Democratic Leadership Fight Seen Tonight SEE STORY BELOtf Light Rain Occasional light rain expected THEDAILY HOME today and tonight. Warm, hu- mid with chance of showers to- morrow. FINAL (See Details Page 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 89 Years VOL. 90, NO. 242 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1968 TEN CENTS VC Rockets Kill 19 Civilians SAIGON (AP) — The Viet ago. The barrages have killed One round slammed into Ken- Westmoreland told a farewell tary consequence, It does make Cong switched to daytime bom- at least 128 persons and nedy Square, spraying dirt into news conference Monday it was headlines, I must say." bardment of Saigon today, wounded 519. the Roman Catholic cathe- almost impossible "to stop the Some observers disagreed. slamming some 30 big rockets The six-foot 122-mm rockets dral, through doors open for indiscriminate firing of a few The shelling is spreading fear into the heart of the city dur- exploded in the vicinity of ma- morning Mass. The shell land- mortar rounds, a few rocket among the population and un- ing the morning rush hour. jor government buildings but ed a few yards from the 2(l-foot rounds, in consideration of the dermining confidence in the The barrage killed at least 19 did little damage to most of statue of the Madonna. wide open and very chopped up South Vietnamese government, Vietnamese civilians and them. However, one landed on The barrage began about 6:15 and difficult country around they said. wounded 106. the, roof of the government a.m., and a little more than Saigon." One American commented It was the heaviest casualty communications headquarters five hours before Gen. William He conceded that "civilians cynically: "I guess the signifi- toll—and the first major day- and knocked out most telecom- C. Westmoreland relinquished are getting killed and some cance of the attacks today was time bombardment—since the munications abroad, including his command of U.S. troops in houses are being damaged," ceremonial. A 21-gun salute tor Viet Cong began almost daily lines leased by a number of Vietnam and left for Manila, but he added, as he has said Westy's departure." shelling of the capital 38 days American firms. Honolulu and Washington. before: "It's of really no mili- (See VIETNAM, Pg. 2, Col. <) $990Million State Bond ROCKETS BLAST HEART OF SAIGON — Two automobiles burn in front of the Sai- Compromise Reached gon city hall during Viet Cong attack. Thirty rockets hit tha South Viotnamoss capi- tal killing at least 19 persons and wounding 106 others. [AP Wirephoto) TRENTON (AP) - Republi- raising measures to help bal- establish a new state Depart- with bi-partisan support the ly proposed $890 million but can legislative leaders' and ance the spending program ment of Criminal Justice. Sen- proposal would be approved by agreed to add $100 million Gov. Richard J. Hughes were were postponed until Thursday ate President Edwin B. For- the electorate in the fall. more when urban Republican in agreement today over a pro- because of disagreement over a sythe, R-Burlington, said this "I would think this series of lawmakers, primarily from posal to submit three bond is- state aid school formula. By would mean the legislature bond issues can be passed in Bergen County, asked for a sues totaling $990 million to the end of a long legislative would not vote on the proposal November," the governor said. higher sum. Campi-Smith Battle New Jersey voters in Novem- day, the Republicans said they until the fall, probably in Sep- "We agreed we will mutually The $990 million figure would ber. agreed on a revised plan to tember, after returning from support this issue." include $100 million for con- The agreement, announced grant an additional $25 per pu- summer recess. Sharply Cut struction of institutions, $230 at a joint news conference yes- pil each year to all school dis- —The Senate passed and The sum was sharply reduced million for college building, $7.- terday, marked the end of tricts in the state. sent to the governor a bill ap- from the governor's original 5 million for educational tele- For Leadership Seen weeks of discussion and hag- New Department propriating $5 million for emer- proposal of a $1.75 billion bond vision. $440 million for highway gling between the Democratic —The GOP leadership, re- gency Hood relief for areas of issue. But administration aides construction, $200 million for By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI The two, in separate letters, Mr. Smith last night was re- goveror and the GOP lawmak- sponding to demands from of- North Jersey stricken by floods claimed the compromise was a railroads and mass transit and FREEHOLD — A contest for have urged all municipal Dem- elected as chairman of the ers. ficials in the Hughes