,AJU. Saturday, March 23, 1912 21 SOUTHWEST THE BEST PAGE OF SPORT I THE GREAT EDITED B1UEWIS ARMS Exclusively For S. Andrews, Monty, And Damon Runyon, Write theHerali In El Paso, James J. Corbett, W. W. Naughton, Tom ALL ABOARD Gentleman Jim Tells Of Klaus-Dillo- n By James J. Corbett SOCCER FOOTBAL INVADING Fi Champion of Fight and Gives Dope On Some Others tie World. CITY LEUBE PHI Muddle, With Aspirants REALM OF AMERICAN RUGBY Good Chances for Settlement of Championship Numbering No More Than Foot, Says James. ) Four Teams Set Elimination hooked up with Tom Schedule For 23. A ate that he YORK. N. Y.. March -- so early in his 0Kourke now generally recognizeure.? Sundays. important contest, the a result be Is heavy- NEW much as the most dangerous white of which will have weight before th public. I do not All is now arranged for the open- bearing on the ultimate possession of know who looks after Kearns. but 1 elimination play in the City place good hands. It would ing of the middleweight title, takes this hope he is in mar tne AprlPw. Klaus and Jack be little less than a crime to Sfof theeanTPer on evening, when Frank future prospects of this proanurtng Ane rour teams wi ww c& . -- Dillon meet for 20 rounds at Coffroth's youngster through incompetent train- preliminary play March 24 to they begin col-di- or arena In San Francisco. In fact, ing and advice. eliminate one team, and the two 22d infantry and the attach so much Importance to this teams, the pro- The crop of old time fighters with a 4th cavalrj, will fight it out among match in the Golden West that the shine in the fistic fiona-me-nt one team will desire to very themselves and soldier regu- moter is billing it as a battle for the Is not diminishing so fast. inter the league, making four middleweight championship of the The rumor will not down that Jim lar league teams lit all. Jeffries has determined to make an- The four City league team managers world. other bid for the championship The met Friday afternoon at the Cactus Probably at no time since the un- big fellow denies any such intentloa club and drew up a schedule and rules peerless Ketch-e- l when the question is put directly to for the elimination play, which prom- fortunate ending of the me from Los as members of championship muddle been him, but word reaches 1 y ises to be spirited the has the Angeles that the former champion is i h are anxious to be In tho present ' ai team nearer settlement than at the doing a bit of quiet training and that -MaMPaiaBaBms3 c -- zz. i i i eal race The schedule calls for a and ie Is expected before long to make a c" promptly a time. The legitimate aspirants c'ouble header to start gameat runners up number not more than four, rublic announcement of nls willing- t3 oclock on Sunday, when the first months I ex- ness to take another chance. 38ISB Mwl will be vs. Internationals and within the next few i' Tommy Burns, one ISKhXOsI1 game. Globe Mills vs. pect to see one of this limited coterie maT'JbB Then there is and the second as undisputed boss of the time cnampion. whose hat is now in hite Sox These games will be for establish the ring. Tommy says he will confine seven innings. James Sulllvak. the division. com- secretary was appblnted In addition to Klaus and Dillon his engagements In the future to ity league one of these will very likel be bats with men of his own color, and ffim&K&LjL. .v "- - ? l saMii&c 4SLWfe Lk .s umpire tne eiimuiauau set ice. and after-nnn- n AI to as isBfcV ssshbB lor Jc-- eliminated as a contender this wonld prefer Palzer shoot at Th eorlee will consist Ot each two other "gents WtlO a starter Mr Burns modestly adds games. case tie thr xri e- playing three In ofa come pretty close to filling the bH that he would not be averse to met-in- for lost place, the teams will play off flAjnD10nBniD - Carl Morris tshould Falser not game. In thA nf i t h. rt in a. nine Inning: In mattr , and third pllshments. These are MiKe uiooons mms$m&'&mwm teel Inclined to do battle. ale of overthrows at first - wonder from St. Paul an -!.- at the 'home date, the rots- the. sP?d. mmm".