VOLUME 38, INDEX 1493 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST INDEX, VOLUME 38 J. DOUGLAS SCOTT 203-44 Brousseau Avenue, Timmins, Ontario P4N 5Y2, Canada AUTHOR INDEX 4+ Alviola, R. with Mancini, F., 1103 Burns, P.C., Clark, C.M. & Gault, R.A., Juabite, CaCu10(Te O3)4 Appleyard, E.C. with Elliott-Meadows, S.R., 545 (AsO4)4(OH)2(H2O)4: crystal structure and revision of chemi- Arima, M. with Pati, J.K., 1177 cal formula, 809 Bai, Wenji, Robinson, P.T., Fang, Qingsong, Yang, Jingsui, Yan, Burns, P.C. & Hill, F.C., A new uranyl sheet in K5[(UO2)10O8 Binggang, Zhang, Zhongming, Hu, Xu-Feng, Zhou, Mei-Fu (OH)9](H2O): new insight into sheet anion-topologies, 163 & Malpas, J., The PGE and base-metal alloys in the podiform Burns, P.C. & Hill, F.C., Implications of the synthesis and struc- chromitites of the Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet, 585 ture of the Sr analogue of curite, 175 Bali´c-Zuni´ˇ c, T. with Topa, D., 611 Burns, P.C. with Krivovichev, S.V., 719, 847 Ballirano, P., Bonaccorsi, E., Maras, A. & Merlino, S., The crystal Burns, P.C. with Li, Yaping, 153, 715, 729, 739, 1433 structure of franzinite, the ten-layer mineral of the cancrinite Burns, P.C. with Mitchell, R.H., 145, 617 group, 657 Burwash, R.A., Krupicka, J. & Wijbrans, J.R., Metamorphic evo- Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Poirier, G. & Men’shikov, Yu.P., lution of the Precambrian basement of Alberta, 423 Zoned tungstenoan molybdenite from a fenitized megaxeno- Cabri, L.J., Newville, M., Gordon, R.A., Crozier, E.D., Sutton, lith in the Khibina alkaline complex, Kola Peninsula, Rus- S.R., McMahon, G. & Jiang, De-Tong, Chemical speciation sia, 1377 of gold in arsenopyrite, 1265 Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Poirier, G. & Yakovlev, Yu.N., The Cabri, L.J. with Steele, I.M., 1 taimyrite–tatyanaite series and zoning in intermetallic com- Cahill, C.L. with Parise, J.B., 777 pounds of Pt, Pd, Cu and Sn from Noril’sk, Siberia, Russia, Campostrini, I. with Gramaccioli, C.M., 1409 599 Carlson, W.D., The case against Ostwald ripening of porphyro- Baur, W.H. with Schindler, M., 1443 blasts: reply, 1029 Beaudoin, G., Acicular sphalerite enriched in Ag, Sb, and Cu em- Cern´ˇ y, P., Chapman, R. & Masau, M., Two-stage exsolution of a 3+ bedded within color-banded sphalerite from the Kokanee titanian (Sc,Fe )(Nb,Ta)O4 phase in niobian rutile from Range, Brirish Columbia, Canada, 1387 southern Norway, 907 Bellatreccia, F. with Della Ventura, G., 57 Cern´ˇ y, P. with Fransolet, A.-M., 893 Berman, R.G. & Easton, R.M., Preface: Tectonometamorphic stud- Cern´ˇ y, P. with Masau, M., 687, 899 ies in the Canadian Shield (Part II), 273 Cern´ˇ y, P. with Selway, J.B., 869, 877 Berman, R.G., Easton, R.M. & Nadeau, L., A new tectonometa- Chacón, F. de la F. with Ruano, S.M., 553 morphic map of the Canadian Shield: introduction, 277 Chakhmouradian, A.R. & Mitchell, R.H., Occurrence, alteration Berman, R.G. with Jackson, G.D., 399 patterns and compositional variation of perovskite in Bermanec, V., Sijari´c, G., Kniewald, G. & Mandarino, J.A., 1371 kimberlites, 975 Birch, W.D., Kolitsch, U., Witzke, T., Nasdala, L. & Bottrill, R.S., Chakhmouradian, A.R. with Mitchell, R.H., 145, 617 Petterdite, the Cr-dominant analogue of dundasite, a new Channer, D.M.DeR. with Kaminsky, F.V., 1347 mineral species from Dundas, Tasmania, Australia and Chao, G.Y. with McDonald, A.M., 649 Callenberg, Saxony, Germany, 1467 Chapman, R. with Cern´ˇ y, P., 907 Bismayer, U. with Zhang, Ming, 119 Chapman, R. with Fransolet, A.