Cripotr VOL.XCVIINO.17 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 MARCH 16,1999 Students Adjust To Gallows Hill Changes to be more in touch with stu- BY ROLAND RIGGS dent needs, the Bookstore Com- News Writer mittee has opened a dialogue with the student body. Students When the new management have always had an SGA repre- took over control of the Book- sentative on the committee, but store, they implemented what there are more direct means for many students saw as contro- students to make themselves versial policies. While the man- heard. At the start of each meet- agement has tried to be ing, time is set aside for students responsive to student demands, to voice their opinions on any- particularly those brought be- thing related to the bookstore. fore the Bookstore Committee, Next fall, additional methods students feel that there are some of dealing with student con- issues with which a formal plat- cerns are scheduled for imple- form is simply not equipped to, mentation. According to the deal. chair of the committee, April Many students were particu- Brown-Carthen, any student larly concerned when the new who wants to be a member of ANDY SHEPARD management removed the Out- the committee will be able to do The Human Rights Lecture Series so, provided he or she is willing The Human Rights Program continued its lecture series last Wednesday evening post Culture section from the store. This complaint was to put in the time and effort that with a presentation by Martin O'Brien (left) and Rose Styron (center) who is a mem- accompany such a position. ber of the HRP Expert Advisory Board. O'Brien and Styron discussed the role of hu- brought before the Bookstore man rights in Irish politics in a lecture entitled "Northern Ireland: Taking Stock of the Committee, and the manage- Although Wally Swist, man- Peace Process." ment quickly put the section ager of Gallows Hill, declined to back. This is one example of the be interviewed for this article, Bookstore Committee's record other members of the commit- of being fairly responsive to stu- tee saw the changes as a step for- Verdict Delivered On The dent concerns. Larry Gal, man- ward for both students and ager of the Trinity Bookstore, management. Gal noted that a uled the addition of CDs to the \v\der range ol u\put from stu- Status Of Reading Week store a* auoiher example of dents, sh.puId make manage- *^ "tfith a Vtfcaifon* Examples In- '• safhrfacfletfi'of'tfre trustees' 'rhariagenie'ritS wilTfrigri^ssTo Merit "even more aware of BY DAN BERMAN elude increased coursework They include keeping students comply with student prefer- student needs Features Editor over the break, laboratory ses- on campus, having a special ences. However, there are, some is- sions and projects which can Reading Week assignment as Gal noted that students are so sues which the committee is ei- In an effort to curb the abuses only be done outside of the class part of two-thirds of all courses, demographically significant ther unwilling or unable to of Reading Week, the Board of schedule, and educational trips each First-Year Seminar or com- that management has little address. Carly Geeza,'99, once Trustees passed a sweeping re- to museums, businesses, etc. parable freshman program cre- choice but to take student con- a regular at Gallows Hill, says form plan at their Saturday, According to the Reform Plan, ating a required Reading Week cerns into account. "[Students] she will not go back until the March 13 meeting. The plan al- "the challenge now is to employ activity, and creating manda- are the customers," said Gal. old atmosphere is restored—an lows for a one year trial period, them more widely across the tory review/problem sessions "We have to be aware of what issue with which a committee after which the Curriculum institution, so they will affect for all freshman-level math- thecustomerwants,or we're not is ill-equipped to deal. Committee and Interim Dean of significantly larger numbers of ematics and science courses. going to be very successful." Likewise, Shannon Greaney Faculty Miller Brown will students." see READING on page seven As part of an ongoing effort see GALLOWS on page eight evaluate its success. If the re- In addition to increased pro- forms are not successful, the gramming during Reading Board of Trustees is committed Week, the Reform Plan also to abolishing Reading Week at calls for first-year students to Board Of Trustees Meets To their Spring 2000 meeting. meet with their faculty advisors Formed by the Curriculum to, "develop a formal plan of aca- Discuss Academics At Trinity Committee and based on the demic activities that they will spaces for faculty and students." Helen Lang's acceptance to the findings of the Reading Week carry out." This plan must be BY RENAY SMALLCOMB The Board of Trustees then