I want to extend my congratulations brosis were expected to live to attend elemen- ing 29 intentional walks; to Head Coach Clint Meyers and Assist- tary school. Today, thanks to past funding of Whereas pitcher Katie Burkhart earned ant Coaches Kirsten Voak and Robert cystic fibrosis research, people with cystic fi- Most Valuable Player honors in the Women’s College World Series with 53 strikeouts and a Wagner. This talented coaching staff brosis can expect to live into their thirties and was named the NFCA’s NCAA Division forties. While that figure is still unacceptably perfect record of 5 wins to 0 losses; Whereas the Arizona State University I Coaching Staff of the Year for their low, it is cause for hope for those living with coaching staff, comprised of Head Coach outstanding leadership during the 2008 the disease and their families. We must con- Clint Meyers and Assistant Coaches Kirsten season. Coach Meyers returned to his tinue to fund cystic fibrosis research at the Na- Voak and Robert Wager, was named the alma mater 3 years ago and picked up tional Institutes of Health so that new treat- NFCA’s NCAA Division I National Coaching his first Pacific-10 Coach of the Year ments and, hopefully, a cure, can be devel- Staff of the Year; honor this season. He has now led the oped in which people with cystic fibrosis can Whereas 6 players, were named to the Lou- school to its first conference cham- isville Slugger/NFCA All-Pacific Region live a normal life expectancy. And we must pionship and national title in softball. continue to raise public awareness and edu- Team; Whereas 5 of those 6 players, Katie Congratulations are also in order for cation about cystic fibrosis, and to increase Burkhart, Mindy Cowles, Krista pitcher Katie Burkhart who was named support for those affected by the disease. Donnenwirth, Kaitlin Cochran, and Jackie the Most Valuable Player in the Wom- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be a cosponsor Vasquez, advanced to earn Louisville Slug- en’s College World Series. Burkhart, a of this resolution, and I encourage my col- ger/NFCA All-America honors; senior from San Luis Obispo, Cali- leagues to join me in supporting it. Whereas the Arizona State University soft- fornia, also struck out an impressive 53 Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I have no ball team earned the enthusiastic support of batters during the World Series and further requests for time. students, faculty, alumni, and Sun Devils posted a perfect record of 5–0. In her fans across the country during their national I would like to thank the leadership tenure at Arizona State, Burkhart has of Energy and Commerce Committee championship season; and Whereas the Arizona State University soft- amassed 15 shutouts and 3 saves in her and the authors of the legislation and ball team is an inspiration to student ath- 32 career starts. the demonstration of strong bipartisan letes in Arizona and across the United And for Kaitlin Cochran, a junior support for this resolution, and urge States: Now, therefore, be it from Yorba Linda, California, who hit our colleagues to support and pass Resolved, That the United States House of a three-run homer in the fifth inning of House Concurrent Resolution 299, as it Representatives— the final game to give the Sun Devils a has been amended. (1) commends the Arizona State University 4–0 lead. In fact, Cochran was such a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The softball team for their victory in the 2008 big offensive force this season that she question is on the motion offered by Women’s College World Series; (2) recognizes the achievements of the was intentionally walked a record 29 the gentlewoman from California (Mrs. players, coaches, students, and staff whose times. Cochran was also named the CAPPS) that the House suspend the hard work and dedication helped the Arizona Pac-10 conference Softball Player of rules and agree to the concurrent reso- State University Sun Devils win the cham- the Year and earned the Conference’s lution, H. Con. Res. 299, as amended. pionship; and batting title for the third year in a The question was taken; and (two- (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- row. thirds being in the affirmative) the resentatives to transmit a copy of this reso- The extraordinary achievements of rules were suspended and the concur- lution to Arizona State University President this year is a tribute to the skill and Michael Crow, softball Coach Clint Myers, rent resolution, as amended, was dedication of the many players, coach- agreed to. and Athletic Director Lisa Love for appro- priate display. es, students, alumni, families and the A motion to reconsider was laid on fans that have helped to make Arizona The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. PAS- the table. State University a premiere softball TOR). Pursuant to the rule, the gen- f program. Winning the National Cham- tleman from New York (Mr. BISHOP) pionship, finishing the season with a COMMENDING THE 2008 WOMEN’S and the gentleman from Delaware (Mr. 66–5 overall record, and winning the COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CHAM- CASTLE) each will control 20 minutes. Pac-10 Conference championship has PION ARIZONA STATE SUN DEV- The Chair recognizes the gentleman brought national acclaim to Arizona ILS from New York. State University. I know the fans of Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- GENERAL LEAVE the university will revel in this accom- er, I move to suspend the rules and Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- plishment as they look forward to the agree to the resolution (H. Res. 1323) er, I request 5 legislative days during 2009 season. commending the Arizona State Univer- which Members may revise and extend Mr. Speaker, once again I congratu- sity softball team for their victory in and insert extraneous material on H. late the Arizona State University soft- the 2008 Women’s College World Series. Res. 1323 into the RECORD. ball team for their success, and I re- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there serve the balance of my time. tion. objection to the request of the gen- Mr. CASTLE. Mr. Speaker, at this The text of the resolution is as fol- tleman from New York? time I yield to the gentlewoman from lows: There was no objection. North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) such time as H. RES. 1323 Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- she may consume. Whereas, on June 3, 2008, the Arizona State er, I yield myself such time as I may Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I want to University Sun Devils won the 2008 NCAA consume. thank my colleague from Delaware for VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:07 May 03, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H15JY8.000 H15JY8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 15036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 11 July 15, 2008 yielding me some time. I want also to Reuters/Zogby Poll: ‘‘Most Ameri- University softball team for their congratulate the Arizona State Univer- cans support more U.S. oil drilling. 59.6 championship victory in the 2008 Wom- sity softball team for its championship. percent of Americans surveyed in that en’s College World Series. And I think a lot about what is hap- poll released June 18 said they favor On June 3, 2008, the Arizona State pening to American families this year, government efforts to boost domestic University Sun Devils won the 2008 this summer, as they want to go out drilling and refinery construction to NCAA Women’s College World Series and watch their children play softball, cool record prices.’’ after trouncing Texas A&M Aggies 11– watch their children play baseball, get Again, I want to congratulate the Ar- 0.
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