3736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 7 to get the two-price wheat program en­ that the Senate now stand in adjourn­ ordinate a course of action for the pur­ acted. I fear that unless the adminis­ ment until tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon. pose of halting the rapid erosion of our tration pushes for, and is successful in The motion was agreed to; and (at national intelligence effort. The pres­ achieving the passage of a feed grain 7 o'clock and 8 minutes p.m.) the Sen­ ent situation is outrageous and intoler­ bill which includes wheat as a feed grain ate adjourned until tomorrow, Friday, able. before the wheat refer end um occurs, March 8, 1963, at 12 o'clock meridian. There has been talk of an intelligence much of the hard work will have gone gap. There is an intelligence gap. The down the drain, and with it might very gap is in the intelligence of those who well go permanently the two-price wheat NOMINATION are daily revealing the secrets of the program. Executive nomination received by the intelligence operations of the U.S. Gov­ Grain producers in my section of the Senate March 7, 1963: ernment. In recent weeks there has country, I believe, want desperately to POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT been a great excess of talk about the raise wheat for food ori diverted acres, Fred Gates, of Minnesota, to be a member procedures of our intelligence apparatus. but they feel that there is no assurance of the Advisory Board for the Post Office Critics have made public statements on that the two-price wheat legislation will Department, vice William C. Doherty. matters which should never be discussed be of any help if noncertificate wheat in public. The administration has mis­ is to be priced at $1.30 per bushel while •• ..... •• takenly allowed itself to be goaded into effective supports on corn will be $1.07, revealing information detrimental to our the figures mentioned in many of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES best interests. discussions to date. Along with many other Americans I I trust that the administration and THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1963 am tired of these demonstrations of bad the Department of Agriculture will give The House met at 12 o'clock noon. judgment. Every day some high rank­ serious consideration to this problem, Rabbi Maurice Lamm, Floral Park ing intelligence officer is quoted in the and that, as a result, they will take im­ Jewish Center, Floral Park, N.Y., offered newspapers on one subject or another. mediate and vigorous steps to secure the following prayer: These are men who, from the standpoint feed grain legislation which will apply to of the general public, should neither be Supreme and Allwise Lawgiver: Thou seen nor heard. A passion for ano­ the 1964 crops in the very near future. who hast endowed men with the noble Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ nymity is an integral part of their jobs. ambition and blessed ability to lead fel­ Members of both the legislative and ex­ sent that the editorial to which I have low men in the paths of right in the af­ referred be printed at this point in the ecutive branches have publicly discussed fairs of state, and hast inspired them to matters which should only be discussed RECORD, in connection with my remarks. serve the people of these United States There being no objection, the editorial behind closed doors. Headlines are not with honor: so precious as to warrant jeopardizing was ordered to be printed in the REC­ Invest those legislators gathered here ORD, as follows: our national security. in august assembly with deep souls so The deterioration of secrecy in regard LET 'EM GOBBLE OREGON GRAIN that, by personal example, they may il­ to our intelligence-gathering techniques Think of turkeys and, if you are imagina­ lustrate the finest and most worthy began in 1960 when a U-2 plane was shot tively inclined, you think of brown and traditions of this great Republic to the savory drumsticks, marching agreeably onto down over Russia. Neither the executive end that they will lead not by pointing branch nor the legislative branch is Thanksgiving tables. to high ideals but by standing for them. Oregon people have for quite a long time blameless in revealing secrets. Both been proud to make an annually increased Grant them great hearts so that Democrats and Republicans must share count of the marching drumsticks. Our pro­ through their kindness and care they the blame. The question, however, is ducers have made quite a go of the broad­ may bring on a time of healing for the not so much who is to blame for the past, breasted bronze. multitude of lives emptied of meaning, but where do we go from here? Now comes the Oregon Crop and Live­ for the multitude of souls scarred with To be successful, intelligence activities stock Report Service to say "Oregon turkey the weary search for peace and rest, for must be secret. To let the enemy know growers intend to raise 3 percent fewer the multitude of hearts stabbed with the turkeys in 1963 than in 1962." just how many of his secrets we know frustrations of our incredibly complex and just which ones we do not know, By contrast, the Nation's turkey growers existence. intend to raise 3 percent more than last gives him a priceless advantage. Today's year. Bless them with powerful hands so headline may cost the lives of the human The reason for the reduction in Oregon, that, with the practical sagacity which is sources of information. The enemy can it seems, is not deficiency in quality, which their hallmark, they may unite and solid­ find our intelligence sources much more is as high as ever, but the penalty cost of ify a globe jigsawed with boundaries, easily when he knows what we have feed grains. Feed grains for Oregon flocks separated by Iron and Bamboo Curtains, found out. This knowledge helps to pin­ cost about $16 to $20 a ton more than in cut up into airspace, divided by latitude the Middle West and along the Atlantic point the location of intelligence activ­ numbers, and fenced with radar screens. ities, and once knowing the location, the coast. The differential, which represents Bestow upon these servants of the pub­ freight costs, can present a real challenge discovery of the means is much easier to turkey economy. lic Thy blessings, 0 Lord. and as a result intelligence sources dry Once Oregon turkeys were sent to the May the Lord grant strength unto His up. people. tables of the Middle West and the Atlantic Our immaturity and indiscretion in coast. Now, the principal market is in and May He bless His people with peace. around Portland with the second-best mar­ Amen. these constant disclosures is making us ket around Seattle. California produces the laughingstock of the world. Offi­ most of its own holiday birds and even cials in Moscow, Peiping, and Havana sends selected sizes to the shopping cen­ THE JOURNAL must applaud our stupidity in announc­ ters of Portland. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ ing publicly facts which they would We hate to think of those marching Or­ terday was read and approved. gladly spend huge sums of money en­ egon drumsticks in shorter columns. Some deavoring to obtain. Responsibility on hope can be seen in the plan for wheat our part is urgently required. Let us marketing on which the Nation's wheat RAPID EROSION OF OUR NATIONAL farmers will vote this year. If the grain be silent with respect to these sensitive growers approve it, the Department of Agri­ INTELLIGENCE EFFORT matters. culture would set a lower price for feed Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. John McCone, as Director of CIA, wheat than for wheat used for human con­ unanimous consent to address the House is charged with protection of intelligence sumption. And if that feed price is favor­ for 1 minute, to revise and extend my re­ sources. Public Law 253, 80th Congress, able, it could be a boon to Oregon turkey marks, and to include extraneous matter. 1st session, states: growers and wheat farmers alike. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to And provided further, That the Director the request of the gentleman from Texas? of Central Intelligence shall be responsible There was no objection. for protecting intelligence sources and meth­ ADJOURNMENT Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I shall ask _ods from unauthorized disclosure. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, under the President, the Vice President, and the I call on him to fully carry out the dif­ the order previously entered, I move Speaker of the House to undertake to co- ficult and important duties of his office 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 3737 in this respect. A governmentwide co­ session at the time of her death last According to him, there is no "intelligence ordination of effort is required. November, I think it is fitting that we gap," as some have alleged. The gap, the pause pay our respects to the memory Senator charged, is not in the fact-gathering The American people are interested in to but in what he called the failure of the our intelligence activities. They are in­ of. the beloved and revered Eleanor administration to pass the facts along to terested in all phases of the workings of Roosevelt. the people. their Government and their curiosities Coming from Senator KEATING, this ap­ are aroused by the aura of mystery and CONGRESS MUST RENEW PUBLIC plause for the CIA-about which so few adventure which surrounds the intelli­ know so little-is comforting.
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