1836 1936 ~l. xlv ¯ MAY,1936 ¯ No 0 A ~L A 0 0 PUBLI~NI:D IN MAY AND NC)VI:MnI::r~ np I:::ACN YI::A-I~ ~’<, 0 0 O0 A NewIndustry for the Mr. George A. Hill, Jr., President, CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA Houston Pipe Line Company, TexasCoast Houston, Texas. Dear Mr. Hill: a NewName I want to thank you and, through you, your ent~re organ- ization for calling, our company’s attention %o Houston and the Gulf Coast of Texas. Here we have found not only many of the resources essential to onHouston’s the manufacture of paper -- timber, salt, sulphur, lime and you~ own natural gas-- but also Convenient access to our marEets by means of an excellent system of railways and s:eamshi~ linea. ~ie are more than pleased that we IndustrialRoll decided to locate our new pulp mill on the Hous%on Ship Channel. The Houston Pipe Line Company materially influenced this decision. You furnished us with unbiesed information on a w~riety of subjects, and ~e have found that information ~o be reliable and accurate. Indeed, it " is not too much to say that we w~re ~u~prised to find that any business organization could be so ~ell i~’ormed about so many different things net TH Oonnected with its own business. I ~ant to congratulate you on the way the E HOUSTONPIPE LINE various departments of your com~,ny were able to take hold of the problems COMPANYwelcomes the Champion peculiar ~o the ~aper i~dustry, ~nd I ~anb to thank you for the fine co- o’~eration they have given us. Paper ~ Fibre Companyto Houston. The first unit of our Houston mill will cost about $3,5OO,000 Its decision to locate a newpulp mill to build. Eventually it will provide employment for a thousand men or more. ~md we shall use, of course, considerable quantities of the Texas resources on the HoustonShip Channelnot only mentioned abo~e. provides a newmarket for Texas re- We are already thimkin~ of ourselves as Texans, and as Texans, it is pleasant ~o know t~mt we have been able to add a new industry to sources, new employmentfor Texas Houston’s diversified llst of industries. labor, newdollars for Texaspayrolls; Finally, I can assure you that the business relationship so happily be~ between your company and m~ ne wi]I last for a good man~ years it also adds to the diversity of Texas to co~e. SJ~ucerely yours, industries, andthis is significant. The industrial developmentof the Y FIBRE COMPANY, Gulf Coast of Texas is only well ~O|]o~~o. |~n | ~o~~/~" ~ ~ Executive¯Vice-Presldent started. Here we have those things RBR:b ...... which industries need: the raw ma- terials of manufacture,transportation, prosper accordingly the farmer, the Iocatior for its newestDUID ~nill among markets, and unlimited resources of professional man,the merchant,skilled the smokelessindustries on the Hous- natural gas for fuel. Industries of a and unskilled labor. Weare frankly ton Ship Channel;and as a Texasin- diversified charactercan profitably lo- proud that we have been able to stitution, serving the great South cate here. Within the next decade, ass;st the ChampionPaper 0 Fibre Texasarea, we will continue actively industrial expansionin the coast coun- Company,representative of NewIn- to engagein fostering its industrial try should be rapid. All of us will dustry on the Texascoast, to find a development. HOUSTON PIPE LINE CO. Subsidiary o| Houston Oil Company of Texas ~A.H~JL,iR.,President Wholesalers of Natural May, 1936 2 Houston PORT BOOK P. O. Address Box 5125, Harrisburg Station Plant Telephone HOUSTON, TEXAS Wayside 4554 HARRISBURGMACHINE CO, INC. OLDEST MARINE REPAIR PLANT IN PORT OF HOUSTON General Machinists, Founders, Boiler Makers, Copper Smiths, Electric Welding, Floating Equipment . Including Barges and Tow Boats for Ship Repairs Night Telephone Numbers R. A. Fenzl, Wydown 91612 G.A. Mather, 3r., Wydown91155 Pres. and Gen’l Mgr. G.C. Hilllard, Wayside 8936 B. D. Cobb, Wydown 91249 R.A. McTyre, Wayside 1185 ¯ . OFFICES AT . "STRACHAN LINE" Services by Direct Steamers to SAVANNAH~GEORGIA BRUNSWICK,GEORGIA UNITED KINGDOM CHARLESTON~SOUTH CAROLINA JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA STRACHAN SHIPPING COMPANY CONTINENTAL FERNANDINA,FLORIDA PENSACOLA,FLORIDA Steamship Agents and Ship Brokers MEDITERRANEAN MOBILE, ALABAMA ADRIATIC BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA @- MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE SOUTH AMERICAN AND Cable Address: "STRACHAN" NEWORLEANS, LOUISIANA FAR EAST PORTS GALVESTON,TEXAS Codes: HOUSTON, TEXAS BOES, SCOTT’S, WATKINS’,BENTLEY’S, A. B. C. --O -- DALLAS,TEXAS O"-- --0---- CHICAGO OFFICE UTILITIES BUILDING NEW YORK OFFICE 327 SOUTH LASALLE STREET WHITEHALLBUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS ? 