Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Preacher's Magazine Church of the Nazarene 9-1-1993 Preacher's Magazine Volume 69 Number 01 Randal E. Denny (Editor) Olivet Nazarene University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, International and Intercultural Communication Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Denny, Randal E. (Editor), "Preacher's Magazine Volume 69 Number 01" (1993). Preacher's Magazine. 628. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/628 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Preacher's Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAGAZINE A NEW LOOK AT JUSTIFICATION TRANSLATING THE LANGUAGE OF THEOLOGY JESUS PREACHED DIRECTLY HURTING PARENTS (People today need to have their faith reinforcedj they need to have their hope renewed, and they need to have their Cove restored\ — ‘-Riek 9v(c‘Danief u EDITORIAL RESTORING GENTLY r- o ' ^tot, "2 ■£} by Randal E. Denny A C -5 ^ Spokane, Wash. 93 O 1b ± he church has been accused of hurts, it should bring no joy to the is in the wrong” (v. 1, TLB). The shooting its own wounded. other members. Greek word for “humility” or “meek­ However, I witnessed the op­ Let the church family resist the urge ness” is not a sissy, weak word. It de­ Tposite today. A group of ordainedto el­ reveal the hurting one who has scribes “power under control.” A doc­ ders to which I belong has brought a stumbled. When Noah got drunk and tor setting a broken bone restores brother through the process of stretched out naked on the ground, gently. He doesn’t use a crowbar or a restoration. Appropriate disciplines his son, Ham, laughed at his father’s pipe wrench. He uses power under guided him back to a place of whole­ error. But the other two sons took a control. In restoring a brother, if we ness. He willingly submitted to his garment, backed into his tent, and cov­ lack humility—power under con­ peers. His passage progressed through ered Noah. “Love covers a multitude trol—we may hurt him even more. stages of repentance, loneliness, sub­ of sins” (1 Pet. 4:8, NASB)—it doesn’t Jesus emphasized, “Treat others as missiveness, emotional and spiritual rejoice in revealing them. you want them to treat you. This is healing, and loving guidance by a su­ Let the church family resist re­ what the Law and the Prophets are all perior officer and the gentle, caring sponding with rejection. Instead, Paul about” (Matt. 7:12, CEV). touch of a loving pastor. As the elders says, “Restore him gently.” The Greek “I could have sinned too; it could prayed with words of encouragement, word for “restore” describes a doctor have been me who fell or stumbled.” I felt the delight of seeing restoration setting a broken bone. When a broth­ If you can admit that, you will restore made complete. My brother in the er stumbles and falls, it’s like having a the person who has stumbled—with Lord hugged me, letting me sense the bone broken. It needs to be reset ten­ humility and gentleness. intimacy of his deep joy in that em­ derly. Fishermen used the word to de­ “That could never happen to me! I brace. Restoration is beautiful—a pro­ scribe “mending their nets.” If nets would never do such a thing!” If you found celebration of God’s grace. aren’t mended, you can’t use them think like that, you will probably hurt Paul wrote, “You obey the law of successfully. You will lose a lot the one who needs to be restored Christ when you offer each other a through the broken places. I wonder gently. You will never be able to re­ helping hand” (Gal. 6:2, CEV). He how many we let slip through the store a fallen brother until you gain a said that in the context of restoring a cracks because we failed to restore deep sense of your own unworthi­ Christian brother who has been those who stumbled and fell! ness to be called a child of God. Paul tempted and failed. Paul urges the Second, we should carry one an­ wrote, “At one time we too were Christian family to assume responsi­ other’s burdens out of love. Paul said, foolish, disobedient, deceived and en­ bility to help him bear that heavy bur­ “Carry each other’s burdens, and in slaved by all kinds of passions and den. Three principles guide us in car­ this way you will fulfill the law of pleasures. But when the kindness rying the burden with someone who Christ” (v. 2). What is the law of and love of God our Savior appeared, has stumbled and fallen. Christ? Jesus said, “A new command I he saved us, not because of righteous First, we should carry one anoth­ give you: Love one another” (John things we had done, but because of er’s burdens in order to restore. Paul 13:34). Restoration