PHOTOGRAPHIC REGISTER THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ★ SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL ★ NOVEMBER, 1936 VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 11 HE MER1CAN QRE1GN T A F SERVICE JOURNAL THE CONTENTS FRONTISPIECE (Coat-of-Arms) FOREIGN SERUgE JOURNAL FOREWORD —, 5 Yol. XIII November, 1936 (Supple PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AMERICAN FOREIGN EXECUTIVE MANSION 4 6 SERVICE ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. The American Foreign Service Journal is open to subscrip¬ THE PRESIDENT L— 7 tion in the United States and abroad at the rate of §4.00 a gear or 35 cents a copy, payable to the American Foreign Service Journal, care Department of State, Washington, D. C. THE CAPITOL J 8 This publication is not official. Copies of this Supplement will be mailed postpaid anywhere DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUILDING 10 upon receipt of §1.90 (U. S. currency) for each copy. Copyright, 1936, by the American Foreign Service Association THE SECRETARY OF STATE . 11 WASHINGTON, D. C. (AIR VIEW) 12 JOURNAL STAFF HERBERT S. BURSLEY Editor THE UNDERSECRETARY AND ASSISTANT SECRE¬ C. PAUL FLETCHER .—Editor of Supplement TARIES OF STATE 13 PAUL H. ALLING , PERSONNEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, HOWARD BUCKNELL, JR }- Editorial Board WASHINGTON, D. C 14 LOWELL C. PINKERTON HARRY A. MCBRIDE Business Manager PRINCIPAL OFFICERS, DEPARTMENT OF STATE, C. PAUL FLETCHER •—Treasurer WASHINGTON, D. C., U. S. A 16 The American Foreign Service Association THE FOREIGN SERVICE The American Foreign Service Association is an unofficial ORGANIZATION 19 and voluntary association of the members of The Foreign Serv¬ ice of the United States. It was formed for the purpose of fostering esprit de corps among the members of the Foreign MEMORIAL TABLET IN DEPARTMENT OF Service and to establish a center around which might be grouped the united efforts of its members for the improvement STATE BUILDING 21 of the Service. AMBASSADORS (ALPHABETICALLY BY NAME).. 23 Honorary President CORDELL HULL Secretary of State MINISTERS (ALPHABETICALLY BY NAME) 25 FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS (ALPHABETICAL¬ Honorary Vice-Presidents LY BY NAME) 29 WILBUR J. CARR , Assistant Secretary of State ROBERT WALTON MOORE Assistant Secretary of State VICE CONSULS (NON-CAREER, ALPHABETI¬ FRANCIS B. SAYRE Assistant Secretary of State CALLY BY NAME) 65 SUMNER WELLES . _ Assistant Secretary of State WORLD MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF OF¬ COERT DuBots President FICES ABROAD OF THE AMERICAN FOR¬ EDWIN C. WILSON .Vice-President EIGN SERVICE 78 JOHN CARTER VINCENT Secretary-Treasurer ESTABLISHMENTS ABROAD OF THE AMERICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOREIGN SERVICE (ALPHABETICALLY BY T. M. WILSON, Chairman; E. L. REED, Vice-Chairman; COUNTRY) 79 J. F. SIMMONS, LOWELL C. PINKERTON, GEO. L. BRANDT. Alternates DONALD R. HEATH, JULIUS C. HOLMES. Entertainment Committee: JOHN FARR SIMMONS, Chairman, SAN FRANCISCO (AIR VIEW) 153 JULIUS C. HOLMES and DAVID McK. KEY. CHARTS SHOWING FUNCTIONS AND ORGANIZA¬ The photograph on page 18 of a foreign scene was obtained TION OF AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE 154 thro^igh the courtesy of, and'■ is copyrighted by, the Pan Amer¬ ican Airways System. The photographs, “Charles Bridge, Prague,” page 97, “Gate of Great Temple at Madura in South¬ NEW YORK (AIR VIEW) 158 ern India,” page 112, and “A Street Scene in Fez,” page 134, were taken by and furnished through the courtesy of Thomas M. Wilson, Foreign Service Officer. INDEX 