OCTOBER 3, 2015 Mirror-SpeTHE ARMENIAN ctator Volume LXXXVI, NO. 12, Issue 4406 $ 2.00 NEWS INBRIEF The First English Language Armenian Weekly in the United States Since 1932 Schiff Urges Nobel Azeri Army Prize for Pope Francis LOS ANGELES (Politico) — A leading House Increases Democrat is urging members of the committee charged with awarding Nobel Peace prizes to grant the honor to Pope Francis. Attacks on California Rep. Adam Schiff began circulating Wednesday a letter among his House colleagues that calls for the pope to be given the highly-tout- ed humanitarian award for using his “pulpit to Karabagh, exhort people and nations around the world to con- duct their affairs with spirituality, morality and integrity.” Armenia The letter says, “Pope Francis has been a power- ful advocate for peace, urging an end to conflict and support for constitutive ties among nations. He Foreign Minister Meets has called on the world to use diplomacy and dis- With Azeri Counterpart in cussion to solve disputes, rather than military force, coercion or intimidation. This commitment to New York nonviolence, which the Pope has put into practice every day, is at the core of the principles behind the NEW YORK and YEREVAN (Combined Nobel Peace Prize.” Sources) — During the past week, Azeri “As the world struggles to cope with a flood of attacks have escalated. The Nagorno refugees not seen since the end of World War II, Karabagh Defense Army issued a state- the Pope has emerged as perhaps the leading advo- ment saying that a total of nine cate for relief,” he wrote. Azerbaijani soldiers were killed in two sep- “The Pontiff has called on the international com- arate attacks, by Armenian forces defend- munity to respond meaningfully to this unsur- Archbishop Barsamian greets Pope Francis following the Pontifical Mass at ing the line of contact. Madison Square Garden. passed humanitarian disaster. His compassion has Despite the losses, Azerbaijan continued also taken the concrete form of inviting a Syrian the shelling, the army spokesman said, refugee family to reside in his residence at the noting 110 ceasefire violations were regis- Vatican.” Eastern Diocese, Abp. Barsamian tered on September 28-29, with more than After gathering signatures he will send the letter 1600 shots fired from various caliber to the Nobel Committee. Welcome Pope to the US weapons, including 60-, 82-, and 120-mm NEW YORK — The eyes of much of the world were focused on America’s north- Argentine Armenians east corridor last week, as Pope Francis made his first pontifical visit to the United Celebrate Homeland’s States. Among the millions of people anticipating his appearances in Washington, New York, and Philadelphia, members of the Armenian Church community made Independence special efforts to welcome the Pope with characteristic warmth and affection. BUENOS AIRES (Agencia Prensa Armenia) — On On Friday morning, September 25, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, the Primate September 25, the Armenian community of of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, took part in the papal Argentina celebrated the 24th anniversary of prayer service at “Ground Zero” — the former site of the World Trade Center, now Armenia’s independence with a concert in Teatro a place of “pilgrimage” honoring those slain during the September 11, 2001, ter- Colon, the main opera house here. rorist attacks on America. There, the Primate had an occasion to personally greet Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian with The Armenian ambassador to Argentina Alexan the Pope on behalf of the Armenian Church of America. his Azeri counterpart in New York Harutiunian gave a welcoming speech and National That afternoon, he attended the Pontifical Mass at Madison Square Garden. Deputy Graciela Boyadjian spoke on behalf of the Archbishop Barsamian was one of only two non-Catholic religious dignitaries (the Armenian community. Later, the choir Hai Folk other was Archbishop Demitrios of the Greek Orthodox Church) who were spe- mortars, AGS-17 grenade launchers, as and the group Camerata Bariloche played tradi- cially invited by the city’s Roman Catholic hierarchy to be a part of the liturgical well as Turkish-made TR-107 rocket tional Argentine tangos and Armenian music. service. launchers. “As was the case with the first Armenian Over the course of his ministry, Barsamian has had a fruitful friendship with Karabagh armed forces took retaliatory Republic in 1918, Argentina was one of the first the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, beginning with his student days at measures and continue to be in control of nations to recognize our country and extend their the Vatican’s Pontifical Oriental Institute. Since becoming Primate of the the situation. hand of friendship,” said Harutiunian in his speech. see POPE, page 6 The artillery shelling of villages in Armenia’s Tavush province also resulted After recalling the recognition of the Armenian see ATTACKS, page 16 Genocide by former Argentine President Raul Alfonsin, the Armenian