E314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2013 Josh Fleming is the Digital Strategy Director him as U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica. In ance, contributions and accomplishments are at Lessing-Flynn Advertising Company. In this 1967, President Richard Nixon called on Am- far remembered and everlasting. Artie was a role, Josh has excelled through his out- bassador Telles to serve as Chairman of the dear friend and was known to many of us as standing creativity and enthusiasm. One of Mr. U.S.-Mexican Border Commission. He would a brilliant hardworking community leader who Fleming’s creations for Lessing-Flynn, later be appointed as Commissioner of the dedicated his life work to the education of our AdMavericks.com, has now become one of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission youth. Iowa’s most-read marketing blogs. Another where he served in the administrations of Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate the 150th an- creation, Lessing-Flynn’s Battle of the Brands, Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. niversary of the Emancipation Proclamation provides Iowa companies a chance to com- Although Ambassador Telles will be known and the 50th anniversary of the March On pete and showcase their brands in an innova- in many political circles as a tireless public Washington, let us celebrate the life of our be- tive social media format. Outside of the office, servant, he will eternally be remembered by loved Arthur ‘‘Artie’’ Georges who dedicated Josh serves as president of the American those closest to him as a caring father, loving his life to our youth and the Black American Marketing Association of Iowa, is a board husband, and mentor who paved the way for Experience. member of Prevent Blindness Iowa, and trav- others to succeed long after his passing. As f els the country as a public speaker on topics someone who advised so many young emerg- CLARITY RECOVERY AND relevant to advertising in the digital age. ing leaders, he can rest comfortably knowing WELLNESS Josh’s passion for his work and community that the light of his legacy will shine for sev- engagement is something that our state can eral generations to come. be proud of. Mr. Speaker, we are truly fortunate to live in HON. BILLY LONG Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- a country which gives every one of us an op- OF MISSOURI resent leaders like Josh in the United States portunity to make our dreams come true. A IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- few remarkable Americans achieve a level of Friday, March 15, 2013 ognize and applaud Mr. Fleming for utilizing service to country that opens the door not just Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- his talents to better both his community and to their dreams but to ours as well. Many of ognize Sigma House of Springfield, Inc. under the great state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues us, therefore, have a profound desire and its new name, Clarity Recovery and Wellness. in the House to join me in congratulating Josh abiding obligation to look up to the sky to say First opened in 1977, Sigma House of on receiving this esteemed designation, thank- to Ambassador Raymond Telles, ‘‘Thank you!’’ Springfield, Inc. was the area’s first addiction ing those at Business Record for their great Surely, he is smiling upon us now as he sur- treatment center. Focused on individualized work, and wishing each member of the 2013 veys the countless dreams he brought to life. long-term treatment of substance abuse, it Forty Under 40 class continued success. May Ambassador Telles rest in peace and provided 1,150 units of treatment in its first 19 f may his family celebrate the life and memory months. Over the last 25 years, the center has of a dear family man and American patriot. IN RECOGNITION OF AMBASSADOR expanded to include four facilities. In 2012 f RAYMOND TELLES alone, it treated nearly 12,000 people. CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF HAR- Treatment and long-term recovery from sub- LEM’S BELOVED ADVOCATE FOR stance abuse can offer a renewed outlook on HON. XAVIER BECERRA life for those who are addicted and their family OF CALIFORNIA EDUCATION ARTHUR ‘‘ARTIE’’ GEORGES members, which can lead to more productive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and fulfilling lives and an improved quality of Friday, March 15, 2013 life for the entire community. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Resources for treatment and recovery pro- Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF NEW YORK vide important assets for the communities of celebrate the legacy of a great American, Am- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Springfield, Branson and surrounding counties, bassador Raymond Telles, a true pioneer in and I am proud that Clarity Recovery and international and civic leadership. Friday, March 15, 2013 Wellness remains committed to providing qual- Ambassador Telles passed away on March Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise with great ity care to those in need of rehabilitation serv- 8, 2013 at the age of 97 in the company of sadness as I pay tribute to one of Harlem’s ices. those who loved him. He is survived by his distinguish dynamic and influential members, daughters, Dr. Cynthia Telles and Dr. Patricia Arthur ‘‘Artie’’ Georges, who passed away on f Telles-Irvin and their families. His life was the January 29, 2013. As I speak with profound HONORING RICHARD GRIFFITH very definition of a trailblazer. Ambassador sorrow, I ascend to celebrate a life well lived KESLER Telles was America’s first ambassador of and to remember with fondness the accom- Latino descent, the first Latino to be mayor of plishments of a remarkable leader. HON. SAM GRAVES a major American city and a decorated U.S. It is without question that Artie’s outstanding OF MISSOURI Air Force Colonel. contributions to the Holcombe Rucker Basket- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born September 5, 1915 in El Paso, Texas, ball League, the National Association of Each Ambassador Telles began his career at the One Teach One, Inc. and our famed Harlem Friday, March 15, 2013 Department of Justice before being drafted Week Golden Hoops places him in a very spe- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I into the United States Army Air Force where cial category in a long line of remarkable men proudly pause to recognize Richard Griffith he admirably served as the Chief of the Lend- who have given so much to our children and Kesler. Griff is a very special young man who Lease Program for South and Central Amer- to the Greater Harlem community and beyond. has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- ica. In honor of his distinguished work, he was Artie’s passion for public service is well docu- ship and leadership by taking an active part in awarded the Mexican Legion of Merit, the mented by his important and outstanding 30- the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 374, and Order of the Southern Cross from Brazil, Co- year career work as a Methadone Mainte- earning the most prestigious award of Eagle lumbian wings, and the Peruvian Flying Cross. nance Treatment Counselor—at a time when Scout. Later Ambassador Telles served as a military heroin crippled and took the lives of so many Griff has been very active with his troop, aide for President Harry S. Truman and Gen- of our best and brightest young men and participating in many scout activities. Over the eral Dwight D. Eisenhower during World War women. many years Griff has been involved with II. Artie served his Nation proudly in the United scouting, he has not only earned numerous After being recalled as the Executive Officer States Army and was a loyal member of the merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- of the 67th Tactical and Reconnaissance Colonel Charles Young American Legion Post ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Griff Group during the Korean War, Raymond 398. An advocate of education, he loved being has earned the rank of Warrior in the Tribe of Telles was elected Mayor of El Paso, Texas in a part of the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Mic-O-Say and is a Brotherhood member of November 1957. While in office, he encour- Association and Basketball Tournament Week- the Order of the Arrow. Griff has also served aged fire and police departments around the end; the Pelham Fritz Basketball League as a counselor-in-training at Rotary Camp and city to diversify their workforce. Following a Scholarship Fund; and the John Hunter Me- is a member of the National Honor Society. close first election, he went on to win a sec- morial Camp Fund. For his Eagle Scout project, Griff contributed ond term unopposed. After his tenure as Great men like Artie are precious gifts we to his community by designing and con- mayor, President John F. Kennedy appointed temporarily have in this world, but their assist- structing five VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:50 Mar 16, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15MR8.006 E15MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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