Oregon state university map pdf Continue The unique partnership with Willamette University College of Law and the Lewis and Clark Law School offers students a six-year law degree. PRE-MEDICINE Oregon graduates have nearly 70% admission to medical school. Students can apply to medical school with any specialty, as long as the required Pre-Med courses are completed. Choose specialties in science (BioHealth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, zoology), engineering (bioengineering, chemical engineering, radiation health physics), health and humanities (kinesiology, nutrition, public health) or liberal arts (history, psychology). Pre-Pharmacy Most pre-Pharmacy students choose college of science majors. A common choice is BioHealth Sciences with a pre-pharmacy option. Location and displayActive campus map presents the 100th web page, which depicts the campus and nearby places of interest. Get access to the Campus Cost card or pricing structure to take advantage of this service. Using campus maps for free. Classifying data that can be stored or transmitted by that service. Unlimited That training is available for this service. No formal training is required. This service is available for the following groups. Available to all students Available to all employees Available for all departments Available to all related groups If the service is only available to certain members of the public, these restrictions are listed below. None. Calendar Library Maps Online Services Make Gift Historic Maps of the University of Oregon Digital Collection provides online access to maps related to the university - the Campus Of Corvallis, the location of other OSU facilities across the state, and the university's land. The maps date back to the end of the 19th century and are a rich major resource for the history of the campus development of OSU's Corvallis (actual and proposed) and its presence throughout Oregon. The earliest map dates back to 1894 and shows former buildings and communal lines. It was drawn by William Bloce, son of OAC President John M. Blows. Other maps related to the 1909 Olmsted campus plan, the 1926 and 1945 Taylor campus plans, and the 1964 Demonte and Wagner campus plan. Around 1962, a map shows the location of the university's original land plots from 1870. The maps in this collection are from Oregon State University Campus Maps and Series 20, Campus, Farm, and Property Maps Facilities Services Records (RG 193). The 520-acre Campus of Oregon State University has a mix of state historic buildings and new, newest facilities. And sustainability is built in. All new buildings and renovations on campus must be consistent with energy and environmental leadership (LEED) standards set by the U.S. Green Building Council. In total, 19 campus buildings are LEED certified or equivalent. Equivalent. were the first of their kind! Adams Hall Adam E6 Advanced Tree Products Laboratory Awpl D2 Aero Engineering Laboratory AEL F3 Agricultural and Life Sciences Building ALS B4 Paseka Complex Ap E2 Arnold Dining Center Arnd E5 Asia Pacific Cultural Center APCC C4 Austin Hall Aust C4 Autzen House Autz C8 Azalea House AzHs C8 Ballard Expansion Hall BalE B5 Batcheller Hall Bat B6 Bates Hall Bate B4 Beef Research BfR B1 Bell Bell C6 Beth Ray Center for Academic Support BRC E5 Bexell Hall Bexl B5 Bloss Hall Blss E5 Burt Hall Burt B4 Bux C4 Callahan Hall Cal C7 Cascade Hall Casc E6 Cauthorn Hall Kau D4 Central Reception and Delivery PrSB E7 Centro Cultural Cesar Chavez CCCC E5 CH2M HILL Alumni Center CHAC E5 Champinefu Lodge CHMP C8 Childcare Center CCC D7 Clark Laboratory ClkL C2 Climbing Center DxRC D5 Community Hall COMH C6 Coleman Field D6 Raw Warehouse CSF B1 Cordley Hall B4 Cowell Hall Covl B6 Harvest Science Building CrpS C3 Dawes House