17 BATTERYpLACE SHIPSIDE WAREHOUSE PATRICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY Operators ¯ HOUSTONDIVISION ¯ LONE STAR PACKAGECAR CO. Specializing in General CommodityStorage and Handling 250,000 SQUARE FEET STORAGE SPACE FIREPROOF REINFORCED CONCRETE WAREHOUSE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER LOCATED AT SHIP SIDE Floor Level 35 Feet Above Mean Low Tide Import and Export Electric Conveyors Leading To and From TRACKAGE CAPACITY 84 CARS Shipments Handled Ship’s Berth Free or Bonded All Railroads serve our Shipside Warehousethrough Usual Handling Charges the Port Terminal Railroad P. O. Box 1682 Apply Uptown Phone Preston 0111 No Extra Cost Between Shipside Phone Wayside 1869 Ships and Warehouse Phone connection to all ships berthed at our dock May, 1936 Houston PORT BOOK 3 INTRACOASTAL TOWING AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Cable Address PETANK TUG CALL GENERAL HARBOR LIGHTERiNG AND COASTWISE AND OIL TOWING A COASTWISETOWI NG SPECIALTY TelephonePreston2181 Preston2799 Night Wayside3416--Lehigh 8780-4954 504Petroleum Building HOUSTON,TEXAS Menfollow Payrolls.. ~ ¢¢and payrolls follow the PowerLines ONEof the most vital factors in makingcities attractive is electricity. It makes men more productive, enables them to earn more. It reduces home drudg- ery, and gives their wives more time for pleasure. It helps build prosperity. Hence population has flowed to centers with dependable power supply. Nowpower is reaching out to the smaller places. Suburbs, towns, villages and farms are being supplied with service that, a few years ago, only the big cities enjoyed. And as that development goes forward, it will have a broad influence on the movement of population--for men follow payrolls and pay- rolls follow power lines. HOUSTON LiGHTiNG & POWERCOMPANY 4 Houston PORT BOOK May, 1936 SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY "Houston’s"-Pioneer Steamship Line" Sailings Between PHILADELPHIA, PA., NORFOLK, VIRGINIA and HOUSTON, TEXAS. From Philadelphia, Pa., Pier 46, South Wharves .............. Every Wednesday and Saturday From Norfolk, Va., Norfolk Tidewater Terminals ............ Every Thursday From Houston, Texas, Pier No. 3 ..................... Every Monday and Thursday Fortnightly sailings from Houston, Texas, to Norfolk, Va. Seven Fast Steamers Serving. Texas and the Southwest TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF TRANSPORTATION ACHIEVEMENT General O~ces: 1360 Broad Street Station Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Address Southern Steamship Co., O~ces in Norfolk, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, NewYork, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, and San Antonio. W. M. Vaughn, CA., Dallas; E. M. Sones, CA., Fort Worth; W. A. Bielstein, CA., San Antonio; R. T. Eatman, CA., El Paso W. F. Land, CA., Houston; A. S. Baker, Jr., TFA., San Angelo T. A. O’BRIEN, GENERALFREIGHT AGENT, 1360 BROADSTREET STATION BLDG., PHILADELPHIA,PA. H. T. LINDSEY, GENERAL AGENT, 409 COTTON EXCHANGEBLDG., HOUSTON, TEXAS D REDG I N G Ship Channels . Harbors . Slips and Terminals . Filling . Reclamations . Drainage and Levee Building DREDGE"DUPLEX" DEEPENING13 MILESOF HOUSTONSHIP CHANNELUNDER GOVERNMENT CONTRACT The Sternberg Dredging Company with its large fleet of Hydraulic dredges, bucket, dragline, derrick, and cableway machines is equipped to handle any excavation problem. STERNBERG DREDGING COMPANY GALVESTON, TEXAS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI May, 1936 Hous/on FORT BOOK THE ARROYOCOLORADO NAVIGATION DISTRICT of Cameron and Willacy Counties (Harlingen) Texas PURCHASES AN ELLICOTT DREDGE For dredging a barge and pleasure boat channel [rom Port Isabel to Harlingen, Texas THE ARROYOCOLORADO NAVIGATION DISTRICT, Harlingen, Texas (Joe L. Penry, Jr., Chairman; A. J. Carpenter, Secretary, and J. B. Chambers., Sr., Commissioners) purchased the twelve-inch Diesel electric hydraulic dredge "TEMPLE" illustrated above. This dredge was designed, built, and delivered ready to go to work by ELLICOTT. It has been working for several months and is making a record for high output and low cost of operation. ELLICOTT DREDGES FOR ANY MARINE EXCAVATING JOB FOR HARBORAND CHANNELIMPROVEMENT. For digging canals, or for maintenance, straight. ening channels, deepening or enlarging harbors. FOR FILLING AND IMPROVING WATERFRONTREAL ESTATE, for residential or commercial property, for airports, golf courses and parks. FOR BUILDING DAMS, PRODUCING SAND AND GRAVEL, cleaning reservoirs, deepening power canals these are a few of the many jobs best handled by a hydraulic dredge. The Ellicott Machine Corporation has been building hydraulic dredges for fifty years. We are pre- pared to build complete and deliver afloat, ready to go to work in any part of the United States or abroad. Our Engineers are at your service Send ]or latest catalogs. ELLICOTT HYDRAULIC DREDGES ANY TYPE - ANY SIZE - ANY SERVICE ELLICOTT ~ACHINE CORPORATION BALTIMORE:. MARYLAND U.S.A. 6 Houston PORT BOOK May, 1936 TEMPLE LUMBER COMPANY Serving Houston’sIndustrial and ~ort "~evelopmems TWO YARDS TO SERVE YOU HEIGHTS LUMBER YARD TEMPLE LUMBER COMPANY 425 West 18th Street ": C.A. Davis, Mgr. 3400 Polk
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