is a family matter: his mercy” (Titus 3:3-5). instructed, “Brothers, if someone is “Therefore, as we have opportunity, A little child strayed away. A search caught in a sin, you who are spiritual let us do good to all people, especial­ was organized, but after two days, should restore him gently” (Gal. 6:1). ly to those who belong to the family the child was not found. Finally A carpenter who has hit his thumb of believers” (Gal. 6:10). If we love searchers joined hands and walked with a hammer gets very protective our fallen brother, we can carry his carefully through the open fields so of that injured member. He grabs that burden and help restore him gently. that no area would be overlooked. sore thumb and sticks it in his mouth. Third, we should carry one anoth­ They came upon the dead body of Other fingers curl around that injured er’s burdens with genuine humility. the child. When the mother received member to help ease the pain. His Paul said, “You who are godly should her dead baby, she cried out, “Why feet head for an ice pack or cold wa­ gently and humbly help him back on­ didn’t you join hands sooner?” ter. His tongue and lips form sympa­ to the right path, remembering that We are family. Couldn’t we join thetic sounds! When one member next time it might be one of you who hands to help a fallen brother? ■ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1 EDITORIAL MAGAZINE Restoring Gently 1 Volume 69 Number 1 Randal E. Denny September/October/November 1993 Editor THEOLOGY Randal E. Denny Assistant Editor A New Look at Justification 4 Cindy Osso H. Ray Dunning Consulting Editors Bill M. Sullivan Translating the Language of Theology 8 Director of Larry R. Hughes Church Growth Division Church of the Nazarene Can Reading Contemporary Theology Wilbur W. Brannon Director of 12 Pastoral Ministries Make a Difference? Church of the Nazarene Henry W. Spaulding II Norman G. Wilson General Editor Worship and Sacraments 16 The Wesleyan Church Kent E. Brower Contributing Editors General Superintendents One Person’s View of Emerging Trends Church of the Nazarene Eugene L. Stowe in Church Music 21 Jerald D. Johnson John A. Knight Joe Seaborn Raymond W. Hurn William J. Prince Donald D. Owens PREACHING General Superintendents The Wesleyan Church Jesus Preached Directly 26 Earle L. Wilson Lee Haines Morris Chalfant H. C. Wilson Superintendents Faith 27 Evangelical Friends Church Bonnie K. Hallman Stanley Perisho Maurice Roberts John P. Williams, Jr. Howard E. Harmon PASTORAL CARE General Superintendent Churches of Christ Helping People Avoid Bereavement Mistakes 28 in Christian Union Dan Tipton Victor M. Parachin General Conference Secretary Brethren in Christ Church R. Donald Shafer EVANGELISM Cover Photo: Anthony Beaverson The Bible and Cross-cultural Ministries 30 All unidentified Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version* (NlV). Copyright © Steven Kasambalis 1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society. Used by per­ mission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Quotations from the following versions are used by MINISTER’S MATE permission: The Amplified Bible (Amp.). The Amplified Old Testa­ ment, copyright © 1962, 1964 by Zondervan Publishing We’re Moving Again 33 House. The Amplified New Testament. © 1958 by the Lockman Foundation. Carol McGarry The American Standard Version (ASV). copyright 1929 by International Council of Religious Education. The Contemporary English Version (CEV), copyright © Thoughts on an Empty Nest 34 1992 by Thomas Nelson. The New American Standard Bible (NASB), © The Diana Cox Lockm an Foundation, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968. 1971, 1972,1973, 1975, 1977. The New Testament in Modern English (Phillips), Re­ vised Edition © J. B. Phillips, 1958, 1960, 1972. By permis­ PASTOR. BE ENCOURAGED sion of the Macmillan Publishing Co. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible (RSV), copyrighted 1946,1952,© 1971, 1973. Do the Best You Can 35 The Living Bible (TLB), © 1971 by Tyndale House Pub­ lishers, Wheaton, III. C. Neil Strait King James Version (KJV). The Preacher's Magazine Is published quarterly by Bea­ con Hill Press o f Kansas City, 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas PASTOR’S PERSONAL GROWTH City, MO 64109. Editorial offices a t 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, MO 64131. Address all correspondence con­ cerning subscriptions to your denominational publishing Hurting Parents 36 house. Copyright 1993 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, Canadian GST No.
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