Recommended Resources for PDST JCSP Initiatives 2017/2018 Range of video and audio files to support JCSP in schools is available at: www.mediaconcepts.ie/jcsp/index.html Here you can: - view aspects of a whole school approach to literacy and to numeracy in action - watch a series of short training videos for Paired Reading - and listen to stories and poems written and recited by JCSP students. JCSP Resources related with Initiative to be ordered Initiative by JCSP Co-ordinator JCSP Co-ordinator's Recommendations (optional) Artist in the Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address Classroom n/a Alwyn Gillespie 087 2056390 www.alwyngillespie.com Anne McDonnell-Murphy Fine Art Printmaker Deerpark - Faithlegg Halfway House Co. Waterford Art Zone, Dublin www.artzone.ie Breda Marron 087 9438671 breda@bredamarron.com www.bredamarron.com Caoimhe Dunne Freelance Artist, Model-maker, Puppeteer, www.isacs.ie/who-we- 087 7549454 dunncaoimhe@gmail.com Puppet maker, Mask maker and Youth Arts are/members/dunncreate Facilitator Clare Fitzgerald 083 4227547 www.chowderarts.ie www.offalytourism.com/businessdirectory/clo Clonmacnoise Pottery, Offaly nmacnoise-pottery Cork Arts Supplies, Cork 021 4277488 http://corkartsupplies.com/ Cork Printmakers 021 432 2422 info@corkprintmakers.ie www.corkprintmakers.ie Craft in Ireland - website www.craftinireland.com Crafty Hands www.craftyhands.info Danny Devenney - Mural Artist Belfast - DBI - Pottery Equipment & Supplies 021 4292888 Blackrock rd, Cork Debbie Quinn - Artist www.quinnmunson.com Denise Mc Cabe - Artis Co. 087 7576278 www.saatchiart.com/DeniseMcCabe Monaghan Enda Clarke Rathcormac Craft Village www.rathcormaccraftvillage.blogspot.ie Rathcormac Co. Sligo Feltmakers Ireland Studio www.feltmakersireland.com www.thecopperhousegallery.com/fine-art- Fine Print Artist - Alannah O'Neill alannahoneill22@outlook.com printing Frameworks Films www.frameworksfilms.com Film production company, Cork www.dccoi.ie/directory/clients/member/2518 Frances Kilcommins 087 7743037 0 1 Galway Art Academy - Deirdre Deegan www.galwayartacademy.com Geraldine Cahill Artist - www.thedoorwaygallery.com/artist/kate- Kate Beagan - Artist beagan/222 Kathy Mooney - Weave Artist www.kathleenmooney.com Martha Cashman Sculptural Ceramics 087 2606999 cashmanmartha@gmail.com 5 Easons Ave Off Shandon St Cork Mayfield Arts Centre Newbury House, Old Youghal Rd, Cork 021 4530434 mayfieldarts@gmail.com www.mayfieldarts.ie Michelle Whooley – Manager Tom Dalton- Arts worker Monkey Jam software www.monkeyjam.org Neil Selby Artist - Paper Panther Productions www.paperpanther.ie Irish Animation Company Print Artist in Galway Print Studio, Elena 085 1739416 elenasartwork@gmail.com http://galwayprintstudio.ie/ Santos Sally O’Dowd 085 1250696 Sally_od@hotmail.com http://residency.tartuensis.com/?p=1081 Sean O'Dwyer, Drogheda, Co.Louth - Artist, www.seanodwyer.com Arts Facilitator Sligo Graph website www.sgeducation.ie Smidirini Mosaics Maedhbh Brosnan 087 9747752 maedhbh@smidirinimosaics.ie www.smidirinimosaics.ie Rochestown, Glenmore Co. Kilkenny Specialist Craft Galway 091 768 809 www.specialistcrafts.ie www.crawfordexhibitions.com/liminal2013/sh Stephanie Hodgers (Waterford) 086 2031648 stephyphoto@hotmail.com .html Susan Herlihy Crafty Hands Pottery Studio 087 902 8186 craftyhands@eircom.ne - The Courtyard, Midleton, Co. Cork Vibes and Scribes Art Shop in Cork City 021 4503570 www.vibesandscribes.ie Arts and Crafts Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address n/a 1916 Sackville Street http://1916sackvillestreet.com/ Art and Hobby Shop www.artnhobby.ie Ballyelland Pottery - Mairead www.maireadstaffordartist.com Stafford Artist Ben Pateman - Graffiti Workshops & Chess 085 851 8949 benpateman@gmail.com - Tutor Cork Art Supplies http://corkartsupplies.com Create School 01 452 8533 info@createschool.ie www.createschool.ie Blessington Rd, Dublin Cregal Art - website www.cregalart.ie Eason www.easons.com Evans Art Supplies www.store.evansartsupplies.ie Heart Educational Supplies 091 769 068 theteam@heart-educational.ie www.heart-educational.ie P.O. Box 373, Galway Hickeys - for fabrics www.hickeyfabrics.ie 2 Kudlian Software Company www.kudlian.net/Kudlian_Software Scarva Pottery Suppliers www.scarva.com Selskar Bookshop www.selskarbookshop.ie Sligo Graph website www.sgeducation.ie Smidirini Mosaics Maedhbh Brosnan 087 9747752 maedhbh@smidirinimosaics.ie www.smidirinimosaics.ie Rochestown, Glenmore Co. Kilkenny Snapfish - website for digital printing www.snapfish.ie Specialist Craft Galway 091 768 809 www.specialistcrafts.ie The Book People - Bookstore www.thebookpeople.co.uk The Gift People - website www.thegiftpeople.co.uk Vibes and Scribes Art Shop in Cork