159 3 PHOTOGRAPH OF THE COAT-OF-ARMS DISPLAYED ABOVE THE ENTRANCES TO AMERI¬ CAN EMBASSIES ABROAD. SIMILAR COATS-OF-ARMS ARE DISPLAYED ABOVE THE EN¬ TRANCES TO THE FOLLOWING OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS ABROAD OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE: LEGATIONS, CONSULATES GENERAL, CONSULATES, VICE CONSULATES, AND CONSULAR AGENCIES. THE JWRlteM FOREIGN E JOURNAL PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION W VOL. XIII, No. 11 (Supplement) WASHINGTON, D. C. NOVEMBER, 1936 FOREWORD The American Foreign Service. The Presi¬ The Photographic Register. This supple¬ dent is charged under the Constitution with the ment of THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOUR¬ responsibility of conducting the foreign relations NAL, an unofficial publication, shows pictorially of the United States. The Secretary of State is the officer personnel of the Service (and its estab¬ his adviser in such matters and acts as the agent lishments abroad) through which the foreign through whom he issues his instructions to the relations of the United States are conducted. The FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, the comprehensive collection of building photographs organization through which the necessary contacts has been possible through the private cooperation with foreign governments are established and of the various officers. In the year’s work involved maintained. The Service deals with the prob¬ in the preparation of the supplement the JOURNAL lems that enter into the relations, political, com¬ has been motivated by the belief that a photo¬ mercial, administrative and social of the United graphic reference book will be useful to the per¬ States with foreign countries, and protects the sonnel of the Service in their official and personal interests of the Government as represented in for¬ activities and that the esprit-de-corps of the far- eign fields, as well as the interests of Americans flung Service will be strengthened through increased everywhere abroad. knowledge of the personnel and establishments. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JOTITnUM M--H A THE CAPITOL, WASHINGTON Courtesy United States Army Air Corps Courtesy U. S. Army Air Corps WASHINGTON WILBUR J. CARR Assistant Secretary of State FRANCIS B. SAYRE Assistant Secretary of State iFormer Foreign Service Officer. 2Resigned. Appointed Ambassador to Italy August 4, 1936. 13 ^HE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL DUNNJ CHARLES M. BARNES EMERSON B. CHRISTIE CHAS. LEE COOKE LAURENCE DUGGAN JAS. CLEMENT Chief. Chief. Ceremonial Officer, Division Chief. Division of Special Asst, to the Secretary Treaty Division Translating Bureau of Protocol and Conferences Latin American Affairs of State, and Chief, Division of Western European Affairs Chief, Division of Foreign Chief, Division of Service Administration Far Eastern Affairs ^Foreign Service Officer. SFormer Foreign Service Officer. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE AT WASHINGTON, D. C. 16 THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Established 1776) ESTABLISHMENTS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Embassies and Legations 57 Consular Offices 259 PERSONNEL Ambassadors 17 Ministers 37 Foreign Service Officers (career, appointed after examination) assigned abroad as counselors of embassies or legations, diplo¬ matic secretaries, consuls general, consuls, or vice consuls, or detailed temporarily to Department of State at Washington, D. C. 683 Clerks 1,619 Miscellaneous employees 1,291 Total (July 1, 1936) 3,647 ERECTED BY MEMBERS Or THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION IN HONOR Oi DIPLOMATIC AND CONSUI AR OFFICERS OF THE UNITED -STATES WHO WHILE ON ACTIVE DUI Y LOST THEIR LIVES UNDER HEROIC OR TRAGIC CIRCUMSTANCES • WIIXJAMJAIJMY ,«vS^fSR, .J&t&KBm, 4Sj§fe ■sr v £5,*T,S1SSSS,"’ ”S°'iJSS'‘S' t*f!WWt>WIUJAM ATTE«n 1 JACKSON TOSAVt Ul! 3HSE A^!ssf«„sKa W.ig'K' G RUSSEU^T^CART U?SS" ™ffl^AS8Sg« «S‘BS?ln ™'^Kt.'