adminis- two weeks ago. victory for Hughes because the $12.5 million aimed at encour- aging an additional $62.5 mil- Monmouth County Democratic ocratic committee members to Union Beach Democratic Exec Republican leaders said they tration, scheduled public hear- As for the bonding agree- figure was still substantial. Committee chairman looms to- support Mr. Smith for chair- utive Committee and received would prepare bills for prompt ings, on a controversial bill to ment, Hughes predicted that Republican leaders original- (See BONDS, Pg. 2, Col. 4) night between incumbent P. man. the committee's support as a action in order to authorize re- Paul Campi of Xittle Silver and When asked if his letter in- favorite son in his bid to un- ferenda on the bond issues be- challenger, Paul J. Smith of dicated a division within the seat Mr. Campi. fore adjourning for the sum- Union Beach. party, Mr. Howard replied "no Ran for Senate mer. They said they are hope- A vigorous campaign by sup- comment," adding that the Mr. Smith last year was an ful of calling a recess by June Reach Dredging Agreement porters for Mr. Smith will cli- matter will be handled internal- unsuccessful Democratic candi 24. • max tonight at the Monmouth ly at the meeting tonight. date for state Senate. In other major developments TRENTON - In a confer- dredging operations, the com- — Cut about 20 per cent of the Navesink River as far as Civic Center, Eatontown, when The reaction to the letter and Mr. Smith last month an- — The Republican leaders ence engineered by Assembly- promise would: the proposed dredging area in Barley Point, Mr. Roe said. Democratic Executive Commit- telephone campaign for Mr. nounced that he is challenging said they reached agreement man Joseph Azzolina, R-Mon- — Permit • dredging of the the state channel to preserve .If, the dredging corporation mouth, Highlands clammers federal channel along the High- sand for beach nourishment on refuses; -the- Army engineers tee members elect a chairman. Smith is mixed, reported some Mr. Campi for chairman. He on a $1.15 billion operating bud- 1 The Republicans will be meet- Democratic party observers. then said that he will not get get for the 1968-69 fiscal year. and boatmen agreed with state lands. shore to an ultimate Sandy Hook. will dredge the federal channel. Ing in the Holiday Inn, Hazlet They say that the letters are (See POLITICAL., Pg. 2, Col, 1) But scheduled votes on tax- officials yesterday in the of- depth of 15 feet and a width Mr. Roe told the Highlands Additional taxpayers' funds Township. No contest is expect- having the opposite affect that fice of Robert A. Roe, com- of 400 feet. representatives he will present would then have to be found ed there. - they were intended to have. missioner of-Conservation and — Permit dredging of the the compromise plan to the for the Navesink River job, Mr. Economic Development, to a state ("stick") channel to an dredging company immediate- Roe explained. The challenge to Mr. Campi's The other Democratic Free- modified version of a plan sub- ultimate depth of 10 feet for ly. The corporation, he ex- Stressing the vital importance election as county party chair- holder candidate besides Mr. Parties Organize; mitted by U.S. Dredging Corp., use as a small boat channel. plained, will have to accept or of a balance between conserva- man will be the highlight of the Bedell, Frank K. Woolley of New York City, for dredging The width of this channel, pro- reject the proposal before June tion and economics, the com-" political, organization meetings Freehold is not taking sides in the federal and state channels posed by U. S. Dredging Corp. 18, the date the Army Corps of missioner said the modified of 1968. Many municipal com- this inter-party battle. He said at the mouth of the Shrewsbury as 400 feet, will at first be Engineers has set for adver- plan will benefit the people of mittees organized last night he felt there is no need for Nicosia Again Top River. limited to 200 feet until it is tisement for bids on dredging New Jersey by preserving es- and the balance will do so to- him to get involved since he determined whether sand flows of the federal channel. tuarine lands on which the night. Republican Chairman J. is not a member of the com- The compromise came after from adjacent clam beds into state's harvest of seafood de- Russell Woolley has no contest mittee and does not have a Commissioner Roe had listened If U. S. Dredging Corp. ac- the newly dredged channel. If pends, while also benefiting the for an-unprecedented 27th term say in who is elected. Red Bank Democrat to arguments presented by cepts the modified plan, the the clam-bearing sandbars re- boating industry without harm- as county GOP leader.
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