Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Casco Bay Weekly (1989) Casco Bay Weekly 10-12-1989 Casco Bay Weekly : 12 October 1989 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989 Recommended Citation "Casco Bay Weekly : 12 October 1989" (1989). Casco Bay Weekly (1989). 41. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989/41 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Casco Bay Weekly at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Casco Bay Weekly (1989) by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _1"~ ("f.M:!,!~.~A~~! a ' . COVEl STOIY galnst the buildin " clubsZ that have che f PHOTOS I." ']: by Kelly Ne/scm curb _ and' , ,g, sIttIng on th ootz and th m- ree nights' V:1 onee Harbert ImItating th e s e Bounty K' ' are watching th e adults who outh from Bath ,Ids come frontKids of Zoot spill on to sidewalk in 'd em ch~setts and w ' north from Massa­ t~e , KI S have be " , smoking, talk~~~a!:,ng some air, sInce they were i en I,mltating adults shIre to d ance. atest th from New Ham p- and the t-shirt so ut motorcycles teens of the 198 n cnbs, But the ~~e scene, to have :se clubs, to make class , meone wore In' gym adults in nightcl~~;et to imitate ey come to he scene to make chern-free n' h as well thanks do th e dance ofbar new,USIC m' and to' Dressed-up d' Ig ts wh ' to ecomlng adults the Madd Apple ~:~rs step out of served at the ba;s en no alcohol is somewhat wa 'I e. They look CONTINUED • n y at the k'dI S leaning There are t wo' Portland night- on page 6 '.,. INSIDE: UPDAT NDAR page 10 WEIRD NEWS page 3 LISTINGS page 12 TALK page 4 POOK page 16 COVER page 6 CLASSIFIEDS page 17 s SSwabbies and nuke Portland'See page 4 .postcard aficionado.~ Philip Barter's . ART SEEN page 9 PUZZLE page 19 ee page 2. s. See page 9, Mame. 2 GIsco &y Wukly October 12, 1989 An Evening of perfonnance to benefit The AIDS Project. Call The AIDS· Project at 774-6877 for more ANNE WILSON SCHAEF, PH.D. information . 1bur'8day Evming Lecture: • Tickets available at "Living In Process" Amadeus Sailors and nukes to hit town Music, 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. • November 2,1989 Plains Gallery, First Parish (]lUrch • 425 Congress Street. Pol11and Magic Garden, $10.00 General Admission . Portland Wine USS Kennedy to visit THE WEEK IN BRIEF: & Cheese Join us as Dr. Schaef explore. how the addictive process work. in our personal ~ve ••nd in our society •• a whole and the p08&ihility of and recovery that is available to us aU. The USS Kennedy is scheduled to set anchor in ters before, In 1975, during peacetime maneuvers ta~nJ:~ce company II ,.III ~-- Blackstones TIckets: For tickets send check or money oroermade payable to A in Portland. Casco Bay on Friday, Oct. 13, carrying 4,100 sail- in the Mediterranean Sea near Italy, the Kennedy Nantucket gone, Casco Bay Movers; (,~ Women to Women, 1 Yarmouth, ME ot096. ors and an estimated 100 to 150 nuclear weapons collided with the smaller USS Belknap. Fires on singer/songwriter Mac Beans mail: Oct. 25. Sat Oct 14 8 pm Music into Portland Harbor_ both ships lasted for the better part of the day and Brenda Moore; • , '.' recording artist and Sam the The public is invited to tour the convention- prompted the admiral in charge to radio a "bro­ its future grim R& B Portland City Hall Florist ally-powered aircraft carrier on Oct 14 and 15 .. ken arrow" alert, the Navy code for a nuclear Mary Hanson; ., k t $15 in Brunswick; The Nantucket Lightship is back in Nantucket, Massa~h.usets. dance group The toUT is free, but ferry tickets cost $1.50 each. accident. The Happy Hoofers; AuditorlU m - TIC e s and all But its new owner has no place to put it, no crew to sad It and The tickets are available at Greater Portland Shop 'These ships are as dangerous during peace­ special guests from Booklands. apparently no money to maintain it. South America When in 'n Save stores and are limited to two per person. time as they are during wartime," said Handler_ The 53-year-old boat had been adopted in 1987 by Portland Grupo Fortaleza If there is room, stand-by visitors can board the Greenpeace estimates that more than 1200 major preservationists, who sunk over $1,000,000 ~nd 1,000 volunteer and many others Portland I ferry from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Casco Bay Lines naval accidents have occurred since WWII, leav­ for this hours into restoring it. But they lost the ship when Nantucket special event. can always ferry terminal on Commercial