%PWAK JHf8f&£SBS>. „J«MS!KSW riWARDWMiARpNFR SWiUMf® n^'SKiMU,, .HHafUUSB?!*. sssuEisr mmmu mS^TuSJS'Sffilfe JOHN^COCRUV u - ..T ,a\'}sa-a.. Smjsum. WW! mmsssmi. ia8fcfuj» CHARLES E^PFRRY IMB mm 5S£ ..MUffiu ra&fssi ROBERT \V. BINGHAM CLAUDE G. BOVVERS WM. C. BULLITT4 JEFFERSON CAFFEItY1 JOHN CUDAHY Great Britain Spain Union of Soviet Cuba Poland Socialist Republics JOSEPHUS DANIELS FRED M. DEARING1 WILLIAM E. DODD HUGH S. GIBSON1 JOSEPH C. GREW1 Mexico Peru Germany Brazil Japanese Empire NELSON T. JOHNSON1 BRECKINRIDGE LONG3 J. Y. A. MacMURRAY1 DAVE HENNEN MORRIS2 HOFFMAN PHILIP1 China Italy Turkey Belgium Chile ^Former Foreign Service Officer. 3Resigned July 31, 1936. 2Also Minister to Luxemburg ♦Resigned. Appointed Ambassador to France, August 25, 1936. AMBASSADORS EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY 23 ANTONIO C. GONZALEZ GEORGE A. GORDON1 HUGH G. GRANT LELAND HARRISON1 FINDLEY B. HOWARD Ecuador Haiti Albania Rumania Paraguay iFormer Foreign Service Officer. ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY 25 ^Former Foreign Service Officer. ^Resigned. ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY 26 u THE AMERICAN FOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL J. BUTLER WRIGHTi Czechoslovakia ^Former Foreign Service Officer ^Minister Resident and Consul General. ^Diplomatic Agent and Consul General. ^Foreign Service Officer. ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY 27 ROBERT A. ACLY HECTOR C. ADAM. JR. PHILIP ADAMS WALTER A. ADAMS WARE ADAMS WM. C. AFFELD. JR. STEPHEN E. AGUIRRE WM. K. AILSHIE CLAYSON W. ALDRIDGE GEORGE V. ALLEN STUART ALLEN PAUL H. ALLING1 JOHN M. ALLISON MAURICE W. ALTAFFER D. Y. ANDERSON 1Former Foreign Service Officer, eligible to reinstatement, now on duty in Department of State. AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS (CAREER) 29 WALWORTH BARBOUR MAYNARD B. BARNES CHARLES A. BAY WILLIAM H. BEACH JACOB D. BEAM iFormer Foreign Service Officer, eligible to reinstatement, now on duty in Department of State. 30 AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS (CAREER) JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL WILLARD L. BEAULAC HENRY A. W. BECK WILLIAM H. BECK WILLIAM E. BEITZ S. A. BELOVSKY H. M. BENNINGHOFF J. WEBB BENTON RUSSELL W. BENTON DAVID C. BERGER BURTON Y. BERRY THOMAS H. BEVAN R. C. BEVERSTOCK HERBERT C. BIAR DONALD F. BIGELOW HIRAM BINGHAM, JR. GILSON G. BLAKE. JR. M. WILLIAMS BLAKE MAXWELL BLAKE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS (CAREER) JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL HOMER BRETT AUSTIN C. BRADY R. BRAGONIER. JR. GEORGE L. BRANDT JOSEPH L. BRENT AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS (CAREER) JHE AMERICAN fOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL CARL BREWER ELLIS O. BRIGGS RUSSELL M. BROOKS JAS. E. BROWN. JR. ROBERT Y. BROWN SIDNEY H. BROWNE CHARLES C. BROY JOHN H. BRUINS GEORGE A. BUCKLIN HOWARD BUCKNELL. ,TR. ROBERT L. BUELL DAVID H. BUFFUM PARKER W. BUHRMAN WM. C. BURDETT GORDON L. BURKE HERBERT S. BURSLEY JOSEPH F. BURT RALPH C. BUSSER WILLIAM F. BUSSER GEORGE H. BUTLER AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS (CAREER) 33 ^HE AMERICAN pOREIGN jgERVICE JOURNAL ♦Died October 14.
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