5522 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 24 PRIVATE'BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS own God, shan· bless us, and all the For we know that. if our earthly house Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private ends of the earth shall fear His name. oj this tabernacle were dissolved, we have bills and resolutions were introduced an'd Through Jesus.Christ. Amen. a building of God, an house not made sever:rJly referred as follows: The reading of the Journal of the pro­ with hands, eternal in the heavens. By Mr. BOGGS: ceedings of yesterday was dispensed with, The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. H . ~. 7287. A bill for the relief of Joseph and the Journal was approved. Spear; to the Committee on Claims. He maketh me to lie down in green By Mr. McGEHEE: RECESS pasture~: He leadeth me beside the still H . R. 7288. A bill to relieve certain em­ The SPEAKER. Pursuant to House waters. ployees of the Veterans' Administration from Resolution 502, the Chair declares the He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me financial liability for certain overpayments House to be in recess for the purpose in the paths of righteousness jor His and allow such credit therefor as is neces­ name's sake. · Eary in the accounts of certain disbursing of- of holding memorial services as arranged ficers; to the Committee on Claims. · by the Committee on Memorials. Yea, though I walk through the valley H. R. 7289. A bill for the relief of Dennis Accordingly the :House stood in recess of the shadow of death, I will fear no Hall; to the Con1mittee on Claims. to meet at the call of the Speaker. _evil.- for Thou art with me; Thy rod and H. R. 7290. A bill for the relief of Beatriz MEMORIAL SERVICE PROGRAM Thy staff, they comfort me. Milan Vda. de·Vazquez; to the Committee on · · Thou prepqrest a table before me in Claims. JUNE 24, 19~2 the pres·ence of mine enemies; Thou By Mr. McLAUGHLIN: . Prelude, sacred selections ( 11:15 to 11:45) United States Navy Band Orchestra anointest my head with oil; my cup run­ H. R. 7291. A bill for the relief of William neth over. Weitz; to the Committee on Claims. · Presiding Officer _________ The Speaker of the · House of Representatives Surely goodness and _mercy shall follow Invocation___________________ The Chaplain .me all_ the days of my life: and I will PETITION_S, ETC. Dr. James Shera Montgomery dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Lead, Kindly Light (Buck) ____ Male Quartet Let not your heart be troubled: ye Under clause 1 ~f rule XXII, petitions Scripture reading and prayer __ The Chaplain and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk believe in God, believe also in Me. Roll of deceased Members _________ The Clerk - In My Father's house are many man­ and referred as follows: of the House of Representatives sions: if it were not so, I would have 3121. By Mr. BULWINKLE: Petition of Devotional silence. · Address _______ _: _______ Hon. EDWARD J. HART, told you. I go to pr epare a place for Rev. _L._ L. Jessup; pastor, Second Bap tist you. · · Church of Shelby, N. C., and sundry citi­ Representative from the State of New Jersey zens of Cleveland County, N. c:, urging the Crossing the Bar (l3arnpy) ___ Male· Quartet And if I go and prepare a place jor enactment of House bill 4000 or Senate bill Address ____________ Han. FRANK CROWTHER, .you, I will come agam, and receive you 860. to the Committee on Military Affairs. Representative fr.om the State of New York unto Myself,· that where I am, there ye 3122. Also, petition. of sundry citizens of The Long Day Closes (Sulli-van) may be also. • · Burke County, N. C., urging -the passage of Male Quartet I am the way, th'e truth, and the life: Taps-----~-------------------- Oscar Short · House bill 4000 or Senate bill 860; to the Benediction:. _________________ The Chaplain Consider the lilies of the field, how Committee c;m Military Affairs. ~they grow; they toil ?Wt, neither do they ~123. By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of the MEMORIAL SE~VICE Missionary Society of the Wampum (Pa.) spin: · Presbyterian Church, favoring Senate bill The Speaker, Mr~ RAYBURN, presided. And yet . I say unto you, That even 860, which provides for elimination of the The Chaplain, Rev. Dr. James Shera Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed salf: of liquor in and around the· camps where Montgomery: like one of these. soldiers are located; to the Committee on Almighty God, unto whom all hearts Where/ore: if God so clothe the grass Military Affairs. are open, all desires known, and from of the field, which today is, and tomorrow 3124. By Mr. JOHNSON of California: is cast into the oven, shall He not much Resolution adopted by the Long Beach Chap­ whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the ter No. 2, Mothers