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More Information London.ca/leisurebuddies Cuckoo's Nest Folk Club Gathering Sparks (Eve Goldberg& Jane Lewis) Sunday, Nov. 3, 7:30 pm Chaucer’s Pub, 122 Carling St., London $20 Advance ~ $25 Door Tickets at: Centennial Hall, Chaucer’s/Marienbad, Long & McQuade North, The Village Idiot and online at ticketscene.caor folk.on.ca CORINNE GARLICK OF DICK AND JANE ART COMPANY PG 6 DISCOVERING IRELAND WITH MARION BUCCELLA PG 8 Things that go bump in the night... Happy Halloween! Haunted Halloween Fun for Young Children and Families TICKETS ON SALE NOW! STORYSTORYSSPPOOOOKK Online at eventbrite VILLAGEVILLAGEO October 18th - 22nd and 24th - 28th Open 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. (last entry at 8:30 p.m.) storybook.london.ca AFFORDABLE METAL ROOFING SHOWROOM: 1682 Dundas St. E. DON'T OVERPAY FOR YOUR METAL ROOFING London, ON CALL US FIRST Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Sat 9AM-4PM 1.855.838.9393 www.londonecometal.com *Financing Available OAC. Promotion expiry date: Oct 31, 2019. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Limited time offering. Some restrictions may apply, contact us for details. October 16th, 2019 | PG 3 LONDONERS HEAD TO THE POLLS OCTOBER 21 By London Review Staff committee on International Human Rights. thyssen, has taken over the mantle – and Unlike Young, however, it appears Fragiska- has been polling quite well in the riding. Election day is October 21, and many tos has a clearer shot at winning re-election. eyes are on London’s three ridings, where A week out from the election, 338Canada. a pair of Liberal incumbents are vy- According to 338Canada.com, polling com had Mathyssen in the lead, with a 34.9% ing for re-election in two ridings, and a week out from election day showed chance of winning the popular vote. But it’s a new MP will be elected in the third Fragiskatos with a 40.3% chance of win- a tight race, and the Liberals are hoping it’s riding when the votes are tabulated. ning the popular vote, putting him near- a riding they can clip come October 21. ly 12 points ahead of the Conservative Liberal Mohamed Hammoud was polling In what is shaping up to be a close race in candidate in the riding, Sarah Bokhari. at 28.1%, while the Conservative candidate, London West, incumbent Liberal MP Kate NDP candidate Dirka Prout, mean- London city councillor Michael van Holst, Young is hoping to win re-election and con- while, was polling at 15.3%, while Car- was not far behind at 24.2%. The Green tinue to serve that riding – which she’s done ol Dyck of the Green Party was at 12.8%. party candidate, Tom Cull, was at 10.4%. since winning the 2015 federal race. But it won’t come easy, according to polls lead- London North Centre, which includes Mathyssen has worked for three Members ing up to election day, as the Conservative most of downtown and extends to the of Parliament on issues including human candidate, Liz Snelgrove, isn’t far behind. northernmost part of the city, has an es- rights, seniors and Indigenous peoples’ af- timated population of around 125,000 fairs, and government transparency. She’s According to 338Canada.com, which people. If the debates were any indication, a local member of the Victory Legion, the tracks races across the country, polling big issues facing this riding include jobs Council of Canadians, and the Ontario London MP Kate Young, shown here in a photo she showed Young with a 36.8% chance to posted to Twitter after voting in advanced polling, (it’s a riding that has been particularly hit Health Coalition. Hammoud, meanwhile, win the popular vote, while Snelgrove was is in a tough race for re-election in London West, as hard with manufacturing job losses), af- a Canadian immigrant from Lebanon at 32.4%, falling within the margin of er- Conservative candidate Liz Snelgrove was polling well fordable housing, and climate change. (back in 1976), has spent the last two de- ror a week prior to election day (the NDP leading up to election day on October 21. cades working at Autodata Solutions and candidate, Shawna Lewkowitz, came in The riding has included its share of con- volunteering in the community, includ- thus, housing prices have soared as a result. at 15.8%, while the Green Party candi- troversy leading up to election day, most ing with the Muslim Resource Centre. date, Mary Ann Hodge, was at 11.6%). notably surrounding the Conservative A riding