• 42 Enroll In Ace Fullback Wake Forest's Leads Team In Honors Course Ill itlll null lark Rushing Yardage • Page Five Page Eight "e~ <~'- e~ .elks ,<~~u& M~,, :* '~------------------------~--------------~---------=~-: ._, * ::VGLUME XLIX * * Wake Forest College, Winston-salem, North Caronna, Monday, October 14, 1963 NUMBER C Students Give Support To Trustee Proposal Thurs. Chapel Vote, Taken By Hayes co Receives Unanimous Vote Committee Hears Proposals Sixty Apply ForTraining :.:~AGE TWO Monday, Oct. 14, 1963 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Program Set Entertainment The College Inn Restaurant Swiss Coed Finds By Chamber 'Deep' Drama Returns AND Music Group By .JIM SHERTZER Ihave otherwhe become water- Spaghetti House ENTERTAINMENT COLUMNIST logged and StatiC. • • A trio, a guitarist. a harpsi· "20,000 Leagues Under the sea" Don't let the name Disney 839 REYNOLDA RD. PHONE PA %-9932:. -A Walt Disney Production star- oscare you away. "20,000 Lea- chordilst and a quartet will be ring Kirk Douglas, James M-a- FOR THE BEST IN WF Life Different son, Paul Lukas, and Peter gues," which will play rthrough presented this year by the Wake Lorre. ScreetliPlay by Earl Felton Saturday, iJS an adventure film Forest Chamber Music Society. from the- novel by Jules Verne. Pizza • Spaghetti - Steaks - Salads By ALBERT HUNT Music by Paul Smith. Cinema- for all ageiS. STAFF WRITER The concerts will be held in Scope and Technicolor. Directed by Richard Fleischer. At the * * * Edmee Debetaz has found the auditoriwn of the new gen· Carolina. There's exciting news from life at Wake Forest College in­ eral classroom building. teresting, different and chal­ Co-chairmen of the society Did you give up Walt Disney Greensboro this month. At 8:15' ;=========================:;. this year are Dr. Lowell Tillett, along with that "greasy kid P. m. Tuesday Ray Charles will lenging. She. is one of three stuff?" Well, my friend, you're present a concert in the War students in the college's for­ associate profeiSsor of history, and Dr. Frank Colby of Win· making a mistake. Shun those Memorial Coliseum. NORTHSIDE SHOE REPAIR eign !Student scholarship pro­ saccharine sagas with Hayley Robert Bolt'IS masterful drama gram. ston·Salem. "A Man For All SeaJSOnJS" will "The Finest In Shoe Repairing" The site of the concerts has Mills if you wilsh, but don't Miss Dcbetaz lives in Yvon­ been changed from the Mag­ thumb your nose at "20,000 be presented at 8:30 p. m. and, Switzerland, a ISmail town nolia Room in order to provide Leagues Under the Sea," the Wednestia~ in the auditorium We Feature A Complete Line Of about 25 miles west of Lausan­ better facilities for the per· fine 1954 Disney adventure film of_ the Colis~um. ~obert Harris ne. Her academic status is Shoe Polish • Shoe Laces - Shine Kits formers. currcutly being revived at the will star m this _successful similar to that of a junior in Carolina I Broadway play which deals OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 'TILL 8 P. M. an American univensity. She is New York Trio "20,oo0 Leagues," asyoumust with the conflict between enrolled in two Ell!glish courses certainly know by now, is that ThomaiS More and Henry VIII. PHONE PA 2-1744 NORTHSIDE SHOPPING CENTER The new York Concert Trio, U. S. HistorY, Latin and philo­ prophetic 19th-century .science. Best of all is the D!"WS that OWNER KELLY JOHNSON sophy, coDJsisting of 'cello, flute ana fiction novel by Jules Verne ihe Broadway smash-hit "How ' Miss Debetaz was approach­ harp, will present the first con­ foretold wonderous things to Succeed Wi!hout cert of the series Oct. 24. The \~hich ~ ~us~ess =-------------------------.1 . i ed in August by Marianne Kra­ likG submarines and nuclear Rea!ly Trymg will begm a yenbuhl, a Swiss girl who tstu­ trio will be followed 10n Dee. 5 by Alirio Diaz, classical guitar­ power. Earl Felton has main· four-day engagement on Oct. died at Wake Forest last year. tained much of this prophetic !28th. More on this later. She became interested in the ist. Diaz has been called "an expert technician and a dis· flavor in his screenplay which, * '* ~ . college and Wl'Ote Dr. Harold although it veers dangerously ON CAMPUS- Make Mine Parcell of the French depart­ criminating musician." MOST FMIOUS BARBECUE HOT FR<tM OUR Olfl:i Sylvia Marlowe, harpsichord­ toward a documental rather Mink," an English comedy in ment. Sh~ then applied to Wake than narrative .style in some the tradition of last year'IS CU PIT Forest and was awarded one of i&t, known as the "First Lady of the Harpsichord," will ap­ spoils, is, for tiJe most part, f~ "!he Mouse That Roa~­ DINNERS - CURB SERVICE the $1,000 scholarships made quick-moving and highly en- ed, will