Street. The· Ken- ing nine nuclearreactors and 50 nuclear weapons selectmen exercised a right to sell it - for $1 - to a Nantucket nedy's 4,100 sailors and officers will be feted at a on the ocean floor - some of them leaking radio­ resident on Aug. 30. be found at dinner at the Holiday Inn, a lobster bake on the activity. The new owner, Kevin Murphy, arrived in Portland on Oct. 10 waterfront and free seating at a Maine Mariners "Sometimes the Navy claims that it off-loads BOOKS with a temporary, short-handed crew. Burt ~avis, chief engineer ETC. game. the nuclear weapons before a ship comes to port," for the ship in Portland, was one of four Mamers who agr~ to No such welcome is planned for the warship's Handler said, "but that isn't true. The reason the sail with Murphy for a fee and airfare back to Portland. DaVIs and active nuclear arsenal, estimated at between 100 Navy says ships like the Kennedy are good is -Zora Neale Hurston the crew arrived at Nantucket to find that Murphy had no place and 150 weapons by Josh Handler, researchdirec- because they can deploy them instantaneously." to dock the ship and no money to pay the crew or buy plane tickets. torforGreenpeace's Nuclear Free Seas campaign. Mcloughlin would neither confinn nor deny "Mr. Murphy doesn't know how to operate a ship and kn~ws " ....... ;; .;..... .-............ ~-.... Forty of the planes on board are capable of carry- any off-loading. nothingabout the marine environment," ~~vissaid, "I wa~CT)'1ng ing nuclear weapons and three types of nuclear Handler encouraged Portlanders to tour the like a baby when I left that ship. That ship has no future. 1 BOOKS ETC weapons can be launched directly from the ship, ship, and suggested visitors ask questions of the I· Libby Ranney, administrative assistant to the Nantucket select­ according to Handler. Kennedy crew: "Ask them if any accidents hap- .--.:--:--;. ., men, said that "Kevin Murphy has not revealed his plans to u~ . rr==The Portland Balle~ Compa~y=:;'\ : •••••••••• ~!.!..!. !.! ..! ..! ..! .'_•• ! •••• ! ••..!... •• Lt. Cmdr, Mcloughlin, a public affairs officer pen... Ask the pilots how they think delivering a for the Navy, said that he could "neither confinn nuclear weapon will work _ technically how The selectmen requested people to submit proposals for their plans with the ship but he didn't sub~t a propo~J. To be honest nor deny" that estimate, according to Navy pol- they're going to pull off dropping it off and get­ L ~ri~Ib\CKERr The :~o~~~s;a;t~;::r 38 Exchange St. Old Port with you, I don't why they sold it to him. He was JUst there and he &- icy. ting the hell out of there. Ask what buttons they The Most Classically Danced (207) 774-0626 The Kennedy's nukes have seen troubled wa- push." had a dollar." Andy Nnmuln Production in the State of Maine Nuke officials meet privately, BIDDEFORD CITY THEATER Censorship here and abroad discuss being open with public Friday, Dec. 1 8:00 PM Friday, Dec. 15 8:00 PM CARGO HllY The Environmental Protection Agency met in Portland with Saturday, Dec. 2 2:00 PM Saturday, Dec. 16 2:00 PM SURPLUS & MIUTARY CLOTHING Su'nday, Dec. 3 2:00 PM Sunday, Dec. 17 Fall Shipments Arriving Daily waste industry members and officials from Maine and through­ 2:00 PM Portlanders write for out the U.S. on Oct. 4 and 5. Leaders of the workshop instructed Friday, Dec. 8 8:00 PM $10.00 Adults Dutch Cargo · the group to be straight with the public about nucl~ar waste - ~ut Saturday, Dec. 9 2:00 PM $ 1.00 off Children/Sr. Citizens Pockef Pants didn't invite the public to the workshop. Tom Coffin of the Mame Sunday, Dec. 10 2:00 PM No Refunds. No Exchanges. right to speak out Nuclear Referendum Committee said that Maine's freedom of FOR EASY MAtL ORDER: $13.95 Name: _________________ Rugged, Military Quality access law - which entitles the public to attend meetings of public Portland educators, journalists, and people in that the legislation reflected a climate of censor­ officials - was broken. 'They talked about having everything they Address:: ___________~~--- ___ .• ···'Biiffiijef~~d(elS'~·. ~~ ·coaiS .. the arts are finding their livelihoods threatened City: ___________State ____ _ AvailableJor ship. "Sooner or later," Somers said, "and it's do be above board and yet they shut the public out," Coffin said. .' "a~!'rliddjl!$ . t Ikl! ~ackett ; by censorship and are sticking up for Huckle­ "That's a little more irony than I can stand ..
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