B6 | SATURDAY,SRELIGIONATURDAY , 05.5.201205.5.2012 SATURDAY, 05.5.2012 | THE LEDGER INDEPENDENT Prayer line Little Sisters of the o ered in area Poor marks 140 years Earlier this week, a “This offering to the One challenge rose to the MARIA SCIULLO prayer line (606-280- larger community is an top from the many positive For The Associated Press 9181) opened in the outgrowth of a day spent and encouraging reflec- Maysville/Mason County in quiet reflection with tions, the gem of an idea for PITTSBURGH | As late- area for anyone who de- God,” says Rev. Bob Hud- people to call in and ask for morning sunlight cast sires prayer for himself or son, rector of St. Luke’s prayer for any and all things soft, blue-and-green pan- for others. Anglican Church. “We on their heart,” Rev. Bob els through the chapel’s A small advertisement gathered as a congrega- continued, and the people stained glass windows, that will run Monday, tion on Holy Saturday, of St. Luke’s would lift William J. Winter, auxiliary Wednesday and Saturday April 7, to spend a portion them up to the Lord for His bishop emeritus for the Di- in the 200 Section of the of the day in quiet with healing, His care, or His ocese of Pittsburgh, spoke Classified Ads. God. His people reflected Word of encouragement.” about the modern-day Prayers? Trouble, sor- upon their walk with Him St. Luke’s is grateful challenge to follow Christ’s row, need, sickness? Call and where He might have for helpful suggestions teachings. St. Luke’s Anglican Prayer a word of encouragement and insight from the Tend to the lambs, he Line 606-280-9181, re- and challenge, not only for leadership of The Ledger- said, treat your fellow man cord request. No charge/ that person, but for all the Independent’s classified with dignity and respect. obligation. people of St. Luke’s.” advertising department. Literally and figuratively, he was preaching to the choir. It can be argued that there are few in this world doing a more sincere job of KURT WEBER, ASSOCIATED PRESS caring for others than the Retired Bishop William Winter greets visitors after saying Mass Methodists vote to keep Little Sisters of the Poor. in the Gloria Chapel at the James P. Wall Home for the Aged, the Bishop Winter was on hand Benton Avenue home of The Little Sisters of the Poor in Pitts- Sunday to help celebrate burgh. The Little Sisters of the Poor held a celebration of 140 stand on homosexuality the 140th anniversary of years of serving the elderly in Pittsburgh, April 29, 2012. the order in Pittsburgh, Associated Press doctrine. The meeting lion U.S. members, the an event featuring Mass in New York City. In Pitts- aid, the congregation relies is held once every four United Methodist Church followed by visitors’ tours burgh, where 10 sisters are on generosity of dona- TAMPA, Fla. | After an years, which means the is the largest mainline of the Brighton Heights aided by lay staff, there tions as well as fundraising emotional debate, Meth- policy won’t come up for Protestant denomina- facility. have been three homes events. odists at a national legis- a conference vote again tion in the country, with “Their presence and their run by the Little Sisters Upcoming events in- lative meeting Thursday until 2016. a significant and grow- work speak to the word of of the Poor. The first, ac- clude the annual Rock-a- upheld the denomina- Advocates for gay and ing membership of more God,” Bishop Winter said. cording to Mother Judith Thon. Last year’s Rock-a- tion’s policy that same- lesbian Methodists gath- than 4 million overseas. Bishop Winter observed Meredith, was by the river Thon — in which 50 rock- sex relationships are “in- ered in the convention hall However, the number of the Sisters’ work on a per- in the Allegheny West part ing chairs were provided to compatible with Christian wearing rainbow stoles Methodists is shrink- sonal level: His father, also of the city. Then the sisters rock for donations — raised teaching.’” and protested the vote by ing inside the U.S., while William, lived at the home moved to Penn Avenue, fi- $68,000 to purchase Delegates at the Gen- singing and interrupting expanding in African and for nine years, until his nally making their home at therapeutic whirlpool eral Conference voted the meeting. Some cried Asian countries where the death in 1985. the current address in 1932. bathtubs. by about 60 percent to when the vote tally was church is theologically “He loved it here, there It’s an impressive facil- Bob and Linn Pusateri 40 percent against soft- announced. Methodist conservative. was so much to do. One ity, with three levels of res- were touring the facility ening the language on leaders briefly shut down Several