Christmas in New Zealand C

Christmas in New Zealand C

-^ ••••-v/ Ft t .v*V*- ;'fe&': cf^^l^'CS^l-'.1 '••' •'• "f •-*' % '•«-*• .^tV* ir*- , ;M' i: Vv.-.^/^w nits IJ'I. ^'i*^-'-.-A?^'^U"g.a>jv^Jjj-J Cenacle Nun Reports V , Christmas In New Zealand Picking oranges on Christ-1 mas I Not in Rochester^Tbut in! SPIRITUAL EXERCISES , Auckland, New Zealand.' j Tills wag one of the tilings; AT THE CENACLE iMJplher A. Dowd of theB&ligiousj Spirifuoi exercises will Jot conducted at the Cefiac!« Re­ is>£ the Cenacle told her fellow • reMgloBs^at-tfte-Cenacle Retreat | treat House, 693 East Avenue, Rochesrer',~dufing Ihe month of EEouso in. Rochester as being a) January osiollowst common thing in New, Zeland| \ pxi Christmas. ^ ' t RETHEATSr JTan, 9-11—St. Mary's Junior Sodality, Auburn ^— KeV. M HER CHRISTMAS greet-! . Hermun Brinkman, C.S$.B. .• . - fag to the Cenacle NurH»_ here, I WEother Dowd, who Was formerly* Jan. J3-22—Cenacle Kcll^ous in Kerreat - ' • -• - - - s ^*n. 23^5^-Kigh School Students- ' <3faru 30 Keh. 1—Genera) Retreatr-Bev, James Malone, S.J, Isi; -the MPovvn TJnde?' Country, ijoirVh ^ie 'Tfl!9(31e"'ot; its Sura' ..QORpT'ME^Ir^Sv- -•• I-...;---.*- - mey,S?'aSpnv .' '", • ^ Wed, JT*mf ^St. «e|jis GuUdt-Mgrh Sehpql—ajfter adboolT- "Peat^ha.tict Jerriori 8»3Pe»s tire ' "-]£&vriftciuiiid & Murphy feloomUjg behind 1toe pine terove Monday* Jan* 12—^Couderc Crulld—Xouhs Business Girls— ajkiiil'tlier* Is *rc ^tacUmce of 7sl!H9#^a.-r-^Ke;y, Albert Simmon : Sj\. .. "—- sailj'-ooiorea elner^tl* alflnsr 3Fir?t Saturcilay, J«»< 8—IJF.C^ JJia^s—J&hojal' Kearney *he psths of oiir je.fre?* Jnouse Monday* Jan. 5^-Beteeat Leaj^ie'E^ecu^. Coortcfe-f;45 Medical Mission Board Offering grounds*" slie said iata* letters ..PJtt--' '•. ." ;»*? - ';*"'• •'''•","" •". -: ' - ' • - -•.• ?-,-• _'•••• •^4.;-- NEW YORK — (RNS) — Members of the K.J.; Auxiliary Bishop Faiton J. Slieeii of ^fhe Au^land Cenacle is lo>r Catholic Medical Mission Board display sam­ ISevV "Eiprfc nationai director of the Society .t^ted iri 4 vigorously" ^growing s ^'The. oldest retreatant at the ples of the 260,00 pounds of medical aid- for the Bosiagation of the Faith? Father ^tt,bu(b," slip said. "Tfz&m are AKS provide* •anejjpected answers house this. year^. was, an ^fryear and surgical supplies it sent to overseas mis­ Edwar«3 F. •' Garesche, S4-*. of New York, Jwitidreds ,0| pew homes anct ffeatificaHon Cause Advowees young laxnilles iri fitea Bjiies. jn class, A ii^e-ycar-pld l>oy gave old woman, Iter gratitude tor her sions daring 1958. Shown ^ at the .board's- ipre§ideant aod.director of the. hoardi and V "CTie new parish- school is ai-this.arispier to the o.uestion. •'Why Cenacle visit was*very touching., annual-meeting here are, left to right, Aux­ James A* JEaijiey, former. U.S.' Postfttaster , . - j, .... ^ „ ,|dld God anafte ilarie?" "Becawse She. ^peftt tetff hours, far theiliar y Bishop Martin W- Stantpn of 3STewarfc, $ - chapel and oh the fi^I'day pi fifenetaJ,-':'."•".".''." '''.'* >* .-• -"'! 5Sfi *??