Ciência Florestal ISSN: 0103-9954 [email protected] Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Brasil Kamdem, Jean Paul; Priso, Jules Richard; Ndongo, Din DIVERSITY, STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS AND NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS IN THE FOREST RESERVE OF BONEPOUPA (DOUALA, CAMEROON) Ciência Florestal, vol. 23, núm. 4, octubre-diciembre, 2013, pp. 795-803 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Santa Maria, Brasil Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=53429235025 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 23, n. 4, p. 795-803, out.-dez., 2013 795 ISSN 0103-9954 DIVERSITY, STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS AND NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS IN THE FOREST RESERVE OF BONEPOUPA (DOUALA, CAMEROON) DIVERSIDADE, PARÂMETROS ESTRUTURAIS E PRODUTOS FLORESTAIS NÃO MADEIREIROS NA RESERVA FLORESTAL DE BONEPOUPA (DOUALA, CAMARÕES) Jean Paul Kamdem1 Jules Richard Priso2 Din Ndongo3 ABSTRACT In order to come up with a sustainable use of forest ecosystems in Cameroon, its vegetal diversity has been inventoried; the plant potentials and the structural parameters were studied in the forest reserve of Bonepoupa. Ten non-continuous plots of 200 m² were done and the materialization of the lines was done with a topofil put at the centre of the field with ropes at 5 m each of the topofil. In addition, ninety people were interviewed in order to know the potential use of species in this region. Up to 172 individuals with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm divided into 27 species, 25 genera and 18 families were inventoried and the coefficient of abundance-dominance was determined. The diversity index of Shannon (H’) was H’1 = 4.17 ± 0.45 with H’1max = 4.75 and the evenness was R1 = 0.88. Taking into account herbaceous species, H’ determined by the coefficient of abundance-dominance was H’2 = 4.74 ± 0.56 with H’2max = 5.70 and 2 the evenness was R2 = 0.83. The total basal area was 19.69 m /ha and the density was 860 individuals/ha. These results indicate that herbaceous significantly modifies the value of the diversity index and that forest reserve of Bonepoupa is experiencing a problem of conservation which is due to a lack of its appropriate management. The knowledge of non-timber forest products and their use as food as well as medicinal resources by local population might be helpful for the sustainable management of resources in this forest reserve. Keywords: forest reserve; structural parameters; vegetal diversity; non-timber forest products. RESUMO A fim de chegar a uma utilização sustentável dos ecossistemas florestais na República dos Camarões, a diversidade vegetal tem sido amostrada com intuito de ressaltar o potencial das plantas; e os parâmetros estruturais que foram estudados na reserva florestal de Bonepoupa. O levantamento foi realizado pelo método de amostragem aleatória, onde foram plotadas dez parcelas de 200 m2, distanciadas por uma linha feita com um “topofil” colocado no centro do campo com cordas de 5 m cada uma. Além disso, noventa pessoas foram entrevistadas com o objetivo de conhecer o potencial de uso das espécies nessa região. No total foram amostrados 172 indivíduos com diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) ≥ 5 cm, distribuídos em 27 espécies, 25 gêneros e 18 famílias. Determinou-se o coeficiente de abundância-dominância. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H’) foi H’1 = 4,17 ± 0,45 com H’1max = 4,75 e a equabilidade foi R1 = 0.88. Levando em consideração as espécies herbáceas, o H’ determinado pelo coeficiente de abundância- dominância foi H’2 = 4,74 ± 0,56 com H’2 max = 5,70 e a equabilidade foi R1 = 0,83. A área basal total foi 19,69 m2/ha e a densidade foi 860 indivíduos/ha. Analisando-se os resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as herbáceas modificaram significativamente o valor do índice de diversidade e também que a reserva florestal de Bonepoupa está passando por um problema de conservação por falta de gestão adequada. O conhecimento dos produtos florestais não madeireiros, bem como seus usos alimentares e medicinais pela 1 Botânico e Ecologista, Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas: Bioquímica Toxicológica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima, 1000, CEP 97105-900, Santa Maria (RS), Brasil. [email protected] / [email protected] 2 Botânico, Dr., Professor do Departamento de Botânico, Université de Douala, Universidade de Douala, Caixa Postal 24157, Douala, Camarões. [email protected] 3 Botânico, Dr., Professor do Departamento de Botânico, Université de Douala, Universidade de Douala, Caixa Postal 8948, Douala, Camarões. [email protected] Recebido para publicação em 18/08/2011 e aceito em 13/08/2012 Ci. Fl., v. 23, n. 4, out.