PROSPECTUS foojf.kdk A SHIKSHA SANSTHAN | Affiliated to CBSE Y YA BHARTI AKHIL BHARTIY FULL AC atronized by VID P HOSTEL LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION : Thursday, 14 February 2019 ENTRANCE TEST : Sunday, 17 February 2019 at 10:00 a.m. INTERVIEW (Short listed candidates only) Sunday, 17 February 2019 at 3:00 p.m. GITA NIKETAN RESULT : AWASIYA VIDYALAYA Monday, 18 February 2019 Kurukshetra (Haryana), INDIA FEE SUBMISSION : Estd. 1973 19-20, February 2019 vk'kh"k ^çR;sd Nk=k ds efLr"d esa ;g ckr vPNh rjg cSBk nsuh gksxh fd eSa vius jk"Vª dh lsok d:¡xk A jk"Vª esa Kku&foKku dh fofo/ /kjkvksa dks iq"V d:¡xk A vk/qfud txr esa çxfr ds tks&tks ekxZ fn[kkbZ ns jgs gSa] mu lcdk xgjk vè;;u dj vkxs c<¡xkw A vius LokFkZ dk ys'kek=k fopkj ugha d:¡xk A* çR;sd Nk=k esa ,slh fu'p;kRed cqf¼&fuekZ.k djus ds fy, gh bl fo|ky; dh vko';drk gSA lekt dk ,d çfrfuf/ gksus ds ukrs lekt&:ih Hkxoku ls eSa dkeuk djrk gw¡ fd jk"Vª] /eZ] laLÑfr vkfn ds Js"B laLdkj lEiw.kZ lekt esa tkx`r djus ds fy, fo|ky; lc çdkj ls mRd"kZ'khy gks A &ije iwTkuh; ek/o lnkf'kojko xksyoydj LFkkiuk,oamn~ns'; FOUNDATION AND OBJECTIVES fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk 21 tuojh] 1973 dks ;qxeuh"kh Founded on 21st Jan. 1973 by reverend Madhav ijeiwtuh; Jh ek/o lnkf'ko jko xksyoydj mik[; Sadashiv Rao Golvalkar and run by Vidya Bharti, ^Jh xq#th* }kjk Hkkjrh; thou ewY;ksa dh f'k{kk dk ,d an All India Educational Organisation which runs more than 24,000 schools, Gita Niketan Awasiya l'kDr dsUæ LFkkfir djus ds mís'; ls dh xbZ FkhA vius Vidyalaya aims at providing quality education LFkkiuk dky ls gh fo|ky; us cgqvk;keh izxfr ds fuR; based on Indian moral values to the students. u, dhfrZeku LFkkfir djrs gq, ns'k ds f'k{kk ekufp=k ij Besides having made manifold progress since its viuk ,d fof'k"V LFkku cuk;k gSA fo|ky; yxHkx 24000 inception, the school enjoys the reputation of f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dk lapkyu djus okys fo|k Hkkjrh being a prestigious institution in North India. vf[ky Hkkjrh; f'k{kk laLFkku ds ekxZn'kZu esa lapkfyr gS ftldk mís'; ,slh jk"Vªh; f'k{kk&iz.kkyh dk fodkl djuk gS ftlds }kjk ,slh ;qok&ih<+h dk fuekZ.k gks lds tks fgUnqÙofu"B ,oa jk"VªHkfDr ls vksr&izksr gksA ifjlj INFRASTRUCTURE 10 ,dM+ ds foLr`r Hk[w k.M ij iQyS k fo|ky; ifjlj Situated in a land of 10 acres, the school caters to the needs of the modern education system. vk/fq ud f'k{kk rduhdh eas lfEefyr lHkh vk/kjHkrw The school has its state-of-the art building with vko';drkvkas dh ifw rZ djrk gAS llq fTtr ,oa fo'kky ample physical infrastructure which includes fMthVy d{kk&d{kkas ds vfrfjDr] HkkfS rdh] jlk;u] tho fully furnished spacious digital classrooms & foKku ,oa dEI;Vw j dh vk/fq ud i;z kxs 'kkykvkas ls ;Dq r Language Labs, well equipped laboratories one for each Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer foKku [k.M] 15000 iLq