ambassador stressed the importance of the recognition law enacted by another former president, Nestor Kirchner, in 2007. He declared, “Today our two countries are not only Mansurian Reveals friends, but cooperate in political, economic, cul- Roots of His Music tural and other fields.” BOSTON — Tigran By Aram Arkun Mansurian is one of the leading con- INSIDE Mirror-Spectator Staff temporary com- posers of Armenian classical music. One of his important works, Requiem, will premiere in Boston on Watertown October 18 as part of “Resilient Voices: 1915- 2015,” a Friends of Armenian Culture Society (FACS) concert, in collaboration with the Boston Inspired Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP), in commemo- ration of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Page 10 The Harvard Radcliffe Collegium Musicum and the Boston University Marsh Chapel Choir will join with BMOP, led by the latter’s music direc- tor, Gil Rose. INDEX Mansurian agreed to speak about his work and Arts and Living . 10 life via Skype on this occasion. Armenia . 2 Mansurian spent around a decade trying to Community News. 4 compose the Requiem. Requiems were originally Editorial . 14 International . 3 see MANSURIAN, page 5 4 S ATURDAY, O CTOBER 3 , 2 0 1 5 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR Community News Walter Karabian to Celebration Receive the ANCA- WR Legacy Award Of Life LOS ANGELES — The Armenian National By Kevork Keushkerian Committee of America, Western Region (ANCA- WR) has announced that former Majority Leader of the California State Assembly and ALTADENA, Calif. — Tekeyan Cultural veteran attorney, Walter J. Karabian will be hon- Association’s Los Angeles Chapter honored the ored with the Legacy Award at its Annual Gala memories of several of the prominent members Banquet on October 25, at the Hyatt Regency of Tekeyan Cultural Association who had Century Plaza Hotel. passed away. Those departed members had Born in Fresno, Karabian is the oldest son of served the Association in various capacities to John Karabian and Zevart Shishmanian. make a difference in the organization’s mission Karabian’s paternal family arrived in Fresno in and vision in the Diaspora. 1896 from Bitlis, and his maternal family were This memorial took place on Sunday, from Dikranagert. September 20, at the Tekeyan Cultural Karabian graduated from Roosevelt High Association’s Beshgeturian Center. The imme- School in Fresno and later continued his edu- diate family members of those departed were cation at the University of Southern California invited to this gathering, which started with a (USC), where he earned a Bachelor’s of Arts in light buffet dinner. history, a master’s in public administration and Vatche Semerdjian, chairman of TCA Los a Juris Doctorate from the USC Law School. AGBU New York Summer Internship Program (NYSIP) interns during a trip to the Angeles Chapter, welcomed the guests and then After completing his education, Karabian Metropolitan Museum of Art. invited Master of Ceremonies Dikran Ekizian to served as Deputy District Attorney for Los introduce the speakers, who were there to pre- Angeles County for two years. Soon after, sent the lives and achievements of the deceased Karabian became active in the Democratic honorees. Party and moved directly into politics. In 1966, AGBU Offers Young Adults Vartkes Kourouyan enumerated world events he was elected to the California State Assembly. that coincided with Kevork Kupelian’s birth in He was one of the youngest men to ever be 1947. In that year, a peace accord was finally elected to the Assembly and only the third An Enriching Array of signed to end World War II, meanwhile, the American-Armenian to be elected to public renowned leader, Gandhi, embarked on his office in the history of the United States. equally significant “March toward peace.” While a member of the Legislature, Karabian Summer Programs Kevork Kupelian was born in Alexandria, Egypt published various legal articles and gained a in 1947. After graduating from the elementary NEW YORK — For students about to enter the professional world, AGBU offers reputation as a sig- school there, he went to Jerusalem to study at an array of programs that not only allow them to prepare for their futures, but also nificant legal the Patriarchate Seminary for a while. learn about their Armenian heritage. This year, Armenian youth participated in author as well as a Kupelian immigrated to the United States in internship, musical and community service programs that helped them solidify legislator. He made 1971, and settled in Los Angeles. He was very their career aspirations and strengthen their ties to Armenians around the globe. substantial contri- active in the community, serving St. John This year marked the first year of the London Summer Internship Program butions to the Armenian Church as Deacon and also on the (LSIP), placing 13 students from Argentina, Belgium, Canada, France, Lebanon, development of Parish Council as treasurer.
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