-dez., 2013 796 Kamdem, J. P.; Priso, J. R.; Ndongo D. população local, poderia ser útil para a gestão sustentável dos recursos nesta reserva florestal. Palavras-chave: reserva florestal; parâmetros estruturais; diversidade vegetal; produtos florestais não madeireiros. INTRODUCTION protected is not always preceded by inventories of the biodiversity that will enable the inventory of re- The context of biodiversity nowadays ap- sources whereas knowing the local flora is a neces- pears to be a matter that should be given perma- sity in order to preserve biodiversity (IRM, 2006). nent concern by encouraging and maintaining its Thus, a good knowledge on their composition and conservation. In developing countries, forests pro- their structure is therefore important in order to con- vide multiple local, regional and global ecosystem ceive them for a sustainable use. services (CHAZDON, 2008). For instance, at the This work aims at determining the vegetal global scale, they contribute to climate regulation, diversity, the plant potentials and structural param- whereas at the regional scale, they provide wa- eters in the forest reserve of Bonepoupa with a view ter storage capacity and at the local scale they can not only to protect the environment but also for a support pest regulation, pollination, seed dispersal sustainable and effective conservation as well as the and soil fertility (IIDD, 2005; GUARIGUATA and management of biodiversity. BALVANERA, 2009). Unfortunately, both the bio- diversity and the functioning of these forest ecosys- MATERIALS AND METHODS tems are under threat from human activities includ- ing forest habitat fragmentation through conversion Study area to agriculture as well as other land-use due to over- population (OZENDA, 2000; DIN and NGOLLO, The forest reserve of Bonepoupa is located 2002; DIN et al., 2002; 2008; DOUMEGNE et al., in Douala at the Littoral region (4º10’ N, 9º 43’ E) 2003; PRISO et al., 2010). Such activities contribute where we have a tropical climate with two seasons: for the reduction of biodiversity and could lead to a dry season from December to February and a rainy species extinction. PUIG (2001) reported that tropi- season that starts in March and ends in November. cal areas are particularly affected by the reduction Temperatures, relatively elevated, are around 27°C, in biodiversity which is accentuated in Africa and with the range of temperature slightly varying from mostly in coastal evergreen rain forest in Cameroon, 3 to 4°C. The vegetation belongs to the coastal ev- at the border of Congolese and Biafraen meridio- ergreen rainforest (0-100 m altitude), which is char- nal areas (LETOUZEY, 1968; 1985). RIERA and acterized by the presence of some species such as ALEXANDRE (2004) attest to this matter that Lophira alata and Coula edulis. Humidity, which 34,000 species are threatened to disappear. This is relatively elevated, varies from 80 to 90% in the human activity not only leads to the disappearance rainy season and from 50 to 60% in the dry season of some species but also modifies specific diversi- (MINEPAT, 2002). The site of our study was on the ties. Considering Africa on a small scale, Cameroon lengthening of the coastal evergreen rainforest. Our has the largest ecosystem of the sub-region and it is study was conducted from October to November. among the countries with the richest forest in Africa (FOMETE and TCHANOU, 1998). Realization of the plots Given that loss of biodiversity can have negative impacts on the functioning and stability Ten surfaces of 200 m² were plotted in the of ecosystems (DUFFY, 2009; CARDINALE et forest reserve of Bonepoupa. During the survey of al., 2011), conservation efforts have increasingly the plot, structural homogeneity of the vegetation focused on natural recovery and active restoration was taken into account, avoiding shading gradu- of degraded ecosystems in order to restore both ated or farming areas. Ten non-continuous plots of ecosystem services and biodiversity (CHAZDON, 200 m² were done randomly. The materialization of 2008; CHAZDON et al., 2009; REY BENAYAS the lines was carried out with a topofil (a rope field et al., 2009). However, in Cameroon and in some that is used to delineate plots) put at the centre of tropical countries, the identification of areas to be the field with ropes at 5 m each of the topofil. All Ci. Fl., v. 23, n. 4, out.-dez., 2013 Diversity, structural parameters and non-timber forest products in the forest ... 797 individuals with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) The acquisition of knowledge on plant potential ≥ 5 cm were marked, counted, identified and mea- in Bonepoupa´s region sured with a forest ribbon. In each survey, we deter- mined the coefficient of abundance-dominance that For each identified species, samples were determines the number of individual of a species collected in order to constitute a duplicate herbari- with its degree of recovery (BRAUN-BLANQUET um of priority.
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