TRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZER TRAILBLAZER Cornwall Coast PathCornwall Coast PathCornwall Coast Path Cornwall Coast Path SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Part 2 – BUDE TO PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Part 2 – BUDE TO PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Part 2 – BUDE TO PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Part 2 – BUDE TO PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH 666 6 EDNEDNEDN ‘...the‘...the‘...the Trailblazer TrailblazerTrailblazer series seriesseries stands standsstands head, head,head, CornwallCornwallCornwall Cornwall head, stands series Trailblazer ‘...the EDN shoulders,shoulders,shoulders, waist waistwaist and andand ankles anklesankles above aboveabove the thethe rest. rest.rest. CornwallCornwallCornwall Cornwall rest. the above ankles and waist shoulders, TheyTheyThey are areare particularly particularlyparticularly strong strongstrong on onon mapping...’ mapping...’mapping...’ mapping...’ on strong particularly are They THETHETHE SUNDAY SUNDAYSUNDAY TIMES TIMESTIMES COASTCOASTCOASTCOAST PATHPATHPATHPATH PATH PATH COAST COAST TIMES SUNDAY THE SWSWSW COAST COASTCOAST PATH PATHPATH Part PartPart 2 22 – –– BUDE BUDEBUDE TO TOTO PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTHPLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH TO TO BUDE BUDE – – 2 2 Part Part PATH PATH COAST COAST SW SW SWSWSW COAST COAST COAST PATH PATH PATH Part-2 Part-2 Part-2 – – – BUDE BUDE BUDE TO TO TO PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH TO BUDE – Part-2 PATH COAST SW CardiffCardiffCardiff Cardiff Cardiff SWCPSWCPSWCP 1 1 1 LondonLondonLondon London London 1 SWCP includesincludesincludes accommodation, accommodation,accommodation, pubs pubspubs MineheadMineheadMinehead 142142142 large-scale large-scalelarge-scale maps mapsmaps & && guides guidesguides to toto 81 8181 towns townstowns & && villages villagesvillages villages & towns 81 to guides & maps large-scale 142 Minehead Minehead pubs accommodation, includes BudeBudeBude ExeterExeterExeter Exeter Exeter Bude andandand restaurants restaurantsrestaurants in inin detailed detaileddetailed PoolePoolePoolePoolePoolePoole PoolePoole detailed in restaurants and PlymouthPlymouthPlymouth PLANNINGPLANNINGPLANNING – –– PLACES PLACESPLACES TO TOTO STAY STAYSTAY – –– PLACES PLACESPLACES TO TOTO EAT EATEAT EAT TO PLACES – STAY TO PLACES – PLANNING Plymouth 0 00 100km100km100km PLANNINGPLANNINGPLANNING – –– PLACES PLACESPLACES TO TOTO STAY STAYSTAY – –– PLACES PLACESPLACES TO TOTO EAT EATEAT EAT TO PLACES – STAY TO PLACES – PLANNING 100km 0 guidesguidesguides to toto 81 8181townstownstowns and andand villages villagesvillages SWCPSWCPSWCP 3 3 3 3 SWCP villages and towns 81 to guides 0 00 5050 50miles miles miles miles 50 0 COVERSCOVERSCOVERS THE THE THEENTIREENTIREENTIRE COASTLINE COASTLINE COASTLINE OF OF OF CORNWALL CORNWALL CORNWALL CORNWALLCORNWALLCORNWALL COAST COAST COAST COAST CORNWALL CORNWALL OF COASTLINE ENTIRE THE COVERS PAPAPATHTHTH ( SWCP2( SWCP2(SWCP2) )) ) SWCP2 ( TH PA oooIncludesIncludesIncludes 142 142142 detailed detaileddetailed walking walkingwalking maps: maps:maps: HENRYHENRYHENRY STEDMAN STEDMANSTEDMAN & && JOEL JOELJOEL NEWTON NEWTONNEWTON NEWTON JOEL & STEDMAN HENRY maps: walking detailed 142 Includes o ThisThisThis guide guideguide to toto the thethe coast coastcoast path pathpath path coast the to guide This ––– At At At just justjust just At – thethethe largest-scale largest-scalelargest-scale maps mapsmaps available availableavailable fromfromfrom BudeBudeBude*** tototo PlymouthPlymouthPlymouth Plymouth to * Bude from available maps largest-scale the 11/1/8/88 8 / 1 underunderunder 1:20,000 1:20,000 1:20,000 (8cm (8cm (8cm or or or 3 3 3 inchesinchesinches to to to 1 1 1mile) mile) mile) (288(288(28811/41/4/4miles,miles,miles, 464km) 464km)464km) covers coverscovers covers 464km) miles, /4 1 (288 mile) 1 to inches 3 or (8cm 1:20,000 under thesethesethese are are are bigger bigger bigger than than than even even even the the the most most most detailed detailed detailed thethethe second secondsecond section, section,section, Cornwall, Cornwall,Cornwall, Cornwall, section, second the detailed most the even than bigger are these walkingwalkingwalking maps maps maps currently currently currently available available available in in in the the the shops. shops. shops. ofofof thethethe 630-mile630-mile630-mile (1014km)(1014km)(1014km) (1014km) 630-mile the of shops. the in available currently maps walking South-WestSouth-WestSouth-West Coast CoastCoast Path PathPath. Path Coast South-West ooo –– – walkingwalkingwalking walking – o UniqueUniqueUnique mappingmappingmapping featuresfeaturesfeatures ThisThisThis is isis some somesome of ofof the thethe best bestbest best the of some is This features mapping Unique times,times,times, directions, directions, directions, tricky tricky tricky junctions, junctions, junctions, places