City 021 4503570 www.vibesandscribes.ie Author in Residence Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address n/a Aoife Casby - Poet www.aoifecasby.net/#!home/mainPage Balor Community Arts www.balorartscentre.com Barbara Hubert Bookbinders, Cork www.hubertbookbinding.com Brian Gallagher - Writer 086 2173021 - Catherine Doyle 086 2051850 www.catherinedoylebooks.com Colm Keegan https://soundcloud.com/uiscebot Conor Kostick www.obrien.ie/conor-kostick Cork Art Supplies http://corkartsupplies.com Dave Rudden - Author & Storyteller www.daverudden.com Eddie Lenehan through Poetry Ireland www.poetryireland.ie Jack Healy - Writer www.thegrassarena.net Jane Mitchell - Writer www.janemitchell.ie John W Sexton www.munsterlit.ie Martin Brennan, Pen Name - Edward Crane. 085 7825579 Author of the The Havishams Trilogy Nicola Pierce Twitter: @NicolaPierce3 O'Mahony's Bookstore Limerick 061 418155 websales@omahonys.ie www.omahonys.ie Poetry Ireland No. 2 Proud's Lane off St 01 478 9974 info@poetryireland.ie www.poetryireland.ie Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 Contact: Moira www.terry-mcdonagh.com Terry McDonagh (Kiltimagh) - recommended 00353 86 8861853 terry.mcdonagh@t-online.de www.killedan-and-nowhere-else.com poet 0049 160 2658262 terrymcdonagh@web.de Tony Curtis www.tonycurtisirishpoet.com 3 Bodhrán - Traditional Instrument & Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address Bodhrán - Traditional Instrument Top-Up n/a Brian Flemming www.oaim.ie/our-tutors/brian-fleming Carlow Music Centre Shamrock Business Park Graiguecullen Carlow Charles Byrne Musik Instrumente Dublin 01 4781773 byrnemus@eircom.net www.charlesbyrne.com Colm Phelan www.bodhranphelan.com Comhaltas - Jason McGuinness, Tireragh https://comhaltas.ie/ Branch Donna Harkin www.dstim.ie/teacher/donna-harkin Dragon Drums www.dragondrums.co.uk Future Sound and Vision http://fsvltd.ie/ www.gear4music.ie/?campaign=*Own+Brand+- Gear 4 Music Limited +Rest+Of&medium=paid_search&network=go Irish Music www.mcneelamusic.com Irish Music Instruments Shop www.ceolas.org/instruments Jim Woods 074 93 20355 info@simplymusicinishowen.com John Ellison 1st Island Distribution Ltd, Corballis 04 0446070 Rathdrum Co. Wicklow KnB Music https://knbmusic.wordpress.com Malachy Kearns www.madeingalway.ie OR Roundstone Music & Crafts www.bodhran.com Martin Nolan - The bodhrán instructor 087 4121494 Opus II Galway www.opus2galway.ie Paraic MaNeela The Bodhrán Maker Unit 137 Baldoyle Industrial Estate 087 2569672 www.thebodhranmaker.com Dublin 13 Ireland Pro Musica Oliver Plunket Street 01 475 0661 http://promusica.ie Cork Rhythm & Shakes www.rhythmandshakes.com Robbie Walsh The Bodhran Buzz http://fourwindsirishmusic.com/robbie-walsh Robert O'Connor Tempo Music School www.tempomusicschool.ie/music-workshops- 085 7197714 robertoconnor25@yahoo.ie 5 Ormond Road Drumcondra, 2/bodhran-workshop Dublin 9 TG Lurgan website for access to www.tglurgan.bandcamp.com contemporary pop-songs as Gaeilge The Bodhrán Buzz - Robbie Walsh 085 7058968 - 4 The group Rhythem and Shake www.rhythmandshakes.com Waltons Music Supplies www.waltons.ie Bog Earraí Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address www.gaeilge.ie/maidir-le-foras-na-gaeilge/an- n/a An Gúm gum/ An Siopa Leabhar www.cnagsiopa.com Irish Language Author- Ré Ó Laighléis moininpublishers@gmail.com lingua app Rainbow Education www.rainboweducation.ie Siopa - website www.siopa.ie Smarty Cat Games Ltd info@smartycatgames.ie www.smartycatgames.ie Spraoi www.spraoi-online.com UCG Gaeilge www.nuigalway.ie/gaeilge/index_irish.html www.gaeilge.ie www.gaeilge.ie Bookreview Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address 2887 My Reading Journal Booklets 25 JCSP Library Project Digital Library www.jcsp.libraryreserve.com www.bookstation.ie/bookstation_gorey_wexf 1790 Keyword Bookmarks (pack of 40) 1 pack Book Station Gorey ord BookNest - books supplier Co. Sligo www.booknest.ie Chapters Bookstore, Dublin www.chapters.ie Coughlan Bookshop Clonakilty, www.coughlansbookshop.ie Co. Cork Dubray Books www.dubraybooks.ie Eason www.easons.com O'Mahony's Bookstore Limerick 061 418155 websales@omahonys.ie www.omahonys.ie Ransom Publishing - Books for Reluctant & www.ransom.co.uk Struggling Readers Setanta boolclub www.shop.scholastic.ie/catalogues The Book Centre www.thebookcentre.ie Waterstones Bookstore www.waterstones.com Calligraphy / Quick Code JCSP Resources Max qty. Name Mobile / Phone Email / Twitter Website Address Penmanship Initiative n/a Cregal Art Supplies, Galway City www.cregalart.net Evans Art Suppliers http://store.evansartsupplies.ie/store OfficeWiz www.officewiz.ie/storefront/home Specialist Craft
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