Summer 2021 Summer Shopping Spree: Win $4,200 in local gift cards $ IN GIFT CERTIFICATES Spree ($400 VALUE) Shopping S and a $400 Bradley Smoker PLUS A BRADLEY SMOKER Monday, August 30, 2021 • Volume 137 Number 48 • Moosomin, Saskatchewan FRESH UNIVERSE SATELLITE SALES SCAN CODE TRADE! Universe Satellite is your new 2020 GMC Denali ROXOR DEALER FOLLOW 1500 Crew Cab in Rocanville! 3.0L Duramax, ENTER 2 YEAR Sunroof, 22” Wheels, ANNIVERSARY HUD, 16,000 kms GIVEAWAY BRADLEY’S GM LIVING SKIES REALTY LTD. MOOSOMIN, SK | 1-800-209-4628 | WWW.BRADLEYGM.COM WWW.UNIVERSESATELLITE.COM • 1-306-645-2669 • 1-306-435-8018 306-740-6100 Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884 An aerial shot of Moosomin taken last week New businesses coming to Moosomin BY KEVIN WEEDMARK in Moosomin, and an M&M Food Market ton, and decided earlier this year to open a Moosomin. Several new businesses are planning to Express location is now open in the Shell location in Moosomin. The spa will be located on the 800 block come to Moosomin or are holding grand Station in Moosomin. The company is located in Broadway Main Street in Moosomin. openings this week. &RPPRQV D QHZ RFH DQG SURIHVVLRQDO The business is slated to open October 1, The grand opening will be held this Parkland CPAP building on Main and Broadway. Septem- once renovations are complete. Wednesday, September 1 for Parkland September 1 will be the grand opening ber 1 will also be the grand opening and CPAP Services and Broadway Commons, for Parkland CPAP Services and Broad- open house for Broadway Commons. Bridges and Company work is being done on a new spa, MK Es- way Commons. Bridges and Company Law will be open- thetics, that will be located on Main Street Parkland CPAP Services is a sleep clinic MK Esthetics Spa ing its Moosomin location in September. LQ 0RRVRPLQ DQG D ODZ RFH EDVHG LQ that specializes in CPAP medical accesso- Construction is ongoing on the space Continued on page 2 Estevan will soon open a second location ries. The company has a location in York- that will become MK Esthetics Spa in CELEBRATION Guy Wall: –FORD SALES– 2018 Dodge RAM 1500 (306) 435-0215 Great Color | Hemi | 4x4 $48,900 Eli Tremblay $189 PER WEEK (306) 434-9101 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out celebrationford.com for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 30, 2021 Masks mandated in Manitoba Schools, Saskatchewan Divisions making their own policies Good Spirit Division requires masks to Gr. 6 BY KEVIN WEEDMARK ZRUN6WXGHQWZHOOEHLQJLVWKHÀUVWREMHFWLYHLQP\MRE 'RHVWKHVFKRROGLYLVLRQJHWDORWRIIHHGEDFNIURP While masks have been mandated in schools in Mani- description but student well-being in the past connected WKHSXEOLF",NQRZVRPHSHRSOHKDYHYHU\YHU\VWURQJ toba this fall, each Saskatchewan school division will fol- PRUHWR PHQWDOKHDOWK DQG OHDUQLQJ REMHFWLYHV QRW RXW- IHHOLQJV DURXQG VRPH RI WKH &RYLG UHVWULFWLRQV +DV low its own procedures to deal with Covid-19. break control. We certainly have learned a lot about infec- WKHUH·VEHHQVRPHSXEOLFIHHGEDFNIURPWKHSDUHQWV" The Good Spirit School Division, which includes Ester- tious disease control and variants of concern and distanc- Yeah. Mostly on the negative. And unfortunately the hazy, says it has followed the advice and recommenda- ing and PPE and PCR testing and point of care antigen rattling pot tends to be the one that you hear and people WLRQRIWKH/RFDO0HGLFDO+HDOWK2IÀFHUZKHQGHWHUPLQ- testing—I’ve learned all that stuff. But I’m far from being do have a right to express their opinion. Unfortunately, ing the 2021-22 Return to School Plan. a doctor, so it’s been challenging and the divisiveness of the opinion we hear most often is the negative. It would It will require masks for pre-kindergarten to Grade 6 the debate has been probably the most challenging. You be advantageous to hear those that are in support of the students and staff, it will continue with assigned seating know, we’re really caught in a real conundrum where we measures. But yes, we’ve heard a lot and we’ve tried to on buses, and will require masks on buses. are trying to keep individuals and staff and students safe get feedback from people. So receiving and acting on 6SRUWVÀWQHVVGDQFHGUDPDEDQGDQGFKRLUZLOOUH- whilst dealing with a very political issue. feedback is one of our service commitments and some- sume with some restrictions times we can change and sometimes we can’t. Extra-curricular and co-curricular activities will resume with some restrictions We spoke with Quintin Robertson, director of educa- tion for Good Spirit, and the complete interview follows: PVSD requires masks to age 12 ,LPDJLQHLW·VGLIÀFXOWDWWKHVFKRROGLYLVLRQOHYHOWR FRPHXSZLWKDSROLF\:KDWDUHWKHGLIIHUHQWHOHPHQWV “Throughout the current pandemic, Prairie Valley • Masking will be mandatory in hallways and common WKDWSOD\LQWRLW",VLWDOOVWULFWO\WDNLQJWKHPHGLFDODG- School Division has been guided by advice from local areas for all students. YLFHRUZKDWGLIIHUHQWIDFWRUVFRPHLQWRIRUPXODWLQJWKDW