of the Armed Forces of . thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration more clothe you, 0 ye oj little faith? America, of Long Beach, Calif., urging Con- · . of Th~ 7 Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly Yet hope will dream and faith will trust gress, the President, or any other govern­ love Thee· and worthily magnify Thy .For He who knows our needs is just, mental-agency having ·;urisdiction thereof to ·holy name. Through Jesus Christ our Somehow; someVIhere, meet we must. rescind all the civil rights of all Japanese­ ·Lord. Amen. Alas, for him who never sees Americans in the jurisdiction of the United The male quartet sang Lead, Kindly The stars shi-ne through his cyprus trees I States for the duration, and that those Japa­ · · And hopeless lays his dead away. nese funds now frozen in the United States Light <Buck) . Nor sees the breaking of the day be immediately. utilized for the purpose of The CHAPLAIN: Across the mournful marbles play! maintenance and org?-nizing th_e able-bodied Our Father who art in heaven, hal­ Who hath not leamed in hour of faith Japanese 18 to 50 into a so-called agricultural lowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, The truth to flesh and sense unknown corps; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Tliat life is ever lord of death heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And love can never lose its own 1 and forgive us our trespasses as we tor­ give those who trespass against us. Lead If, on a quiet sea, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES us not into temptation, but deliver us Toward heaven we calmly sail, from evil, tor Thine is the kingdom and With grateful hearts, 0 God to Thee, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1942 the power and the glory forever. We'll own the favoring gale. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and Amen. But should the surges rise, Let us hear the word of the Lord. Al­ And rest delay to come, was called to order by the Speaker, Mr. Elest be the tempest, kind the storm RAYBURN. mighty God, hear our prayer taken from the Holy Bible. That drives us nearer home. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ Jesus said: I am the resurrection and ROLL OF DECEASED MEMBERS gomery, D. D., offered the following the lite: he that believeth in Me, though prayer: Mr. Alney E. Chaffee, reading clerk of he were dead, yet shall he live; and who­ the House, read the following roll: God be merciful unto us. and bless us soever liveth and believeth in Me shall ne1ier die. BYRON PATTON HARRISON, Senator from the and cause His face to shine upon us, that State of Mississippi: Born August 29, 1881; ~hy way may be known on earth, the sav­ The eternal God is thy refuge and lawyer; district attorney, second district of ing grace of all nations. Let the people underneath are the everlasting arms. Mississippi, 1905-10; delegate Democratic Na­ ·praise Thee, 0 God. Let all the people The Lord is my light and my salvation; . tional Conventions, 1908, 1920, 1924, tem­ praise Thee. Oh, let the nations be glad whom shall I tear? the Lord is the porary chairman, 1924; chairman of the Dem­ and sing for joy, for Thou shalt judge strength of my lite; oj whom shall I be ocratic State convention, 1916; Member, House the people righteously and govern the afraid? of Representatives, Sixty-second, Sixty-third, Sixty-fourth, Sixty-fifth Congresses; elected to nations of the earth. Oh, let the people The righteous live forever, and the care the United States Senate 1918, 1924, 1930, praise Thee, 0 God, let all the people of them is with the Most High; with His 1936; President pro tempore of the Senate -praise Thee; then the earth shall give right hand He shall cover them, and with and chairman of the Committee on Finance forth her increase and God, even our His arm He shall shield them. at the time of his death June 22, 1941. • 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5523 · ANDREW JACKSON HOUSTON, Senator from LAWRENCE JosEPH CoNNERY, Seventh Con­ faces. Death has set the seal of eternity the State of Texas: Born June 21, 1854; sol­ gressional District of Massachusetts: Born upon their brows and the beautiful hath dier; lawyer; graduate of West Point Military October 17, 1895; reporter; lawyer; business­ Academy; one of the organizers of the Travis man; soldier; served on the Mexican border been made permanent. Rifles at Austin, Tex., during t he reconstruc­ in 1916 in Company A, Ninth Massachusetts In this sweet hour of love and remem­ tion period, 1874; formed a troop of cavalry, Infantry; World War in Company A, One Hun­ brance our feelings ought not to be Roosevelt Rough Riders; clerk, United States dred and First Regiment, United States In­ marked by an undiluted sadness.
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