■■ ' ■ 'Vi \ • / v,-'\T b ■ . ■ ■ »■■ THURSDAY. JULY 9 , 19BS ■'I- Mmrlfwter ^Etif Manchmjfer Day^f^bValue Contm , .-V <* = ■'4' < Mias Ruth Steinmuallsr, aiaaist- Avtimia Dolly Nat Praaa Run TheWaathtr ant Chfldren’a librarian at the Attending Cxinp Planners Slate Pafaaaat at I). R. Waathav Rumaa AbbiutTowti Mary Cheney Ubrary, ia PW 'Nm Wm A Rneea-- her vaeatloik visiting her Irrenf- M y i . 1888 CIrar. raatto i^ eaal taaIgM. Tirk U . Or**ory M. Pltonl*k et parenta and other relatives In Open Session racksvUl*. Pa.. who«® wife. Tv«tt«, , ,, .... .. -p . , -- - 10,707 M r, littto rhaaga to Imiiparatara UVM at n EUnbeth drivf, haa ! ' ■ ^ ' 1 ( natarday, \ baen awardad tha bronia atar Mias Jacqueline R. McHugh of CommiBBion SchedulcB / imaMr af Mw AneH medal for maritorioiia aar>dca In 622 North Main street will « • »' rMM al arepNONw Manchester— A City of VUlage Charm ried Ibon In New T«»«'*J„Clty H e a r in g at 8 ip. m . in Korea. ^ Foster B. Stough of '12 Sisson street, East Hartford. Mias Mc­ ■ -.V. Municipal Building /Av/^; Beginnlnr Uila week and every "'^-'"^'’^''^iilbtoaaUlae AevartMag aa Pabt 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1933 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CBNIS week thereafter until after Labor Hugh, a hattve of Norwalk, la the VOL. LXXn, NO. 238 Day both the Mary Cheney and daughter of John T. and Sarah ^ A public hearing will he held by . WhiUm llbrariea will cloae at 12 Sheehan McHugh. the. Town Planning Oommiaslon o'clock noon on Saturdaya. The '-’ •'.■fc'inV, tonight.at 8 o'clock to the hearing I Need At HALE’S Self Serve aummer achedule of the Mary Mias Terry Ivaniskl, who has room of the .Municipal Building to Cheney Library will be from • a. been confined to her home in A>naider three proposed gone Bohlen Due m. to 9 p. m. Monday through Fri­ Rockville by illness, haa so far changes, Rve ame.ndments to the k ALE'S day and from 9 to 12 noon on Sat­ recovered as to be able to resume regulations and one proposed Death Toll 15 urday, and for the Whlton Ubrary her duties at her beauty salon in building line alteration. / " butter I FROZEN FOOD SPECIAl^ the’ State Theater building. ' Two changes in sone afe-M the ToTeU U .S. Beria Purge Held as Start tha houra wUl be from 1 to 9 p. m. COFFEE Monday through Friday and from Through the Herald she extends southerly side of Green road,^ett of Woodbridge street anfK owned FRESH GROUND Pound • to 12 noon on Saturday. deep appreciation and grateful ACE HIGH thfipka all who remem^red her by Stanley Bray, now to Business . Pound In Woods Fire About Beria Xn Popular SObermarketa - to w’ith flowers iahd in other'ways.' ' iftone-I' and’ Residence Eone A.- The. Maaaachuaetta and Connecticut wilt change would put the plots In . ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT clone for a-half-day duly IS. ao that ’ The daughter bbrii July t in Business Zone I ahd JL^texander r Washlhgtbn, ’ July ’ every employee may attend the Jarvis asks for the change to Busi­ C JU ICE n: 2 fcr 27e Wil1wsrCaiif7^1y Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. ness Zone I property on t ^ horth- awaeping wind killed 16 firefighterz in Mendwino Natlond — Secretary of State Dulles ftrm'a annual outing at Turner John T. Spaulding of 91 Hamlin Park in Longmeadow, Maas. Chea. C’.. 8. Army plu.to weot corner of McKee and West Forest last night. Bulldozers worked into the blacken^ today ordered the U. S. Am­ street, has been named Joyce Ann. Warrant Officer, jg. Charles Center atreets from ' Residence ter Peterson, grocery manager of Mrs. Spaulding was the fomier seared area toda.v and recovered all the bodies. By. mid- bassador to Moscow, Charles ' the Manchester Popular, is serving Willlmutia of 109 Hollister street Zone B.. , - . ■ E. Bohlen, hdme for con­ on tM outing committee. Florence Hauamann and the baby Is with the 776th Ordn^ce Co., The building Une alteration 1s on / SNOW CROP PEAS morning all but on« had baan Iden-a is their first child. 76th Infantry Reserve "division, the west side Of Liberty street be­ CARNATION tlflad. Thlrtean of tha daad wara sultation on the dismissal of mambara of tha New Tribaa Mla- taking two weeka summer train­ tween Anderson and Hemlock L. P, Beria from the Soviet Chief of. Russia's S<hcret Police Purged The Brotherhood of EmanuM ing at Camp Drum. N. Y. His out­ streets.. HER^EY MRS. PAUL'S aion, a rallgloua organlaaUon wUh House Near government and (Communist Lutheran Church .will hold their fit handles emergency repair jobs Five amendments tp the regula­ MILK Paelfle eoaat haadquartara near parly. annual picnic. Saturday from 2 in the held when equipment breaks tions are on loading and parking kara. of Police FRIEP FRESH FILLETS I The fetate deparimant said SERVICES p. m. on at the home of Mr. and down. -Xones and excluding cornices, Thay wara In thalr camp at Mrs. Roy Johnson at Bolton Cen­ Si^UP FmiU Sprtoga, in tha mountatna, Approval of Dullaa wants to get Bohlen’a views That Interpret The Wishes eaves, gutters and chimneys ss 3 tuireuns while the Rig Three foreign min- ter. that part of the principal puUdIng. 