PHGLFDOKHDOWK RIÀFHUV 7KLVKDV EHHQ D VWURQJ DQG HI- • Masking will be mandatory on all school busses. GHFLVLRQRQZKDWH[DFWO\WKHSURWRFROZLOOEH" fective relationship, one that has kept our students and Drivers will continue maintaining a seating plan and will I think that’s exactly it, that we need to we need to for- staff safe. Covid-19 infection rates in our schools have clean busses at the end of the day. mulate or observe the advice of our local medical health been well below that seen in the wider community,” Luc • Masking will not be mandatory outdoors on school RIÀFHU DQG ZH·GKDYHWRKDYH VRPH FRPSHOOLQJ UHDVRQ Lerminiaux, Director Prairie Valley School Division said. grounds. QRWWRGRWKDW,WKLQNZHSXWRXUVHOYHVDWVLJQLÀFDQWULVN PVSD includes schools in Kipling, Kennedy, and White- Lerminiaux said the plans will change if the situation DVDVFKRROGLYLVLRQDQGRXUVWXGHQWVDWVLJQLÀFDQWULVNLI wood. with Covid-19 changes. we contradict the advice of our local medical health folks. ´,QHDUO\$XJXVWZHLVVXHGDVWDWHPHQWUHFRQÀUPLQJ “We are in constant communications with local public And the province has given us that urging to do that, to our position that measures required to reduce the risk KHDOWKRIÀFLDOVDQGWKHVHPHDVXUHVZLOOEHDGMXVWHGEDVHG listen to our local people. of Covid transmission at the start of the new school year on their latest advice,” he said. would be based on their advice. That advice arrived on “Arriving at this plan required much discussion and $UH\RXFRRUGLQDWLQJZLWKWKHRWKHUVFKRROGLYLVLRQV August 13 in the form of a document from local public soul searching. We recognize these measures will not sat- RUPDNLQJ\RXUGHFLVLRQVLQGHSHQGHQWO\" KHDOWK RIÀFHUV 2Q $XJXVW WKHJRYHUQPHQW RI6DV- isfy everyone. However, we have a strong moral obliga- Well, I think we’ve been urged to do that. To make the katchewan released the 2021-22 Safe Schools Plan to pro- tion to protect those who have not yet been vaccinated decisions independently, I think we’d be foolish not to be vide general recommendations for the entire province. because they are not yet eligible. looking at what others are doing particularly when, in Within it, they encourage school divisions to work with “And once again, we would also encourage anyone our instance, we have a sister school division, the Christ WKHLUORFDOPHGLFDOKHDOWKRIÀFHUVWRSURYLGHORFDOO\WDL- who is eligible and has not yet done so to be vaccinated as the Teacher Catholic school division. We want to collabo- lored approaches. soon as possible. This is a safe and effective way to con- rate with them and make sure that people in our region “We would have liked to begin the school year with few trol the spread of Covid-19 and reduce the seriousness of are given the same advice. We share the same local medi- or no restrictions and we are returning to many pre-pan- symptoms for those who become infected.” FDOKHDOWK RIÀFHUZKLFK LVFRQYHQLHQW 6RZH VKRXOGEH demic programming and activities including extra-curric- getting the same message. We are obviously looking at ular. To ensure the safety of students and staff, it is pru- what other places are doing, so we are mindful of Regina dent and reasonable to continue the following measures and Saskatoon, but, again, the virus is different in each of that were proven effective last year to limit transmission those locations and outbreaks there. Right now we have of the virus: 26 active cases in one area of our school division, 18 in • Masking will be mandatory for all students under the another, 11 in another, so it is here. age of 12 (born in 2010 or later), and for everyone in class- rooms where students under that age are present. In all +RZGLIÀFXOWKDVLWEHHQRYHUWKHODVWPRUHWKDQ classes conducted indoors, teachers will have the discre- PRQWKV QRZ LQ PDNLQJ YDULRXV DGMXVWPHQWV WR GHDO tion to allow “mask breaks” when it is safe to do so. ZLWK&RYLG" • For students 12 and older, masking is strongly recom- ,W·V EHHQ VSHFWDFXODUO\ GLIÀFXOW EHFDXVH LW·V QRW RXU mended in classrooms. It’s almost that time again! New businesses coming Now taking your pre-orders for Continued from front concept which provides consumers access to a selection of Smile Cookie week Bridges and Company specialized in real estate, corpo- M&M Food Market products in smaller markets through- rate-commercial, oil and gas, and wills and estates law, out Canada where M&M does not typically open tradi- September 13 - 19, 2021 among other legal services. tional stand-alone stores. Please call Tim Hortons Moosomin and we will sched- M&M Food Market Express locations offer a limited as- ule to have your cookies ready for you! sortment of the full M&M Food Market products. M&M Market Express An M&M Food Market Express has opened in the Shell 306-435-3393 Station in Moosomin. NOW OPEN IN MOOSOMIN! 119 East Access Road | Moosomin, SK Shell had added a Little Caesar’s Express earlier this All proceeds in 2021 will go to the Southeast year.
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