-S^-Wi* *L??? S?W so idee/ he said." • ' - •I ' whose beatification cause is being: advanced, im .pictured, ejassfooms to be opened hi Feb- her.'retreat^vher joy was coin- •I seated, invihe Benedictine Hospital* HonjgorrtR, ^t|lulaad[ in araa^f.ts- only a partial solution,** The forrrier/Rothesternun also ptete T^heh-'Archbishop Iaston 1942, two y*ars tefore she .diedh^fte? serving: for se?veit sfaesfldedu, said that %Very ReV. Mbthe? came to say Mass, It was a pic­ awl a half years as. legion, of Mary «riY»y in J2a#4firica., Cordojaruer, gaiperlor general, off ture to se her later leaning on Priest-8on Celebrates: "CliBlSqfMAS IS ISO ^Efferent the Cenacle, ?fttns» and Mother; the black umbrella she uses as a .AtchllHshojJ Jolui C, McQjjaid of BnWn arecehtlF- requested v Holds YulTl^a huere than ia any' «thep ^oart of 3Jurphy, asSfetant superior; we?e cane, ^hatttejg ^ittt ' thlt "* arch­ "that attt writings of the Servant; «f Cog yj nancied ovear to (t s •t&e. worW she Said. Of ^wurselJh a Hew Zealand at Christinas, . bishop. * "- •.'•'" '. • . Corning — About 10D worried him so they ,«an Be forwarded turAwJnSshdp Jaohn ITIM^ tfeere Is a great mixture in ihe Mother's Requiem Mms "of St- Mary's Parish attended! Cattfcyi €.S,Spu, of Nairobi, ''Kenya, British last Africa, irtt rjatiftn&lities, what with Europe- To prepares for their coming, -f'THUi tame .womarij- wheat Funeral Itfass for Mrs. Mary Meyers Jtihch*© ^vas tea . at itm Knights "ol CoJonTjitis whose diocese the cause is bewg eondacfeed, AlOboiigh^sufi'- assi nattveVwj^iehtais all in- * frtfup of Men assisted, the she was «6, swam over la celebrated by one of her step-sons, Rev. Walter Pcincipe, Home, sponsored by the Rosary fefing: froatincutatte turje«uIosi& Mss «Qidntt eaarried <uif haiilttnFTHiMist^cejvtrig: land." auns In getting Hie retreat. miles down a river la order Society, : Bouse completely , overhauled. to attend, the final Mass of the G.S.B., in St. John the Evangelist Ghjturch, Rochester, Dec Iier rnissiofl thifbughout KeiiyaL, Kyasahradi Ugawtdn, tEan- "The number\>£ people taking' 24. ... A reading, •'The Ballad of the THiere -was -only, one Gathoilc centenary eelehratfen ot Hie Harp Weaver," by Jo ^jln-^alk, ganyifca, Mauritius, theTfod&tn Ocean, Zaraabar and-Scwth instructions.,In NCathpliclsro is In the grotu» who helped .pafnt comlnK of-ihe-liDitho^cau^k August Meyers of Rochesaer, An­ jgxwvlng tremehdously," ' she re Mrs. Principe, 65, widow of Ar­ was. enthusiastltaUy received as .Africa, Shown **jfh Miss'Qamn js a-jgtwqp of ZaJfachilctren and redecorwe the house. In New Zealand. Thfcf I« typical thur S, Brincipe died Pec.- 22, thony of Memphis, TetsaS, and: were-Christmas carols jiayed at ported/ *'Gne manVetuined to ot the ferTerYt devotfcm of the Aloysius of Buffalo. , • and Ruby Rbberis* at thai time fcegion of .Mary envoy (0 1958, Until recently, she had lived the'planb by;3Irs. Jos'epSt Clancy. thte Church after being: invited The Catholics In New Zealand Catholics lie^e?» MoflMar" Dowd at.61 Allendale Ave. She was ac­ Services were conducted prior .'Mrs. Edmund Gay Jaftd IVtrs. South Africa. «'' * . -'*.,'' •to participate in a XarnW Rosary are very Jerceaf,"* she reported. eonerode*. • i program being conducted ha a, tive in several. Catholic organiza­ to the Mass. at W, J. 3ilHer%, AngelO Buffornante poubred tea, Yiile Festivities Held In Dryden local priest Sboft affeS^Tie^re- tions. Sons Funeral Home anafi'.bnrial W, MJ^: ,. - toeqied to tlie^acranien.ts and h& ASSI§I1NG .TATREB Principe was in Holy Sepulchre Cesrifetiry. <• .Help Society To 3J,r- T«ell « #e'chldren 3rt the lower "s£x cTilldrern are~lakJng Jtnstrtto- In the Mass were the. Rev. Eu­ . \ ' -—,—-p -> jperpetual .Help Sgciely will Hill was the scene Dec 20 of a grades «lf *ip# eiijojedl the tton it the present tirae?