Corriffan On "Shoulders of Welcoming Crowd DEFENSE COUNSEL SWELTERING CROWDS KEEP PAUL DWYER UNDER HEAVY FIRE OF NEW YORK CHEER 8CAUHBD BOT IME8 GREETING CORRIGAN Rnenotioiial Schoolboy, Sen- AS CANDLES FUCKEB iNADVEB’jfENTLV FRIEg ■ff PhUadcli ----Aug^S.— (A P I - tonced For Doctoral M v - HU kneeled before bl( EGG ON HOT PAVEMENT Cool And Brash, Wrong Way ed c a ^ e s In their home to pray der, Recalled To Witness ’Nicholas Falcone, eight, Pottsvllle, Pa., Aug. 5— (A P ) recover after having been — Mrs. John Davis, returning FKer G rh s Infectiously jded. The candles flicksred, home from a grocery store, -In- PLAN TO S V advertently fried an egg on the then wrat out. The parents said Stand For The third Day. pavement. The egg broke — Whtie Riding Triim pliait- they teiephoned the hospital and learned Nicholas had died. but tbe yolk didn't—aa she acci- IN Y A R ZONT dently dropped I t Townsfolk South Pariz, Me., Aug. 5 ^ A P -) gathend around. ly Up Broadway As Tons U —Love leteri written bjr Barbara ■ ---------■ ■pUToU, 18. to Paul Dwyer, 19- Of Tom Paper And Ticker Refuse To Recognize Area W?li^-old "lifer,” w ^'read today at PLAN OFFERS the trial of the gtrl’a father, former Tape Fall From Bmld- Set Aside For British Air YALENCIA AIM Deputy Bherm Francla M. CarroU, tor the mufder of elderly Dr. Jiuhez JAPS CHANCE ings On - Parade Rente. 'O. Littlefield. Defense Maneuvers; OF INSURGENT Dwjrer had tea tilled that Baritara had written him lettera in which TO SAVE FACE Claim North Sea Neutral. New York, Aug. 6.—(A P )—Cool zhe .accused her father o f improper S emwMMw conduct and that under threats he AIR BOMBERS{, and brash, young Douglas Corrlgsa returned two lettem to Carroll. rode triumphmntly up lower Broad- London, Aug. 5 -^ (A P ) — Great The'Wt^e contended Dr. Uttlefleld’i Military Observers Predic way today, grinning Infectiously as alleged knowledge of Barbara’a let- Britain launched air defense maneu- the temperature rose and sweltering Dump 100 Bombs On City ters p r o - v ld ^ ^ naotive for - the Red Army Will Resame vers with 050 planes today over a thousands cheered his progress. In- crime. No’rth sea "war zone” the Royal different to the oppressive nssL Five Letters ^ Borne aloft on the shoulders of welcoming admirers, Douglas Corrigan, "wrong way” Atlantic filer, Dutch airlines refused to recognise. While Intense Fighting All the enthusiasm for hla mad .Five lettera were offered-Jn evi- is shown as he came ashore at New York from the S. S, Manhattan, which had carried him from the other solo flight from New York to Dublin Action On Border If Delay Beginning of the exercises was dmee today. A sixth, from side. He still wore the leather Jacket which protected him on his spectacular solo ocean flight. waa set loose In a continuous roar one page was missing, was ruled In- delayed until afternoon, by fog and Continues In Gandesa And that dinned upon hla ears from tka admissible by the court, stisiainlng Troops Withdrawal thunderstorms. Battery to City hall. '■'4 "The North sea is a neutral area. a defense objection. FATHER OF 8 OFFERS Tbe Albarradn Sectors. Brokers and buaineas men, bank- < The lettera were found in Dwyer’s Nobody can put a ban on crossing ers and stenographers, clerks nnd ONLY EYE FOR 'SALE It,” said an official of the Royal - bag when he was discovered asleep Moscow, Aug.^5?r^AP)—So-viet other office workers weren’t slowed WARD OFF TRY CRUMP GROUP Dutch airlines. down a bit by the devltallsliig hu- In Dr. Uttlefleld's car, which alao 11 Russia felt border fricilon..^niinlah San Francisco, Aug. 5— (A P ) Sevsn of the company’s alrllne'fs cmitaincd the bodies of the phyai: Heni^ye, France, (A t the Spanish midity and the heat of the swanaing —Charles T. Ketterman, father would make their scheduled trips dan and bia wife, at North Arllng- today because o f a proposedWetUe- Frontier)—Aug. 5.— (A P) —Insur- sidewalks. of three children. Inserted an ad- between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, (on, N. J., laat fall. Dwyer admit- ment she felt would enable Japan FOR OPINION WINS PRIMARY Grinning Oerrignn On Bask sC Oar vertisement In a San Franclgco gent air raiders dumped a. hundred withdraw without humUUtlon. Tbe Netherlands, and Croydon, Eng- Tha tons o f torn paper and tlckar ted he at first took full responsi- newspaper today, offering to sell land, flying across the area, he as- bombs on Valencia today while in- bility for their deaths, but at the Nevertheless foreign mUltary ob- tape fsU, perspiring crowds ysUsd servers predicted the Red army his right ^y o —tho only one he serted. tense fighting continued on two and shoved and Corrigan grinasd.' current trial placed