--m- ner will,h take only one base. Those Eddie McGoorty. the Oskosh cracKer Dispatches say that lightweight were H. Briesh. Jack. Gibbons is to have a trial ove champion Ad Wolgast has decided to attending the meeting round route in New York next resume campaign oC for the Sox, Dave Crockett, for the the ten Den- - his with a series Mills J F. Sullivan, for the Imml-irrallont- Tuesday evening He boxes Jack l.mited round bouts in New York city, Sam Schwartz for the nlng, who has maoe tne Dest snoiu& id's latest Idea is to try himself out and the clever Mike's opponents In on one or two takj ' Internationals. of all vie third raters before scneaute was aaopi-o- d his Gotham battles. I predict a ing on the classier boys. If he finds! The elimination tory for Gibbons and. look for a knock- he is tbe same sturdy youth of ante-p- f as follows ten rounds, notwith- iMaxch 24 Internationals ts. Immi- out before the newspapers gave ration das the plan, will be to gration. White Sox vs. Globe Mills. standing that several rreet all comers. Packey MeFarland March 31 ImnllgraUon vs. White Denning credit for having the best oi please note. (Mills. it the last time. Sox, Internationals vs. Globe the men carefully on the y Arnil 7 immigration vs. uiods I watched and When Referee Charley White dls-- i x vs. White Sox. occasion of their former meeting, re- ht rpnl-nlze- d in the United States as the Mills, Internationals Denning a good account of qualified One Round Hogan in tbe Association, Strong in 18 ana while gate cent match with Leach Cross in New same thing in winter, iaii bimihb himself, and probably boxed better than York, only as, that hasebsll is In the summer. We any in his- - career. Gib- be not proved himself Countries, Now Backed advisedly, ALBUQUERQUE FANS at other time near honest and capable official but dem- VK prognosticate thus after bons did not extend himself until owns more nrogress the onstrated that he than the the remarkable - SEE FIERCE FIGHT the flnlstt This was due to palpable average by Federation Here. ' game of soccer has made In this coun- lack of condition and not to any desire amount or nerve allotted to j The men who are puttlns lh Ten ordinary mortals. ?"f, during only a to permit his opponent to "stay the - States oh the map in soccer th me was' absolutely behooved him to hus- Not that White did not long- ago B Bested Young limit. Rather it wnmng coun-dHrtB- Eeide (BY MONTY) and a snapsnot ot a i. of In the Harry band his strength as much as possible qualify for the trying duties of third a"' try.St when l?ot Started, It gained Abe Attell,at 118 during the early rounds. Gibbons later man In the ring. In the old days when New York. X Y, March 23 The Prance , impetus In a manner unknown to any on explained that the severe winter JAMES CORBETT. It was part of an arbiter's functions put on the center oon Thomns A. ""I1 BIM,rt. home had in- J. to award decisions none gave greatex States is about to be oth weather of his northern bald-head- ed t'nited formerlytatawSSt. Louis and no;v ol of the star English Pounds. operations and Who bow contributes weekly to The Bl satisfaction in the role than tills j,f V, invasion N M, 23. terfered with training The man the international soccer York, has done an pHc-ri- - Albuquerque. March In the Herald's Sportinc Columns. veteran. But took consider- f aT and the Corlnth- vi- that when he arrived In New York Paso It football map. The American Amateur other man to make "erpp1" V ianstamthewhich were brought over to tnis fiercest fight ever staged In this was not sufficient time to pre-- able courage to pull that disqualifi- Harry Reide, of Aspen. Colo., there a ! very association, which has been cinity. young flk. nnilBtlol. cation thing in the first round Football - got a newspaper decision over young roan, he would Packey fought like a of a contest that was expected to be organized silently but swiftly during teams, sames Abe Attell. of Dallas. Tex., here last ly level beaded n most stubbornly !in mihllc were treated to a wonderful Levy's New Mexico not take unnecessary chances during vendetta. He was mercllem":ssj attack the contested affair three months and Is just now break- - . moat active&?ttJlZ5&h&la organising tne American of the possibilitieswTlSof the night before Mark was not until toe and cut Burns' face to And arranged between lightweights in ' exhibition fight the contest, and it Jbons. - Amateur Football association. At the great game, the impression left be- Athletic club. Relde carried the he cut loose his all on account of the memory a uis- months, and before an Immense gath- ing into print, has received word from ( and men last round or two that Ajan ltJ fIrSt president, and unfaded.
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