re- Institute of Advanced Study in Task Force, the "Reading Week filed with the First-Year Pro- News Editor convened Saturday morning, Princeton, NJ. Dobelle con- Reform Plan," which was gram office as well. The reasons and the session commenced cluded by proposing a motion adopted, is a last-ditch effort to for this step are to encourage This past weekend, Trinity with President Dobelle's Report to award Former First Lady save Reading Week. The Trust- new students to "think seri- College's Board of Trustees con- of the President, which offered Rosalyn Carter an honorary ees adopted the report from the ously about Reading Week," and vened for their quarterly meet- Board members a broad over- degree in the upcoming gradu- . Task Force and the Curriculum also to.provide a record to the ing. Trustees addressed a range view of Trinity's recent accom- ation ceremony; the proposal Committee in a nearly unani- committee monitoring Reading of issues, including campus plishments. Do belle mentioned was passed unanimously by the mous vote, with two Trustees Week reform. However, the Cur- construction, the future of the opening of the Boys and Board. voting against it and one ab- riculum Committee plan failed Reading Week, and next year's Girls Club, the recent successes The focus of the meeting then staining. to mention specifics or mini- budget. of Trinity's athletic teams, as shifted to student enrollment as Most of the course-based re- mum requirements for first- On Friday afternoon, the well as Philosophy Professor see BOARD on page six forms specified by the Curricu- year students, so there is no Board of Trustees heard a report. lum Committee have already formal guideline which stu- from Trustee Dan Raether, head been adopted by faculty and dents must follow. of the Physical Plant Commit- students. A concerted effort was In order for Reading Week to tee. Raether's presentation to made in October and February survive the 1999-2000 aca- the Board focused on the plans to use Reading Week effectively demic year, there are a series of for the construction of a new and show its potential as more goals which must be met to the Admissions Building along the Chapel Quad. The Board then proceeded to unanimously pass Inside This Week's Issue a motion approving the con- struction, jim Mullen, Execu- News pg. 6 In the Features section, tive Director of Project 2002, Opinions. pg. 2 DevinPharr explores the pains spoke about the proposal with Arts Pg-10 and motivations of dating enthusiasm, stating, "The new building, which will house Ad- missions, Financial Aid, and In the Arts section, editors Features Career Services, will be an ex- share their picks for the up- Announcements pg.18 citing building that will offer On Saturday morning, Board Members RENAY SMALLCOMB coming Academy Awards Sports - pg.24 start of the art conference prepare for their quarterly meeting. Ceremony. THE TRINITY TRIPOD —MARCH 16,1999 PAGE 2 OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR trinity "EtTu, TCAC?"SGA Member Responds To the Editor Comparing the student turnout of Ian Lang *99 Jennifer Antoniazzi '99 TCAC social events to the turnout EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR On February 1, the Student Gov- of SGA elections to determine the ernment Association passed a mo- validity of either organization does nothing to help either groups' NEWS EDITORS BUSINESS MANAGER tion to make the Trinity College causes. We are not in a competition Kristen Bums '02 Renay Smallcomb '01 Rocio Herrera '99 Activity Council (TCAC) account- able to the Trinity community. In for the support of the students, nor response to complaints from the are we trying to usurp the power of FEATURES EDITORS BUDGET DIRECTOR students about TCAC not accu- TCAC. We were trying to give the Dan Berman '01 Devin Pharr '00 Chad M. Bennett W rately representing them, we de- student body more power in mak- cided to have the leader of TCAC ing decisions that directly affect chosen by the entire student body them. OPINION EDITORS SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGER in a campus wide election. In pre- Ever since I came to Trinity, SGA James Griffith '99 Andreiv Weiss'01 Andreio Pearl '02 vious years, the president was has been under attack. We were elected internally by only TCAC called the "future bureaucrats of America," and described as "shady." SPORTS EDITORS • ONLINE EDITOR members. Although our intentions were good, the manner in which we For some reason, students have a Colin Ruane '01 Stark Townend '01 John Akin '01 Owen Tripp '01 went about creating a more demo- negative bias towards SGA, an orga- cratic system for TCAC was wrong. nization working for them, not ARTS EDITORS ANNOUNCEMENTS EDITOR Our actions understandably in- against them.
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