DGeo B5 Dearborn Hall Dear B6 Dixon Lodge DxLg C8 Dixon Recreation Center DxRC D5 Dryden Hall Dry D3 Einerson House EINH A4 Energy Center EC C2 Environmental and Safety Application EHSA C2 EPA Environmental Research Laboratory ERL C2 EPA Laboratory EPAL C1 Fairbanks Appendix FbAn C4 Fair C4 Farms Services FmSv C1 Finley Hall Finle E5 Forest Science Laboratory FSL D2 Furman Hall Furm C6 Gem B6 Gem Gem B6 Gilbert Adding GbAd B6 Gilbert Hall Gilb B6 Gilfillan Auditorium Glfn Aud B4 Gilkey Hall Gilk C5 Gill Coliseum Jill E4 Gilmore Application GmAn B4 Gilmore Hall Gilm B4 Glades Valley Gymnastics Center GVGC C6 Gleason Hall Gl B6 Gos Stadium D6 Greenhouse East EGrn B4 Greenhouse West WGrn B3 Holly Ford Center HFC B4 Halsell Hall Hal E6 Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center HRWG C6 Hawley Hall Ho C4 Heating Plant HP D6 Heck Lodgeart HkLg C4 Hilton Garden Inn Hilton F5 Hinsdale Wave Research Lab HWRL D1 Hogg Animal Metabolism Lab HAML B1 Horticulture Crops Research Lab HRCL B2 Hovland Hall Hov C4 Indoor Target Range ITR D6 International Living-Learning Center ILLC E6 Jefferson Street Construction JSB C Johnson Hall John B5 Kearney Hall Kear B7 Kelly Engineering Center KEC B5 Kerr Building KAd C6 Kidd Hall Kidd B6 Animal Laboratory LaRC D3 LangTon Hall Lang C5 LaSells Stewart Center LSC F5 Training Innovation LInC C4 Linus Pauling Science Center LPSC B3 Lorenz F6 Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center BCC B5 Magruder Hall Magr E3 Marketplace West Dining Center WsDn D4 McAlexander Field House McAF C6 McNary Dining Center McDn C7 McNary Hall McNary Hall McNy C7 Memorial Union MU C5 Merrit Truax Indoor Practical Center IndP E3 Merryfield Annex MfA B7 Merryfield Hall Mfd B6 Milam Auditorium MAu C5 Milam Moreland Hall Read C5 Motor Pool MoPl C3 Nash Hall C4 National Feed Seeds Research Greenhouse NFSG B2 Native Native Longhouse, Eena Haws NALh C5 Naval ROTC Armory D5 Oak Creek Building OakB F3 Ocean Administration Building OAB B5 Oceanographic Complex Oceanic Complex F4 Oceanography Staging OcSB F3 Oldfield Animal Training Center OATF B2 Orchard Court Apartments OrcC B2 OSU Beaver Store OSBS E5 OSU Foundation Foundation Wayne Valley Sports Performance Center WVSC E4 Parking Services Adam E6 Parking Structure E5 Peavy Hall Pvy D3 Pharmacy Building Phar C6 Plageman Student Health Center PSHC B5 Pole Building Pole Pole E3 Pauling Hall Pol D4 Precision Agricultural Systems Cente PASC B1 Pride Center PrC E6 Public Safety Casc E6 Purchase PrSB E7 Radiation Center RC C2 Reed Lodge RdLg C4 ReSer Stadium Resr E4 Richardson Hall Rich D3 Rogers Hall Horn B6 Sackett Hall Bag C4 Samaritan Sports Medicine Center SAMC E3 Seeds Lab SL B2 Shepard Hall Shep B6 Small Animal Laboratory SAL C1 Snell Hall (MU East) Snel C6 Softball Complex Sftbl F5 Stevens Natatorium DxRC D5 Stock Judging Pavilion SPav B1 Strand Agricultural Hall StAg C5 Student Experience Center SEC C5 Student Heritage Park D4 Tebo Hall Tebe D7 Tennis Complex Tennis D4 Transit Services Adam E6 UHD Maintenance Center HDMC E2 University Plaza UP F6 Valley Football Center VFbC E4 Valley Library VLib C6 Veterinary Milk Shed VtBn D3 Veterinary Shed Pole E2 Veterinary Research Laboratory VRL D3 Waldo Hall Wald C5 Weatherford Hall Wfd C4 Weniger Hall Wngr B5 White Athletics Center F6 Wiegand Hall Wgnd B3 Wilkinson Hall Wlkn B4 Wilson Hall Wil D7 Withycombe Hall with B4 Women's Construction WB C4 Go to basic content While we are temporarily closed to visitors during a stay in Oregon at home to slow the spread of COVID-19. You can use this interactive campus map to see our buildings and learn more about our services and resources. The card can also be printed for future visits. Thank you for your virtual visit! 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