University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-27-1966 Kabul Times (August 27, 1966, vol. 5, no. 128) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 27, 1966, vol. 5, no. 128)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1269. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1269 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .' . ;:.1-.....", t.::,., . , , .. , . ."'" '"..,"- ... "", I, ',.., ~l ') '", ~t ~~i I I,. _. :~ Sp9ttep. a ,mlssl~g amp~~bious ~i~. ~,~ l~·''-- . PEKIN~ ~~citcka)''''''' .,' I, :, :'!' '. .~II'.r.·l '''~'''l . ~i;~R'pUlii~ Iinh Carrying e,ght pasoengers and •\.':"'!1" ,':1 ,J. Chinese ''c!lk''lrmliil' . • .,~·t"".; ::;1~"'-" ~. a pilot on Eagle River Glacie~ 30. :, ":. .. , ,I I Moo 'Tsc-Tung Sunday received , "" • ", ",:Ji" 1'1. ,. ,. " f • 'Zari\1!~~\lic..Presldent Reuben miles (48kms) north of here, : , '1 ••,1 .:J'~ ..' 1~~~1JL!'#"~ U w, .'.,' .\;. ~" He did not say whether the twm­ .. I, '-~v:';-J1f·l~I:.,w";"; 'd() ; 1".~L:,..:"·I~ .~. .',": Ka.a'.ihil""".mbe.... Of the gov- WI,·1 ' ~,~ s; •• , '~\'l1r ...1#: •• \#I.l¥ ... '." "7 'i-: ..',/'i "I 'rt.."l<.O- ~:~ 'j-'1 If'' ~""-"_,,,, w· o,J ... r. • 'I,. _ .,.j"•• _\~. '.' • • er ... , ~,atio:n which he is. engined Alaska coastal. airlines .II~ .l~1 ~!\:, .~.' ~ ~ ,~ _~ ..... ~~. ~ ~~;. J j' ..... ' i """l~'" . ,', ..:-,,< ."7/ ,•. ........ \". J):'1 "'t) .:. •• _,' ,l••_" :..·.111...;:.'.'.::.,,\''''' .... ':. ••• t. ~'. "' 3 he .,'" . '" plane. which had been flYlOg here . '. ',. ~.: ':J:-' "";'~" :.. 't.'{':~'. '. ,~._ ' .....', ~,. • .. .I.. ~_ ....... I'~.j+'i" 'Jil} t"~\ ,." \' ". ~i.ijJ ...,, ,• ''''././'1' ~"·'r'·· ~J,_.l ~ .~- ~I:" ~ ~.$AWRDX'y '. '. ,,\~, .. l.~ 'J, . biah':'·lloodwill delegation from Skagway. was wFecked, 8~t .,..J... •• - -. "1" ····<'..... r r .• ': ', ..... ,' ... -,' AUGUST27 ,';~"Price 1 ',," • 'I' r,· ~;.> ". ". Ij I)· II' , "'j I, '" I.. :J" _ ~"'. ~ ,'#' ~ _ ) \. \. I ' 9 UNB· Tn'" 5' I·AC SH' _ ",,_ 'M. 3 he said he saw no pedple round It. VOLr,'I; INO'.129 ::"~~.:'rJ':'')..':~~·'·'~·;J''''I:r-_' ~"".,;~,:. f~ ~ ,'!\ft~"i" 1 66, S ULU1,......... '\ ',' ,,1 .. IS presently Visitiog China and ·is • 'r'!:e;.l"·:.-ll ':',' ;0 ......::: l' •• , •• ';'" 'I-'L 1-'·.. · '~'-'.'~'I"-" ., to~J-" ':::..'·<r "fr';" du_"","ve foe Moscow later Sun­ dayti-li,- PATERSON. New Jersey. Aug. ,: , 22. (AP),-A mysterious, sniper hit - 1IIlA'Mn;..at. Ihe reception. which wa....tft4endly.. and cordial. w~re VIC~. five cars, Including one police c~r. C~:...Tull& P,-WU. Prime MI­ With a 22 caliber bullets Sunday 10 .- ni_,.I;;hou..,n-Lai and Depuly the Garrett mountain reservation ,. :; P~ ""InIs"".. and Minisler of a rca. pohce, said. FoNigw,Mair., Chen YI, Also pre­ No injuries were reporred. ." sent for tboJ,·Zambian .Slde were Police searched the area on foot, Poi'C'IiJn~"inill1et .Kapwepwe and whIle a spoiler P-3 new over the I M Il!tstel"TH, ·Sliamabanse. head of scene. Ihe~~entr8~ province. Two teenage bqys weere questlon- J N ~ ." .• ~,",-,-__ ed but later released. according to . ~i<loEAU.' . Alaska. Aug. 22. police i-eh~ IReuterj;llUA search pilol Sunday round. No ,other suspects were I---------~---Students of the Military l\eademy at a for tomorrow's Independence Day parade, II .