formerly held federally by Lon- candidate, Bokhari, who appears to be a One of the biggest issues facing candidates don’s current mayor, Ed Holder (from Young, who is currently the Parliamentary ‘parachute’ candidate, having only moved in London-Fanshawe is the controversial 2008 to 2015), London West is shaping up Secretary for Science and Sport, and the to London in the summer prior to running $15-billion deal (originally signed by the to be a closer contest than in 2015, when Parliamentary Secretary for Public Services under the Conservative banner. Bokhari Stephen Harper-led Conservative govern- Young won with 46.1% of the popular vote. and Procurement and Accessibility, worked is an academic and women’s rights activ- ment) between Canada and Saudi Ara- in media and public relations prior to enter- ist who founded an organization called bia, in which London’s General Dynamics The candidates participated in a major ing politics. Snelgrove, a Western Universi- ‘Strong Moms and Empowered Women.’ (and its hundreds of employees) has been debate on Oct. 2 at the Aeolian Hall, and ty and Ivey graduate, has spent 25 years as building armoured military equipment have taken part in a number of other de- an executive in the healthcare sector – most Regardless, the new Londoner was poll- for delivery to Saudi Arabia. Jagmeet bates as well. Young called out her Con- recently as the Executive Director of a med- ing at a decent clip and is expected to Singh and the federal NDP party is on re- servative contender, Snelgrove, for missing ical facility and seniors’ retirement home. make the 2019 race closer for Fragiska- cord as saying that he would terminate the riding’s Oct. 10 debate at the London tos than the 2015 election, where he was the contract with Saudi Arabia, a coun- Muslim Mosque. PPC candidate Mike In London West, a northwest city riding elected with 50.4% of the popular vote. try with widespread human rights abuses. McMullen was excluded from that event. with an estimated population of just over 126,000 people, the major issues on the In London-Fanshawe, the 2019 election London-Fanshawe certainly appears Like Young, incumbent Liberal MP Peter campaign trail have been healthcare (as well is certain to see a new MP take the helm, that it will be the most closely-contest- Fragiskatos is also vying for re-election – in as jobs in the healthcare sector) and cost of as incumbent Irene Mathyssen (NDP) ed race in the forest city, and London- London North Centre – after serving his living, as it’s the riding that has been im- chose not to run for re-election. Howev- ers will have their say when they head riding for the last four years. Fragiskatos pacted the most by the surge of Toronto-ar- er, the Mathyssen name remains on the to the polls on Monday, October 21. currently serves as a member of the Stand- ea residents moving to the forest city – and, ballot, as Irene’s daughter, Lindsay Ma- ing Committee on Finance, and on the Sub- PARK PROVIDES THE FUN FOR HALLOWEEN By London Review Staff before Christmas,’ to name a few attractions. different roles at the Halloween event. Lightning supplies arrived October 11, and staff spent the weekend setting up There’s a difference between scary and and preparing the park for this year’s Hal- spooky, and based on their track record, Sto- loween festivities, which will run each rybook Gardens knows it well. Highlighting evening from 6-9pm. ‘Fun fact:’ said Sto- plenty of Halloween events in London this rybook Gardens on its Facebook page, fall will be Storybook’s annual ‘Storyspook ‘It takes 80lbs of beef netting to deco- Village’ event, in which young kids have the rate our park for Storyspook Village!’ opportunity to trick or treat through the park, which is filled with Halloween-themed As of Oct. 12, more than 500 tick- attractions – including some spooky fun. ets had already been sold for this year’s Storyspook Village event. Admission “The atmosphere is fun, not scary,” say is $14.16 plus tax (adults are free with the folks at Storybook Gardens, adding Storybook Gardens will be transformed into ‘Storyspook Village’ this Halloween season, from Oct. 18-28, as a child admission). Each paid admis- that the event is geared towards children kids 10 and under will join their parents for trick or treating through the park and plenty of other attractions. sion receives three tickets to use on the 10 and under.
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