rdkas ,oa 150 Nk=kkas ds cBS us dh Sciences, Geography, a library with a treasure {kerk ls ;Dq r le`¼ iLq rdky;] cgíw 's kh; fo'kky d{k] of 15000 books on various subjects and have a lxa hr] ;kxs ,oa dyk ds fy, vyx&vyx llq fTtr d{kkas capacity to accommodate 150 students in dh O;oLFkk gAS Hkk"kk] ,oa lkekftd foKku dh chairs at a time, an auditorium with a capacity of 1500 audience, a multi purpose Yoga cum i;z kxs 'kkyk,]aa fofHkUu [kys kas ds vH;kl ds fy, fo'kky Audio-Visual Hall, vast play grounds for outdoor ØhMkxa .k Hkh gAaS fo|ky; dh lHkh O;oLFkk,a lkWÝVo;s j games, CCTV equipped campus, separate, vk/kfjr gaS ,oa fofHkUu i'z kklfud dk;kaZs ds d'q ky lEiknu adjacent Administrative Block, automated ds fy, vyx i'z kklfud [k.M gAS lHkh vk/qfud lqfo/kvksa School System through Quick School Software and fully air-conditioned accommodation with ls ;qDr lEiw.kZ okrkuqdwfyr vkokl O;oLFkk gAS all modern facilities. 1 vkokl ACCOMMODATION fo|ky; esa 154 vkoklh; d{k gSaA blds vfrfjDr fo'kky The school has 154 spacious & well ventilated oUnuk d{k ,oa lqlfTtr ;ksx d{k Hkh gSA 550 HkS;kvksa ds dormitories to accommodate about 550 jgus dh O;oLFkk gSA dejs [kqys vkSj goknkj gSaA boarding students (Boys only) at a time. Hkkstu MEALS fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks iw.kZr;k 'kkdkgkjh Hkkstu fn;k tkrk gS tks Boarders are served with pure vegetarian and fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh #fp ds vuqdwy gksus ds lkFk&lkFk larqfyr balanced diet along with milk. To provide a ikSf"Vd vkgkj ds lHkh ekin.Mksa dks iw.kZ djrk gSA homely atmosphere, teachers take their meals with the students. fpfdRlk MEDICAL FACILITY: fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izkFkfed fpfdRlk nsus ds fy, mi;qDr First-aid facility is available round the clock in O;oLFkk gSA ;ksX; ,oa vuqHkoh fpfdRldksa dh lsok,a miYkC/ the school. Periodical medical examination is djokbZ tkrh gSA blds vfrfjDr Nk=kksa dks laØkaed jksxksa ls also done by qualified doctors. However, noticing any serious disease or some recurring cpkus ds fy, fpfdRld dh lykg ij izfrjks/d vkS"kf/;k¡ health problems, a student is liable to be sent Hkh fuf'pr vUrjky ds ckn nh tkrh gSaA LokLF; lEcU/h back in the custody of his parents/guardians. xaHkhj ,oa nh?kZdkyhu leL;k mRiUu gksus ij Nk=k dks vfHkHkkod ds laj{k.k esa Hkst fn;k tkrk gSA lkekU;lqfo/kk,¡ FACILITIES -IN-GENERAL : Nk=kksa ds oL=k /qyokus rFkk cky dVokus dh lqfo/k fo|ky; Services like laundry, barber and cobbler are available within the school premises. An eco- ifjlj esa miyC/ gSA vgfuZ'k fo|qr vkiwfrZ lqfuf'pr djus friendly silent genset has been installed to ds fy, tujsVj dh lqfo/k gSA Nk=kksa dks LVs'kujh] nSfud ensure round the clock power supply. Besides, a mi;ksx dh vU;kU; oLrq,¡ [kjhnus ds fy;s tujy LVksj dh tuck-shop is there in the campus that caters to lqfo/k Hkh gSA the boarders' everyday needs of stationery and other such goods. 