~~ I' " I.' .......... _ ,"""(." .. -," .. , 4-t'" , Off «.£.:c • •. PROGRAMME FOR JASHEN Sukarrw Speech Sets ".r~ New Book Gives on the occasion of the 48th Anniversary of the Student Unrest, ·Rioting JAKARTA. August 22, (ComblDed Wire Servlces).­ ~~~ Feminine., V , . Blood baa beeJi &pUled over &he weekend lUicJ &en,!OIl sUIJ prevails ~ 'f Independence of Afghanistan ." . , -. .., r_., r . In Jakarta foliowiil&' a cOntroversial speech dellevered by indo­ 'Of Afghanistan t ...~. , . 11111111111111111111111111111I11I111I1.111111111 nesian President Sukarno on August 17. By A Stalf Writer , .' Tbe speech, on -Independence with Foreign Minister Adam PARLiAMENT 11i1 ... Z' ;. '1.:" •• DaY. bas spurred new confiict Malik and said Indonesia would "Here and there m Afghpnis­ ~'$~y-u. X 10 I' M (hIOCSC artists' show. between pro and anti-8ukamo be welcomed' to join the Asian Ghazi Stadium elements. and Pacific Council (ASPAC). tan" by Prlta K. Sha!izi, wife 'If During the past year Afghanis­ the Minister of Interior Is a .Uve­ la1> experienced new and valuable <J PM Indian artIsts' show Iromcal\y Sukamo in the spe- Ramos, who is on a three-day ~~u~~t·Z3 Kabul Theatre ech appealed to the nation: "do visit to Indonesia, gave no de­ ly mtroduction to Afghanistan political development/!. The .~t for people who are not fpmjJjaT fo~o~ll «-~.:....:.~_. not exchange blows with one an- taIls of his talks. nation-wide elections With the country and even fur the adoption of the constitution Jl.~..7.30 ~M. lnauguratton of J~shlln by HI" other." Ramos indicated that he felt it Saturday people who are. were held for. both Houses of :~t4 '<> • Majesty the King's opening s~ech The blows were exchanged In was necessary for Indonesia to be The book, a collection of arti­ Parliament, Qneen A~~ fihamBn Hozoon Bandung. West Java. where at Included In aoy regional pacts cles that formerly appeared In Prime Mi!Ps.ter Mohammad t.,... _. ~ . M ililary Parade August 27 least one student was killed designed to bnng stability in magazines and newspapers. 15 Hashim Maiwandwal formed a , , Akbar Khan Wal and more than ten injured. In AsIa. more than a travelogue or his­ constitutional government which ......_,,1<36 .P.M. Tent pegging compelitlOn bpI ween IJ AM 1-l.lOdb<lll matl'h between Kabul Jakarta the militant students ac- Ramos saId he did not see tory. It presents a pIcture of is dutifully performing its tasks. " .. Palc.ua and Ghazoi team~ UOIverslty and MIlitary Aca· tion front sent about five thou- American Ambassador Marshall Ma,iwaniwal' Explains His Phi losophy Of Progressive HM Opens Exhibits Chaman Hozoorl tJcmy sand followelli into the streets Green who also was visiting AfghanIstan as seen through the eyes of the WIfe of the Minister Relations between the ex~­ 4 10 430 Atan (Afghan natIonal dance) GhaZi Stadium for nOIsy demonstrations. Bali ilis MaJesty the KlOg opened the fenl pegging competItion betwcen ot Interior. tive and the legls1ature, In aCCOr­ ,Democracy Por Just, Prosperous Society PM 1 10 I' M DIStrict military commands Ramos saId he felt new peace The following are exurpls from said priOl'ity sbould be given to national Industrial exhltion at 915 Chaman Hozoorl Paktla and Ghaznl teams throughout Java m an apparent 'moves between Indonesia