T#()'*,--F)$*,-, A(&('. /0-/1, 23/0 VOL. 131 - N!. 57 www.purdueexponent.org A"" T#$%&' P()*(+ COURTNEY DOBRZYKOWSKI | MANAGING EDITOR Publication Notice This special edition of The Exponent Preparing for the eclipse was created to welcome back Purdue stu- dents in anticipation of another great se- BY ALEXANDER PIJANOWSKI mester. Staff Reporter The Exponent, Purdue’s independent student media organization, will continue A total solar eclipse will occur Monday, Au- to print Mondays and Thursdays when JXVWIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHLQQLQHW\QLQH\HDUV classes are in session. Our print editions in the skies over the contiguous United States, are free and available in all residence halls and the Purdue community is preparing for it and academic buildings, near entrances. on several fronts. We also maintain an electronic edition The event has been dubbed “The Great — www.purdueexponent.org — that is American Eclipse” by the public. updated throughout the week with break- $WRWDOVRODUHFOLSVHLVGH¿QHGE\0HUULDP ing news and features. The web edition Webster as an event “in which the moon com- also includes same-day coverage of ma- pletely hides the solar surface or photosphere jor sports events including football and [of the sun] and thereby cuts off all direct rays men’s and women’s basketball for week- of sunlight from the observer.” Though West end events. Lafayette will be outside the path of totality, If you’re interested in media, you can the geographical band which is momentarily — and should — join our staff regardless covered by a complete shadow, a partial solar of your major. We welcome any full-time eclipse is still going to be visible from campus. student on the West Lafayette campus Some locations inside the path of totality, such ZKRLVD86&LWL]HQRUKROGVD:RUN9LVD DV&DUERQGDOH,OOLQRLVDQG3DGXFDK.HQWXFN\ We are seeking staff members who want are within driving distance of Purdue. to develop their interpersonal skills, like Looking directly at a solar eclipse can cause to write or develop marketing skills — no PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY COURTNEY DOBRZYKOWSKI | MANAGING EDITOR retinal damage and various degrees of vision prior experience required. Editor-in-Chief Brad Pushkar demonstrates how properly to wear solar eclipse glasses. ORVV:LWKWKLVLQPLQG3URIHVVRURI&KHPLVWU\ Find us on Aug. 25 in the afternoon in Alex Wei shared a “Do’s and Don’ts” document .UDFK /HDGHUVKLS &HQWHU GXULQJ RQH RI with The Exponent detailing the related eye- eclipse glasses” to students and 5,000 to mem- a website “dedicated to the safe observation of” Purdue’s B-Involved mini fairs, and/or sight risks and ways for spectators can protect bers of the community; most of these glasses the upcoming eclipse. join us at our callout at 7 p.m. Aug. 30 in themselves from eye damage. were purchased using grants given by the Stu- As of Tuesday, the group had nearly exhaust- EE 129. “Staring at anything less than a total eclipse, dent Organization Grant Allocation (SOGA) ed their supply of glasses reserved for the com- Whether you join the staff or not, we even for just a minute, carries the risk of caus- %RDUG DQG WKH 2I¿FH RI (QJDJHPHQW WKRXJK PXQLW\DFFRUGLQJWR&KHQDQGLQGLYLGXDOV look forward to you becoming a regular ing permanent damage to your vision with- some were donations from a partnership with indicated that they plan to attend the viewing, reader of our print and online editions, out proper protection,” Wei said. Among the HFOLSVHRUJ &KHQ VDLG (FOLSVHRUJ LV with 46 others expressing interest. and wish you a great semester. “don’ts” appearing in Wei’s guide is a warning WKDWQRUPDOVXQJODVVHVDUHQ¶WVXI¿FLHQWWRSUR- SCREENSHOT FROM tect your eyes from the Sun’s rays. NASA <DQ\LQJ &KHQ WKH SUHVLGHQW RI WKH 3XUGXH Monday’s solar $VWURQRP\&OXEVDLGWKHJURXSKDVEHHQSUH- eclipse will A letter from our paring for the upcoming eclipse for six to eight span the U.S., months. The club is hosting a program for view- as shown by the editor-in-chief ing the eclipse form the south end of Memorial gray line on this Mall. It will last from noon to 4 p.m. accord- map. Students +HOORUHDGHU ing to a Facebook event page administered by on the Purdue &KHQ7KHHYHQWSDJHDOVRLQGLFDWHVWKHWLPHRI campus will see ,I WKLV LV \RXU ¿UVW LVVXH ZHOFRPH ,I peak occultation will be 2:22 p.m. not, welcome back. So that those in the Purdue and Greater La- a partial eclipse It’s crazy for me to look at where I am fayette communities can safely view the eclipse, of 94 percent at today compared to where I started my WKH$VWURQRP\&OXELVGLVWULEXWLQJ³VRODU about 2:22 p.m. Purdue career a mere three years ago. A wide-eyed freshman starting his stud- ies in computer science, hoping to make new friends and enjoy my time as a Boil- ermaker. Although