TODAy’s WeaTHER WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 2017 Today: Sunny. Tonight: Mostly clear. SHERIDAN | NOBLESVIllE | CICERO | ARCADIA IKE TLANTA ESTFIELD ARMEL ISHERS NEWS GATHERING L & A | W | C | F PARTNER Follow US! HIGH: 69 LOW: 49 $8 million investment could bring 87 jobs . Toyota building facility in Hamilton County The REPORTER than $8 million to construct a the beginning of 2018. Interested Governor Eric J. Holcomb 90,000-square-foot manufactur- applicants may apply online. and Westfield Mayor Andy Cook ing center near 196th Street and “Toyota Advanced Logistics joined executives from Bastian U.S. Highway 31 in Westfield. and Bastian Solutions are honored Solutions, a global systems in- The facility will house 10,000 to join the Westfield community, tegrator and consulting firm that square feet of office space as and we look forward to building was recently acquired by Toyota well as the company's growing a state-of-the-art manufacturing Advanced Logistics, a subsidiary advanced manufacturing opera- facility that will not only provide of Japan-based Toyota Industries tions, which will utilize the Toy- jobs but also become a catalyst Corporation, Monday as the com- ota Production System to reduce for the local economy," said Mi- pany announced plans to build waste in the production environ- chael Romano, president of Toy- a new manufacturing center in ment and ensure quality and ef- ota Advanced Logistics. “Toyota Hamilton County, creating up to ficiency throughout the manufac- has a long history in Indiana, and 87 new, high-wage jobs by 2020. turing process. With construction we hope to utilize that experience "Indiana's pro-business rep- expected to begin in November, to continue growing, innovating utation continues to be heard Bastian Solutions plans to begin and making the state a globally loud and clear across the globe," operations early next year, ship- recognized center for advanced Gov. Holcomb said. “That is the ping its first round of products in manufacturing.” message we heard in Japan last June. Founded in 1952, Bastian month while meeting with top Bastian Solutions employs Solutions has grown from a businesses like Toyota Industries, more than 600 associates world- Midwest company into a global and I am excited to join Bastian wide, including 200 associates corporation with 20 U.S. offic- Photo provided Solutions today as we celebrate across its Indiana manufacturing es and international locations in Bastian Solutions could bring up to 87 high-wage jobs to Westfield, the continued impact that global and sales offices in Evansville, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, firms have on the state’s economy Fort Wayne, Greenfield and its Mexico and Spain. As an inde- with the first round of shipments beginning by June 2018. and Hoosier jobs.” corporate headquarters in Indi- pendent material handling and centers around the world for its velopment Corporation offered The company, which provides anapolis. With its growth, the robotics-system integrator, the customers like Amway, Boeing, Bastian Solutions LLC up to material handling and robotic au- company will begin to hire for company provides automated Newegg, Best Buy, PUMA and $1,000,000 in conditional tax tomation for large scale product manufacturing and engineering solutions for distribution, man- Roche Diagnostics. distribution, will invest more positions for its Westfield site at ufacturing and order fulfillment The Indiana Economic De- See Investment . Page 3 Fishers Council, Judge get pay raise By LARRY LANNAN cilwoman Selina Stoller the lone LarryLannan.com dissenting vote. Fishers City Judge Daniel Henke will also see After a a three percent increase in his pay lot of dis- next year. cussions, Most city employees will see the Fishers a five percent raise, including two City Coun- elected officials – Mayor Scott cil voted to Fadness and City Clerk Jenni- give itself a fer Kehl. Council members also three percent gave final approval to the entire pay raise in 2018 spending plan for the city, 2018 in an 8–1 vote, with Coun- totaling more than $103 million. Spartz named to Senate committees The REPORTER the upcom- Photo provided State Sen. Victoria Spartz ing session,” (FROM LEFT) Patrolman Jerry Fenimore, K-9 Ika, Patrolman Brandon Brooks and K-9 Jabal with (R-Noblesville) has been appoint- Spartz said. their awards from the recent Annual American Working Dog Police K-9 Olympics held in August. ed by Senate President Pro Tem “Each com- David Long (R-Fort Wayne) to mittee han- serve on four committees during dles topics Noblesville Police Department the 2018 legislative session. that are im- Spartz will be a member of the portant to me Senate Committees on Educa- and those in tion and Career Development, my district, needs votes in K-9 Grant contest Spartz The REPORTER runs through Tuesday, Nov. 7. the form – which