and Mrs Sbahzl, an Indian by dance with the provialons of the birth, .who has lived here a long constitution are being tested by a speech delivered by Prim~ Minis- small self·liquidating agricultural a m, Thursday 1JO 10'~ 'Wrestling match betwecn the Se­ Chaman HOloon effort to cbeck further unrest Malaysia combmed with Philip­ Princesses BUIIG,uls' and Mariam Hockey match between Central time, brmgs to the the story of M­ practical parliamentary experi­ 1" Mohammad Hashim Maiwand- projects.'. ., I'M cond Arianu and the lindIan 1 30 10 , have temporarily banned street pme restoratIon of relations with I~nd accompanied His Majesty on his Army Corps and the Indian demonstrations and mass rallies. Malaysia brought prospects for OIstan the freshness and wide ence. wal WM'lesday ..ening over Radio Newly recl81med' will, be dIS' teams, I'M Aighanistan. tour of the varIOus exhibit halls. learns ThIS was the first traditional new peaCe and order in South- eye enthuslam of a tourist in .the trlbuted on. an equjtab). baSIS Ghazi Stadium Announcing his government's eeo- among KochIS and others who do New Transmitters Serve Radio HIS Majesty was greeted in front Ghazi Stadium independence daY speech of east Asia. midst of a first exploration of His Majesty said, "We have I'M Football match between Kabul nomic cultural and spiritual reform not'posses land. State mechanised of Hall No 1 by PrIme MinIster URlversity an~ PakistaOl Ran- Sukarno that aroused such strong Ramos was to start talks Mon­ and encounter With a new and firm bopes that the Afghan P,j!O'" .:-' .c; PM Footbal! match between Kabul enchanting country, and the ma­ .ple, recognlslD&' the importance:of 'progr~mmet Prime Minister Moham· farms wiU be established in order Maiwandwal, PreSIdents of the gers Club University and the Soviet Shakhtor public protests. His speech was' day WIth army strongman Gene­ Afghanistan, Bakhtar Agency Meshrano aod Wolesi Jirgabs, mem­ exercllJe mad Hasbim Maiwandwal said to raise P1oduction 3nd "c~uaint the , .. Ghazi Stadium openly described in the press as r." Suharlo. Cabinet Presidum ture and trencbant observation the constitution, wur bers of the' cabinet, high rankmg K.lraganda teams of a person wbo 18 profoundly caution and reason in fulfIllIng its Wednesday night that this oational people with modem methods of KABUL, August 27, (Bakhtar).~ 71Q PM Openmg ceremony of 'the foreign Ghazi StadIUm bemg out of tune with the members and Foreign Ministry officials, and members of the diplo­ wlSbes of the people. offiCials familiar with and astutely know­ values and directives... crusade wiU be carried forward BC- aericulture. Prime MInlster Maiwandwal Inaugurated two 100 kw. transmit­ · ,.......... ArtiSts sbows. RPM I ndlan artists', show cording 10 the, principles of blam. matic corps stationed in Kabul Kabul Theatre Consplciously lacking in the ledgeable aboul her adopted country, ters of Radio Afgh~nlast Monday. One Is for medium-wave ~. '."t Chaman Bahan Stage speech was a denunciation of the The bulk of the book is taken Mentioning the auccess of the cons.-utional monarcby, nationa­ , PM Sovlel RUSSian artists' show Studies w,U be made to intro- md the other for short-wave broadeasts.
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