the entire blame h§s—tor $1,500. IN TENNESSEE DEAL sitting on the back o f aa open ear would resume action on the Sibqrian Filers Advised Where to CroM major fronts— ths Gandesa and upon Oarroll. '"I^havo seen enough misery,” / ■ I I Manchoukuoan border It Japan de. The ministry bad advised Belgian, Albarradn ssetors. with James M. McGurrin; chahrmnn- In one of the letters Barbara ex- said he. "Maybe my one eye of~ Mayor . La Quardia’a recaption ; pressed regret for "intimacy” with laved withdrawal of her troops Netherlands, and Gemian airlines Oovsmment advices said a large which Russia asserts are In the will do someone some good and mlttee, and the mayor's’ seers- J Dwyer, but also termed ' the pale Democratic State Scores Smashug Yietory operating to England to follow the number of buildings were destroyed Changkufeng area. the money may give me a start continental coast down to the Bhig- Stanley Howe. youth “ the sweetest kid in the In Valencia but casualties were not Extremely Preearioas Situation life again." Ilsh channel and cross at a point the second car roda Corrlgan’a world” because he "still loved me. yet estimated. brother, Harry, of Baltimore, aad after everything has been done." The feeling here was that in put a house painter, Over Browning And Berry near the British south coa t town of ting the next move up to Japan the Ten Insurgent planes, they said, his wife, Anita. In the next ear In another, she said aho loved said he'had.^^ been Inspired by Folkestone. oarrisd out the attaok on the harbor Soriet government had done what were Walter and Steve RsMu Paul “with every part o f my body.” newspaper ucoimts of -<xrmea The Netherlands’ company district of ths Mediterranean port. friends who helped Corrigan, eervlee it could to make it easier for the And Selects Eastern Pomt h Statewide Pofl, In- reported to have told the ministry Knew Dwyer Woold Keep Still Japanes* to withdraw from what transplantations uS'-iZ^re sight. 7.100 Planes In Air bla plane at Roosevelt field la tbai In atlU another the girl vjvrote she San Francisco officials said by- telephone of the decision to Ig- Insurgent ad-vlcee said Genendls- . jras$L£b>wsrd Htuffies was maktnciji waa eaUed an extremely precarious nore th »w am ln g and later confirm- knaw -Dwyer ‘Would keep still situation. For September Convention.. ^anjudoetor who removed K e tt^ r complete R e t n m s -^ w . siino Francisco Franco had ~i6o Bis round-the-wond flight ed It by letter, which waa said to about it even If you hate him.” In hU reply yesteWay to Japan’s man's eye .would be liable ^ ilan'es In the air Zfmultaneously bn Insists . On Mlstnke One letter quoted the girl aa say- prosecution for mayhem. havH gone unanswered. proposals-for mutual vrithdrawal of fhe Albarracin and Catalan fronts. The imperturbable Corrigan ing, “I gave you everything I could,” troops in ths zone in dispute, Maxim —;------ ^^ 7%e government established an Hartford, Aqg. 5.— (A P ) — The Nash'VHlCj^Tenn., Aug. 5— ( A P ) — emergency radio control system to They said government Ebro river grinned, Just as bs had griimsd and declaring she would "always be Lltvinoff, Soviet commissar of for- earlier in his hotel suite when hs waiting for you.” Democratic 8(ate Central Commit- The Democratlc.Yactlon headed by warn the Royal A ir force machines bridges were being destroyed at^ast eign affairs, said a condition of fu- as the army on its west bank dbuld insisted anew he had made on hon-> Dwyer displayed no emotion as he tee, summoned here to set a time National Committeeman E. H. of any civilian planes straying Into the “war” area, which stretched put them up In Its effort to main- lest mistake In flying to Ireland in- waa called upon to Mentlfy the mis- (Continned on Page Ten.) and place for the state convention, Crump and senior Uniled-^States stead of to California. aivea, which were admitted over the SHERIFF SHOT from the middle part of England tain supply routes.' objections of Carroll’s counsel. A t- confined its Mtivitles to that task Senator Kenneth D. McKellar^wp^ across the east coast to the terrl- Government communiques said He grinned and the crowds roar- torney Clyde R. Chapman. and warded dtt what seemed to be ;to)^l waters of Belgium, The General Jose Miaja’a militiamen bad ed, trying to picture him alone, a amsishing victory'over Governor CarroU also foUowed the proceed- an attempt to elicit from It an ex- Netherlands and France, won control of the whol'i Guadala- thinking thoughts in tbe dark mist pression on the New Deal issue, IN KENTUCKY Gordon Browning and Junior Sena- the time his old crate was thun- ings Impassively.
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