asks for nom- Environmental Affairs, Insur- and I will The Noblesville Police De- Individuals may vote once per inated police department, your ance and Financial Institutions work hard to address the issues partment has been nominated day. Votes will be tallied after name and email address. and Pensions and Labor. facing our community and state.” for the Aftermath K-9 Grant. Nov. 7 and the winning law en- “Our K-9 Unit is a vital “I am ready to get to work and The five departments across forcement agencies will be an- function in our role as law en- serve on these committees during See Spartz . Page 2 the country with the most votes nounced on Nov. 10. forcement professionals and will be awarded grants ranging To vote, visit aftermath. this unit provides weekly, if from $1,000 to $5,000. The com/k9-grant. It takes less voting period is open now and than two minutes to complete See K-9 . Page 2 Welcome to Sheridan The REPORTER vide a visual identity for the town. The Town of Sheridan would Entry forms and an official list like to add welcome signs to the of the rules may be obtained from Join the free fun in Noblesville this Halloween entry ways of the town. The town the Town of Sheridan’s Clerk Of- The REPORTER to 8:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27 at contest, music, dancing and the had been contemplating this ad- fice at 506 S. Main St., or online Fall is officially here and the Forest Park Shelter No. 5. Guests Noblesville Police Department’s venture, so when this subject was at sheridan.org under the Events City of Noblesville is pleased to are invited to come dressed in their Trunk-or-Treat. Tenth Street Pho- entertained at a recent CHANGE/ tab. Each entry must be accompa- announce its upcoming free Hal- favorite Halloween costume – and tography will be hosting a photo Sheridan Active Living meeting, nied by an entry form. loween activities later this month. for that evening’s weather – while booth. sponsored by Purdue Extension A cash prize will be awarded trick-or-treating at local vendor Office, a small committee was as- to the winning design. The con- Family Halloween Party booths. If you are a local business Witches Brew signed to design a contest for said test begins immediately and de- The Noblesville Parks and and would like to be involved in New this year, the Nobles- sign. signs are due back by 4 p.m. on Recreation Department and the the Trick-or-Treat village, please ville Parks Department is host- The welcome sign design will Friday, Dec. 1. No digital submis- Hamilton County Council on Al- email [email protected]. ing “Witches Brew,” presented become the property of the Town sions will be accepted. There will cohol and Other Drugs invites Also, there will be plenty by Nameless Catering, from 7 to of Sheridan. The sign will inform be no entry fee and participation families to enjoy its annual Hal- of outdoor activities including and celebrate the town by being loween party outdoors from 6:30 hayrides, refreshments, costume See Fun . Page 3 decorative, informative and pro- See Signs . Page 2 2 News Spartz Signs from Page 1 from Page 1 Climatologist: La Niña could bring Long said Spartz will be a is open to all. valuable addition to these The winning entry will slightly cooler temps, wetter winter committees. be announced at the Town “Sen. Spartz is well- of Sheridan council meet- The REPORTER cooler than normal sea-sur- ana should be more muted average.” equipped and well-pre- ing at 7 p.m. on Monday, Depending on the se- face temperatures in the than in some other parts of Slightly above-average pared to serve on these Jan. 22, 2018, at the Sher- verity of La Niña, most of central and eastern tropical the nation,” Zimmermann precipitation is possible for committees,” Long said. “I idan Town Hall, 506 S. Indiana could be in store Pacific that impact global said. “Generally, one can December through Febru- have no doubt she will be a Main St. for a slightly cooler and weather patterns, she said. expect slightly cooler and ary, she said. great addition to each one, The contest is spon- wetter winter, says Petra Recent readings of the wetter winter conditions, “Should the cooler and we look forward to sored by Town of Sheridan, Zimmermann, who teaches Southern Oscillation In- but again, that depends on temperatures pan out, much working with her and hav- Sheridan Main Street, Inc., climatology at Ball State dex (SOI) and Multivariate the severity of the La Nina. of this could fall as snow,” ing her on our team.” CHANGE/Active Living and faculty director of the ENSO Index (MEI) indi- Assuming a mild or mod- Zimmermann said. “The Committee hearings, Workshop and Hamilton university’s meteorology cate the Pacific Ocean mov- erate La Niña, I predict southern half of Indiana schedules and agendas can County Commissioner and climatology laboratory.
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