WINNER OF NATIONAL TU BEST STATE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER AWARD 2007 Summer 2013 Publication of the Pa. Council of Trout Unlimited www.patrout.org Fall meeting agenda & registration available on page 9! TU research targets brook trout genetics By Shawn Rummel TU Eastern Abandoned Mine Program Field & Research Coordinator It is well known that eastern brook trout have been declining throughout their na- tive range due to the degradation of habitat and water quality, primarily through hu- man activities. For the most part, this spe- cies has become confined to the extreme headwaters of watersheds that they inhabit. Many efforts are underway to conserve, See RESEARCH, page 2 Contributed Photo The God’s Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited recently held its sixth annual Proj- ect Healing Waters Fly Fishing event in Potter County. Healing effect By Dr. Pete Ryan and Trout Unlimited, serves military per- God’s Country Chapter President sonnel who have been wounded, injured or disabled to aid their physical and emotional Changing lives… one fly cast at a time. recovery by introducing or rebuilding the The sixth annual God’s Country Chapter skills of fly fishing and fly tying, and by Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing event using and enjoying these skills on fishing was held in honor of World War II veterans outings and as lifelong recreation. from May 21-24 in Potter County. While initially focusing on military PHWFF, initiated and conducted by Contributed Photo personnel in the Washington, DC area, A brook trout fin is clipped to be used members of the Federation of Fly Fishers See HEALING, page 8 for genetic research. IN THIS ISSUE Coldwater Heritage Grants Open ..........................3 Officer Nominations .............................................13 Proposed Bylaw Revisions....................................6 Wayne’s Coldwater Kids ......................................15 Youth Education and Outreach Raffle .................7 TU Sportsmen Organizer Hired ...........................24 RESEARCH does not allow animals from one popula- from page 1 tion to interbreed with other populations, limiting the amount of genetic diversity or protect and restore the eastern brook trout variation within the isolated population. (Salvelinus fontinalis) throughout the Similar to biodiversity in an environment, high genetic diversity is more desirable PA COUNCIL OF eastern United States. in populations. A high amount of genetic TROUT UNLIMITED These efforts include improving habitat PO Box 5148 and water quality. diversity helps to protect the species from Bellefonte, PA One area of restoration that has been giv- the negative impacts of disease, a changing 16823 en more attention recently is the removal of environment and other stressors that have barriers to fish movement. While this has detrimental impacts, not only to individu- PRESIDENT -- Brian Wagner always been important for anadromous fish als but also at the population level. 137 South New Street Researchers are currently working to Nazareth, PA 18064 like salmon that are known to make long Phone: 484-894-8289 migratory movements, the importance of determine how much genetic diversity ex- E-mail: [email protected] movement for species like brook trout is ists within brook trout populations. Trout Unlimited’s Eastern Abandoned Mine VICE PRESIDENT -- starting to be realized by fisheries biolo- Charlie Charlesworth gists. Barriers to movement include the Program, in collaboration with Grove City 200 Camins Parkway obvious obstacles in a stream like dams College, is working toward that goal in Clarks Summit, PA 18411 and poorly designed road culverts. the West Branch Susquehanna watershed Phone: 570-586-3363 However, water quality can also become located in northcentral Pennsylvania. E-mail: [email protected] a barrier to fish movement. A striking ex- Trout Unlimited staff have collected fin VICE PRESIDENT -- Sherwin Albert ample of this is abandoned mine drainage clip samples from brook trout that were 161 Ryan Lane collected during electrofishing surveys Milton, PA 17847 pollution. Phone: 570-524-7645 Abandoned mine drainage, commonly throughout the West Branch Susquehanna E-mail: [email protected] referred to as AMD, is the unfortunate watershed. These samples are preserved in alcohol TREASURER -- George Kutskel legacy of historical, unregulated mine 107 Simmons Street operations. During these operations, pyrite and sent to Grove City College where DuBois, PA 15801 (also known as “fool’s gold”) was exposed the DNA is isolated and analyzed for Phone: 814-371-9290 to the atmosphere, forming a potent acid variations. These data should provide a E-mail: [email protected] capable of dissolving heavy metals such as snapshot of the genetic diversity that exists SECRETARY -- Bob Pennell iron, aluminum and manganese