I’m now set to gradu- A letter from Purdue President Mitch Daniels ate in May with a mass communication degree rather than computer science, it Dear Boilermakers, demic excellence, I pledge to be honest hands-on learning. only helped me complete the other goals I and true in all that I do. Accountable We’re also making good prog- made for myself. The friendships and ex- On behalf of the entire campus together — We are Purdue. This pledge ress on the redevelopment of the periences I’ve had have all come from my community, welcome — or, wel- supports our commitment to academic State Street corridor through cam- one choice to follow what I enjoy. come back! — to Purdue. integrity and accountability, two im- pus, though that project won’t be I hope that you can look to The Expo- Some 40,000 of you call this beauti- portant Boilermaker characteristics complete until 2018 (I think you’ll nent as both a paper you enjoy to read and ful campus home, including Purdue’s that we take very seriously. I hope you’ll ¿QG WKDW WKH DGGHG FRQYHQLHQFH want to read during your time here at Pur- largest freshman class to date. We are join your fellow students in taking the safety and amenities it will bring due. In a world of “fake news” and politi- all excited to see what this school year pledge and, more importantly, uphold- will make it worth the wait). cal battles in every national story, I want will hold for each of you. ing its values throughout your academ- The home football season will readers of all backgrounds and beliefs to Earlier this summer, the Purdue ic career. We’ve also recently launched kick off with Ohio on Sept. 8 — I be able to connect with our stories. Board of Trustees approved a sixth two outlets to report cheating: a hotline hope you’ll join me in the stands, Students in their studies and our news VWUDLJKW\HDURIÀDWWXLWLRQPHDQ- Mitch Daniels number (765-494-8778) and a dedi- FKHHULQJ RQ &RDFK %URKP DV KH go hand in hand; both bring more infor- mation and facts for our world to have. ing that tuition will remain frozen ous successful students to show cated email ([email protected]). PDNHVKLVRI¿FLDO5RVV$GHGHEXW A quote from my favorite book and au- at 2012 rates through at least the you useful information about your Summer is always a busy time for You can buy your student ticket, thor sums that idea up quite nicely: 2018-19 school year. This is just academic progress and help you construction on campus, and this the Boarding Pass, through Pur- one part of our commitment to make better-informed decisions year has been no exception. Our dueSports.com. keeping a Purdue education af- ever-changing and ever-growing Each academic year brings new “New knowledge is the most about your behaviors and campus valuable commodity on earth. fordable, and I hope it’s meaning- activities. The app also will point FDPSXV VLJQL¿HV RXU FRPPLWPHQW opportunities and a chance to start ful to you and your family. to facilities that will help us continue fresh. I encourage you to take each The more truth we have to work you to concrete steps, like tutor with, the richer we become.” Our university has never been our world-changing research and RSSRUWXQLW\WKDW¿QGVLWVZD\WR\RX matching, which may help you im- better equipped to support and foster learning and success for all set and conquer goals, and strive to- — Kurt Vonnegut, “Cat’s Cradle” prove your academic performance. encourage student success. Purdue VWXGHQWV &RQVWUXFWLRQ RQ WKH :LO- ZDUGV VXFFHVV DQG IXO¿OOPHQW :H offers many tutoring, Supplemen- We’re equally committed to uphold- PHWK$FWLYH/HDUQLQJ&HQWHUDKXE are proud of you, we are glad you are Best of luck to all in the upcoming se- tal Instruction and academic sup- ing academic integrity. This spring, in for active learning at Purdue, is now here, and we wish you great success mester. port services across campus, and an effort led by students, the university FRPSOHWH,QVLGH\RX¶OO¿QGÀH[LEOH as you encounter all there is to expe- I hope that you will utilize these RI¿FLDOO\ DGRSWHG D QHZ +RQRU &RGH study, library and classroom spaces rience at Purdue University. Brad Pushkar resources to further excel in your Starting this fall semester, on every ex- (all open 24 hours a day), a state- (GLWRULQ&KLHI academic pursuits, including the amination, you and your peers will af- of-the-art information visualization Boiler Up! Senior Forecast app. ¿UP\RXUDGKHUHQFHWRWKHFRGHZKLFK center and several other spaces de- Mitch Daniels &ROOHJHRI/LEHUDO$UWV Forecast uses data from previ- reads: As a Boilermaker pursuing aca- signed to foster collaborative and President FROM WHERE YOU LIVE Contact us See photos of Purdue welcoming its newest class of The presses didn’t stop when you went on vacation.
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