Floods Recede, Bay shore Ret wn ,) >'••,•' •' SEE STORY PAGE 2 Cloudy, Cold . Becoming cloudy this after- noon, not as cold tonight, with chance of light snow. Clearing Red Bank, Freehold FINAL Long Branch and colder tomorrow. I EDITION Momnouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 28PAGES VOL.94 NO. 168 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1972 TEN CENTS President Confers With Mao, Chou PEKING (AP) - President •rhKI.VG (AP) — President NiXONixon SDf'lllspent. an hnilhour with mhawhen Nivn'Nixon mighmiohtt mnomeet MaMnon director.j;_'_. , o-rf protocol, . , and. an whic...-,-,h. was'.''.1 not announce. d in . i ' Nixon arrived in Communist Mao, the 78-year-old supreme again. China's capital today, paid his interpreter from the Chinese advance, delayed the opening leader of Chinese commu- They met at Mao's home first call on Chairman Mao foreign ministry. of Nixon's substantive talks nism. White House press sec- from 3 to 4 p.m. Nixon was ac- Mao had not been at the air- with Chou for an hour and a Tse-tung and opened summit retary, Ronald Ziegler said talks with Premier Chou En-lai companied by Henry A. Kissi- port for -Nixon's arrival, but half. NeWsmen were not told they had a "serious and frank nger, hjs special adviser; this had not' been expected. the reason for the delay until all within less than eight discussion." Ziegler gave no hours., , Chou; Wang• Hai-yung, the He rarely appears in public. Ziegler's announcement after further details and did not say Chinese government's deputy - The. meeting with Mao, the Nixon-Chou talk had start- ed and the doors had been closed to newsmen and photo- graphers. • The 59-year-old American president and, Communist China's 73-year-old premier began their week's search for .'•• -an understanding of each oth- er's policies in the Great Hall of the People five hours after Chou welcomed President and Mrs, Nixon at Peking's air- port. No Airport Speeches There were no arrival speeches at the airport, but Nixon expressed his hopes for his historic visit during a stop- over in Guam. He asked a crowd of several thousand who greeted him there to "join me in this prayer: that with this trip to China a new day may begin for the whole > world.". • . ; ., . i No major break-throughs were expected on such issues HISTORIC, HANDSHAKE - President Nixon reaches out to shake hands as the Vietnam war or the fu-! with Chinese Premier Chou En-lai at Peking airport today after the Presi- ture of Taiwan. Nixon himself dent landed there. : emphasized the _get:acqiiaint: ed nature of his mission,.tell- ing ne.wsmen aboard, his plane,- ''Because,of a lack of communications,; we are.a mystery to them, as they are NIXON ARRIVES IN PEKING — President Nixon Is greeted by Chinese Premier Chou and revlewTa a mystery to us." line of troops at the Peking airport today. With them are Mrs. Nixon, far left, and an interpreter. The Communists gave the first U.S; president to visit China while in office a cor- rfictly formal and friendly but vmor s low-key welcome, in keeping By BEN VAN VLIET commented Saturday • "we're Mr. Howard is also inter- Says Volunteer Firemen, with Nixon's status asihe WALL TOWNSHIP -'Rep; going after it in 73." ested in being reelectedI to his head of a foreign power which James J. Howard-probably "People are talking about sixth two-year term in No- will m.aBeai^wns bin* for the ,does hot recognize Red China, it," said Mr. Howard, "but I vember. , : ,::.'\~'':r"':j'"'1-: •• has no diplomatic relations Democratic gubernatorial can't think about 1973 right That the Monmouth County with it and until Nixon's sud- nomination next year. now because I'm interested in Democrats would like to have Squads Must Obey Ruling den about-face last summer That's the word from one of. legislative work and I'm inter- their prize officeholder run See "President, Page 2 Mr.' Howard's advisers who ested in federal wqrk;" for governor is no secret. By HALLIESCHRAEGER His comments came in the how much time, the borough plementation of the order," There was plenty of open NEWARK -"Voluntary fire wake ofpthe state Supreme will be allowed to implement Mr. Blair said. comment during Saturday's annual Democratic Victory departments and first aid Court's refusal to hear an ap- his order, but he said at least Regarding other units Dinner at the Sea Girt Inn. squads throughout New Jer- peal by Freehold and its fuV part of it could be effected against which similar com- sey should review their mem- men. "immediately." . plaints are,pending with the When- the scheduled speak- bership policies to see that Mr. Blair said he can't "We will be in touch with division—mcluding the* Free- er, Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, they comply with basic cri- make an "official move" until the borough and discuss, im- See Volunteer, Page 2 •-,. D-Mo., canceled because of teria established by the New he receives;the official writ- the weather, the Democrats Jersey Civil Rights Division ten decision of the state's high abandoned speechtnaking - and and Upheld by the courts, says court capped oif the roast beef din- the division director, James Affirmative Steps ner with head table, in- H. Blair. When he gets that, he said, Mrs. Chisholm troductions. .