-M., 893 Blanc, P. with Perseil, E.-A., 101 Chapman, R. with Masau, M., 687, 899 Blencoe, J.G. with Guidotti, C.V., 709 Choi, Seon-Gyu & Youm, Seung-Jun, Compositional variation of Boiron, M.C. with Fuertes-Fuente, M., 1163 arsenopyrite and fluid evolution at the Ulsan deposit, south- Bonaccorsi, E. with Ballirano, P., 657 eastern Korea: a low-sulfidation porphyry system, 567 Borodaev, Yu.S., Garavelli, A., Garbarino, C., Grillo, S.M., Clark, C.M. with Burns, P.C., 809 Mozgova, N.N., Organova, N.I., Trubkin, N.V. & Vurro, F., Comodi, P. with Guidotti, C.V., 709 Rare sulfosalts from Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. III. Coombs, D.S. with Mossman, D.J., 191 Wittite and cannizzarite, 23 Cooper, M.A. & Hawthorne, F.C., Boleite: resolution of the for- Bottrill, R.S. with Birch, W.D., 1467 mula, KPb26Ag9Cu24Cl62(OH)48, 801 Brown, M. with Solar, G., 1007 Cooper, M.A. & Hawthorne, F.C., Highly undersaturated anions in Brugger, J. & Gieré, R., Origin and distribution of some trace ele- the crystal structure of andyrobertsite – calcio-andyrobertsite, 2+ ments in metamorphosed Fe–Mn deposits, Val Ferrara, east- a doubly acid arsenate of the form K(Cd,Ca)[Cu 5(AsO4)4 ern Swiss Alps, 1075 {As(OH)2O2}](H2O)2 , 817 § E-mail address: [email protected] 1493 38#6-déc.00-2203-index 1493 27/02/01, 13:32 1494 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Cooper, M.A. with Fransolet, A.-M., 893 Gordon, T.M. with Jungwirth, T., 435 Cooper, M.A. with Grice, J.D., 1457 Gorton, M.P. & Schandl, E.S., From continents to island arcs: a Crawford, M.L. with Lindline, J., 951 geochemical index of tectonic setting for arc-related and Crawford, W.A. with Lindline, J., 951 within-plate felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks, 1065 Crozier, E.D. with Cabri, L.J., 1265 Gramaccioli, C.M., Diella, V., Demartin, F., Orlandi, P. & Della Ventura, G., Bellatreccia, F. & Williams, C.T., Zirconolite Campostrini, I., Cesian bazzite and thortveitite from Cuasso with significant REEZrNb(Mn,Fe)O7 from a xenolith of the al Monte, Varese, Italy: a comparison with the material from Laacher See eruptive center, Eifel volcanic region, Germany, Baveno, and inferred origin, 1409 57 Gramaccioli, C.M. with Demartin, F., 1419 Demartin, F., Gramaccioli, C.M. & Pilati, T., Structure refinement Grew, E.S. with Hughes, J.M., 861 of bazzite from pegmatitic and miarolitic occurrences, 1419 Grice, J.D. & Ferraris, G., New Minerals approved in 1999 by the Demartin, F. with Gramaccioli, C.M., 1409 Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, Interna- Diaz de Federico, A. with Puga, E., 1137 tional Mineralogical Association, 245 Diella, V. with Gramaccioli, C.M., 1409 Grice, J.D., Gault, R.A., Roberts, A.C. & Cooper, M.A., Adamsite- Dutrow, B.L. & Henry, D.J., Complexly zoned fibrous tourmaline, (Y), a new sodium–yttrium carbonate mineral species from Cruzeiro mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil: a record of evolving Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, 1457 magmatic and hydrothermal fluids, 131 Grice, J.D. with Fransolet, A.