THURSDAY, DECEMBER }6 ; I960 Averare Diiljr Net Preas Ron iSIanrhipetirr lEvi^ttltts )|(rt(Ut . r t r tlw WMk Bnaed D «e .lO ,U M . ■ alght. Low m n m d U . 1 3 ,3 1 8 quite eoU, www .r ttf CSe Audit Ugher tenala. n d i la M b. i f i i m v i m la— ilaHnin AAe- B o n ati t a Obeolatloa MlancheMterr~--^A City o f Village Charm N ie N T T IU S VOL. LXXR, NO. 65 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1960 (CtaaelfM Advartlalaa ea Page SS) 9k PRICE UTURlMYTIli 3 S i C S P A SPRINO HORSE 2 Planes Ram TURNPIKE JR. TRICYCLE ORIVER COLT JR. TRAINER's 9 .9 7 8 .9 7 2 .6 7 B IK E . 12" wheel . all steel 10 Brooklyn Buildings, Church Set Afire M -PRANCBL tubular frame* with a {ust as seen on television \ comfortable saddle seat .,. .this educational (and 2 2 .9 7 15.^7 and safe handle-bar thoroughly enjoyable!) Brother Bob, Dillon State News real cowboy style . the horse is molded of lohg- grips. toy is designed with an Rlinoi s Boy, 11, 16" wheel with bracing training wheels which are lasting, sturdy plastic realistically colored and Roundup unbreakable steer­ In Kennedy Cabinet removable -when the child achieves balance, safe mounted on a strong steel frame with bouncing also available in 10" wheel size .. ............ .8.97 ing wheel, a^ realistic coaster brakes . semi-pneumatic tires. springs! Sikorsky Hike8 14" wheel siz e ................ 18.97 horn and gear shift! Washington, D ec. 16 (IP)— ^f<J«it.elect, haa choeen a brother to Lone Survivor be in his cabinet President-elect John F. Ken­ Dillon, SI, is now undersecretary Pay for 7,500 nedy today named his brother, O f state, and is a Republican. His Robert F. Kennedy, attorney appointment is one the financial Bridgeport, Dec. 16 (IP)— New York, Dec. 16 (^)— Two huge airliners, groping TOY HOBNAIL general'in his administration, community will likely v t ^ as as­ The Sikorsky Aircraft Divi­ through snow-shrouded skies for landings, collided and crash­ EASEL and chose C. Douglas Dillon to surance mere wlU Iw no radical BABY fiscal experiments in the Kennedy sion of United .Aircraft Corp. ed into the city today with fiery devastation. At least 125 TOY HOOVER OISH SET be secretary of the treasury. admlnistraUon. today announced wage in­ were killed. Kennedy also announced today With these appointments, Ken­ creases and a holiday bonus The disaster was one of the worst in American aviation his­ ART SET the appointment of Byron (“Whlz- nedy completed the selecUod of his SUSAN aer” ) White, Denver, Colo., attor­ for 7,600 employes here and in tory. catnnet except for postmaster gen­ Stratford. VACUUM 1 67 .n- 2.97 ^ ney, to be deputy attorney gen­ eral. There were reiwrts that this It unleased flames and havoc on the ground, turning an en­ eral. job would go to J. Edward Day, a Lee S. Johnson, general manager tire square block of Brooklyn into an arena of terror, ^ s i - all set for a tea party . or even White, a former All-America Los Angeles insurance executive. of the Sikorsky Division, said that 4 .6 7 2,500 salaried employes will receive dents fled apartments screaming as walls caved in and fires 4 .9 9 a dinner . this colonial hob­ football player, wUl serve imder The appointments for secretuy broke out in a dozen buildings. Robert Kennedy In the Justice De­ of the treasury and for attorney a 8-per cent increase, effecUve Jan. nail dish set just like mother’s 1, and that 5,000 hourly employes 6 .9 7 complete with seat, partment. general were announced in quick So far. however, only one person on the ground was known milk glass but ^aled to little- succession — DiUon”s first and will receive increases ranging from killed. Of the 125 persons aboard the two planes, one lived, a fully jointed 20” standing easel, Ih e appointment of .Kennedy's seven to 12 cents an hour, depend­ doll dressed in a gir> size. 85-year-old brother to be attorney then Robert Kennedy’s. ing on job classification^ effective young boy from Chicago. just like the real thing! paint tray, paints, Ihllon stood smlUng beside general in the incoming adminis­ Jan. 2. The increases apply to all Killed on the ground in the flames was Charles Cooper, a . this miniature Hoov­ striped cotton'dress brushes and even Kennedy as the announcement of tration was announced just a few employes who have been with Uid* Sanitation Department employe who was shoveling snow. er vacuum actually with a sheer aiipron some sketches .to minutes before White’s selection his appointment was made from firm 90 days. Dense smoke and flames fingered among the buildings, and