from the in brook trout populations throughout the 2319 Valley Road surrounding rocks. watershed and provide useful information Harrisburg, PA 17104 In the past, specifically before the 1977 for the future management of brook trout Phone: 717-236-1360 in this area. E-mail: [email protected] passage of the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, many of In addition, this type of research can PA TROUT EDITOR & DESIGNER -- these mines were closed and abandoned, also be useful for assessing the success of Brad Isles P.O. Box 23 leaving no one responsible for the pollution restoration work that has the goal of re- Grove City, PA 16127 emanating from the mines. moving movement barriers. By collecting Phone: 724-967-2832 Pollution from AMD not only kills genetic data from of isolated populations E-mail: [email protected] aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish, but both before and after a barrier is removed, PA TROUT ADVERTISING -- also creates a chemical barrier that impedes the genetic make-up of the two popula- Charlie Charlesworth movement by fish that may be surviving tions should begin to look more similar 200 Camins Parkway upstream of the pollution source. AMD, over time after the barrier is removed. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 and all barriers to fish movement, can As the populations begin to look more Phone: 570-586-3363 E-mail: [email protected] create populations of fish that are isolated similar on a genetic level, it demonstrates from one another. that movement and interbreeding are now WEB EDITOR -- Bob Pennell 2319 Valley Road Isolated populations of brook trout, or occurring between the two, once isolated, Harrisburg, PA 17104 any animal species, often results in what populations. Phone: 717-236-1360 scientists call a genetic bottleneck, or a Overall, we hope this research will al- E-mail: [email protected] decrease in genetic diversity (the amount low future restoration work to focus on of genetic variation in a population). areas where the genetic diversity of brook COPYRIGHT 2013 The presence of movement barriers in trout could be increased by reconnecting Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited a stream do not allow these populations existing populations and help to conserve No portion may be reproduced without permission. to move among one another. The lack of and protect this species for generations movement between isolated populations to come. 2 PA TROUT ... Summer 2013 www.patrout.org Coldwater Heritage Partnership PA COUNCIL OF TROUT grant round opens in September UNLIMITED In 2002, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 2013 COMMITTEES Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commis- Awards -- Ed O’Gorman sion and the Foundation for Pennsylvania 1220 Peters Mountain Rd., Dauphin, PA Watersheds joined to form the Coldwater 17018 717-580-3186 / [email protected] Heritage Partnership program. Coldwater Heritage Partnership Admin. Since then, 84 coldwater conservation 450 Robinson Lane, Bellefonte, PA 16823 plans and seven implementation projects 814-359-5233 / skutskel@coldwaterher- have been funded through the program. (To itage.org view completed plans and projects, please link between aquatic and terrestrial Coldwater Heritage Partnership TU Delegate visit www.coldwaterheritage.org.) Ken Undercoffer environments. Our coldwater ecosys- 1510 Village Rd., Clearfield, PA 16830 The next grant round opens in September tems are small headwater streams that 814-765-1035 / [email protected] 2013. are the origin of larger river systems. Communications -- Brad Isles Why is it important to protect Pennsylva- These streams are in jeopardy due to PO Box 13, Grove City, PA 16127 nia’s coldwater streams? There are several poor land use management decisions. 724-967-2832 / [email protected] reasons, including: Delaware River -- Lee Hartman How the Coldwater Heritage Partnership 4978 Hancock Hwy., Equinunk, PA 18417 • Less than 1% of coldwater streams in helps to protect Pennsylvania’s streams: 570-224-6371 / [email protected] Pennsylvania have natural reproduc- Development -- George Kutskel • Through the CHP program, organi- ing trout and are considered High 107 Simmons St., DuBois, PA 15801 zations are able to obtain in-depth 814-371-9290 / [email protected] Quality or Exceptional Value, which data, identify any potential threats or Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture -- provides additional protection to the impacts and outline a specific conser- Ken Undercoffer watershed. vation strategy for implementation. 1510 Village Rd., Clearfield, PA 16830 • It is important to protect native and 814-765-1035 / [email protected] • The program helps to foster a greater wild trout populations because they Environmental -- Bob Volkmar public understanding
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