-M., 893 Dyar, M.D. with Hughes, J.M., 861 Grice, J.D. with Groat, L.A., 767 Easton, R.M., Metamorphism of the Canadian Shield, Ontario, Grice, J.D. with McDonald, A.M., 649 Canada. I. The Superior Province, 287 Griffin, W.L. with Kaminsky, F.V., 1347 Easton, R.M., Metamorphism of the Canadian Shield, Ontario, Grillo, S.M. with Borodaev, Yu.S., 23 Canada. II. Proterozoic metamorphic history, 319 Groat, L.A., Hawthorne, F.C., Ercit, T.S. & Grice, J.D., Wiluite, Easton, R.M. with Berman, R.G., 273, 277 Ca19(Al,Mg,Fe,Ti)13(B,Al,Ⅺ)5Si18O68(O,OH)10, a new min- Elliott-Meadows, S.R., Froese, E. & Appleyard, E.C., Cordierite – eral species isostructural with vesuvianite, from the Sakha anthophyllite – cummingtonite rocks from the Lar deposit, Republic, Russian Federation: reply, 767 Laurie Lake, Manitoba, 545 Groat, L.A. with Zhang, Ming, 119 Ercit, T.S. with Groat, L.A., 767 Guidotti, C.V., The classic high-T – low-P metamorphism of west- Ertl, A. with Hughes, J.M., 861 central Maine: is it post-tectonic or syntectonic? Evidence Fang, Qingsong with Bai, Wenji, 585 from porphyroblast – matrix relations: discussion, 995 Ferraris, G. with Grice, J.D., 245 Guidotti, C.V., Sassi, F.P., Comodi, P., Zanazzi, P.F. & Blencoe, Förster, H.-J., Cerite-(Ce) and thorian synchysite-(Ce) from the J.G., The contrasting responses of muscovite and paragonite Niederbobritzsch granite, Erzgebirge, Germany: implications to increasing pressure: petrological implications, 709 for the differential mobility of the LREE and Th during alter- Guidotti, C.V. with Hughes, J.M., 861 ation, 67 Gupta, A.K. with Pati, J.K., 1177 Förster, H.-J., Harlov, D.E. & Milke, R., Composition and Th – U Hach-Alí, P.F. with Ruano, S.M., 553 – total Pb ages of huttonite and thorite from Gillespie’s Harlov, D.E. with Förster, H.-J., 677 Beach, South Island, New Zealand, 677 Hawthorne, F.C. & Schindler, M., Topological enumeration of 2+ Fransolet, A.-M., Cooper, M.A., Cern´ˇ y, P., Hawthorne, F.C., decorated [Cu fff2]N sheets in hydroxy-hydrated copper- Chapman, R. & Grice, J.D., The Tanco pegmatite at Bernic oxysalt minerals, 753 3+ Lake, southeastern Manitoba. XV. Ercitite, NaMn PO4(OH) Hawthorne, F.C. with Cooper, M.A., 801, 817 (H2O)2, a new phosphate mineral species, 893 Hawthorne, F.C. with Fransolet, A.-M., 893 Frisch, T. with Kitsul, V.I., 443 Hawthorne, F.C. with Groat, L.A., 767 Froese, E. with Elliott-Meadows, S.R., 545 Hawthorne, F.C. with Huminicki, D.M.C., 1425 Froese, E. with Jungwirth, T., 435 Hawthorne, F.C. with Liferovich, R.P., 1477 Fuertes-Fuente, M., Martin-Izard, A., Boiron, M.C. & Viñuela, Hawthorne, F.C. with Schindler, M., 1443 J.M., P–T path and fluid evolution in the Franqueira granitic Hawthorne, F.C. with Selway, J.B., 869, 877 pegmatite, central Galicia, nothwestern Spain, 1163 Hawthorne, F.C.
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