2 orZekuLo:i CURRENT STATUS fo|ky; esa tgk¡ gfj;k.kk ds izR;sd ftys dk fo|kFkhZ Gita Niketan Awasiya Vidyalaya is a residential vè;;ujr gS ogha tEew d'ehj] iatkc] fgekpy] fnYyh] Senior Secondary School where residential facility m-iz-] jktLFkku] mÙkjkapy] fcgkj] >kj[k.M] mÙkj iwohZ is available for boy-scholars only. The school is proud of hosting with its students coming from jkT;ksa lfgr yxHkx 22 jkT;ksa ds Nk=k lgh vFkksZa esa the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Punjab, U.P., Delhi, fo|ky; esa ,d y?kq Hkkjr dk n`'; mifLFkr djrs gSaA J&K, Himachal, Rajasthan, Sikkim, West Bengal & vkpk;Z ifjokj esa 70 f'k{kd] 12 i;Zos{kd rFkk 20 vU; other North Eastern states. lg;ksxh deZpkjh gSaA f'k{k.k;kstuk SCHEME OF STUDIES d{kk,¡ vfuok;Z fo"k; oSdfYid fo"k; Classes Compulsory Sub. Optional Sub. "k"Bh ls v"Veh 6th to 8th Communicative Art & Craft, Music, dE;wfudsfVo bafXy'k] vkVZ ,.M ØkÝV] English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Yoga fgUnh] laLÑr]] laxhr] ;ksx Maths, Science, Social foKku] lkekftd Science, Comp. Science foKku] dEI;wVj foKku uoeh] n'keh Communicative Art & Craft, Music, dE;wfudsfVo bafXy'k] vkVZ ,.M ØkÝV] English, Sanskrit, Hindi laLÑr]] foKku] laxhr] fgUnh 9th & 10th Mathematics, Science, lkekftd foKku] Social Science, dEI;wVj foKku Computer Science. Computer Science New, ,dkn'k] }kn'k bafXy'k dksj] dEI;wVj lkb±l U;w] English Core, 11th & 12th Mass Media Studies, (foKku oxZ) HkkSfrdh] jlk;u ekl ehfM;k LVMht] Physics, Chemistry. (Science) Physical Education, foKku 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk Mathematics/Biology (dksbZ ,d) (Any One) ,dkn'k] }kn'k bafXy'k dksj] ys[kkadu] dEI;wVj lkb±l U;w] 11th & 12th English Core, Computer Science New, (okf.kT; oxZ) fctuSl LVMht] ekl ehfM;k LVMht] (Commerce) Accountancy, Mass Media Studies, vFkZ'kkL=k 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk] Business Studies, Physical Education, Economics Mathematics (dksbZ ,d) (Any One) ,dkn'k] }kn'k bafXy'k dksj fgUnh@laLÑr 11th & 12th English Core Hindi/Sanskrit (dyk oxZ) Hkwxksy@bfrgkl (Humanities) Geography/History jktuhfr foKku@ Pol. Science/Eco vFkZ'kkL=k Computer Science New/ dEI;wVj lkb±l U;w@ekl Mass Media Studies/ ehfM;k [email protected] Mathematics/ 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk Physical Education 3 'kSf{kdxq.koÙkk ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE v v 100% pass percentage consistently in class X dUs nhz ; ekè;fed f'k{kk ckMs Z dh ijh{kkvka s ea s fo|ky; dk and XII board exams. mÙkh.krZ k ifj.kke 'kr&ifz r'kr jgrk gAS v Many students get selected in N.T.S.E. v izfro"kZ ntZuksa Nk=k ,u-lh-bZ-vkj-Vh- dh izfrHkk [kkst ,oa (conducted by N.C.E.R.T) & N.T.S.E. (conducted fo|k Hkkjrh dh ukjk;.k izfrHkk [kkst esa p;furA by Vidya Bharti) every year.

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