-'••• Mr. Blair said an Appellate he will order Freehold offi- Bedell Starts |t Division ruling last December, cials and firemen to. comply Assemblyman Eugene J. upholding his landmark deel- with last year's order to "take Bedell, D-Monmouth, started sion against Freehold certain affirmative steps to To Enter NJ, the baH'rolling by introducing Borough and the Freehold insure that future applicants Mr. Howard as "the next Fire Department, which Mr. for membership are not dis- Democratic governor of the Blair found guilty of dis- criminated against because of state of New Jersey." crimination last Feb. 24, is their race, creed, color, nation- This got Mr.-Howard the now established law which ap- . al originorancestry." Race first standing ovation of the, plies to all voluntary units. He said he couldn't say yet evening. ' • • By DORIS KULMAN home were futile,: Mr. Cargile Mr. Howard responded by said he assumed she was en saying, "So many people are ASBURY PARK ^ Mrs. route here. He said later he saying let's have Jim Howard Taxes, Immigrants Shirley Chisholm, D-N.Y., an assumed the bad weather pre- for governor in 73. I wish announced candidate for her vented her trip. Brooklyn had somebody would say let's party's presidential nomi- five inches of snow. have Jim Howard for Con- And a Spelling Bee nation, will enter the. New About 60S persons waited , gress in 72." Jersey primary, according to for more than an hour at the Mr. Howard then went on to We have two extra days to meet the deadline for filing feder- an aide. West Side Community Center, introduce Assemblyman John al income taxes this year, but the extension probably will not "She will run a full slate of here, where Mrs. Chisholm Regliler Stoff Photo J. Horn, D-Camden, the man lessen the annual puzzles for harried taxpayers. The Associ- candidates in the New Jersey had been slated to speak at PETITION SIGNERS — Monmouth County Democratic Chairman D. Phil- who almost became Assembly ated Press' Bob Dubill says,the Internal Revenue Service is primary," Marion Humphrey, noon. About 400 persons gath- ip Gerand signs the petition to put Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J., on the speaker. , trying to help us reduce the problems. It's explained in an en- New Jersey coordinator for ered in Calvary Baptist November ballot for his fourth term. Holding the petition is Assemblyman Mr. Horn stepped to the mi- lightening hews story which will appear in tomorrow's Daily the Chisholm campaign, said. Church, Red Bank, to await Eugene J. Bedell, right, D-Monmouth,, while Mr. Howard and his wife, crophone and acknowledged Register. Mr. Humphrey was here the congresswoman, who was Marlene, watch. The petitions were passed around during Saturday's an- Mr. Howard's introduction by The Register's own Marybeth Allen shows her versatility in Saturday, apparently as con- to speak there at 4 p.m. She nual Democratic Victory Dinner at the Sea Girt Inn. More than 600 per- saying, "Thank you, gover- ' two stories scheduled.for tomorrow. One deals with a young- fused as everyone else, about" also had scheduled speaking sons attended. nor." sters' spelling bee; the other is about a gentleman who arrived the whereabouts of the con- engagements in West Long Mr. Horn went on to say, "I •in the U.S. from Hungary in 1932 and his impressions of immi- gresswoman, who was sched- Branch and Freehold, as well wasn't kidding about Howard grants now arriving In Israel from Russia. • uietf to traverse, the county in as a cocktail party and press for governor." Those are among the Interesting features you will enjoy in a six-hour speaking tour that conference in Paul Samperi's Then, turning to Mr. How- tomorrow's Dally Register, Northern Monmouth County's' Restaurant, Ocean Township. Workers' Return Ends ard, .Mr. Horn saiS, "They had been billed as the opening ";largest newspaper, and Monmouth County's most, interesting - of a non-partisan voter regis- Encouraged know Jim Howard in my end newspaper. " tration drive. Mrs. Chisholm Mr. Cargile said later that of the state and if you're failed to appear.
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