'l-Pound lin training for mlaaionary aaalgn- Carol Ann Handehson, 11 year manta to ovaraaaa Junglaa and | latera' meeting Is under way here. Of liie Family old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dullts, acting British Foreign The Men’s Club of Zion James P. Henderson of 912 Tolland ' mountaina. I Longer Tax Called Traitor gecretary Lord Sallabur.v and Lutheran ^urch will hold their Turnpike and a seventh grade Rev. Arker Guest 2 for Charlaa J. Oleaaon. reporter for annual outing Saturday at the "Jo W ITH TH IS tha Wlllowa Journal, wrote In a . « French Foreign Minister Bidgult JOHN B. BURKE pupil at the Buckland School, suf­ copyrightad atory that tha blaaa open their aeasiona this aftenfbon. -Em" Camp. Andoveh Lake. They fered a severely lacerated left Of Orange Order TOc COUPON ONLY Washington, July 10— (/P) A statement read to a newt i London, July 10— (A>)— European diplomats today viewed FUNERAL HOME will begin to arrive at -1 p. m. or hand when a m^lcine bottle ex­ broke out yeaterday afternoon on ______^ / 'j Powder Hmiae point, to Mendocino — Administration forces won conference by press offlder Lincoln ;the purging of Layentry Beria an the beginning t^f an all out I earlier If they choose. A program ploded In an outdoor fireplace re­ White aald: i fltruggle for power in.nide the Kremlin with prospect.4 of a ' 81 EAST CENTEX ST. I of outdoor s^rta will be run off cently- carol was treated at the Rev. Henrv James Aiiter of Ndw Foreat, 2S mllea northweat of Wll- an initial test of strength to­ Io«'a. "Ambaaaador Bohlen, who fore­ showdown next between Premier Georgi Malenkov and Tel. Ml-S-aSSS during the afternoon and a frank Manchester Memorial Hospital, York City will be guest spealtor at DELRICH da.v as-the House drdve to­ saw and reported the probable the supper and entertalnm^ Sat- CAMPBELL’S The area la on Alder Springa Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov. ♦ —......-. V-- fu'rter and hamburger roast will where eight stitches were required MAROARINI ward a vote on President elimination of Beria several days AMBULANCE SERVICE be enjoyed at supper time. to close the wound. urday. July 11, In Orang« Hall, road. In the eoaat range moiin- Beria, 54. the gimlet-eyed boss I ■___ commemorating th* 265tlf anniver­ talna. about half way between San Kisenhower’s proposal to ex­ ago, ia now returning to the of the secret police,.wsf fired from TKT TB a.a.1 sary of the Battle o f ^ e Boyne. TOMATO Franclaco and the Oregon border. tend the excess profits tax. United States in order that the his Job, booted out of the Commun- ^ \ k J rw Q T f I ! Mr.' Arker Is natlon^Lgrand chap­ 2 t o r 4 5 c The mlaalonarlea went to work At the oiitaet of debate Denio- Secretary of State may have the j lilt party and condemned ' aa a I I ' - ' Tv B -F aB. 1 /l/R V / on the flrellnea. under direction of rrntlc membera of the Houae rulea opportunity of peraonal consults- ■ lain of the Grand Orange Order In KOOL-AID k e tc h u p GOOD ONLY AT traitor. He waa flayed as a "ma­ ! America. Genem Chairman Wll- Foreat Ranger Robert Powera. who committee made a fight againat tlon with him relative to develop- ! lignant enemy of the Soviet I liam D. Turkipgton and his com- JrW.Hole C arp .^ Inat hta life. barring any- amendmenta to the menta In the U.S.8.R. while th e : people” and bis case turned over i ' : mittee are atriuiging for an excel­ 6 p k g S s I 14-(^nce Bottle They thought they had tha fire admtntatration bill, -a atralght re­ foreign minUtera' conlarenca ia to to the Soviet Supreme Court. O pens fo r session." lent entertalhment by local and under control at 10 p, m., Gleeaon newal. of. Jlw.its*:.for atx^mqn tha. _ .Hla.attcceaaor in. title, but. prob-. i Hartford/Talent to td‘ wrote In the Jouriiial. and aAl Udwtl' from June SO to Jan. 1. ......... 'Naw to P h r i s ' .... ably not to power—la Sergei N. Arker's /liicourse. to eat their ratlona. But after an hour's argument, ■ Bohlen la flying to Washington Kruglov, a veteran police official Stalin’s Job I C atw r Philip Williams will c I c Within a few mlniitea Foreat the no-amendments procedure from Paris where he went on va- { who has been'given high Soviet serve's ham supper at 6 p.
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