cleans, runs, hums and front, Susan drinks get him started! was (^closed. the doorstep of the President­ In addition to the wage increases, lights up! no need to plug and wet's, her rooted Robert F. Kennedy, SS, was the elect’s home in Georgetown. all employes will receive a cash formed a black cloud above the roofs. what’s inore, the Kennedy said that Dillon wished into an electrical outlet hair is styled in the President-elect’s campaign mana­ holiday bonus bdaed on length v of An army of emergency workers fought through the fires whole thing folds ger, and has had government ex­ to return to private life, but had as this one operates on new straight baby- service, Johnson, said. This is and wreckage, with possibly other casualties still to be found. up in one compact perience as counsel ot the Senate agreed to accept the cabinet post. a corporation-wide distribution One plane, a United Airlines DCS jet with 83 aboard, struck' flashlight batteries. bob and topped with Rackets Investigating Committee. Dillon has served with the Eisen- unit for easy stor­ amounting to 83 million. In the in heavily populated Brooklyn, hurling debris like bomb frag­ ■a ribbon. age. This is the first time in U.S. case of-the ’dlkwsky DiviiUm. the History that a president, or presi- (Uonttnned on Page Tea) bonU|;il^ MBOUnt to 3390,000. ments, and settling 10 apartment buildings on fire. A church — ironically named “ Pillar of Fire”— was demolished. A fu- Huh neral parlor was in flames The other plane, a Trims World U,S, Backs Bonn Oum MsnsflUd, Dec. 10 (A —A b ^ Tail section of UAL airliner rests on Brobkl^ street after plane'' crashed with heavy m ies bus went out of control ixi Rt. Airline Constellation 'carrying '42. Z^Otey and went up an embai^- loss of life today. Plane plummeted into heavily populated area of Brooklyn. (AP Photo- raked over the Miller Field section Form er L ocal take a peek fax.) ■ of Staten Island, and came to rest m ig v 'T w o passengers were taken tO'A hospital. in harbor water. It also started fires in the area, but they were R esid en t W as Anti-Reds .PbHce said the bus, en route to quickly controlled. Springfield, Maas., left the slippery Backers of Nixon at toyland! roiadway while rain was falling and Heavy snow was falling when the sMdi covered the highway. crash came about 10.40 a.m. On TWA Plane , The driver, Robert W. Lukena, Get VIP Trl^tnient It was the first crash in America on of a pure jet carrying passengers. Arthur B. Swenson, 42, o f Glas­ London, Dec. 16 (/P) — The There Were 88 persons’ aboard. Out of the 125 persona aboard tonbury and formerly of Manches­ The two passengers were taken Kennedy family of Storrs, ter, a project engineer of Pratt and to Windham Community Hospital Conn., flew into London today, the two planes, only one survived P M t Bangkok, Thailand, Dee. 15 (A^^them shoot like this before,’’ one for long after the crash, an 11- Whitney Aircraft, waa aboard the OPEN TONIGHT TUX American said. In nearby Willimantic but they were awept through customs — Gen. Phouml Noeavan’s anti- Trans World Airlines constellation e Were not believed seriously injured, In jig time and escorted by year-old boy. plucked from the Communists fought today to ex­ The U.S. State Department yes­ which crashed this morning on terday pledged full support to the ’The two passengers, Mrs. Mil­ gold braid immigrations offi­ wreckage in Brooklyn. Earlier, six Waahlngton, Dec. 16 (P)—'Rie *heard the “Voice ot Ethiopia” lay survivors were recovered on Sta­ Staten Island. pel remaining Leftist troops from new Laotian government of Prince dred Houlihan, 51, and Miss Ro­ Ethiopian etnbaaey aanoimced army imits faithful to the emperor cials into a lounge for the Very Important People. ten Island, but they died. A spokesman In the Hartford th.e embattled capital of Laos. Ar­ Boun Oum and Gen. Phoumi and berta Garrett, 18, both of Mans­ today that an attempted noop had rduted the insurgents. promised assistance if necessary field, were treated at Windham The Ethiopian Embassy in Lon­ "What fo r ? ” aaked Mrs. Ei­ The TW A plane. Flight 226, waa office of TWA said it was known tillery fire waa reported raking agiUnat Emperor Halle Selaeele that Swenson was among 37 pas­ for Laos to ipaintain Its fredom. Community Hospital in nearby don said the emperor, hurrying leen Kennedy as she shepherd­ bound in from Dayton and Co­ the city, Vientiane. ha« failed and peace and calm lumbus, Ohio, and groping for a sengers aboard Flight 266.
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