Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2018-09-05 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2018). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 3064. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/3064 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER Published by the students of Volume CV Issue 5 Xavier University since 1915 September 5, 2018 NEWSWIRE Fiat justitia, ruat caelum xaviernewswire.com New wheels roll out onto campus Both Xavier and non-Xavier persons can rent bicycles through the Lime app BY RYAN KAMBICH Opinions & Editorials Editor Scooter/Bike This weekend, the Califor- nia-based company Lime de- Rules and livered several green and yel- low bicycles to campus as part Guidelines of a planned rollout meant to bring accessible personal • Scooters (and bikes) transportation to students. In are not permitted in the coming weeks the system any campus build- will expand to include elec- ings. tronic scooters as well. Lime • Scooters may only has implemented similar net- works on a number of other be operated in areas campuses around the country, where bicycle trac is including the University of allowed. Notre Dame and most recent- • Scooters should not ly the Ohio State University. be operated on side- Students can rent the bikes walks unless traveling and scooters by scanning a Newswire photo by Ryan Kambich QR code with the Lime app. The California-based company Lime delivered a set of bicycles to campus this weekend. Users can rent the to or from a bicycle Once scanned, the rear wheel bicycles by scanning a QR code with the Lime app, and those with .edu emails can do so at reduced prices. rack. of a LimeBike can be unlocked tainability Committee Co- ing vehicle sharing on college can take Lime vehicles. • Scooters should be for riding and the throttle of a Chair Dr. Nancy Bertaux of campuses. In the wake of the “It’ll be no problem park- operated at a low Lime scooter can be engaged. the economics department deal falling through, Lime — ing a bike in the front of your speed in the presence When finished, riders need pushed to bring a bike-shar- already in the process of in- yard if you’re renting a house of pedestrians. only park their vehicle in a ing program to campus in an troducing a network on Ohio off campus,” Hanlon said, safe and accessible place, usu- effort to expand options for State’s campus — offered to “but you can’t have it on your • Pedestrians have right ally an existing bike rack, and eco-friendly transportation. expand to Xavier at the start porch or on your back porch. of way. Riders must re-engage the rear wheel lock “In the past we had tried of August. It needs to be visible and ac- yield to pedestrian to end their ride. The app will to keep fleets of Xavier bikes, “After (ofo) pulled out I was cessible for the next person.” trac. display the locations of near- and it was very problemat- just incredibly impressed with As with any transporta- by bikes and scooters that are ic because it was difficult to how fast (Hanlon) was able to tion program, safety concerns • Scooters should be ready for use. get bikes that would be reli- find another alternative,” Ber- abound. parked in bike racks The network is designed able enough. It was just very taux said. “Inevitably there’ll be an so they do not block to be affordable. Any individ- disappointing to us,” Bertaux The partnership between accident,” Hanlon said. “Over- access or impede pe- ual who registers with a .edu said. “In one of my classes last Lime and Xavier is unique be- all, most of (the safety prepa- destrian trac. Please email account can choose a year a student did a project cause the company will have rations) are common sense be mindful of where daily rental for 50 cents, a that brought up the advent of exclusive rights to deploy its rules that we want to follow.” the scooter is parked weekly rental for $10 or a se- these dockless biking systems, bikes and scooters on cam- “Certainly we encourage to ensure campus mester-long rental for $30. and as a result that came up pus. In addition, Xavier is not wearing helmets,” he added Scooters can likewise be at a Sustainability Committee paying Lime; the university is (See “Scooter/Bike Rules and pathways remain rented ride-to-ride, though meeting, and they were very simply allowing the company Guidelines”). accessible and safe. information on the actual fee enthusiastic about it. There to operate on campus. When asked whether the • Scooters may not be is still forthcoming. Members was a great deal of positive While students may have university or Lime will pro- parked in pedestrian of the wider community can experience with them.” noticed the presence of vehi- vide helmets for the program, pathways, parking also use campus LimeBikes for Over the summer, Han- cle-sharing competitor Bird Hanlon stated, “I’m going to spaces, stairwells, a rental fee of $1 per day, ac- lon forged an initial agree- scooters in the area, Bird does leave that up to Student Gov- cording to Mark Hanlon, the ment with bikeshare company not have the right to distribute ernment.” When asked to inside buildings or director of utilities and ener- “ofo,” which operates a similar its vehicles on campus, though comment, the Student Gov- doorways, on ADA gy for Physical Plant. dockless YellowBike system. students can bring them onto ernment Association Execu- ramps or other areas The foundations for the However, ofo backed out of campus at will. tives said Physical Plant had where they block an partnership with Lime were the partnership as part of a There will be no limit as to not discussed the matter with entrance or exit. set last semester, when Sus- wider move away from servic- how far off campus students them. In this issue... Campus News, Page 3 World News, Page 4 Sports, Page 9 A&E, Page 10 Get to know Elliot, the The Justice Department Relive some of the Read a review of The rst-year aectionately sided against Harvard in most iconic moments Echo Restaurant in a known across campus a lawsuit about discrim- from Xavier great David new Newswire feature as “The Dancing Guy.” ination in admissions. West’s hoops career. called Brunch Buddies. 2 September 5, 2018 Campus News xaviernewswire.com 1. Download the app. Birds scoot around campus Both Lime and BY HANNAH PAIGE Bird require a MICHELS free app to use 6WDৼ:ULWHU their vehicles. Birds have landed on cam- pus. The electric vehicle shar- ing service Bird seemed to flock to Cincinnati overnight after the scooters appeared scattered around downtown in late July. Since then, the scooters have migrated from 2. Find a vehicle downtown and Over-the- near you. Rhine to Norwood and Clifton If you don’t see near Xavier and University of one nearby, the Cincinnati. Lime and Bird The eco-friendly transpor- tation service has nested in apps will show major cities like Los Angeles where the near- and Austin. Bird is continu- est vehicle is ing its expansion into cities located. all across the country and the world. As Bird expands its services, there have been a few Photo courtesy of Katie Nichols Sophomores Caroline Puryear and Andie Parady play around with a Bird bumps in the road. scooter in the commuter parking lot outside of A.B. Cohen Center. 3. Scan the ve- When signing up for the hicle’s QR code. Bird app, there are a few re- ville since, other cities aren’t Duffy hopes the Bird scooters Birds have a QR quirements of riders: be 18 so forgiving. Boston’s mayor, are a stepping stone to imple- code between years or older with a driver’s Marty Walsh, warned the ment other sustainable initia- the handlebars. license, wear a helmet, do not company that if they dropped tives on campus. ride on sidewalks and park off scooters in the city, they Unlike Lime, Bird does not LimeBikes scooters clear of walkways. could “pick them up at the tow have any partnership with have QR codes With a base fee of $1 and yard.” Xavier. As with the city of between the han- an additional 15 cents per At Xavier, spirits regard- Cincinnati, Bird scooters ap- dlebars and on minute, the scooters are a fair- ing the scooters are flying a peared around the perimeter the back wheel. ly cheap way to get around bit higher. “I personally think of campus. Director of Util- town. But many cities have that they are a good start to ities and Energy at the Of- experienced a love-hate rela- giving students a better way fice of Physical Plant Mark 4. End your tionship with Bird scooters. to get around campus and Hanlon said there’s concern According to WSMV, a some closer places in Nor- about student safety with the ride. Nashville news outlet, Bird wood without needing to new ride sharing programs. For a Bird, hit scooters were pulled off the drive,” senior Jonathan Duffy “Ride sharing and mobility is “End Ride” on streets in June for “safety con- said.
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