— Villa League Meets Ian. 7 gene Malley, GJS.B,, deacon -and meet .Wednesday, Jarj. 7 in S.t " CJuistrruits -ciaac* 'sponsored by moTJies that were pwsehter!., thft .M.ary*s Hospital auditorium at The regular montWy. meeting he held. Mrs. wparn; L»tus, the Rev. Albert Bufjer, CSJB., Corning Knights •tiie Dryden Catholic tehth 0r- leftcshmehts that "were wesrvefl "Sometjanes, our pupils toring fe- subdeacon. 1p.m.^ at&ntartlcm.. lor ijiernlber* andan d ftie' dlstartbutlorjt ot gifts by nesw recruits to the Faith,** she of 5t Joseph*^ Villa league'lor- chatehan of hostesses^ Has ap- Hold Yule Parir Shew* guest*. About 100 teenagers Santa Oaus. ^5,f A^J3T.*£W»fr S^ Max^s League wilTb^pbinted Mesdanie. ferry Mee, In the-Sanctuary. were Jit. Rev. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES nwe present There was dancing, asked l£ lie coiflcl- Me Ihstrue- held on. Wednesday, Jan^7 at l»wrence .Sanders. Joaeph Stam- Xfonslgnor John B, Sullivan, Corning — Appro?dma£tclF'"*S c TefreshmeriUt, a visit trorn' Santa TJiesejn* lor the !>arty at tlio •ftons. Soon after* he brought live 8 pjn. at the Catholic Women's Very Rev. G. fi. Flahiff, C.SJ3., persons .attended an. fcaforrrral aial« ot Use psrtsofa shlttefd to CK£ his brothers and sisters to the husky ^anrj Richard Gaender to superior general of the Bastlian Christmas 'party at the sCornlng . , , .AND* _. Chiu* ted tinging of enrol"?. Club, Alexander St. I>orbthy Kel- serve *:refr4shihent*'Mr*. ponal'd the Forte* X^odgo ont 'the «»ampiH dan When the thre yoangsters Jer, prejsWent wijl preside. fathers, Very Rev. Ernest P. Ma- Council Knights of Columbus On Bee. Hi the small fry ot at tbe Geoi^ge Junfeor Rerwabllc, oerne o£ age, they too wSa itart Seebadt k in ehari* of. public­ gee, CS3., and Reverend Fath­ home. * . • INVALID EdtII!*MENT 1M parish took ova* the Drydert This »od«l adCtalr waca on Dec 2?. tadklng Irtstaictlona. A short busmeis jneetJng will ity. ers John "P. O'Meara,. C,S,B., '*' • . ' '. : •--=>•'' TFMtg* Hall lor their annual These ms daaiclni!, x-«lre8htBM!nli, Daniel Burns, "CS.B., John A. Rev. Simeon Hine, SA_, Coun­ -ch4Mraw?a tawiWrrjiui party. Tt« exchanging ot gills *nd ourollnE PoluiWs, GSM„ Rev^- John R. cil chaplain, was prigsentaed 'with faiuik IN. «h« tooVSler», »s .tjefote the'.log'lirt. Cavanaugh, CSB., Frederick H. a gift at the party. Josejph "Sm- &* Sohn, CS&., Raymond 1* Prince, llse-was in charjge of aarrange- St Salome's Cwfes Qab ^ieiehres Chaitec raents for * buifef Jjqncheon Ottr liady'i *%tote CitiieiMR-' Saret Bont5«15o, i»rTe«>on^ngl»r1 ^ 1ac«oa»wm «««Mal^ th» prac- CSVld Club ofSfc. Salonift School aecretary, arm James Kether, aer-'*tlcal,-;rh.emt^na/jw*'** =«•«•«—.• ••»—-J—e . God^-J" an-^dJ A. Pendergast* C§.B^ Edmund Deputy grand knight Ettgerie received its official chatter from je'anl-at-armx.

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