places places to to to coastalcoastalcoastal walking walking walking in in in Europe. Europe. Europe. The The The The Europe. in walking coastal to places junctions, tricky directions, times, stay,stay,stay, places places places to to to eat, eat, eat, points points points of of of interest. interest. interest. These These These footpathfootpathfootpath takes takestakes in inin tiny tinytiny fishing fishingfishing fishing tiny in takes footpath These interest. of points eat, to places stay, areareare notnotnot general-purposegeneral-purposegeneral-purpose mapsmapsmaps butbutbut fullyfullyfully villages,villages,villages, rororockyckycky headlands,headlands,headlands, headlands, cky ro villages, fully but maps general-purpose not are editededitededited maps mapsmaps drawn drawndrawn by byby walkers walkerswalkers for forfor walkers. walkers.walkers. bustlingbustlingbustling resorts, resorts, resorts, wooded wooded wooded estu- estu- estu- estu- wooded resorts, bustling walkers. for walkers by drawn maps edited ariesariesaries and andand golden goldengolden surf-washed surf-washedsurf-washed surf-washed golden and aries oooItinerariesItinerariesItineraries for forfor all allall walkers walkerswalkers–– – whether whetherwhether bbeaches.beaches.eaches. It ItIt is isis an anan area areaarea rich richrich in inin in rich area an is It eaches. b whether – walkers all for Itineraries o hikinghikinghiking the thethe entire entireentire route routeroute or oror sampling samplingsampling high- high-high- wildlife,wildlife,wildlife, withwithwith seabirds,seabirds,seabirds, wildwildwild wild seabirds, with wildlife, high- sampling or route entire the hiking lightslightslights on onon day dayday walks walkswalksororor short shortshort breaks breaksbreaks. .. flowers,flowers,flowers, dolphins dolphinsdolphins and andand seals. seals. seals. seals. and dolphins flowers, . breaks short or walks day on lights ooo * *also* also also includes includes includes the the the route route route across across across the the the North North North North the across route the includes also * o DetailedDetailedDetailed public public public transport transport transport information information information DevonDevonDevon border: border: border: Hartland Hartland Hartland Quay Quay Quay to to to Bude. Bude. Bude. Bude. to Quay Hartland border: Devon information transport public Detailed forforfor all allall access accessaccess points. points.points. points. access all for SWSWSW COAST COAST COAST PATH PATH PATH SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES PATH COAST SW ooo o PracticalPracticalPractical information informationinformation for forfor all allall budgets budgetsbudgets PartPartPart 1: 1: 1: Exmoor Exmoor Exmoor & & & North North North Devon Devon Devon Devon North & Exmoor 1: Part budgets all for information Practical WhatWhatWhat to to to see; see; see; where where where to to to eat eat eat (cafés, (cafés, (cafés, pubs pubs pubs and and and PartPartPart 2: 2: 2: Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall 2: Part and pubs (cafés, eat to where see; to What restaurants);restaurants);restaurants); where wherewhere to toto stay staystay (B&Bs, (B&Bs,(B&Bs, hotels, hotels,hotels, PartPartPart 3: 3: 3: Dorset Dorset Dorset & & & South South South Devon Devon Devon Devon South & Dorset 3: Part hotels, (B&Bs, stay to where restaurants); bunkhouses,bunkhouses,bunkhouses, hostels hostelshostels & && campsites). campsites).campsites). campsites). & hostels bunkhouses, ‘Three‘Three‘Three excellent excellentexcellent guides‘ guides‘guides‘ guides‘ excellent ‘Three ooo THETHETHE INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT THE o IncludesIncludesIncludes downloadable downloadabledownloadable GPS GPSGPS waypoints waypointswaypoints waypoints GPS downloadable Includes www.trailblazer-guidewww.trailblazer-guidewww.trailblazer-guides.coms.coms.com 520955209552095 > > > > 52095 s.com www.trailblazer-guide DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED IN IN IN UK UK UK & & &IRELAND IRELAND IRELAND BY BY BY BY IRELAND & UK IN DISTRIBUTED CRIMSONCRIMSONCRIMSON PUBLISHING PUBLISHING PUBLISHING % % %012250122501225 584950 584950 584950 584950 01225 % PUBLISHING CRIMSON PricePricePrice in inin UK UKUK UK£13.99 UK£13.99UK£13.99 UK£13.99 UK in Price DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED IN IN IN USA USA USA BY BY BY NBN NBN NBN 666 6 NBN BY USA IN DISTRIBUTED %%%1-800-462-64201-800-462-64201-800-462-6420 www.nbnbooks.com www.nbnbooks.com www.nbnbooks.com EDNEDNEDN EDN www.nbnbooks.com 1-800-462-6420 % PricePricePrice in inin USA USAUSA US$20.95 US$20.95US$20.95 US$20.95 USA in Price 7819129 7819129 7819129 716050716050716050 716050 7819129 ISBNISBNISBN 978-1-912716-05-0 978-1-912716-05-0978-1-912716-05-0 666ththth th 6 978-1-912716-05-0 ISBN editioneditionedition edition 1904126_cover_CC2018.indd 1 2019/4/26 下午3:39 Cornwall-6
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