overseas del- time we were flying kites, idence for the elderly poor, for the first time Sunday. homosexuality in their business in response to egates spoke against any another time we went to an ranging from independent They are longtime donors, Book of Discipline, which the protest. change in church law on ice cream social,” he said. living to hospice. The mag- a family tradition going contains church laws and With just under 8 mil- homosexuality, arguing Stanley Zubik, father of azine U.S. News & World back to Bob’s father, Frank. that the Bible forbids David Zubik, bishop of the Report recently named it Frank Pusateri worked for same-gender relation- Catholic Diocese of Pitts- one of the top 39 nursing a produce company in the ships and that homosex- burgh, is among the 93 homes in the country. Strip District in the 1960s uality was not accepted current residents. Between the 140th an- and 1970s when the sisters in their countries. One The congregation was niversary and the national would make their weekly LIMESTONE MINISTERIAL African delegate, speak- founded in 1839 by Jeanne recognition, Mother Judith Tuesday visits to ask for ing through a translator, Jugan, a French woman said, the sisters are plan- food. ASSOCIATION compared homosexuality who was later beatified by ning a big year of events. “We were happy to come to bestiality. Pope John Paul II and can- Because their mission is here today because Dad al- Methodists have been onized by Pope Benedict taking care of the elderly, ways had a soft spot in his Serving You and Your Community debating their church XVI. and about half of their $6 heart for the Little Sisters stand on homosexuality The first American home million operating budget is of the Poor.” Bob Pusateri in the following ways: for four decades. was established in 1868, obtained through Medic- said. •Chaplain Meadowview Regional You may never Medical Center want to leave RELIGION CALENDAR •Extended Care Facility your home again! TODAY METHODIST — Commu- second Wednesday of each •Senior Citizens TOLLESBORO UNITED nity Mother’s and Father’s month, contact any of the METHODIST — Yard Sale, Day dinner, 5 p.m. new officers: Fr. Bob Hud- •Sunday Morning Service Broadcast 8 a.m. — 2 p.m., corner of son, Tony Liess, or Marilyn Ky. 10 and 57, if raining, in- MONDAY, JUNE 4 Roades. •Christian Unity Week Get $1,350 in Cool Cash! side Fellowship Hall. Many HIGHLAND CHRIS- ABERDEEN BAPTIST items for sale. Proceeds TIAN — The Threads of — Celebrate Recovery Pro- The Infinity Greenspeed System •Community Thanksgiving Service by Carrier is the most total to the Tollesboro United Love Clothing Closet is gram, each Friday evening: energy efficient heating and Methodist Children’s Min- open by appointment. Call group meetings for hurts, •Good Friday “Cross Walk” cooling system you can buy. It istries. 606-584-3241 for infor- habits and hang-ups, mation. 7-8:30 p.m., 733 U.S. 52 will make your home so com- SUNDAY and Service fortable, you may never want to MAYSVILLE CHURCH East, Aberdeen, call 937- go outside again! ST. JAMES CATHOLIC OF NAZARENE — VBS, 795-2334 for more details. CHURCH OF MINERVA Maple Leaf Road, theme: MAYSVILLE NAZARENE --Mass, 10 a.m. The Sky. June 4-8, for pre- — First Place 4 Health, THE CHURCH OF JE- school through sixth grade. 6:15 Monday evenings, SUS CHRIST OF LATTER- Bible Study and informal Meeting. DAY SAINTS — 8198 Day MONDAY, JUNE 25 Nutrition Classes. Open to Pike, Plumville, worship SCOTT UNITED anyone. Call Jeanie at 564- Every Second Wednesday of Each Month at 9:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. METHODIST — June 4262 for information. Visitors welcome. 25-29, VBS, theme: “No IGLESIA PUERTA DEL Hospice of Hope Meetings will be in the MOUNT ZION MIS- Friend Like Jesus-Get CIELO INC. — Pastor, Tito SIONARY BAPTIST Connected.” Closing pro- Sandoval, 859-285-5559. Education Room at 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CHURCH — First anniver- gram June 30. Times to be Direccion: 930 Forest Av- (No Meeting in June, July or August) sary of Rev. Lenjai Croley, announced. enue, Maysville, Sabado, 11 a.m., speaker, Marcus 7 a.m. — 10 p.m. Jesus les All Ministers Are Invited To Join! Underwood of Greater SUNDAY, JULY 15 dijo: yo soy el pan de vida; Liberty Baptist Church, SCOTT UNITED el que a mi viene, nunca Lexington. Dinner will be METHODIST — Church in tendra hambre; y el que Officers for: 2012 served. Afternoon speaker the park, Maysville-Mason en mi cree, no tendra sed at 3 p.m., Rev. Eugen County Recreation Park, jamas. Juan 6:35. Porque Buy a complete Carrier Infinity Turner and members of the Washington, 11 a.m.
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