be presented thJ:s Frl­ pear Jan. 16. The Loewenguth available by the ~ollege. tertaining. day and Saturday night in Quartet, a French ensemble Catering For Parties She flew .to New York on Sep­ Kirk Douglas (who is also Salem Hall. Gap.toothed Terry­ described as playing "like a currently starring in .the Win- Thomas stars in this delightful tember· 18 and made connec· single arti:st," will clooe the .. tions to Wi:nls.ton-Salem, where ston's comedy "For Love 0~ ?it of nonsense a~ut. a bumbl­ Hill's Lexington Barbecue series on March 3. Money") ils fine as harpooner mg gang of nusgwded fur­ she ·was. met by Dr. Parcell. Season membe11ships are $6 Ned Land and Peter Lorre is thieves which pr.om:iJSes to be Josepli Runner of the French for adults and $4.50 for stu­ department' and Miss Jane quite acc~ptable as his meek- the funniest College Union film dents. Appplication blanks will mannered side-kick, Conseil. yea1'1. "Make Mine Mink" Freeman, assistant dean nf be available at tile Informa­ ~s :::::::::::::::::::==========================::.; women. Paul Lukas, as the scientific will be PX:2sented at 7 and 8:451 tion De!Sk of Reynolda Hall. Aronnax, makes a believable p. m. Fnday and at 8 p. m. Pla.tronize OG&B Advertisers Single concert admissions will Langua~re Trouble professor, but towering above Saturday. EDl\mE DEBETAZ be avai11ble at .the door. them all 3IS Nemo, the most -------------------------------------- Miss Debetaz said her main difficulty to date has been in totl!S which are something like liteneiSS and consideration on neurotic captain since Ahab, ils understauding ·the language American states). He is also dates. James Mason in one of his here. Although she speaks Eng- one of the national counselors "I like Wake Forest verj Accused Thief better screen roles. The leads lish well, she learned the lan- who form the legislative astsem­ much. I went to Salem College are assisted · by a loveable guage with a British accent bly:. 1\<Iiss Debctaz said her par­ once and although it was beaUo Bound Over scene-.stealing seal named Es­ and hais encountered a little enbs were pleased that she had tiful, I do not like girls' schools. Harry Leon Gassaway, a merelda and a not so loveable trouble in understanding south- been given tile opportunity to Although I W81S -jUISt there fot Winston-Salem youth who was giant squid, XL CLEANERS ern dialect. She feels the pro- study in the United States for an afternoon, I was never st ch~ged with entering two Congratulations are also in fessors lecture quite fast, but a year. !}lad to get back to Wake For• Wake Forest students' room order for ·the excellent under­ is confident she will compre- In only three weeks she has est. I am so happy to be here. and 5tealing &Several articles, water photography of Till Gab­ hend more as the year pro- changed her opinions about I othank Wake Forest College was waived elC3minlation. by bani, the superb art direction One-Stop Dry Cleaning, Shirt Laundry, and gresses. Americans a great deal. "We very much for offering me this the Forsythe Recorder's Court of John Mecham, and the fan­ She haiS noticed great differ- thought American youths were scholarship. I have a deep, apo and <bound over to Superior tastic special effects of Ralph Dry Fold ences in the American and corrupted by modernization preciative feeling for this school Court Wednesday. Hammaras and Ub. Iwerks. European educational systems. without faith or law. Through and am eagerly looking fo11o Gassawa(Y, who was accused (The squid battle is one of the "There are many more restric- the movies and newspapers, we ward to the remainder of the of two counts of ihouse break­ most realistic monster scenes tions in this country than we have rec~ived a false image of year," !She 1said. ing and larceny, posted $300 ever filmed). They help to keep have in Switzerland," she re- American youth," she said. She iJ:xxnd on each count. the film afloat when it m.lght One-Day Service On All' Three! markedi. "At Wake Forest, we went on to say that oome Arne­ have mach assigned reading, rican tourists, who are general­ Club Will Serve PA 2-1027 ' I frequent tests and compulsorY ly quite ostentatious with their attendance, while in Europe we money and ethnocentric in their African Dinner WAKE FOREST LAUNDRY . may only have one test and if views, contribute to this false The International Students Across From Tavern On The Green On Cherry St. one wanbs to stay in bed, he or image. Club will serve a dinner con­ DO YOUR OWN LAUNDRY HERE OR she stayiS in bed." She also She ha:s noticed a differenee sisting of Mrican dishes at LET us· DO IT FOR. YOU. said thaot student-teacher re.
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